am I supposed to like this character because he's a total beta rapist faggot so far
Am I supposed to like this character because he's a total beta rapist faggot so far
Don't forget mentally impaired
you fucking wish you had his physique
Well the writer does bunch of meta jokes making fun of it's own characters ,plot and harem setup although it's unique in that way since it starts with the same base as any other harem but with good writing and shitton of dialogue it's pretty decent desu
And also that physique ain't shit you can get that in 3 to 6 months plus he's still skinny too
How does one become a beta and a rapist at the same time? Isn't that conflicting?
It's literally peak condition.
>A post-modern meta-deconstruction of harem genre and tropes.
>Implying the main character can be anything but a beta.
Araragi is an ironic beta. That's why Bakemonogatari is a true masterpiece. Araragi is an ironic deconstruction of the beta trope concerning main characters.
You probably are too stupid to understand it, though.
They go hand in hand, an alpha doesn't need force
Pick one.
Alpha is nothing but a force. A beta is a beta because even when given ample opportunity, they do not take it.
>>post-modern meta-deconstruction
>using words far above your pay grade.
Lolicon brothers unite!
You're supposed to self-insert with him, he was literally made for the purpose of having shitty NEETS experience their shitty personality through a chad's body.
Please. The girls want it. Their "resistance" is a chaste act, not what they actually feel.
most girls prefer a toned body over very muscular ones. Although at the end dick size is more important anyway. Less than 7 inches and you'll surely get cheated on.
To his size maybe but those arms ain't shit
doesn't change the fact that he's super unlikable and the show would be infinitely better without him.
>Please. The girls want it. Their "resistance" is a chaste act, not what they actually feel.
>most girls prefer a toned body over very muscular ones.
>not enjoying the Ararabants
Top score for passion, but I think girls want their first kiss to happen under different circumstances.
i wonder how op looks like
ask your mom
we don't talk
yeah, because she's too busy sucking my dick
cry more, arararararararagi
>didn't fuck the snek after seeing her playing twister
>didn't fuck the cat with big fat cat tats
I can't self insert into this character.
exactly, he would rather sexually harass his sisters and a little kid. He's a fucking creep.
>exactly, he would rather sexually harass his sisters and a little kid.
He is a man of taste what do you expect?
The little kid specifically asks for it and his little sisters are cuties.
Imagine being so insecure that you make fun of a 2d guy's appearance
The little kid is actually older than him by a few years and his sisters might be more into him than he's into them. And besides, you mean to tell me that this kind of behavior isn't normal?
That was not remotely her first kiss dude
There would be no show without him. Plus he hasn't raped anyone, all those girls throw themselves at him. Walking does not equal rape my dude.
>Pick two
Alphas don't need to rape, women fuck them willingly.
>so completely inexperienced with romance she doesn't think kisses can have sexual meaning
>says that araragi would have to wait a century to kiss her because she's too embarassed
ara ara heeheehee!
>hating best boy in all conceivable anime
You're not making sense, and i don't see the problem anyway.
Loved this casual dance
say what you will, but it wont change how ugly he was in hana
Reminder that Shinobu so far was the one Araragi ran after and kissed while hugging by surprise.
>Senjougahara isn't a cuckqueen.
araragi is a gentleman with pristine taste.
its the birb op dance
Huh, you're right, didn't realise that.
me in high school. i just couldn't gain mass so i did what i could with what i had and had some abs with chicken arms. better than nothing, i guess.
Only time Arararagi ever shown any sign of potential of a good taste.
He's only like that when he's dealing with people younger than him.
Dude Shinobu is literally a whore
Please. When he bants with Hachikuji, it's not Araragi who makes them fun. When he bants with Kanbaru, it's not Araragi who makes them fun. When he bants with Senjougahara, it's not Araragi who is incapable of making Senjougahara not shit.
He acts the same with older girls like Shinobu
Try more baits please
There's a lot of give and go between Muraragi and Nanakuji that allows to play off each other well. Similar case with Kanbaru except Arararagi almost exclusively plays the straight man.
>The scene where he is washing her butt in the shower
Truly the most powerful scene in the series
Are you feeling alright, user?
he's still the worst
holy fucking based. OP btfo
Why has he never been this way with hiss actual girlfriend
This is why I can't stand by Araragi even if he isn't a beta. I don't like cheaters
kill yourself faggot
You said so
god i love kanbaru
>best boy in all conceivable anime
That's not Ii-chan.
Araragi isn't supposed to be a likeable character. People like him precisely because of that
I don’t agree. He is very likable. People disliking him are minority, I think.
Araragi doesn't even like himself, and the story is presented from his point of view.
I think it is one of the facts that makes him so likable, in a weird twist of ways.
What season was this?
I can't remeber it
if you don't want to fuck araragi in the ass then you're gay.
Senjougahara is the pinnacle of females.
hey he's good at math
I'd only do it because Shinobu would feel it too.
Nise, tsukihi phoenix ep 3 or 4
>has a harem of girls who want to fuck him
>Touches lolis inappropriately and gets away with it every time
>Has kissed both his younger sisters
>Has a legendary vampire to protect him when shit goes down
I don't know, user.
Sound like a chad to me.
He's just jealous
Alphas don't need to rape, if you'd read the thread.
Haven't you heard? Turning down any sex ever- even if it's with the craziest bitch on the planet- marks you as a beta forever.
I really wish they did bathe together, dammit
Araragi doesn't have to rape, he does it because he likes it
Sorry. He only bathes with mature women.
And his family too, I guess.
Best harem MC and one of the better anime characters of all time.
I'm pretty sure that one was Koyomimonogatari.
Not even the best boy of his own harem show.
Kanbaru is a gay pedo sub bdsm exhibitionist who reads bl novels and tries to fuck araragi even tho shes gay. Her primary discussion traits are giving unwarranted praise to people and she's pathologically horny which she brings up in every conversation.
I'd say Nisio is the premium character designer in japan.
To be fair, this is the correct response to seeing Shinobu in the flesh.