Dragon Ball Super

So the only eps I watched of DBS were the last 4 but I almost feel like I was there for the entire thing. It was a good ending, and 17 is based.

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>master Ultra instinct
>forget how to use it afterwards
What does it mean?

same here but it was the last 3 All the Goku Blanco shitposting was too alluring

More Transformations
More Toys
More money for Toei

Fuck off, poser.


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How do we rank Dragon Ball's main sagas main villains/antagonists?

Id it's solely as villains/antagonists in their respective saga of course. I say:

Cell > Freiza > Zamasu > King Piccolo > Jiren > Omega Shenron > Vageta > Baby > Buu > Beerus > Piccolo Jr. > Super 17 > Tien Shinhan > Golden Freiza > Jackie Chun > Hit > Commander Red > Pilaf

I think we can all agree on this...

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Wasn't mastered, only pushed into it's full activation.

desu OP you saved yourself by not watching the rest. Especially the first half.

>mfw everything before the Zamasu Saga

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