Girls und Panzer

why is yukari so sad, anons?

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In the movie, why are the American school flying an orca carrier?

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nobody can satisfy her anal sex needs


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Please die.


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God damn, Flint is too cute. I have never felt like this with the other guppies.

Because someone keeps asking silly questions about why she is sad.

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It's a thing? Thanks user. That is pretty cool.

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When is BC gonna start guillotining people and invade Euorpe?

Because she's just a worthless loader who has to do the same stupid task over and over again instead of having fun like the driver and gunner

The planes during the flyover from the start of the tournament - which ones are they?

At least put the nyaa link in the op

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_10.40_[2018.03.25_22.49.08] (1920x1080, 180K)

There is nothing wrong with being a loader.

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_10.55_[2018.03.25_23.41.58] (1920x1080, 102K)

I want to start a revolution with Andou
optionally ending with Marie's head tumbling in to a basket, finally coming to rest with her lips gently touching Oshida's cooling cheek

Whose idea was it to have these 3D models?

Can we defenestrate them yet?

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_11.45_[2018.03.25_22.50.45] (1920x1080, 194K)

The movie is only 47 minutes?

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_12.03_[2018.03.25_22.50.27] (1920x1080, 238K)

Why is she such a best girl?

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_14.31_[2018.03.25_22.52.50] (1920x1080, 233K)

OVA, not movie.

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_15.33_[2018.03.25_23.14.22] (1920x1080, 124K)

Because she was tricked by BC Freedom

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_15.38_[2018.03.25_23.14.27] (1920x1080, 101K)

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Wait the movie is not this then? Did the OVA come out the same time as the movie BD then?

So if it's deactivated it'll make a decent club...but where was she hiding it?

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Is that a Japanese one? Or an American design?

TIL Japan has Chupa Chups

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So what's her problem?


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Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_20.57_[2018.03.25_22.58.47] (1920x1080, 301K)

That long skirt is very sexy.

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_23.05_[2018.03.25_23.01.15] (1920x1080, 204K)

The french singing.

My ears. Send help.

That looks like a WW2-era German Stielhandgranate to me.

Oh you sweet summer child...

Wait, why does BC have a patriarchal / Orthodox cross on their logo?

Thanks my good anons!

>not instantly recognizing potato masher

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Would you let them play you like a fiddle?

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How do I join Anzio?

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_28.00_[2018.03.25_23.04.53] (1920x1080, 513K)

That is a huge footlong.

And they are eating Californian rolls.


delicious jelly donuts

After catching up to Ribbon no Musha, those B/C folks are looking a lot less goofy than they did before.
Then again, Darjeeling is basically Lelouch in that one too, so...

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_39.43_[2018.03.25_23.17.04] (1920x1080, 345K)

I wish Alisa was my gf. We'd be autistic about the Sherman together


Just finished part 1 lads. How the fuck am I supposed to wait for part 2? GuP is too good and I need it now. Momo trying her best as commander is a beautiful thing.

seriously, it should be a crime release such a good episode and then let us hanging for a whole year!

>best food
>always having fun no matter what
I want to join Anzio

>Step 1: Be a high-school girl

Don't worry user!
Not long now!
I promise!

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Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_33.57_[2018.03.25_23.11.48] (1920x1080, 386K)

>You are such a faggot edit when?

Sadako is a new type?

>torn between "must look" and "must protect commanders dignity"

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>Arisa taking it all
my wife is amazing

I want to have a fist fight with Erwin

the CGI was god awful but the scene was such a meme i couldnt help but like it

I'm so searching for a tankette plastic model thanks to them!

Any save that webm of the tank firing, knocking Marie back while her cake does a flip in the air?

Could Miho defeat Jiren?

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What was it referencing? Doom?

Can't be worse than Asukas German in Evangelion.

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I can't wait that long, i need more Marie now.

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Was that part supposed to be a Gundam reference?

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Flint is so fucking delicious, holy shit

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Is that how bad the Russian song sounds like to native speakers?

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referencing the fact they wanted to save some time and money

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I want to be sexually bullied by the sharks.

>smug Helmet-chan

There are 1/56 wargaming models of the L33, they are a lot easier to assemble than actual model kits.
It's just adding the tracks left and right and the machine guns, ready you are.

This is a cute tank.

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_40.03_[2018.03.25_23.17.19] (1920x1080, 227K)

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Cross of Lorraine was an emblem for the Gaullist faction of the resistance which the Freedom part of BC/Freedom represents

Alisa is so ugly. No wonder she has no boyfriend.

Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_40.32_[2018.03.25_23.41.15] (1920x1080, 152K)

you mean hot.

Ahhh thanks user.

>You guys are alright. Don't come to Ooarai tomorrow.

Do the German tanks have NOS?

Someone make a webm of that scene and include the Doom theme in it

goddammit, I can only find Revell stuff in my country, anything else I have to import and it's always dirty expensive!