Can we all agree that Super is Better than Dragon Ball GT?
Now that the dust has settled
how can people even say that?
how can people not say that?
Can’t we all agree there should have never been a sequel after Z?
yes, because it is
after namek*
After the Perfect Cell Saga
no that's trash
because super is shit
>Can we all agree that Super is Better than Dragon Ball GT?
you can even say DBS is better than DB.
Nope , other way around. GT is enjoyable, Super is not.
This man knows how to make a joke
lol wot m8? DBS is ass.
I liked both but preferred GT unless we're talking about the manga.
I personally just feel like Toei has shit writers.
No. You could just give me the arc of them in Space for GT and GT is still better. Super was absolutely shut with a few cool moments.
>Hit was cool.
Til random power boost made Goku better
>Goku Black and the arc was cool
Til literal deus ex machina
>Freeza Goku Team up was cool
Vs a villain that had no personality and was everything wrong with with the show
This show was trash.
GT was depressing and lacked akira humour, only concentrated on goku and forgot about the rest. plus the most crappy thing they did was turn goku into a kid and literally undone all of gokus character development, all of the years we saw him grow up down the trash.
Whereas super actually kept up with the other characters, had good humour, good new characters. And one of the best fight scenes. Even though it does compare to DBZ or DB It’s infinitely better then shitty GT
>plus the most crappy thing they did was turn goku into a kid and literally undone all of gokus character development, all of the years we saw him grow up down the trash.
Agreed, Super is shit.
GT is better because you got to see Pan getting sexually molested.
Super is objectively better. Full stop. The GTspics are just autistic contrarians or literal retards.
Super is better than the Buu saga
I found DBS' Akina arc to lack alot of substance compared to GT's Akagi arc
Z >>> DB = GT > Kai > Super
they're both shit but GT had SSJ4 and pan, it wins by default
>i don't like this thing because it's new and popular
>i prefer dated dog shit because it is old and not popular
>Can we all agree that shit is better than shit?
>I like thing because it's new and memes
>I don't like old thing because it's old
Goes full circle. Both had shit writing if you ask me though.
Will admit Jiren's universe looking down at him and Jiren himself look at the sky was quite beautiful and touchingbut that's about it, trying to sugar coat hot trash tbqh
Opinion discarded
Fuck off
stay mad faggot
OG Dragon Ball > Freeza/Namek > Saiyan > GT > Buu > Cell > Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Super/Nu-DB