What exactly defines an edgy anime? What's the difference between edgy and grimdark? Is there a difference...

What exactly defines an edgy anime? What's the difference between edgy and grimdark? Is there a difference? How does an anime have to deal with violence, gore, horror and other "serious" themes to not be edgy?

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edgy is whatever you like
grimdark is whatever i like

Came here to post this

Edgy is a dark story with poor writing, bad things happen for the sake of bad things happening.

yeah I get it, it's usually used as an insult. But what exactly is the essence of "edgy"? I mean, if someone likes K-On you wouldn't call that edgy, maybe moeshit, but not edgy. So there must be some other aspect besides being whatever some other person likes.

It has to not be aimed at teens

edgy = chuuni
edgy = anything that is not a SoL or comedy

> bad things happen for the sake of bad things happening
isn't that kinda how every fictional story works? there has to be some kind conflict to get the plot going.

so, generic magical girl anime are edgy?

Edgy is when you have characters doing crazy faces and screaming shit like PEOPLE ARE NOT EQUAL THE WORLD IS UNFAIR HAHAHAHAHAHA
Grimdark is the same but presented in a more mature way

Grimdark is edgy. But edgy doesn't have to be bad.

Some compare Berserk to something like Bleach and you'll see the difference.

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that's not a definition, it's an example

to compare something regarding a certain aspect, I have to know what this certain aspect means.

This is just my opinion but edgy and grimdark are the same thing. A lot of people think that edgy and grimdark are always bad but that's not the case.

Edge and grimdark are only bad when that's all a series has to offer, when there's no balance or when it completely clashes with the direction of the story.

People criticize Berserk for toning down the edge but it was necessary to prevent the series from going stale. Too much edge and grimdark becomes repetitive after a while.

What? Bleach is neither grimdark nor edgy.

What this guy said.
It's edgy. It's constantly trying to emit a dark, hopeless atmosphere and redeem it with badass characters. Final Getsuga Ichigo. Nuff said.

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>It's edgy. It's constantly trying to emit a dark, hopeless atmosphere and redeem it with badass characters. Final Getsuga Ichigo. Nuff said.
I don't think we read the same manga. That thing you posted isn't edgy either, even if the design makes you think so. It's like people calling KLK edgy because of Ryuko's design.

>It's edgy. It's constantly trying to emit a dark, hopeless atmosphere and redeem it with badass characters.

Ok, that's something I can work with. I'd change the "reedeming itself" part though. I'd say it's a series thats constantly tries to emit this kind of atmosphere, but isn't successful in makeing the viewer/reader suspend his disbelief.

Having a dark,hopeless atmosphere and redeeming it with badass characters isn't edgy, that's a reconstruction.

That being said,Bleach wasn't edgy or a reconstruction.

An edgy series would be something like Elfen Leid or Akame Ga Kill.

That's what I meant. It "tries" to redeem itself.
I didn't read, I watched. That could mean all the difference. But I don't think I'd have it in me to read it now.
Elfen Lied was edgy and that was it's only redeeming quality. It's a shame, they could have done it better.

There's nothing wrong with being edgy.

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Why do people equate edge with character design anyways?

I've had people tell me that Bakugan and Beyblade were edgy because of how some of the characters looked.

Edge is in how the story and characters are handled not in how they look.

you can only reconstruct what you deconstructed before. and to deconstruct something it has to be some kind of established and recognisable genre, trope or narrative. I don't the how a "badass character" relates to that on a general level.

Everyone has most likely read this post so why are you idiots still arguing about it when the questions been answered

ok than I don't understand how being edgy can be a redeeming aspect. isn't edy by my definition something inherently bad?

We've had this thread and we already answered it. Edgy is shit. Grimdark is parody, over-the-top shit.


It depends on how you execute the story.

Execution is everything.A generic story can become a classic if the execution is good. An interesting story will be terrible if the execution is poor.

The way I see it Grimdark is just a kind of setting, and there are various ways to handle it.
Edgy is one of those ways, which basically consists of doing Grimdark with a 12 year old boy's sensibilities.

Because this thread was bait for autistic edgelords.

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It's not just conflict that makes something edgy, it's also the motivation behind the conflict. When a character does bad things disproportionate to their motivation, or they do bad things without valid motivation- that's edge.

Basically: Bad thing - edge = motivation.

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so a setting can't be edgy? other than that there could be non grimdark settings with edgy aspects aside from the setting.

Does this make Emiya Shirou the most edgy Anime character of all time?

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I didn't men to sy that conflict=edgy. It's just that every plot needs some sort of conflict as a "motor", regardless if edgy or not.
I totally agree with your definition of edgy though.

that depends on how valid you think his motivation is

>so a setting can't be edgy?
I don't think it's an unreasonable claim that a setting can't be edgy. Is there an example of an edgy work in a grimdark setting that couldn't be de-edged while preserving the setting completely?
>there could be non grimdark settings with edgy aspects aside from the setting.
It does seem like you can have, say, an edgy character in a non-grimdark setting. But it's the fact that they clash so much with the setting that makes them edgy in that case.

Having an 'edgy or grimdark' setting does not make a series edgy or grimdark.

Edge and grimdark are determined by what happens in the story and how the characters act.

hmm interesting. what if the setting itself is inherently over the top dark for no in universe or jsutifiable reason storytelling reason? Lets say we have a world in which a puppy dies everytime someone drinks a cup of tea just for the sake of showing somethin cruel. wouldn't that be an edgy setting?


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that are actions, not motivations.

You're right, he's not edgy- just retarded. Should probably throw an "intelligence" multiplier in the equation.

He's average intelligence, but he suffers from a bit of madness, so he doesn't think logically.
>Muh survivor guilt.

nah i think it's good as it is. how valid a motivation is to you is subjective afterall. some people will call Shirou retarded, others edgy.