I will never understand why the Haruhi franchise died after Disappearance came out when Disappearance was such a massive success.
I will never understand why the Haruhi franchise died after Disappearance came out when Disappearance was such a...
haruhi is shit
this franchise is shit
Because it was first and foremost just an advertisement for the Light novel.
They probably didn't expect how many people would love it but still went with their original plan of never finishing it so people buy LNs.
Same with Spice and Wolf.
too good for this world
No new LNs to sell = no new anime
Blame Kadokawa or Tanigawa for being a lazy ass
Author didn't release anything after 2011
It peaked
The last masterpiece kyoani made while the last good thing kyoani made was Tamako market
It's like with K-ON. Kyoani killed it by making the anime so much better than the source material.
because kadokawa sucks dick
Everyone involved hates money. Same thing happened with AoT and Tiger Bunny but at least those got something eventually.
But there were still books to adapt.
Yes, but no new books to advertise = Kadokawa won't greenlight a new season to advertise it.
Kyoani's relationship with Kadokawa has greatly deteriorated, if we were to get a third season it wouldn't be by them.
Because the bassist didn’t get fucked
Until later.
There was still Yuki-Chan after that.
Neither company wants to work with each other and Kadokawa knows Hauhi without KyoAni would not be a good thing (see Yuki-chan).
They made Amagi together just a few years ago.
Yuki-chan is a mediocre spin-off anyway.
they reached perfection and knew it could not be surpassed.
Why is anime condemned to be an advertisement medium? I'm so fucking tired of half-assed adaptations. Nowadays I only care for originals since I know at least these will get a conclusion at the end of it.
>gets willingful viewers
>pays for itself with merchandise and BD sales
>additional money if successful
>end on a cliffhanger so people have to buy the LN
It makes absolutely no sense not to.