This is Inspector Heinrich Lunge, say something nice to him

This is Inspector Heinrich Lunge, say something nice to him.

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he got forehead space

He is Japanese.


Lieber Heinrich, du bist ein herausragender Polizist!

Your computer thing is tacky.

Gott schütze dich, Heinrich!

Your wife is getting fucked by the delivery boy Lunge.

>implying /ourguy/ has time for sluts

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Why didn't he just listen to Tenma?

I always thought he was pretending to not know because everyone who knew ended up dying.

>It's Lunge episode

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Eternely TRIGGERED with people that post Monster's anime and not the fucking manga.

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Alpha as fuck

Why? I thought the anime was basically a panel for panel adaptation.

>literally a 1:1 adaption including the art style

It's the same shit just paced a bit slower.

Exactly. People prefer to watch something over read the good original shit.
I hate animetards.

Maybe people like voice acting? You're reading comics not a book. Don't feel so smug.

Best boy.

a good character stuck in a shit show

You be the detective
I'll be the flying fish

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The killer he was after was only dreaming of committing suicide in a small rural village. Monstrous ending.

>not a big enough fan to like both

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Don't mind me, just driving by with my wife

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demon child

Don't mind me, just taking a picture of my husband

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He is Japanese

His name is Runge not Lunge you dumbass
Lunge was a VIZ mistake

Don't mind me, just mindbreaking my precious little sister

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Will you fuck off with this tryhard attitude?
The anime was a phenomenal adaptation and it deserves every praise it gets.

Goddamn this anime had such good digital coloring.
There were a lot of times where the anime looked dull and phoned in but when it looked good it looked fucking good.

Thank you for dutifully raising your daughter so that I could fuck her tight pussy and knock her up.
t. her husband