Holy shit it actually looks good Sup Forums

Holy shit it actually looks good Sup Forums

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AS shilled out money just to have more episodes

they said straight out that they didn't give a shit about the viewers they just wanted more themselves because they were fans of the show

something would have to go horribly wrong for it not to be good

>something would have to go horribly wrong for it not to be good

>implying it won't be filled with poc's gays and loads of other identity politics shit

If they were true fans then they wouldn't have wanted more

I'm not gonna watch it, fuck off.

No it doesn't.
The only good that will come out of this shitshow are new Pillows songs.

>something would have to go horribly wrong for it not to be good
Bones is involved with production along with IG.
This is a sequel to an anime original.
Take that as you will.

its dead

It's not Bones though?

>they were fans of the show
a real fan would understand that the ending had impact and that an unnecessary sequel is exactly that, unnecessary.

The answer is FLCL5.

New projects may be great, could be trash, but I dunno if they needed to be explicitly related to the original work. The original run of 6 OVAs was satisfying as a complete series.

>believing any of this
Actions speak louder than words. Only Cy Games is like that. Everythign else is lying trash

That's FLCL(2+3) though.

The new trailer killed my excitement and my hopes for it, to be honest. Haruko's narration doesn't even sound like its coming from the same character as Haruko in the original show.
>They don't know even how special they are!
>Look how bored they all are
>That's where I come in!
>I'm gonna bring them excitement wether they like it or not
since when does Haruko give a fuck about anyone on Earth? Her whole character is being a detached, manipulative alien with unclear motives. I'm hoping it's just the trailer that sucked.

>they said straight out that they didn't give a shit about the viewers
How dumb must you be to believe this?

How much of FLCL was A1 and how much was Gainax?

a real Gunbuster fan would understand that the ending had impact and that an unnecessary sequel is exactly that, unnecessary.

This but unironically. Diebuster was garbage.

the exact same thing happened in the original dub commercial bruh

This though the Jap commercial gave me a little hope back

fuck off
fuck off

This makes me cautiously optimistic. Hopefully they don't miss the point of the original, or whatever new way they take the series, and don't get caught up in self-reference.

fuck off

don't trust a trailer written by adult swim

B-but trust the show funded and ultimately spear headed by them. Western influence is only bad BEFORE the show airs. When it's actually airing you should watch it on [as] or premium streaming accounts. Then buy the products and hard copies of the show.

>B-but trust the show funded and ultimately spear headed by them.
never implied you should do that either. Their involvement was always a red flag. I still don't expect Haruko to be as wildy out of character in the new seasons as she was in that trailer.

>wanted more themselves because they were fans of the show
Only a moron would believe such an obvious PR tactic.

That's "character development" for you.

This. Westerners can't help but inject real world political opinions into everything.

Except with Cy games who don't say that themselves but show it in their choices of what series to fund, how little they care about sales and their mandates to directors of their products.

These threads, funnily enough, show how actually AS seems to be bigger fans of FLCL than Sup Forums. You guys don't even understand what the commercial is alluring to, how it seems they put a lot of thought into making it work with the original etc. Just stop - you simply dislike it because it's funded by a western studio, and literally that is the only reason you'll dislike it. Even if the original had tons of blacks, gays and trans and you still liked it and this one had none, you'd still find reasons to scream "muh western SJW boogyman".

But the Japanese PV was a lot better and felt more like FLCL than the english one. So AS is obviously doing something wrong.

>ou guys don't even understand what the commercial is alluring to
a) alluding
b) DUB commercial is being referenced
>real fans want an unnessasary sequel
Intern-kun, Intern-kun have you met Tim and Eric before?

>You guys don't even understand what the commercial is alluring to, how it seems they put a lot of thought into making it work with the original etc.
Explain. All I heard was them referencing some of the themes of the original and the original trailer with Naota, but so what? It was still a terrible trailer and Haruko was out of character.

>they put a lot of thought into making it work with the original etc
"Hey look at all these things that happened in the first OVA!" isn't this.

What a retarded comparison.