Tamako Love Story is garbage...

Tamako Love Story is garbage. I legitimately believe that only people who have never been in any kind of relationship are capable of enjoying it.

The entire movie is one long, awkward confession. It drags in absolute nobody characters like that shy girl who Tamako befriended (seriously, who the fuck even is she?), and ends with the suggestion that Mochi-chan is going to fucking drop all of his filmmaking dreams just to fiddlefuck around making rice cakes the rest of his life.

Furthermore, it's not a fucking love story. The only reason that he and Tamako should get together is shoehorned in (hurrr muh mommas funeral) at the last minute. Other than that, they're just friends, and rather than actually have them complete a story arc that involves actual dating of any kind, the movie prefers instead to fucking dick around with WILL SHE?? WON'T SHE?? bullshit all the way until the very end.

For whatever reason, the showrunners decided to recycle the garbage SHES SECRETLY A PRINCESS plotline that they were smart enough to drop into a SHES SECRETLY IN LOVE abortion. Seriously, there's nothing different about the movie's plot to the dragged out, nonsensical decision Tamako makes about not being some random brown guy's bride in the series, except this time the overwhelmingly obvious fucking answer is yes, of course she's going to get with the self-insert because the movie needs to pander hard as it fucking can after the overall flop the series was.

If you actually enjoyed TLS, then you were pandered to, and it worked. You have little concept of what constitutes a compelling narrative within film. You stared at pretty flashing colors and random moe-pig perversions until the point when KyoAni gave you exactly what they knew you were too stupid to not want, at which point in time you loudly started clapping your hands and sobbing uncontrollably, you fucking philistine pieces of shit. Just like TLS, you are literal garbage that belongs in the fucking trash.

Attached: tamakofuckbitches.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

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>I legitimately believe that only people who have never been in any kind of relationship are capable of enjoying it

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did not watch it because i knew that would happen. Its a shame though, very few stories in anime focus on actually being in a relationship. Most romantic stories are just fantasy "finding my true and only love in just about the 3 to 5 five girls i talk in my high school".

>Tamako is garbage
We've known that without question since February 2013.

Go back to Sup Forums Mr Enter

>of course she's going to get with the self-insert because the movie needs to pander hard as it fucking can after the overall flop the series was
so THAT'S why it got a movie instead of k-on getting s3

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pic related, by the way
op is angry child and I am smug, bigboned bird

>Japanese 'filmmaking'
>hotsex with a lost princess cutie
Tough choice am I right.

agreed it was subpar

What do you like from kyoani?

Imagine being this angry at a romance anime movie that you write this long of a post

dumb phoneposter

assemble kannafags!

I'm surprised everyone got over their shock of the whole talking robot bird thing pretty quickly

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die you fucking buzzfeedfag

Attached: Newfags, this is your mindset.png (231x168, 30K)

Tamako market had good comfy feel with family/community themes. But then love story occurred which is just another generic teen love story. I get that it's there to push tamako out of her comfort zone to make her grow by accepting change but why use some uninspired romance with boring mochizou to that end?

What the fuck are you even spazzing out about

The movie was better than the TV series.

Mochizou a good soft boy, dont talk bad of him

Yeah he's just adorable looking good boy who has a crush on tamako. That's everything about him though. The series failed to give him character/personality

Why do today's youth refuse to punctuate their sentences?

He did try but that dyke bitch is annoying

Both Market and Love Story were masterpieces you uncultured swine

This It was comfy. Not many TV series show a little of romance during show and then focus on it in next season/movie. Anime remained a comedy and then we got movie about their love.

I'd like to think about that bitch not being an actual dyke. That way yamada's trademark themes can fit in this one. Midori didn't want things to change and thus acted against the one who tried to bring change in tamako's world. She just wanted the comfy days with her friends in the market to be continue for eternity. By doing that she's halting both herself and tamako from growing up. If she were a dyke it would just be interpreted as Midori trying to stop mochi out of jealousy and gay feelings.

>Not many TV series show a little of romance during show and then focus on it in next season/movie.
That's not really something I would call positive.

she is a dyke

But that change from tv series to movie was so abrupt. The relationship between mochizou and tamako was not properly explored before movie and even then mochizou was a character without any personality so it was really hard for me to care about their love story

Nigga she's gay

Maybe not. But many times in for ex. comedies there were some characters in love with MC or otherwise. I thought sometimes that I wanted to see this developed. Here we got this without interrupting comedy/SOL witj some potential drama.

At the expense of really cool community themes from market. The focus shifted from community as a whole or role of family to these individuals love to get tamako out of her bubble. I'd wanted them to do this a bit competently. Instead it felt like some dumb seishun eiga

pre-nichijou kyoto animation > staring at a campfire > nichijou > staring at your dishwasher > post-nichijou kyoto animation

You trying to talk shit about kyoani's greatest masterpiece?

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The only good thing before Nichijou was K-On and MAYBE Haruhi.

It’s was pretty zzzzzzz and it was also pretty good to look at

take a hike teen

>dish washer owner cuck

epic shrek arrow

They should have rather made k-on s3

Nah, K-On ended perfectly. I'm happy Tamako exists instead.

obligatory reminder

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I'd like to see their college adventures though. Yeah i agree that s2 ending was brilliant but that doesn't mean the series can't continue forward to explore more interesting stuff.

I want Tamako to kill me with manko after i raped her in front of Mochizo

I want mochizou to film a jav with me and tamako doing all sorts of degenerate sex stuff

manko dont sell so well eh

>generic teen drawn out first love confession story
>masterpiece movie, muh yamada did it again

But what about that scene in the movie where Tamako jokingly grabs her ass and she gets flustered and horny

dumb keyfag

She definitely got flustered. Nothing out of her character. Not sure about her getting horny tho. Still can't sufficiently infer her sexuality from that.

>I legitimately believe that only people who have never been in any kind of relationship are capable of enjoying it.

Welcome to Sup Forums, I'm sure you'll get to know the fine anons in here better soon enough

come here babe, i can love you unconditionally to death

Ironically enough the ones who watched TLS at the theatre were couples and the males were crying.

Rewatch episode 2

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So all of them?

As based yamada once said, Everything can be explained with adolescence, no need to bring up unnecessary gay stuff


Imagine being this dumb

I want Kanna to measure me if you get what i mean

read it a couple times until it sinks in

Tamako thread?

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For what? For who? For why?

What are the chances of KyoAni making another original animu?

What do you mean?

It's some shitty brony /mlp/ meme. Report and hide.

>all the couples were male

Why did you whiteknight that knowyourmeme immigrant ninety minutes after he left?

Yamada will make an original film sooner or later

Go back you mentally ill piece of shit.

None since they seem to be pretty cool with picking up content from their own LN trashcan

Is "comfy" another word for boring? That's the vibe I'm getting from these posts

>ends with the suggestion that Mochi-chan is going to fucking drop all of his filmmaking dreams just to fiddlefuck around making rice cakes the rest of his life.
I think that might just be you being autistic or televisually illiterate

>using "boring" as a criticism
You're just a subhuman with ADHD. I'm sorry.

Pretty high, for Yamada at least. Her next movie project could be an original.

i want Kanna delicate hand to use her expert skill and measure my precious part gently with great accuracy and she will surprised by the result


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anata baka desu

remember this piece of shit?

Tamako Market was pretty hit or miss even before the movie

Attached: [Commie] Tamako Market - 09 [BD 720p AAC] [C4305050].mkv_snapshot_09.57_[2017.03.27_09.24.35].jpg (1280x720, 97K)

She's perfectly straight and has a crush on mochizou. That's why she's annoyed at mochizou and stopped him from fucking tamako.

>that guy will be tapping Anko in the future
feels bad that Anko will be stuck with some beta faggot.

Only Tamako could be this airheaded.

I want to eat Anko's manko if you get what i mean

>shota Taki-sensei
I guess this is Yamada's type

I am having an hunch that anko's gonna grow up as cock hungry slut as opposed to tamako. I don't think her feelings for him would last long. She would be fucking all ikemen dudes in high school

Wow, a false equivalence and ad hominem. Can you make more of a non-argument?

you are wrong, she is pure and always be

>some retard makes a really shitty post
>replies to himself trying to pretend it's "epic"
>takes a screen shot of his posts and his replies
>reposts the screen shot over and over
"you can't spoiler love" is legit fucking retarded anyway, and no one would think that's screen shot worthy. You're some obnoxious newfag trying to force some "meme" you think you started.

the median age of the kyoto animation fanbase has annually dropped by one year since 2009

shut up keyfag
go back to your uguu dojikko crap

if only kyoani made 18+ animu like haruhi and keystuff once more

Why do tamako and anko have such trash taste in men? His mother wasn't any different.

Precious part?

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They should seriously stop this LN competition thing. All the recent trash and mediocrity is thanks to that stupidity

Man, it's been forever since I've seen this pasta

You're awfully angry at a screengrab, user.


it was the guy who posted it replying to himself because nobody else would

>I legitimately believe that only people who have never been in any kind of relationship are capable of enjoying it.
This is fantastic bait. I don't even have to read the rest of your post. Good job.

I'm the guy in the screencap.