I love Illya!
Fate/Kaleid Prisma Illya
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Reminder that China Dress is god-tier.
Not a pedo but I'd do unspeakable things to Kuro.
>Not a pedo
Sure thing mate.
> you will never be adultnapped by cute cups
Worst timeline
I swear I'm not. There's only a few 2D underage girls I lust over. Probably less than 5.
Not a lolicon in any way but I'd empty the contents of my ballsack inside these three ladies
This. But I'm not a pedo.
>not a pedo
>but I'd fuck these elementary school girls
They're gay, anyways.
>elementary school girls
It's not my fault they look like curvy adults and invoke the basic evolutionary desire to breed with them
I unspeakably masturbated on her this evening. It was very good.
>brown skin
>white hair
Is there any worse combination?
Yes: you and your posts
Is that a joke
Please stop, I don't want to go to jail.
Give in, user
Yes, I also like girls that are less than 5.
>Kuro is popular with lesbians in Japan
Who would have thought?
She's a cute gay little girl, not that big a surprise. If I as a straight guy would want to be a little girl and make out with Kuro I'm sure gay Japanese girls would like to as well.
Also fuck the new janitors, they really have no clue, the prisma thread I made earlier was deleted and I got a warning for it being off topic. I guess you have to put it in the title now for them to understand as they obviously don't actually browse Sup Forums.
If little gay girls of Sup Forums like her, why woulden't they when they grow up?
Not that Sup Forums will ever grow up.
>I as a straight guy would want to be a little girl
That's pretty damn homo!
>fuck the new janitors, they really have no clue, the prisma thread I made earlier was deleted and I got a warning for it being off topic
Lol they kicked your balls
The last page is looking interesting
Shut up, don't put words in my mouth! I meant less than 5 girls.
1. Kuro
2. Nemesis (To Love-Ru)
3. Sherria Blendy
4. Kurumi Nonaka (Testament)
There. Less than five (5) underage girls I lust over. I'm /not/ a pedo.
That's why I made this one. They're fucking stupid.
Based china dress poster.
Why are you so gay?
Did the other Illya thread get deleted?
>You're not a pedo, just a virgin.
Glad you agree
Why are lolis so sexy?
You're kinda at the wrong place to use virgin as an insult. Although I suppose the other person is equally new and may actually feel insulted by it considering he's worried about how other anons perceive his interest in 2d characters.
It's not really an insult, though.
Fuck off
I used it as an insult, so it is. And it looks like I was right.
Good for you, newfag.
What's your favorite Illya install?
Honestly the term newfag is more dependant on how you act, but in general yes 2015 is very recent, for a long time I considered anything older than 2006/2007 to be newfag but I suppose at this point 2010-2012 is fair enough as well.
>Am I still a newfag if I been posting since 2015
Holy shit are you serious?
>maybe if I keep feeding it it'll go away
I'd feed Kuro my cock
What a wonderful image.
God I wish that water bottle was me
Brown lolis really are too damn lewd.
Ilya, you're too young for Sup Forums.
I love Miyu!
Illya is pretty lucky to have her as her future wife.
No worry lads, theres a vanilla Kuro too if you want her
You know, it's fine to admit that little girls causes you acute arousal so long as you keep it strictly 2D. You are home here.
The guy who prone boned creampied Illya is probably the happiest guy on earth
Mantis is the shadman of loli
''user not all cups are suppose to be filled up don't buy into the philosophical debate!''
>straight guy
>wants to be a girl
Do you suck dick too?
Kuro is bi my dudes.
Don't tell me you don't want to be a cute little girl so you can make out with Kuro as well.
She's mostly into girls, the only boys she's interested in are those made of swords.
No, I'm not gay.
I've got a large sword for her.
>Kuro will never spit in your mouth
Please god this is the only thing I ever wanted in my life.
That's impossible, user. It's never gonna happen.
Don't be sad. It's not like you are ever gonna get laid so nobody will laugh at you.
Maybe he'll find a nice loli one day
This is supposed to be a nice thread, please don't go around demeaning other user's swords.
I hope he changes, man up a little and finds a good gf of his age someday instead.
>gf of his age
Absolutely disgusting
>That one doujin series where Kuro starts fucking old men because they give more mana than Illya
Muh dick
If what you want is a boy that's fine too.
Shotas and Lolis are not the same thing
I wasn't talking about shotas. If you are homo, since you find girls of your age disgusting, then go for a man.
Why men when lolis are much sexier?
Don't be a pedo.
I'm a lolicon
Don't be a lolicon then?
I thought you got banned?
Why did you think that?
Tell lolis to stop being so sexy then
Now that's just unrealistic
>Old men giving more mana than a holy grail
I really want this clock.
You fucking shit, you made me laugh.
Or you could watch better shows?
You are my brother
Even oniichan doesn't have the guts. Only Miyu and Kuro.
If you won't marry me Illya I'll take matters into my own hand!
What are you going to do to that pic of 126 KB?
Not a smart choice to kidnap Miyu's wife like that.
That's not a pose a little girl should be in.