Is this good visual direction?
Is this good visual direction?
Not with the god damn filter.
I liked the lighting change in this scene. I don't really think this episode had good direction though, definitely one of the weaker ones.
Filter is gone, didn't you get the memo?
Without knowing the context of the episode, I must say I find none of the images particularly evocative or greatly composed. Also, the blacks are incredibly washed out, does this have a narrative or aesthetic reason? It's quite bothersome.
No, that garbage filter and then 15 camera cuts of close ups on random body parts followed by a shot of someone's shoes or a clenched hand is not good visual direction.
Wrong image
Yes, but would look better if you didn't show the entire episode in the cinegrid and instead hanpicked 12 or so best looking frames, otherwise it just looks chaotic.
Just 2 more weeks and this cancer show will be gone, the threads are non-existent now, with it's official end we'll no longer be subjugated to this forced ass post.
There are webm edits as well
Unluckily for you these are neither impressive nor original
You can make a "cinegrid" for any anime and it will look basically like this. They tell you fuck all and are only used by pretentious ninnies to pretend they know about directing.
Christ this show looks remarkable.
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
not really.
the art is top tier, but the direction is mediocre, really robbing all that art of it's punch. if you want to see a series with top end direction take a look at Koi wa Ameagari no You ni
I don't know, you're just posting a collage of out-of-context still images. Half of them look incredibly uninspired, with their only claim to pride being that they aren't shoulder-height head shots of characters talking to each other.
Which makes me suspicious that you have no idea about the first thing about visual direction of any kind.
Yamakan was the best when it came to visual directing. Kyoani shouldn't have fired him
Evergardenfags have no idea what you're talking about. When someone knowledgeable talks about visual directing, it might as well be a different language to them.
But a similar thread with the same OP will still be posted tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and so on until attention to the series has died off completely.
>Koi wa Ameagari no You ni
Muh shojo sparkles and bubbles is not visual direction, it's trash
What's impressive about these?
For example, the top-middle. What purpose does overlaying the teacup upon the girl's torso serve? Is it relevant to the dialogue or themes of the episode or something? Is what the characters are saying at this moment relevant to when the other character lifts the teacup away from the shot?
Please explain your position and create a discussion instead of continually parading vaguely-unconventional shots compositions as groundbreaking or masterful.
I'm going to try to post some of VEG's best shots
Not him but, the little girl is looking amazed at Violet lifting the teacup because she believes her to be a giant doll.
please stop bullying other anime user. you know they can't look as good as VEG.
Now that's deep.
Why are these good?
The purpose of the cup is to pull your eyes towards the center of the screen and see Ann right away. Not only that, but the cup being pulled away reveals a doll she is holding, which is the subject of Ann's fascination as she thinks Violet is a doll.
1st one shows that both of them are trapped in a situation that they both don't like
Second one: Another user said that she's stuck in a corner and not making any progress as a doll.
Ann believes Violet is a doll herself, see how the cup covers Ann's actual doll? That is a visual metaphor, the cup of tea is what makes Ann question Violet's nature, as seen in the conversation that follows, it being removed from the shot only to reveal the doll is a way to tell the audience that Ann is still naively deluded to the fact that Violet isn't really a doll, despite the evidence to the contrary; she holds that childish fantasy tight to her chest.
I don't really think it is. But that idea of her seeing Violet as a doll also relates as to how Violet and the girl bond later in the epiosde.
It is also meant to help endure ourself to the girl, by having these small childesque moments, so the emotional climax of the episode hits harder.
It also shows her child like naivete because of the amazment she shows over such a simple act, which is then subverted later on in the episode when it comes forth that she is perfectly aware of the mothers limited remaining life.
It also is one of multiple shots that put her in the centre showing us that it is she that is the focus of the episode, not Violet or the client, like everyother episode.
huh, interesting. What about the princess and her maid and this picture of Violet against the night sky?
Violet Evergarden is the visual direction and visual storytelling successor to Hyouka.
>t. seasonal trash zombie
Good explanations, thank you.
Having a more charitable outlook to the show makes me notice some more of the subtleties in the webm collage posted.
However, OP's image doesn't impress me at all, and makes me feel as though most of the show is not as well-directed (which isn't to say it's poorly directed, unlike most anime), and unfortunately people like OP just latch onto those shots with uncommon camera positions and heavy lighting effects.
Violet is being surrounded by the frame of the mirror. Ann is going through a harsh childhood, she will lose someone dear to her soon, there's some duality going on there.
>shots with uncommon camera positions and heavy lighting effects
That's basically just Kyoani's style.
Maid: Just visual representation of what the princess was going through.
She's the white flowers kingdom and her groom to be is the redflower kingdom. The only thing stopping her from marrying is the maid leaving her.
Night sky: Violet is basically pushed to the edge of the world and wants Gilbert. She's vulnerable. She even says in the episode she wants to go where ever he is or would die.
I'm having trouble with episodes
While I agree that "shojo sparkles and bubbles" aren't a great visual/narrative device, that is reducing KwA directing to just a few of its elements, when there's more in the series.
Whether it's deep or not to you, her humanity is questioned time and time again during the anime. Ann in particular calls her a doll for most of the episode. Until she kisses Violet in the cheek and realizes that she's in fact not a doll. That one brief moment of childish innocence is the culmination of Violet's transformation into a normal person.
True. It makes them look nice, for sure, but too many people misattribute "looks nice" to good directing.
Honestly I started watching anime because I was tired of all the cliches found in western media. If I want pretty backgrounds I'll just rewatch Glasslip. I just do not care for VEG. I watched 10 eps. 8 of them were filler. If I wanted filler I'd just watch Boruto.
It's fine if you like mainstream. But looking at this just makes me puke.
I want my subtly sexualized kyoani EDs back
How's that any different than "washout colors and muh black" in VeG?
There's no filler in VEG.
The first part of your sentence and the second don't have any correlation, try again please
There are no "filler" episodes in Violet Evergarden.
Everything was put together with purpose.
He meant that it is supposed to reflect Violet's own childhood.
Nice anime review, can you redirect me to your blog?
Also I seem to have noticed that you're one of those fags who doesn't understand what filler means, even under its colloquial definition used to describe content in non-adaptations. I'll give you a hint: if anything in the episode matters in future episodes, it wasn't a filler episode.
Sorry, not English speaker and I thought duality meant something else, but you get the idea.
Tell me the significance of each episode 3 through 10 then.
No need to be passive aggressive dude. Ad hominem only shows you're an immature discussion partner not worth my time.
Are you stupid or just trying to troll?
Violet had a terrible childhood, which Ann is about to have.
Violet's face is also consistently kept in shadows whenever she's talking with Ann about the mother or the contents of the letters, as in she's hiding things from her and keeping light away from her face helps conveying such idea.
>Tell me the significance of each episode 3 through 10 then.
Instead I'll point you to a post that does something similar
This is the most hilariously extrapolated and arbitrary ""analysis"" I've ever seen in my entire life.
Is your thesis that she transforms into a human?
How does this happen?
How do they portray this happening?
Is the portrayal meaningful or is it shallow?
How can you show that to me?
A sentence or two is not a convincing point make.
>No need to be passive aggressive dude. Ad hominem only shows you're an immature discussion partner not worth my time.
You popped into a thread about the directing in the show and just dropped your half-assed impressions of the series at large, while throwing out an opinion built on a fundamental misunderstanding of a word. I wasn't looking to be your discussion partner.
What's your point?
Your half-baked analysis has nothing to do with the poor mess of a sentence I replied to
If you want an indepth explanation of that shot see
>through 10
Not really a great reader are you? Beating a dead horse for 8 episodes straight is not character development. It's episodic content done worse than Pokemon.
>but here's my excuse, I claim to have a right to be passive aggressive
Stopped reading there.
Who are you quoting?
He's just interested in shitposting, don't bother replying.
I take it you're not watching the show.
4 simple sentences are hardly an analysis buddy, an actual analysis is bothersome to make and completely pointless if the other person isn't even watching the damn show.
>Beating a dead horse for 8 episodes straight is not character development. It's episodic content done worse than Pokemon.
I'm not spoonfeeding you Violet's development, watch the show, that post already explained a lot of her development in most earlier episodes, so the 8 episodes straight bullshit you spout is completely false to begin with. If you can't see why episode 10 is important to her character might as well just drop the show, this anime isn't for someone like you.
>In depth
>2 sentences
>Visual metaphor
Don't use techniques you don't even understand.
>The cup of tea is what makes Ann question Violet's nature
No, it doesn't. The cup of tea doesn't do anything.
>It being removed from the shot is a way to...
You know what else is a way to show that? Ann's attitude towards Violet, which is shown throughout the entire episode. In which case the technique used is body language and tone, both of which are hilariously rudimentary and basic, and have nothing to do with the cup.
What you are describing is an enhancement of the actual techniques used, not a technique in itself.
Kyoani is seasonal trash too m8.
Nope. I did in fact quote you. No need to go out of a limb because numbers doesn't make your post any more valid my friend.
>watch the show
I did. And there's none. Now can you actually prove that there's any development going on? Otherwise it's filler.
>an actual analysis
>He thinks analysis refers to a full-blown essay
Stop it.
I doubt you'd know how to write proper analysis if you wanted to.
Nice non arguments.
You forgot to write anything there champ. You can't just quote people meaninglessly and expect people to be able to read your mind.
>Now can you actually prove that there's any development going on? Otherwise it's filler.
Can you prove there isn't? You're the one who brought it up in the first place.
Thread was going well for a while. Possibly one of the best VEG threads ever.
Then this turbo-sperg came in to do his "epic trolling".
Real shame.
Why are they non arguments?
The guy is an idiot for calling a short paragraph an in depth explanation but you're just as moronic for making an entire post that is basically a "no u".
You're not getting any, the way it's done in the anime is beyond you anyway.
>There is development by assumption
That's not how it works
Anti-VEG fags get very salty whenever there's actual discussion in VEG threads, this one was starting to have some about the visual direction but then the autist came to shitpost because he can't have that.
and we now know you've not bothered to watch KwA. yes, Shoujo sparkles are in it, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. KwA is a masterpiece of "show not tell" visual storytelling.
>There's a technique in the cup scene
>No there isn't, here's why
>You're a moron for making an entire post that is basically a "no u"
>I won't provide my own explanation for this because I don't have one
Remember to report and ignore.
>There isn't development because I said so
>Here's proof that there is
>But I want a complete rundown because I'm too dumb, spoonfeed me or else!
>circlejerking while making up pretentious bullshit
>actual discussion
It's the same shit with a hasty spray of gold paint and a dab of truffle oil.
You gave me two sentences of extrapolated nothing that are supposed to qualify as analysis.
Now you resort to ad hominem for asking why these two sentences qualify as analysis.
I don't understand you.
>can you prove a negative
Why can't you people learn how discussion works? That means not using any logical fallacies. Come the fuck on. Google a list of logical fallacies and don't fucking use them in an argument.
Now I ask you again. Can you prove that episodes 3 through 8 are not, in fact, filler?
Because nothing in those episodes matter. Everything we need to know has already been shown in the first two episodes. Now there's in fact some development going on by introduction of new characters but not 8 episodes worth. And we all know this so why pretend these episodes aren't mostly filler? They're one-of characters that are unmemorable and Violet doesn't even do anything to help them in most cases just her being there is enough for the plot to arbitrarily solve issues these one-off filler characters have.
But again. That doesn't really mean my statement is incorrect.
Stop replying to him.
>Can you prove there isn't?
>This counts as evidence
I'm a little confused
>Can you prove that episodes 3 through 8 are not, in fact, filler?
Yes, see
11 was hard.
ACK, is that you?
The cup of tea is literally what makes Ann be amazed at Violet, a person she thinks it's a doll, for drinking the tea in it.
It was nothing but just another small instance of Ann confirming her own bias; and that other fag is right when he says the angle was carefully chosen to reveal an actual doll in Ann's arms as the cup is lifted. Ann's real doll is shown time and time again whenever Ann herself is trash talking Violet's nature, this isn't even subtle and any chimp can put the pieces together.
Does anyone else find odd how the war scenes in VEG are portrayed? I think it was episode 8, but there's this scene in which soldier Violet goes against Gilbert's orders and begins killing people. One of the mayor points of episode 9 (?) was showing that violet feels remorse about the deeds she made during war, yet the previous episode shows her killing in this action-movie-like manner, particularly the choreography. It's very dissonant, moreso because the whole thing is intercut with Gilbert's horrified expression.
Also, on the whole, "flame burning inside of her" or whatever thing, doesn't it just gets completely tossed aside on most episodes, only episode 1,8 and 9 (and 3, kinda) alludes to Violet's war "scars". The structure of the whole thing feels rather odd, I heard KyoAni changed the order of some events, is this it? On the whole the narrative feels disjointed and makes what should've been a great scene (the climax of episode 9) into something that wasn't rightfully earned.
Also, am I the only one that things that the photography of the show feels incredibly anachronistic? I'm guessing the washed out colors are meant to evoke this painting-like or early photography style, but if that was the intention all the modern camera like characteristics (depth of field, flares, etc.) are completely antithetical to this.
>can you prove a negative
Why can't you people learn how discussion works? That means not using any logical fallacies. Come the fuck on. Google a list of logical fallacies and don't fucking use them in an argument.
Now I ask you again. Can you prove that episodes 3 through 10 are not, in fact, filler?
Because nothing in those episodes matter. Everything we need to know has already been shown in the first two episodes. Now there's in fact some development going on by introduction of new characters but not 8 episodes worth. And we all know this so why pretend these episodes aren't mostly filler? They're one-of characters that are unmemorable and Violet doesn't even do anything to help them in most cases just her being there is enough for the plot to arbitrarily solve issues these one-off filler characters have.
But again. That doesn't really mean my statement is incorrect.
>Wants me to prove ep 3 to 8 aren't filler
>link 3 posts that do just that
>deletes post
>now wants me to prove ep 3 to 10 aren't filler
This is hilarious
>hurr you're too dumb to write an analysis
>s-stop the ad homs and spoonfeed me
Crawl back into your hole.
Epic fallacy fallacy. Upvoted.
What user was referring to is burden of proof.
The shitposter(You) asserted that nothing happened in the episodes. This is obvious hyperbole by any standard, which means he has to explain what he means by "nothing happening", show that he understands the straightforward pieces of the episode, and then show why he thinks "nothing happened", whatever that may mean.
Instead, he's come in and said "nothing happened, prove me wrong", while then shutting down any counter-arguments with "that doesn't count" without elaborating or nurturing a discussion in any way.
This is how conversations and discussions work.