it's happening

>At GRIZZLY we aim to set ourselves apart as the world's first studio specializing solely in BOYS LOVE anime. Beginning with OGERETSU TANAKA'S "YARICHINBITCH-BU" we will focus our energy into sharing the genre of BOYS LOVE with a global audience.

>GRIZZLYはBOYS LOVE作品の制作に特化した世界初のアニメーションスタジオを目指しております。
おげれつたなか先生の「ヤリチンビッチ部」を始め、今後も精力的にBOYS LOVE作品の制作に取り組んでいきます!

where were you when fujo's overtook the industry?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Opening my champagne.


I don't think this semen slurping studio is for me


MAPPA happened to accidentally post some concept art from their current project yesterday meaning one of two things

1) both studios happen to share SNS managers


2) this is just rebranded MAPPA making BL porn

sasuga MAPPA taking all the fujo money to make their non-lewd anime.

Attached: MAPPAplz.jpg (623x638, 85K)

>global audience

Are they getting outside funding?

Attached: time to stop.gif (480x270, 308K)

I didn't plan to share anyways.

Based MAPPA. Anyway looking at it objectively, there's no issue with making $$$ from customers who are willing to spend. Good luck to their new venture.

MAPPA should've just stuck to Teekyuu

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Found the same tweet on GrizzlyInfo.

i want dedicated yuri studio

meanwhile at MAPPA

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They won't have a long life.
BL consumers represent a niche part of the market. How many BL anime do they plan to produce every year to sustain the studio and to pay the staff?

Not yuri. A mild yuri-bait at best.

There are always 1-2 fujo titles in top-sellers.

Add that fujos regularly watch all kind of shows and produce BL fanwork like doujinshi for themselves, so I don't know what to think.

But they're not actual BL, just regular fujobait. There's only like 2 BL shows every year and they almost always sell like shit.

Are they doing the 10count anime too?

That's what I'm thinking as well. I like BL but it always seemed too niche to really be profitable compared to stuff with BL undertones that isn't actual BL.

>thinking fujos aren't an exploitable market

if they continue in the trend of adapting popular and timely BL they have potential to be huge. most of the BL produced through conventional studios is trash that's why fujos permeate other property. if grizzly/mappa is prepared to cater to them then they may be able to print some money, especially riding off the back of YOI and potentially Banana Fish

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10 count is trash

So which studio is animating that one? DEEN or J.C Staff?

Yoi was special because was original content and no one expected the surprise homo, such miracles don't happen twice. Do you really expect the same sale numbers from the adaptation of a BL manga?

no way anything could match YOI sales, but capturing even a small part of that audience could be pretty profitable

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No one knows yet

That tends to be more popular than explicit yuri anyways.

It's a single studio fucktard

Yeah didn't Nakamurashit sell ~10K during it peak. Selling 2-3K for a niche genre would be great and there are other ways to make money from a series. Stalker thread tricked a lot of retarded newfags that forget about merchandising when there's a regular buyfag thread.

I will watch any BL anime, regardless of quality of budget. The japanese know this.

Becuase actual yuri is always cheap shit like citrus. You literally can't name a single yuri anime with production values AT LEAST on PriPri level.

Holy fuck. I wish them well in their endeavours. We'll see if they manage to give Yaribu a decent production.

>sasuga MAPPA taking all the fujo money to make their non-lewd anime.
You mean taking all the normie money to make their lewd anime.

Fuck. I'll not defend MAPPA anymore. They're basically prostituting themselves.

I wish they'd started a different manga to start out with, but good luck. Hope my favorite homo shit gets adapted.

I wonder if their productions be mostly OVA. If they want to keep the works as censorship-free as possible it's better they don't air on TV.

You could have prevented this; if only you stopped complaining you didn't like her anime.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Shingeki no Bahamut - Virgin Soul - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.44_[2017.06.03_00.22.4 (732x1046, 168K)

I'm alright with MAPPA turning into a slutty BL studio.

It's not like they're producting a new Dororo to Hyakkimaru anime and a new Ikuhara anime. That's better than any other studio at the moment all right.

Yurikuma Arashi

Yurikuma Arashi felt really underbudgeted

Is this what Utsumi betrayed KyoAni for?

No, this is MAPPA realising its true passion after YOI.

How are they going to pull this off? All everyone does is fuck. There isn't even any DP in this. Just some spit-roasting.

If only Utsumi was on that instead of ruining Banana Fish.

So is GRIZZLY a sub set of MAPPA?

>At GRIZZLY we aim to set ourselves apart as the world's first studio specializing solely in BOYS LOVE anime
Stalker is dead.

Where do I send my application

Thankfully, China does not seem to care about BL shit much (possible because it'll be banned there)

>they almost always sell like shit.
This is the risk they're willing to take. The theory is if it's lewder and more graphic and not the usual cringe shit you see in typical seasonal yaoi anime with subpar animation they you will get the dedicated part of fujos to buy your shit. Ogeretsu is one lucky big name fujo to be the first to experience

She can't stop talking about guys and muscles, give her a project where she car express her love and experience.

Eh I like the idea, but they have to play their cards right if they want to last long as a very specialized studio.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Spiritpact S2 - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.43_[2018.03.13_21.21.05].jpg (1920x1080, 673K)

Yep, she could use her expertise for good. It won't surprising if it turns out that she's one of the staff in this. I think many people would be happy about it too.

Well, it worked for YoI.

I wonder if we'll ever see an adaptation of Adekan.

studio specializing solely in CAKE LOVE when?

Kyoani in 10 years when their female staff starts getting old.

>entire studio specialised in one genre
Has this ever happened before?

Gonzo, Gainax and Manglobe. they were specialized in making trash.



Yes. Look at Gonzo, they're pretty much specialized in shit anime.

Sasuga the power of fujobucks.

Can't see the studio lasting.

Do they employ nothing but Baras?

PinkPineapple is a famous studio that produces only hentai, I have no idea if it's still active, but I guess what GRIZZLY aims to do is the same.

Gonzo had at least two genres, shit and Gankutsuou.


I wonder whether they'll focus more on porn stories or on stories with deeper characterization, like Ogeretsu's other manga.

Motherfucker, I hate you.

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It shouldn't be a problem if Grizzly turns out to be a sub of MAPPA since they'll likely only use the name to release BL works while animating the usual seasonal anime during the main studio.

Harada anime when

The way I hear it, its not being classified as BL in China. Probably the equivalent of screaming No Homo really loud.

Even if this is an offshoot of Mappa, there's no way they can recapture what happened to YOI. Curious to see if this will work in the long run, maybe the madpeople there can actually pull it off.

Which series would you want adapted?

>We're just exchanging mana really passionately

Stop this meme, retards. Newfags will think this shit is true.

>kaleido star
>last exile
>chrono cruzade
>black cat
>afro samurai
Gonzo was the comfiest studio of the past decade.

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Well, it's very probably a subcontractor studio. Big studios have a lot of those, it doesn't need to "last".

>we will focus our energy into sharing the genre of BOYS LOVE with a global audience
Netflix and jewroll to blame?

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I agree with you, but those are bad examples (except for the first four).
Chrono Crusade and Black Cat were cliched messes even for their time, but we were like 14 when we saw them so that colored our impression.
Afro Samurai is an artsy "rule of cool" type thing with no real plot or depth.

And Bokurano - yes, Bokurano was good if you ignore that the manga exists. I'm not joking that it's one of the worst adaptations I've ever seen, the director literally hated the manga and did his best to adapt the same story while cutting out most of the problematic bits.

By fujos for fujos?

What can you even animate with the current broadcasting laws?
I mean, it'll work with OVAs but it'll be obscure as hell and censored anyways.

Color recipe or the kinky couple one, but there's no way that's happening. I guess yatamomo has more chances to get an adaptation.

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I bet they'll do only OVAs, and no more than 2-3 anime at year, if it really turns out to be MAPPA's sub studio.

I'm not that user but I'd like to see Yatamomo. Momo is a very cute semen demon.

Will Sensative Pornograph get a sequel?


Is this what they meant when they said "Yuri on Ice made history"?
Look at all the interest around BL and more m/m focused works.

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that's where Netflix comes in

But at the same time it feels like they missed the point why YOI became popular in the first place. It's a mainstream anime that didn't market itself as a BL anime.

Jesus fuck

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>late night anime
Don't be retarded. It' not BL but it sure wasn't for normalfags.

>we will focus our energy into sharing the genre of BOYS LOVE with a global audience.
It's for everyone. Tell your friends, your parents and your grandma.

>I wonder if we'll ever see an adaptation of Adekan.
That's not BL, so if that gets adapted it wouldn't be with this BL studio. Maybe the actual Mappa will pick it up one day.

It became mainstream. It wasn't planned, but it happened.

So? It still wasn't made for normalfags.

Yuri on Ice has given us something beyond what we could hope for. MAPPA got a taste of fujobucks and now they are addicted.