Who do you dub a true king of hacking among them Sup Forums?

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Ishita for sure

Ishida reigning champion, Kubo the GOAT.

ishida is a one trick pony who thinks making your main character suffer 24/7 is a good writing method


Ishida is best in the Hack. No competition at all

All of them are great hacks but Ishida takes the crown. The guy pulls out one hack after another non stop.

Kubo is the original. Ishida is his successor.

This user knows what's up, kubo will return for his crown if he actually gets his shit in gear to make another series.

Is Kubo still on vacation?, or just enjoying his riches from the sales

Now i've never heard that before.

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Isayama soy looks have nothing to do with his writing skills. He doesn't belong in this thread. Pls delet.

Kubo because he is all of them

You must be anime only fag to not be aware of Isayama's current epik writing. Let me give you a most epik hint:
>human guy A gets roast in literal way by Titan and by every logic he should be dead but...
>somehow he is still breathing and now they're gonna use titan serum to save him
>but then at that precise moment squad manlet brings guy B who is also epikly "alive" even though he too should have been dead
>le epik tension of who should get serum
>le cheese happens in where guy B uses his last remaining breath to say to give serum to guy A
>to surprise of NO ONE: guy A gets le serum and guy B le dies
And lets not even mention more of his current hacking. However among those on picture of OP, Isayama is just a baby in comparison to Kubo, Mashima and le Ishita.

*blocks your path*

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>It's 2018 and we still use the same pic of Kubo

We can afford to, Japs hardly age.

We can't use 2k18 version till he hacks again, so we must use his infamous hack version.

Myself, check them.

I'll give the guy a pass since everything else has been pretty decent. Every author should have at least once a fuck up, that we as readers should overlook.

meant for

That never happened.

why is isayama considered a hack for? the whole reiner not dying stuff? i dont think its on par with the likes of kubo and mashima, those two simply dont give a fuck about anything they write honestly

where's Oda?

Kubo aged like seversl decades in the past few years

You completely ignored Kishimoto and Hiro Mashima.

Also, Kubo at least was doing what he was doing because he was motivated through the last act of a deceased child.

>Also, Kubo at least was doing what he was doing because he was motivated through the last act of a deceased child
that was just a lie fabricated so jump could save face

>shows actual proof of the letter on twitter
>He's clearly lying!

Jesus, people aren't always manipulators in the real world dude. There are people who have genuine feelings towards those who have died.

He didn't ignore Hiro Mashima as he is right next to Kubo in case you didn't notice.

However he forgot one hack on list that deserves to be among top 4 more then Isayama at least.

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> God tons of money from a massive success that was Bleach
> Cant stand the living hell out of WSJ
> Should start working himself to death for a weekly manga again despite not having a need to do so
If he will come back it will only be after years and years of waiting.

>You completely ignored Kishimoto and Hiro Mashima.
>ignored Hiro Mashima
>Hiro Mashima

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> What stress and shit workplace can do to you
Sad shit. WSJ should kill themselfes for making a master like Kubo suffer.

just fuck me up with another cgshit please

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>There are people who have genuine feelings towards those who have died.
O I am laffin

How am I suppose to know that was HIro Mashima. I haven't seen his physical real self in years dude.

Not everyone is a fag like you dude.

>God tons of money from a massive success that was Bleach
>Cant stand the living hell out of WSJ
Yeah but it's not like anyone else is gonna hire hīm
>Should start working himself to death for a weekly manga again despite not having a need to do so
It's not always about the money.

Still salty about end. Anyway lot can be replaced instead of Isayama like for example since Isayama is cub in comparison to sea of hacks one can find.

>1st place, Ishida
>2nd place, Hiro
>3rd place, Kubo
>4th place, ...

That image is Kubo "hack mode I don't give a shit", current Kubo seems more chill and doesn't look like a master troll.

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God damn.

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Kishimoto should take third place given how he went out of his way to make an integral final villian (despite weak motivations), replaced it with an invincible asshole, replaced him with a Jenova clone he introduced 92% of the way through then went into the Sasuke vs Naruto fight. Then he had it 'end' but not really when he introduced the 10 chapter gaiden, had the characters blab more about Kaguya and her plan, then introduced The Last: Naruto the Movie aka Chapter 699.5. ONLY THEN to give us ANOTHER movie which has to do with Kaguya and her bullshit to lead into the shitty sequel series nobody asked for.

And this isn't even mentioning the constant retcons Kishimoto pulled. He even Midichlorian'd the Rinnegan. You don't go Phantom Menace and expect not to be a top ranked hack.

Yeah, those guys are certainly hacks (raughs)

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Not that guy but

1. He has sold 120 million copies in manga alone. And that's not without the merchandising rights that he has a bigger percentage in.

2. The problem is how WSJ doesn't seem to understand the difference between working WITH their success and trying to dictate it.

3. He is going to have a one shot out this year.

Akira Toriyama rediscovered the power of lies and marketing.

>as it should be

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Somebody give me quick rundown of number 2's hacking and how did he surpass epik like Mashima and Kubo?

It had a huge drop in quality. MC never learns shit. No one really knows which characters are actually dead and which aren't. Still I think it gets too much hate on Sup Forums.
As Sup Forums passionately hates most things that are popular.

number 2 Ishida's manga is just the MC being retarded fucking up again and again while suffering. It's one big fuck up. More then 200 chapters of an MC fucking up.

dont forget that kaneki could have killed furuta and chose not to because then the story would end, fuck ishida seriusly

"it's convenient for him to be in charge"
Yeah, it was pretty shit.

Mashima shouldn't even be considered mangaka. The entire manga of Fairy tail was just one big asspull.

>MC is biggest retard suffering from muh Talker autism
>Kirito complex of everyone wanting to suck his dick just because he is MC
>worst girl win that only knew MC for month and had weakest relationship with him in comparison to EVERYONE ELSE
>speaking of her: Saint Talker meme
>author wasting entire volume on just death cliffhangers on her that never happened
>he wasted like 4 volumes on certain tranny yandere only so she stops being retard in ONE CHAPTER because she was told to stop being retarded
>characters being inconsistent constantly contradicting their previously established personality/beliefs
>good characters being wasted and sacrificed for shittier ones/or as power ups
>O MY QUINX meme
>Gary Stue main antagonist is literal meme suffering from Aizen syndrome
>antagonist that were build up since part 1 were off screened
>second antagonists that were there for half part of :re all jobbed /their leader got keked off screen too by mememan who is now main antagonist
>antagonist who was there since start, involved in everything that was original plot of series killed himself just like that
>kagunes are desus ex
>Godzilla rip off shit
>ambiguous no longer exists it is just team friends vs bad guy classic
>team friends beats enemy team by power of friendship to make Mashima proud
>nobody dies, it is always status unknown so reddit fags can defend this writing by saying "I i it was never showed they died so..."
>everyone is retard in general, only antagonist apparently is allowed to have brain
>Togashi's favorite and since Ishida is his fag you can guess wank he gets
>Donato Porpora
>not because latest chapter thing but him being walking asspull in GENERAL
>current arc is all about resurrections so even those characters that did confirmed died might pop up too as some desus ex dragon shit
>still waiting for ending in where bad guys are btfo with power of friendship, everyone holding hands and FT credits to start rolling in

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You went all out.

Goddamn, I'm so annoyed by that op faggot who gets no blame for all his fuck-ups.


>Gary Stue main antagonist is literal meme suffering from Aizen syndrome
Last time I read Ishida's work and Tokyo Ghoul the antagonist was this I think.

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That is character author-kun doesn't know what to do with.Should he push him as baddy or have him redeemed?

Originally was meant to be but seems author gave up halfway (too hard too draw) so he choose meme instead.

Lot of things author seems to have originally planned were dropped, resulting in state of manga that is now.


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Uta is antagonistic but not really a villain yet. The nature of the clowns is to stir up shit and then watch from the sidelines for fun. He might help Furuta and Donato occasionally but that's it.

If you ever decide to pick up garbage that is :re then only read till chapter 56.
~Friendly advice I wish I had

If only we got him instead of Chibi's favorite. IF ONLY! At this point he is just huge wasted potential who appears for only one panel and disappears for almost half year only to appear in one panel only again.

>has connections to mc
>has connections to those mc cares about
>"good guys" all respected him
>mc respected and trusted him
>unlike rest of his fellas is torn between his sadistic Clown tendencies and caring about mc/mc's side
>literally only neutral ambiguous character left in series asides from Hide (though Hide so far seems to be sucking mc's dick only so can't give him "neutral" points)
>is mask maker who knows every ghou's identity
>if author didn't hacked him off to one panel only he could have been amazing villain with all this
>What a fucking wasted potential!

Instead we got cliche cheese walking meme villain who only wants to fuck his plot device of half sister and his quotes come down to "Keikaku doori" only these days.

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I find this meme funny. What have you done in your pathetic life to have any merit to that claim, user?

Furuta was great when he was just side villain but became utter garbage upon becoming main one.

Hackiyama is this generation's hack.

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Sui Ishida.
Who was probably killed by Tite Kubo and replaced.

Denying it won't make it not true.

xddd how do you do lmao I will protect the ccg (LOL)
so zany hee hee

It's really laughable that there are people that unironically believe that Tokyo Ghoul hasn't taken a nosedive in quality.
I get still following it because of sunk time fallacy, but actually pretending it's anywhere as good as part 1, still? Preposterous.

Anyone saying anyone not Isayama must not be aware of his amazing hackerman skills. Mainly, consciousness transferring, serumb owl, and p a t h s.

If you haven't heard of these 3 things, naturally you'd think the True Hack would be someone else, but if you have, then you have absolutely no reason to say anyone that isn't Hajime Isayama.

Now, I could explain in detail why those 3 things are prime hackiness, but I'll just say one sentence instead: Armong--sorry, Armin is a demi-God, who died and was brought back to life. Yes, that little twink blonde bitch who never shuts up about muh ocean is a fucking God. And might also be a prince. Fuck you Isayama. Fuck. You.

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Mashima for sure

That sounds like child's play compared to the shit Sui Ishida pulls on a regular basis.

>I'll just say one sentence
>says 5 sentences

Bleach at least was a fun trainwreck to watch. Tokyo Ghoul I don't even wanna keep following just to see how it ends, it has gone that badly to the shitter.

I think Ishida is more of a hack but Isayama is getting up there. Armin "died" (he may or may not have actually been dead--if he wasn't, that just adds an even bigger layer of bullshit onto this) from getting burned alive and then fell ~250ft onto the roof of a house. He was then chosen to become The God Of Destruction by Levi, who chose him over Erwin. So Erwin's dead. The consciousness transferring was a massive asspull to save Reiner's life, where he transferred his consciousness to his body after getting half his head blown off. Then "p a t h s" is basically centralized time travel, where past coordinate holders can talk to people from the past and future, and tell them to do shit even after they're long dead. For example, Eren talked to his father 3 years before he was BORN through p a t h s, telling him to do something to save Armin and Mikasa. Then there's smaller things like how the basement conveniently wasn't crushed by debris or titans fighting, how Armin has been treated like a god from before he became a god, Mikasa and Levi's Ackerautism, the convenient bullshit serum that was in the Reiss caverns that Eren conveniently found at the last second to conveniently protect everyone.

It may not be Ishida bullshit, but it's still bullshit.

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What are you talking about user? Furuta is such GOAT villain.
Just look at how epik he is!

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>He was then chosen to become The God Of Destruction by Levi, who chose him over Erwin. So Erwin's dead.

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He's getting up there, but did he ever have a villain go full Pokemon and release flames of a temperature of 4000 degrees just to have humans and ghouls be totally fine when hit by it?

Furuta was one of the greatest fucking factors in ruining Tokyo Ghoul. What a garbage villain.

I mean he had Armin get burned alive and drop all that feet, falling onto a roof so hard he caved part of it in, but instead of being a puddle of blood and bones he was completely whole and maybe even still alive, assuming Eren didn't misread his koffing as the exhaling of fumes. The burning was so intense it melted his clothes and skin, so that's pretty damn hot.

>Then "p a t h s" is basically centralized time travel, where past coordinate holders can talk to people from the past and future, and tell them to do shit even after they're long dead. For example, Eren talked to his father 3 years before he was BORN through p a t h s, telling him to do something to save Armin and Mikasa.
I dropped this shit years ago, but what the fuck?

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Ok, that's bullshit but compared to others it's sounds pretty mild.

Oh yeah, I do know that gas is hot, but 4000 degrees. 4000 fucking degrees. And no one notable died from getting hit by it.

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That is what happens when you kill off all of your antagonists in retard way and are too used on sucking Furuta's dick only for so long that it ends up being only thing you know to do at this point.

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>Then "p a t h s" is basically centralized time travel, where past coordinate holders can talk to people from the past and future, and tell them to do shit even after they're long dead. For example, Eren talked to his father 3 years before he was BORN through p a t h s, telling him to do something to save Armin and Mikasa.
Wait, what. Where are you getting this from?

Tokyo Ghoul Re is a deconstruction, though.
Literally, it's Ishida breaking down all his work and everything that made the original Tokyo Ghoul good.

Never happened user. user is pulling shit form his ass to shit on it.
Sounds like he misinterpreted some scenes.

This hurts, user

Yeah but it was steam, no less.

I guess you win, but you gotta admit that was BS.

Welcome to Attack On Titan aka the series that is so different from how it started I showed a friend a few pages from last month's chapter and they asked me what manga it was.

The manga. Where else?

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>pic related
Ishida is such a fucking hack.

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>never happened
I meant to say Kruger instead of Grisha but speedreader-kun, you need to stop.

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As someone who's marathoned from part 1 all the way to almost being caught up in the past month or so, jesus fucking christ it's absolutely plummeted in quality, it's actually ridiculous
Like even the art itself has gotten worse, not to mention, the story, characters and even the world just became so bad
I wonder what even caused this absolute destruction of quality


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Put Oda up there. His writing is starting to become very hack lately, especially after the Luffy vs Katakuri fiasco

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That's it?