Why is she such a perfect wife?
Why is she such a perfect wife?
Any girl who supports post-birth abortion is a keeper, really.
She comes with built in birth control!
She had a sad life.
Whilst Medea was a victim, she gave about as good as she got. She got her revenge and got away with her life.
A lot of other Greek myth girls got a much worse deal, at least Medea didn't get turned into a monster and/or murdered.
you posted the wrong one, OP.
>Perfect wife
>cant cook
Delusional medeafags.
being monster is not all about appearance. she still did horrible things because of that cunt, who used her and threw her away
>used and threw away
Boo fucking hoo. Cassandra and Medusa (among others) got it way worse. I'm not saying Medea is bad or unjustified for what she did, but as Greek heroines go she's far from the most tragic.
That's a low blow, Shirou is the perfect housewife.
When's the fate cooking episode with Castah?
You are now aware that if Shirou had been Queen of Britain instead of Guinevere, more than 90% of the problems could have been avoided.
>lancelot fucks shirou
same issue really, the only difference being that saber actually gets mad this time
>lancelot fucks shirou
I just don't see it happening. Also Saber and Shirou's relationship would be a happy one, unlike Saber and Guinevere's.
So Saber turns into Alter by default and saves her kingdom. Sounds like a win win to me.
I am talking about how you said that she got away easy because she did not turn into a monster. That was a strange example from you, because monster does not necessarily mean Gorgon/Arachna or whatever. Heracles was turned into a monster too, by Hera, for example. Though maybe I am being a brainlet
yes, but lancelot has that long purple hair, and we know how much shirou likes that
I can cook and love to do it. I don't need Medea to be a great cook to be the perfect wife and you're a pleb with shit taste for thinking she's not.
>being monster is not all about appearance.
in greek myths they got turned into literal monsters as punishment though. so in that case it very much is.
I don't know what you're getting at. Medea was not robbed of her human form or faculties, apart from her temporary insanity. Whilst Medusa and Arachne were.
in the proper myth yes, she gets an astonishingly good end
the Nasu version makes it a bit more "tragic" but its still admittedly not the most awful thing in the world considering how bad some of the ends the greeks got are
but he also fucks with Medusa's story to give her more agency so that comparison becomes debateable
I mean, Medusa still turned into a monster after being cursed through no fault of her own beyond being too pretty and got killed by a smug prick, so at the end of the day it sucks to be her.
>Can't cook
>Can't clean house
>Can't handle laundry
>Pleased everyone aboard Argo on a regular basis
>Spells took weak to affect Saber
>Needs to summon an assassin to guard her instead being a dual class
>Territory is a just small temple
Is there no limit to Medea's flaws? They just dont seem to end.
I want to marry her and stroke her tail!
yes, but this time it was through her own agency that she became a monster rather than because athena hates poseidon
>trusting homosexuals
fags be lying
>CookingPriest still being posted to this day
>Whilst Medea was a victim
nice joke.
>she gave about as good as she got. She got her revenge and got away with her life.
>muh kill children who had nothing to do with anything.
nice revenge there.
>A lot of other Greek myth girls got a much worse deal, at least Medea didn't get turned into a monster and/or murdered.
what? It was Greek men/heroes who got royally fucked by fate/destiny. Most of the girls/love interests like Ariadne, Penelope, Helen, Andromeda and Medea got happy endings.
Helen got a happy ending, but before that she had to live for ten years in a city full of wives who all knew she was the reason their husbands were dying.
>royally fucked by fate/destiny
the only thing to fuck Jason was himself
>nice joke.
>gets mind-controlled because greek gods are dicks
It was her own agency through which it occurred, but ultimately it stems from Athena cursing her for no good reason.
>nice joke.
Being mindcontrolled into loving Jason and killing your own brother isn't the worst thing that can happen, but I'd argue that it qualifies.
>nice revenge there.
She also killed the princess and the king. But yeah, I'm mostly on your side of the argument on the filicide front.
>what? It was Greek men/heroes who got royally fucked by fate/destiny. Most of the girls/love interests like Ariadne, Penelope, Helen, Andromeda and Medea got happy endings.
Most men had agency and their downfall was often down to their own hubris. A lot of girls didn't even have a chance, Cassandra for example got cursed for life, got raped and got murdered in a revenge plot where she was barely involved.
>but ultimately it stems from Athena cursing her for no good reason.
isnt it from eating people that she turns into gorgon in the nasu version?
She kills people because she wants to protect her sisters after they were all cursed to be hated by Athena.
oh right
why is athena such a jealous bitch?
All the greek gods are assholes. In the mindset of the ancient greeks, it's probably a general allegory for how life and the world just shits on people and there's nothing to be done about it.
I thought it was due to them on some level knowing that the gods are just humans++, and as such possess the same vices as man (only to greater effect)
>them on some level knowing that the gods are just humans++
Next thing you gonna tell us is that you believe in Pantheons.
There's that too, but the gods really take it to the limit. It's telling that a society with cosmology proposing that those with too much power will abuse it without restraint also gave rise to the earliest example of democracy. Also ostracism.
Don't bully Hindus and Buddhists, they have cool WSJ cosmology.
yes, a bunch of seething trojan widows kept helen up at night in her palace.
if by himself, you mean he was fucked the moment he decided to tie knots with a witch, then yes, he fucked himself.
>gets mind-controlled because greek gods are dicks
>Being mindcontrolled into loving Jason and killing your own brother isn't the worst thing that can happen, but I'd argue that it qualifies.
This is something Medeafags don't get. She wasn't brainwashed into committing evil acts. She was made to fall in love with Jason. That's it.
All the evil shit she did wasn't done because the gods made her evil. She did it because she wanted to help the man she loves. Everything she did was just how she operates. She probably did things like that before she even met Jason, and she certainly did things like that after she left him(Let's not forget how she tried to kill Theseus). It's how she does things. She's a freakin witch.
Fate Medea might be a dindu, and Fate Jason an evil guy, but that's not how the real story is. You'd be hard pressed to find any version of the characters like Fate's. The man's a fucking hero for god's sake.
I loved her scenes in the HF movie. Oh wait she just frees Assasin like an idiot and dies 3 seconds later.
I'm not even a Medeafag, I'm typically on your side.
>Fate Medea might be a dindu, and Fate Jason an evil guy, but that's not how the real story is.
I've been in your exact position on this point, but the counterargument is correct - the issue is about TM's reworking of the character, not any interpretation of the original character. I hate her due to her depiction in the Euripides play and having to study it, incidentally.
See . If you're going to argue about the original depictions of Greek myth characters, at least be clued up.
>if by himself, you mean he was fucked the moment he decided to tie knots with a witch, then yes, he fucked himself.
no, I mean himself as in "it was jason who chose to break all the oaths he made and managed to lose the great fortune basically handed to him"
>She was made to fall in love with Jason. That's it.
and those evil acts were to help him, she killed her brother to help him escape and not die (he stole the golden fleece), she killed the king so that jason could be king
she was acting upon a strong compulsion not of her own making
>she did these things before and she did them after (theseus)
according to some versions yes, according to others she ends up in Elysium
>the mans a fucking hero
his entire myth is about how a man who has everything he might ever want handed to him pisses it all away by being an arrogant oath-breaking retard
theres a reason he dies alone and crushed by his own ship
Nice try Fai
Sémiramis only noticeable trait is being a whore
>Girl is madly in love with you
>Killed her family because she loves you
>Gave you two children
>Is a literal grandchild of the freaking Sun
>Also, your patron deity is Hera, GODDESS OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY
>Girl is also a witch with crazy magic
>Dump her for some princess because she's a barbarian and put your children at risk of being sold in to slavery
Look, guys. Jason, the king, and the princess were so phenomenally stupid that they were asking for it.
Best saber, best girl, best Pokémon, best tuberculosis.
She really made love her toeless legwear.
Best pokemon hasn't even been added yet.
Majin Saber when
>inferior to old man saber