Fucking dropped. I'm not watching shit about some slut lusting for old men

Fucking dropped. I'm not watching shit about some slut lusting for old men.

Attached: [Hidoi desu] Stella no Mahou - 02 [TV 720p AAC] [1666FFDA].mkv_snapshot_10.02_[2018.03.28_14.46.24]. (1280x720, 1.45M)

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Damn, this bitch has issues.

Attached: [Hidoi desu] Stella no Mahou - 02 [TV 720p AAC] [1666FFDA].mkv_snapshot_14.55_[2018.03.28_14.53.57]. (1280x720, 1.97M)

Is she?

Attached: 1479348631521.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

this show had a top tier ED

Are you perhaps from some other planet where things like that don't happen?

How would you self insert if it was different? You're not 15 are you user?

>3 lines of subs
but why

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Stella no Mahou - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.21_[2016.12.01_03.08.16].jpg (421x626, 59K)

OP is much better

>old men
patrician taste right there


Comments like that always get me. Desu nothing wrong with dating prime girls even if you are older

To trigger tripfags, obviously

Smart girl. As a handsome gentleman with an experience, i approve her desires.

How the fuck do a fansub group release an anime when the main fucking font has fucked up margins? Fix your fucking margins, 100 is always good for 720p.

Attached: 1477358835616.png (1280x1000, 1.13M)

Picked up.

But they're cool.

>kakkoii ojisan
Lost it.

How can one man be so wrong?


Not just old men, but middle-aged as well.


Gay Yuri poster.

There's nothing wrong with a girl loving her father.

Attached: 1480476605561.jpg (1280x1440, 249K)

>wants to take her mother's place
yep. she's got issues