When will people understand the true value of this man as a writer?
Everyone is always "waaah Mr. Hiatus" and "waaah learn to keep a schedule you lazy asshole!"
The man has already explained this to you fucks: He does not work when he's not feeling inspired. period. he REFUSES to turn in writing that he isn't passionate about, just to meet a deadline. This is what ruined Bleach and turned the last few arcs into a total shitshow.
Togashi, between himself and his wife(the author of sailor moon, if you didn't know) has more than enough money to retire whenever he feels like it. he doesn't NEED to work. Jump knows this, which is why they can't say shit when he goes "yea, I'm just not feeling it right now, wait a while". they need togashi(HunterXhunter remains one of their top sellers to this day), togashi does not need them.
And if you faggots call yourselves fans of his work, then I don't see why in the fuck you'd WANT him to turn in uninspired crap that he doesn't live up to the standards he set for himself.
You're not losing anything waiting a few months between bursts of chapter. most of you aren't even paying anything for it. why the fuck would you want 20 shit chapter right now, instead of just waiting and getting 5-10 really good chapters later?
Shit work will always be shit. bad writing will always be bad. once it exists, it's out there forever. personally, I'd rather have the catalouge of my favorite series to be filled with the best work it's writer can do, rather than a bunch of half assed filler crap he just had to put out because hurr hurr deadlines.
You fags are just jealous that he's so successful at his job, that he can now operate the way he wants, and allow his integrity and passion as a creator to shine through, he doesn't need to follow other people's rules.