You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing SFV right now.
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing SFV right now
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cause it sucks lmao
GG and Melty are more fun.
pay me and i will consider
At work
cause it looks like ass on my PC
meanwhile i can run GGXrd at max settings and 60fps
Don't have a fight stick, so I can't start learning
I'm more a fan of Tekken
Waiting for KoF.
Fighting Games are the second lowest form of video games, lowest being MOBAs.
Already did. Will go back to it later. Probably going to spend tomorrow practicing GG or UNIEL.
No Makoto, no go.
shit animations, shit netcode, shit game in general
Waiting for the ultra hyper super rainbow 3rd strike arcade edition to come out.
I'm not buying that game fuck off Capcom
I have no money
i might be the most poor person on Sup Forums right now
I'm watching WNF and waiting for dinner.
Because I can find a match faster in Third Strike on Fightcade than I can playing SFV.
cause I'm playing Overwatch
Because I don't have a PS4.
Because Balrog isn't in yet. See you again at the end of the month, shoryu-Ken
I like Xrd better but at least SFV is good online
I haven't updated.
That and KI's much more fun.
No sakura no buy
shit gaem
Because 3rd Strike is the definitive Street Fighter game
Third strike is a mess and only held up as a good game by memesters.
Butthurt babby who can't parry detected.
4's better mahvel's better guilty gear's better tf2 might be better
I am. And I'm about to drop this game unless Capcom fixes the fucking matchmaking and make proper lobbies not some shitty king of the hill with no text chat.
>wanting to play the same game as LTG
omg don't reply to me
>Parry invalidating entire characters
>Stun combos that keep going once you've stunned your opponent
>Only links are 1f links
>Whiff buttons for meter
>Air parry ruining anti airs
>Parry OS
I'm burnt out on it. None of my friends have an interest in playing either and when they do it's only a few casual matches.
Too busy shitposting about pcucks now that Uncharted came out
I'm shit at fighting games.
Plus I'm too used to 4.
does anyone have the ganondorf edit?
played the beta for a bit, when I torrented the game because I was broke on release the game would run like dogshit, fights were at like 5 FPS all of a sudden
uninstalled and never looked back.
I had fun with R. Mika though
no excuse
Get your PS4 controller.
what is the highest form of video games?
>feel nothing
>feel immense frustration
Genre's probably not my thing.
It's just 5.
This is a common sentiment in 5.
>He plays a grappler in V
Why is this? I really would like to know what it is about SFV where this is a thing.
No idea, probably a combination of the simplistic style, lack of freedom and wonky hitboxes, the game just does not feel very fun to play.
I preordered it, put about 100 hours in so far but I'd rather play Crusader Kings and Exanima at the moment, the Dinput forced 150ms of lag kills SFV for me.
Why would I want to? You have ten seconds to answer that.
No ps4 and waiting for Tekken 7
because it's not Skullgirls
A. I suck at fighting games
B. I don't like to switch steam accounts that much
Why aren't you?
*No D-input support on PC.
*None or shit single player content.
>granted, it's the least important part of these games, but I won't support companies cutting off content that is considered basic.
*Bad netcode.
*No characters.
*Early access-tier game sold at full price.
If at least 2 of the above issues is addressed, I'll probably buy it though.
> no characters
I can't believe people actually enjoy character bloat.
>no d-input support on PC
You can use any controller on PC with the right software. I use DS3 which is d-input
>shit single player
Really doesn't matter in a fighting game. Only casuals care about that.
>Bad netcode.
This is actually wrong. The netcode is fine. What's bad is the matchmaking. But the actual netcode is fine. Much better than netcode that gives you delay.
>No characters
The cast is at 18 characters now. 19 by month's end. That's a decent roster really.
>Early access sold at full price
You can get it pretty cheap on PC if you know where to look.
This game has other flaws that you didn't mention though.
I don't play old school fighters.
16 characters is a large cast for a vanilla street fighter launch. SF4 launched with 16 as well.
inb4 people confuse home console release of SF4 as the launch
I miss Decapre
cause im playing overwatch
>having to use external software to have working controllers that don't suck in a modern, AA game.
No capcom, you code a complete game from the start yourself.
As I said, I don't support basic content butchering.
That's what I meant, actually.
Fair enough, IF they do add characters later on at a decent in-game price. But they're capcom so no.
You don't really know much about the game do you? If you can play the game with d-input controllers, why are you bitching? And the characters can be bought for free with FM. They're adding characters on a monthly basis.
Fuck you and all of your "basic content butchering" whining. You didn't defend the arcade people when they found out SFV wasn't going to have an arcade release.
We heard you the first time, Blizzshit shill.
because i'm poor and can't afford it yet.
i'll wait till it is on sale.
>>This is actually wrong. The netcode is fine. What's bad is the matchmaking. But the actual netcode is fine. Much better than netcode that gives you delay.
Hell no.
I mainly run sets with my buddy who lives in the same city and the game lags to SHIT in SFV despite having flawless connections on Fightcade, 98 UM, KI, Xrd and Ultra.
Stop spreading this meme.
I am, fuck Mika.
Watching the Persona 5 Tokyo Tower announcement. Also, I played it yesterday and it stresses me out because I'm shit. Here's hoping I can eventually git gud though because I really do love it
I play with a friend from central Europe while I'm in northern Europe and it's basically like playing offline. Much better than Ultra. Not as good as Fightcade since nothing beats GGPO.
Matchmaking is still shit. I actually bought SFIV and the matchmaking is way fucking faster. Same with MKX. SFIV is slow as fuck though and everyone plays evil Ryu online so I can't get into it.
Not a fan of dead games.
I have a Hori fight pad and I play just fine
Cause G2A is a piece of shit and revoked my steam key for no reason at all. Atleast got my refund
>only get teamed up with Silver players
>literally 4 second long lag most of the time
it's been unplayable the last couple of days.
I'll just wait for the new Cammy outfit before giving it another chance.
Is this a joke? I never played a lag free game on fightcade. Might be because 90% of people on fightcade are barzilians.
I'm sleepy, fuck off.
Fact remains
>Same city
>Countless other fighters works flawlessly
>SFV does not
>One sided teleporting without fail
What do you think is the issue here?
I feel the same way a bit, but only because I'm currently bad, so every time I win, I assume my opponent was having a really bad game
Because I gave up
I don't have that much time for videogames and I notice the average player is improving faster than I am. I never got higher than ultrabronze and by now everything below that is just Ryu players including myself and I'm growing tired of the mirror 4 out of 5 matches
Then Dark Souls 3 came out and I put all my avaliable gaming tims into that and I haven't touched SFV since DS3 came out, I doubt I ever will again
because I am playing overwatch.
Give it away then
Hello Blizzshit shills. Did your shitty advertising threads die already? Well fuck off.
Because your Ken is outdated.
Steamcuck version
I could maybe try to get a refund since I never do and can claim the game is still an unfinished unplayable mess since it is
Currently moving between apartments so living with my parent at the moment.
So my wired 100 mb/s went from wireless 4 mb/s and the ping makes it impossible to play fighting games
So fuck off, I'm not enjoying it either
I just bought a PC and I'm playing a bunch of the exclusives I've never played before.
I want to try it but I don't have the money for it.
>Been playing for 100hrs now
>Still dropping combos and generally terrible
>Still Rookie
How long till I get good bros?
Internet connection went to shit, so playing online is impossible. I guess i would be OK playing the single player modes but SF5's sp content sucks ass.
At least i pre-ordered GG revelator so i could play the demo while i have nothing better to do.
Nigga, I'm sorry but if you have 100 hours on it and still drops the same combos on a game that made combos much easier than the previous version than it might be just you that sucks really hard.
Because I am playing Rock Band 4
If youre at 100h in rookie you should just stop
Overwatch beta and the march update STILL isn't out
What? They literally just released the April update, and Match update a month before that.
I don't buy early access games.
March update was supposed to have the cash shop. It's still not here. Everyone is still getting content for free that season pass holders paid for.
Because it's worse than IV, has a shit community and there are several other relevant fighting games that infinitely better.
That's so terrible.
I like charge characters and I hate shoto characters.
Name a fighting game more "relevant" than SFV.