ITT: neat details in vidya

ITT: neat details in vidya

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mgs2 is neat details the game

CDPR are absolute madmen when it comes to details

What am I supposed to see here


witcher 3 had some of the best 'wow they really did that?' moments in any game series. prove me wrong.

Gaunter O'Dimm is hidden like that in every cutscene in the expansion

Looks like Gaunther'O'Dimm

Pretty sure it's O'Dimm.

Gaunter o Dimm, main antagonist in Hearts of Stone. He's in the background of every quest in it, disguised as different characters.

Not until they unfuck their games with enhanced edition, lol

>that neck
Is that Fallout 4?

Yeah, I noticed that too. It was a really great detail.

Why does she have a face on the bodice of her dress?

He's in the middle of turning and that screenshot is taken just a second before his body turns, so it looks odd when not in motion.

Thats neat but even Fallout 4 can pull that off.


You mean it's okay when CDPR does it? Sure.

Holy fuck how did I not notice that fucker.

Well now I feel retarded for never noticing.
Very neat detail though.

Just Cause 3

You can see even the littlest houses from a distance

because he is way in the background of cut scenes where other things are happening, hes not actually in the scene as a character.

This. No game has yet to even come close.

>attention to detail

Pick one. They can't even keep their main story coherent.

You sound mad, I just explained why it happens. If it seriously bothers you that it happens rarely, then I'm sorry for your autism.

Yep, all MGS games prior to 4 really, but 2 is the highest on the list

holy shit

In Fallout 4 whenever you show up in a major settlement and in a few other locations /events Deacon is there spying on you, disguised as somebody in the crowd who you can go up to and talk to as much as any crowd member.

So even they can do this.

>can pull that off
It can, but does it?
This is about your writing, your design philosophy and your devotion to the game.
You don't need any special skills to do it.

4 had some good stuff.

>It can, but does it?

oh well that deacon thing is a nice touch then
too bad about everything else

Most games with water just have a canned ripples done with a shader, what games have an actual fluid simulation?

This is resistance 2

I wish I could be as wrong as you and not feel the need to reassess anything.

That's no way to talk about a nice fellow like O'Dimm. He helped Geralt find Yenn no strings attached and then saved him on that boat under the deal that Geralt pays him back for it.

Witcher 3 in general has an insane attention to detail in its world, that you'll only really notice if you slow the fuck down and smell the roses.

>Roads are made up from the specific rocks found around them
>Vegetation in general being placed where it makes sense
>The forests around the Nilfgaardian army camps are heavily cut down to create the palisades you see there
>Quests often cross each other, like a soldier deserting partly because of the events of a nearby quest, that has a detail you can even miss
>NPCs in villages will talk about events that relate to quests there
>Huts feel lived in with a bunch of comfy details and personal touches like painters of book nerds
>Cases of dozens of non humans that can be found slaughtered all over the place around Novigrad, in shallow graves, fireplaces etc. if you save the mages
>99% NPCs actually not just randomly standing around but working on stuff that makes sense in the context of where they are

Like really, the next time you play it, try taking a short stroll through whatever area you're in instead of sprinting through in on Roach.

The original Half Life has a ton of weird little AI details you'd never find out about normally.

what games look like oil paintings?

shame they have only got like 4 fucking faces between all the men in the world who are not major characters.

Yeah, that video is great. They put so much detail even to things most people won't notice.

At 0:15 and onwards, I honestly don't know how I didn't notice him.

You can put a watercolour filter on Morrowind with OpenMW, but I haven't got around to it yet on my install.

So? My favourite game has literally four faces for all the men in the world who aren't major characters.

>tfw HL2 was dumbed down in every way

Literally the only game besides this that has a properly animated hammer on a double action pistol.

Recent games like rainbow six siege and cod ghosts weren't even able to do this.

>Spec Ops: The Line
>Walker maintains proper trigger discipline at first
>slowly stops as the game progresses and has his finger on the trigger at all times

i swear the only thing holding this fuckin amazing detail was the constant same quotes from the same people

Killing Floor 3 allows you to enable dynamic fluids to replace blood. Head shots spew blood everywhere like fucking champaign bottles.

skyward sword

Glad they focused their efforts into the important things, instead of superfluous shit like "good combat" or "decent controls"

It's pretty fucking subtle.



Why does the floor bleed when you shoot it

The combat is more than passable, certainly much better than your average open world game. Try activating the alternate movement system if you have trouble with the controls.

Eh, I suppose it's bound to happen when the game is so fucking long although they could've made them spout their lines less often.

bullet holes from the bullseye glow red hot for a moment after impact

>giving to attention to detail every now and then versus doing it constantly

The amount of details in Witcher 3 is absurd, it's in the dozens. Fallout 4 only does it rarely.

FEAR had really well done water physics

It is because game devs (and I am not sure why this is, if someone knew, that'd be great) all use lossless uncompressed audio. I think that Witcher 3 is 50 gigs after install, including Hearts of Stone and so forth. But literally around 15 gigs of that is the fucking audio.

Still no where close to MGS.

It's to discourage piracy and get people to buy physical copies

That's still better than fucking Titanfall with it's 30 gigs of audio files.

also the iron sights on that gun move with the players motion or recoil.
If you shoot that gun while turning the bullets curve too

Resistance 1 and 3 were pretty fun in co-op. Too bad R2 shat the bed.

>bullets curve too

Is there any TECHNOLOGY in MGS5?

In Sotc if you stop by a body of water with your Agro he'll walk near it and start drinking it.

Just checked, Witcher 3 is 39gb with Hearts of Stone. But I don't know why uncompressed audio is a thing. Maybe devs nowadays just can't be bothered since now both Xbone and PS4 have bluray access and bigger hard drives in general. I think Witcher's size is fairly reasonable, unlike say for COD which are over 50gb.



So faces are kinda a big detail and it doesn't take long for you to have a moment like "hey, he has the same face as a really memorable side character?" which can drastically undercut otherwise fantastic stuff

A little.

MGS5 is so dumbed down it's sad
old MGS > Witcher 3 > MGS5

holy fuck that's ingame?

it shoots little balls of energy, traditional guns in the game don't curve bullets.

I thought R2 had the best co-op if I'm honest. It was hard as nails too.
I loved the 60 player skirmish mode too. 6 man squads would be assigned an objective on a huge map and would be against an opposing squad, as the game progressed 2 or more squads would be put onto objectives, then towards the end everybody would be set on one objective creating a huge finale. I can't think of another game that did something like that.

I still think R1 and R3 were great though, just in a different way.


So wait, they just say fuck it and leave you on your own in this situation? No one thought of any alternative during the development of the game? That's infuriating.

No, not really. The only thing is you can do is squirt water at a guard's pants while he's asleep and he will think he pissed himself.

I haven't tried this but it's probably not true

Usually little technology moments are added after completing core of the game. They obviously didn't have much time to work on MGS5 since even story was rushed thanks to Konami.

well thats what you get when you have a mono tv. literally can not be helped unless you get another tv


you can just look around to see where the heli is coming from. To be honest unless you had separate speakers the ones in your tv are so close together it might as well be mono anyway.

Game of Thrones, the telltale one.

blinx 2 had better physics on the og xbox in 2004

not only was there 3d ripples from your movement, but you could also freeze time and walk through it, leaving tracts of dry land behind you that would fill up with rippling water once time resumed



fo4 has a lot of attention to companions outside the nigger.
they know their audience too well. blizzard level of pandering.

>no gravity part
>shoot the spikes
>it breaks off where you shot it
>shoot the part that broke off
>it also breaks where you shot it

the water shooting part feels goofy and overdone but the tech itself is amazing


it's not detail, it's true physic and tech. something that nip and slavshit can never achieve.
red faction guerilla would be the most detailed game of all time if we go that route.

>Water tank sprays water when hit by bullets
>Injured soldiers will get assistance by other soldiers telling them to hang tight
>Horse crap makes jeeps drift
>Cqcing the enemy from behind a wall makes him spray blood as the head hits the wall
>Higher caliber bullets will pierce through heavy armor but normal ones like the MRS won't
That's all I can think of

got a vid? couldn't find anything

if you get shot from the left or the right then the controller vibrates on the side you were shot.
MGS4 had this as well and I think previous ones did too.

it's called 'dual' shock for a reason

If you wear the chicken cheat hat guards laugh at you. Also in a chicken hat and throw a rock at a guards head it makes a cartoon BONK noise.


What do you mean?
Those rare comments they make about their environment or the corpses?

I never noticed that

As far as I know, if you hide in a toilet, and play the shit cassette on speaker when a guard comes along he won't look for you in there, assuming you're just a bro who's got stomach problems

I'm pretty sure he said in a previous iteration that putting salt against monsters was retarded

deacon is their token level of detail tho. not saying that that is inherently a bad thing, but the design process is different from what i can assume

for OP's thing, there is no direction of the player's gaze toward the minor detail. you can find it, and it will seem minute yet pleasing and one can assume that similar details can be found in multiple other quests whether they be indicated through dialog, quest actions, or lore and worldbuilding.

for bethesda, the Railroad/Deacon were written with the explicit purpose of being omnipresent throughout the map and quests and designed as such to uphold this promise to the player. the player's gaze is directed toward Deacon when you hear of him following you, making you search in a subsequent playthrough. this is actually the same to the O'Dimm presence in Witcher 3's expansion.

the difference here is the details' function with regard to world vs. narrative. OP's post takes an aspect of the world, presents it through the player character, and reaffirms it through the environment, promoting a cohesive existence between the player and game world that allows for interaction without interruption of a constructed reality. the nuance here is that Geralt's statement regarding the line and salt draws from a pre-established world instead of altering it.

the Deacon/O'Dimm detail instead bends game world realism around the narrative being presented to the player. sure, these characters could be tailing people all the time, blending in seamlessly into various communities. but their purpose is to do something uncanny with the intent to increase the significance of the player character. this is not impressive. it's just having Quest #5 already written when you're designing Quest #2.

the worst part is that I can only assume Geralt is huntng/investigating O'Dimm (havent played the dlc), giving the tailing purpose, while in Fallout 4 you're just some rando when Deacon tails you. Zero purpose other than shit writing