I can't be the only one who likes Battleborn over Overwatch

I can't be the only one who likes Battleborn over Overwatch.

Why was this game dead on arrival?

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because nobody gives a shit and also overwatch came out

Just cuz Sup Forums ain't talking about it means its DOA people are playing.
On console :^)

Me too. Got tired of Overwatch months ago.
I hate Battleborn's artstyle but everything else is way better than overwatch.

Battleborn is what Overwatch should have been.

I just hope this Blizzard meme doesn't kill the better game.

Maybe when the Overwatch beta ends people will take Battleborn for their FPS fix and then stick to it?
That's my only hope.

Maybe this super monday night combat, style of game just doesn't appeal to a lot of people?

This feels like a more polished version of that, yet so few people playing.

Blizz have done their best to crush it and it is working, yeah it sucks that it will be dead soon but fuckkkk both games should be f2p

Fuck off poorfag

>should be f2p
poorfag please leave

More like Gearbox forgot to tell anyone that they where making a game.

I have been hearing about Overwatch for over a year, only heard of Battleborn by chance a month ago.

It's not like it's even the same style of game.

it's shit in almost every way.
it should've just been an smnc clone.

because nobody cares about gearbox unless it's borderlands

>$60 moba

>mfw mnc like games are my favorite kind of multiplayer games
>mfw everytime somebody try making something similar it inevitably dies

life is suffering when you have uncommon tastes

>he actually bought Stillborn

Caldarius is too much fun

Alright Sup Forums
>best design
>fuck that character.

>Most character designs are fucking atrocious
>Shitty 2d animation and rap "music" as it's launch trailer when they did a really fucking good job with 3d animation already.
>Releasing at the same time as overwatch
>Not having enough Beta time so people could be more interested in the game
>Base version 20 dollars more expensive than overwatch

I prefer this game than overwatch but gearbox fucked up really bad

Well basically because ppl who like the genre is already in TF2, the normies, shillers and fanboys are waiting for Overwatch...

Even when its shit, theyll already pay and play it.

That's why

But this is nothing like TF2 or overwatch.

El Dragon
Marquis or Miko, both are pretty annoying if a good player is behind them.

>>fuck that character
Makes every game 100 times worse.

My nigga.

shame there isn't more Battleporn

I love playing miko, start with 0 shard activation boots, fly around healing all the wounds, later on turn your spore bomb into a stun, get out of jail free card.

Its what happens when a game ain't realeased in Japan.

I just don't understand why my battleborn and paladin waifus must not be in overwatch.

they should have just made overwatch with all girls.

Battleborn is fun.


it is, sure wish I could actually find games for it!

Yeah i was having problems looking for matches last night.

He is, at yet I also fucking hate him.

Most anti-melee character around.

He has one of the best melee escapes in the game as a fucking passive. Once he takes the lateral distance upgrade for his double jump, nobody can stop him from zipping back behind his buddies, and if he's feeling really panicked, the flashbang gives him all the time he needs to figure out how best to escape.

And if that's STILL not enough, his ultimate is one of the best screen clears around.

Not so hard to deal with as other ranged characters, but if you're any kind of melee character you're best off ignoring him. I didn't even mention that you can build him for a bit of decent melee damage as well, and he also has an even better escape than his double jump as a skill that can ALSO be upgraded to be even more ridiculous.

This weekend is the only hope. Peaking at 12k on release won't last long.

>lateral distance upgrade for his double jump
>not lifesteal
nigga do you even?
Melee Caldarius is the best, everyone focuses on his TMP but forgets about his melee. It's beautiful.

You're only as good as your last game.

The last game Gearbox brought out was Alien: Colonial Marine.

>The last game Gearbox brought out was Alien: Colonial Marine.
Actually the last game Gearbox made is Battleborn.

Seems pretty active on console.
Sup Forums does not equal a games success or failure.

>mfw whiskey foxtrot
I almost fell for the oscar mike meme but once you get some of his mutations unlocked he blows mike out of the fucking water. Health on kill and 3 aoe burn nades compared to mikes one is ridiculous and I'm only level 5.
Also that scrap cannon is god tier for pushing melee characters away and juggling weak people into walls so they can't run. He is just so god damn versatile.

60 Euro game with f2p features.

Also "Moba" type of games does not work well when in FPS.

Pretty active on PC too, been finding games all day.

This seems to be an issue on PC maybe people are just waiting for the beta for overwatch to end. But I dunno I'm playing on ps4 with no issues.

Lifesteal isn't on the same rung as the lateral distance upgrade. You get a choice between that and a vertical upgrade, which is so minute a change that there's no point in taking it.

Melee Caldarius can't stand up to dedicated melee characters (which is what I was talking about), it's a good option if you want to be a support chaser though, since you can pursue, close in and melee, then use gravitonic to escape when the rest of the team closes in.

>with f2p features

What features are those?

I think he means progression and minimal story.

He might be thinking unlocking characters is a f2p thing. But that's wrong.

>Borderlands: The MOBA

Because it's shit.

>Lifesteal isn't on the same rung as the lateral distance upgrade.
Nigga you what?

Also Melee Caldarius can too stand up to dedicated melee characters. By "Melee Caldarius" I mean helixing all the melee upgrades so when people are in your face you fuck em up.

it competed with a game with infinitely better marketing, overwatch

also I took one look at the BB ui and threw up

Holy shit.

I feel bad for anyone who bought this game.

Going to die faster than Evolve.

How do deal with galilea and her stun or pheobe with her slows and silence?

Most players got it off of CDkeys
Also consoles exist.

>12k peak players
>7.5k currently playing on Steam

it's dead jim

>Honestly, it's just an ugly ass art style. It looks fucking horrific to look at.

To some extent, Overwatch sort of has too much contrast in color and design with their characters as well.

Team Fortress 2 did it so fucking perfectly that I'm still mad about those goddamned hats.

>most players got it off of CDkeys

Oh, that's different then. How many got it?

And how many are on the console versions? I don't know how many moba players are on consoles, so I can't speak for them.

Game runs and looks like shit compared to overwatch. I enjoyed battleborn fine, but its shit optimization and gated content for 60 bucks is pure bullshit.

90 dollars for a stillborn online fps... no thanks randall

It's not different. It's a Steam key.

12k peak players for a brand new AAA MP game.


Already bought Battleborn for my Bone. Got it for the single player and Co op.

I don't give a shit about PvP so I'm skipping Overwatch.

Console player base is higher than PC I believe but that's not unusual behaviour.

What but I'm not playing on steam...

Maybe I'm not explaining Melee Caldarius well.
I don't mean you play him like a melee, I mean that when you get into melee range you wreck shit.

But to answer your questions, if any of those get you just double jump or Gravitic Burst away. Those are situations that you don't want to be in and should get out then wait for a better engagement.

Putting out a free beta the day after Battleborn releases is no accident.


Neither was holding their closed alpha just before Battleborn's open beta.

>Blizzard killed Memelands: The MOBA with an even shittier FPMOBA


I'm enjoying it a lot. Dunno why everyone cares about player count so much as long as it can be played and matches can be found.

battle born is shit, full of memes, and is generally unfun. Fuck off anthony burch

battleborn is the poor man's overwatch, if the poor man had 20 dollars more to spend on a game

>spends all day on Sup Forums

>hates memes

You are comparing two games whose greatest common ground are attempts to appeal to people who enjoy the COSMETIC fixations in MOBAs like skins, emotes, titles.

If the only thing you see in both of these games that makes you say they are the same is completely superficial, what does that say about you?

Burch had no part in the game.

Your implying OW is better...

Because people dont appreciate having to unlock every character despite the game being B2P
Because people dont like the lack of feedback from attacks. it feels like you're hitting air.

Let's be fair, he got the lead writer for this game the job.

You realize calderius is a melee character right?

>Supporting a game where a character says "Feminism is awesummeee!!!"
Burch would be proud


But I do like the game more than overwatch. It helps that the tone the game goes for is more appealing to me

Base level, his TMP has better DPS than his melee.

He has upgrades for both options in his helix.

His ridiculous mobility means he is meant to be a chaser, he picks out priority targets, isolates/confuses them with the flashbang, and then uses whichever tool is appropriate for the target - if it's someone like a half-dead Phoebe, he will use the TMP, if it's Miko or Reyna he will melee.

So you're just a retard, gotcha.

You do understand that his gun does more damage based on how close you are to the target?

But he did not.

You do understand that the TMP is mapped to M1 right?

I never said the guy was a fucking sniper. Of course a submachinegun is going to be close ranged.

If he's a melee character, why does the only melee skill he has cause knockback? Why does that same skill have a helix upgrade that also sends him AWAY from the opponent?


Right in the first fucking minute and a half.

He even introduced the cuck to his wife.

No seriously, are you retarded? He has 2 melee skills. One that is spammable and uses his energy blade like a sword, and the other that has knockback and extends the wrist blade in a stab motion.

>b-b-but i didnt say he was a snipper

Retardo, his gun LITERALLY does higher damage the closer you are to the target. The closer you are, the higher % damage increase.

>b-b-but he can get a talent that

Because being a melee doesnt mean you cant get any escape moves.

Seriously, you're the kind of retard that goes on my team and causes me to lose.

Considering he only says that line after killing a female character I don't think burch would be proud.

Bought it yesterday day for my PS4, loving it, played all day yesterday.
Miko and Phoebe are my favorites so far. Looking forward to unlocking calderius.
Tried to get my fiancé to do the co op story with me last night and boy what a disaster. She couldn't hit a goddamn timing as orendi lol.
Anyway this and Paragon are going to be my main squeeze for awhile.
I wish they would do some thing slightly different with the Incursion game mode. Like maybe a bomb you could bring to the sentry, it's pretty fun regardless some people just turtle for 20 mins.

Not the user your replying too but that guys a better writer than burch.

But please though senpai, if your going to play a support actually use your left trigger every now and then. Can't tell you how many Ambras or Mikos I've seen who want to be more power ranger than bro.
Most Reynas I've played with were all right.
Most Reynas I've played against get rekt....by me as phoebe

i like oscar mike inv skill

its pretty hard to see him with the clustterfuck going around

Battleborn litterally looks like a parody of a video game.
Like the self awareness was so profound that it broke the fourth wall and started knocking on a fifth one.

is it better or worse than paragon?

its a direct competition with overwatch, a game by BLIZZARD

blizzard has some of the most loyal fans i have ever seen and every game they release is a big hit

also, 20 dollars more expensive and not nearly enough martketing

Better. God damn is paragon awful.

Any fans of The Killers kinda salty about this game taking the spotlight of the name "Battleborn?"


Would been pretty cool to have one of thier songs in the game.

Anyone know if the player base for this game is bigger on Bone or PS4? I have both, just curious.

Ps4 is a likely guess.

The titular song has a great "never give up, fight till the end" vibe.


Blizzard saw that battleborn came out on the 3rd and released their prepurchase beta on the 2nd so people would flock over to them instead. Blizzard does that shit all the time that's how they keep getting people to come back.

Because Over watch is better in literally every way.

But they are not even the same kind of game.

One is a 6v6 pvp game. The other has shit like creeps, levels, buildable defences, more than 2 game modes.