>No direct
>just treehouse stream of Zelda
Other urls found in this thread:
Nx is already dead
meme console incoming
>nintendrones will still try to argue nintendo won like they did last e3
shut up
SHUT UP!!!!!
>Math skill test question required for Canadian residents.
>...and plenty of fun
what did he mean by this.
Does this mean Nintendo automatically loses? Or they can't lose because they are not playing?
Call me drone or deluded but nowhere in those paragraphs it says "No direct" or "Nothing else except Zelda".
But if you want to go full retard with shitposting and overreacting, go on.
Oh shit, I wonder if this game is going to be about the Sheikah's origin or some shit.
Look at the actual page It's plastered with Zelda. They've never done something like this before. It pretty much confirms it will be a Zelda-only E3.
Go be retarded somewhere else.
Nintendo just keeps fucking up over and over. It's like they want to make me happy and let the NX bomb. How nice of them.
As a nintendrone I can say without doubt that they didn't win last year. But the muppet video was great.
>posts wii u games
I repeat, nowhere in that page either it says it will be Zelda only. Do you really think they would write down point by point all their reveals?
The over reactions at Neogaf are cringe worthy. Like, nobody reads and everyone jumps on conclusions.
I am a huge Nintendrone, if you want, and last E3 was disappointing, from the Digital Event point of view. They sure didn't won and I never argued they did.
how retarded can you be?
why would they not announce their digital event? the page only says treehouse live
>Post list of all the WiiU released games on its whole lifetime
Bitch every month there are at least 10 new releases for PC/PS4/Xbone
>why would they not announce their digital event?
Maybe because they will have something else? Maybe it won't be called "Digital Event" anymore. Or maybe they could show more things than just Zekda at the Treehouse event.
Again, where does it say the Treehouse and Zelda are the only things for their E3? Point me the words, period, the paragraph where they say that. Who's the retard?
There will be no NX at E3, so those are pointless questions.
>More exclusives than XBone and Delaystation 4 combined
>No games
>They have 1 game to show
They do this shit every single year. Seriously, Nintendo can show off an empty box with some Yoshi stickers on it, and they will claim Nintendo won E3.
But "they" didn't. I know I didn't at least.
Show a Nintendrone poo and they say: 'What the fuck is this shit?'
Show a Nintendrone poo with a Nintendo logo on it and they say: 'Wow, this is amazing!'
The first E3 with the Treehouse is the year they won E3, that was 2014 or 13 I think.
After that they've lost every year.
Actually, nowhere it says something like that. If anything it says they will focus on Zelda but that's far from implying they have only one game to show.
You clearly were here last year. Because Nintendo fags indeed did claim that last year's E3 was great, and Nintendo won. They also did it the year before.
Unless I'm mistaken, the Zelda thing starts when the digital event/direct/presentation has typically been. That's a pretty big indication to me.
Of course, they could do a pre-E3 direct, but why would they not say anything about having some direct or stream at this point in time. There's no logic in not announcing it now.
They announced their plans in May last year as well
>trash like mario party and wii party u outsells bayonetta, pikmin, Xenoblade
Nintendo is fucked. They found success with the wii but it fucked them in the long run. NX has to be some extremely innovative and unique thing that will catch like wildfire in the press/social media or else theyre fucked. They split themselves between two opposite demographics and they cant successful accomodate both
>it's not a game because it's on Xbox too
>it's not a game because it's on PC too
>it's not a game because it's on Vita too
You are in denial. E3 is in a month and you don't think they would put their presentation time on the official website?
Well I didn't see Sony having any stickers as fun and colorful as a yoshi sticker
No one thought they won last year, nice try.
Sure, they thought they did a great job in 2014, but 2015 is a different story
I don't really understand this kind of point of view. I mean, it's in the nature of every fanboy to praise their company. Ask a Square fan and they will tell you Square won E3. Ask a Sony fan and you'll get a similar answer about Sony. Same with the few Microsoft fans around. So, what's the point? All fans are like this.
As a Nintendo-fan I'll say you're wrong.
2013 was great, 2014 wasn't bad, 2015 was terrible and 2016 looks like it's going to be E3 2008 tier.
Even diehard Nintendo fanboys like me knew Nintendo's showing last E3 was complete shit.
I meant utter shit.
I'm just going by what's written on the site. For instance, let's assume there is only the Treehouse stream. Fine. What if they will show more things there than just Zelda? Like Pokemon sun and moor or Color Splash.
Nowhere it says they will show ONLY Zelda. That's what I'm trying to say.
So what, they're not even going to announce any games? If they're not having a primary Digital Event then where would they announce shit?
Don't tell me their E3 is going to literally be just fucking Zelda entirely?
They know you fags will buy consoles for it if you haven't already, regardless of how shitty the reveal or the game itself is. It's the only tune these pipers have to play to keep you rats in line until the NX hits.
They should at the very least put on another live show like the Nintendo World Championship to make up for the lack of content.
I mean come on Nintendo, give us fucking something.
It doesn't say that though.
They should put on more squid concerts
I think 2014 was better than 2013, which was still good. 2015 was really disappointing.
2013 had more games I was interested in. Pokémon, official announcement Smash, 3D World, official announcement(?) of Mario Kart 8. 'Wasn't bad' was perhaps a little too underappreciated word.
I guess we will have one month of "Nintendo will have just Zelda at E3 because I can't read" posts.
I don't recall the exact details, but giveaways like that are against the law in Canada because of anti-gambling regulation (I think?). So they ask a basic math question to Canadian winners so it's a test of skill rather than pure luck.
Remember bros its never too late to join the master race ;)
>this is the typical Zelda or Nintendo fan
What happened to Pokemon Sun and Moon? Did they push them back to 2018?
Fair enough, but in that case they're terrible at getting that point ahead. It certainly seems strange to not dedicate a small notice about it somewhere at the bottom of the page.
My guess is that they don't want to show off NX games without showing off the NX, and that's why their skipping out. But let's wait and see.
Not even Pokemon? That's fucking weird.
Iori is my waifu
but it's too late for me already bought a xbox
The Legend of Zelda
Sheikahs' Book
Didn't mean to quote
I already own a PC + Wii U + 3DS though.
I'm not a cuck that wants to play Demons' Souls 4: Lovecraft Edition, so there's literally no reason for me to buy a Gaystation 4.
They have def gone for Ghibli aesthetic with this game.
>Using non-exclusives to fluff up your image
And his is only the games that i know aren't exclusive
>inb4 Sup Forums sends another embarrassing card
The card was for their good show at E3 2014. That's it. How come nobody ever brings up the cards Sup Forums sent to Kojima or Gaben?
>white people
user, as a Nintendrone, I can say last year's E3 was shitty altogether. Nintendo though, Nintendo had the most depressing, shallow, boring, worthless and overall shitty presentation. I fucking HATE Fils-Amie with the passion of a thousand burning suns. Fuck that condescending Haitian faggot.
>25 games is the whole WiiU library
Because the Sup Forums card to Nintendo was literally "thanks for advertising" There's a reason why people mock it so much.
You missed No Man's Sky, Destiny, MGSV and Dragon Quest, which is probably implying DQXI, which also has a 3DS version and possible NX version? I don't remember
I think the one in the top left corner is Hellblade, and the bottom left corner, ABZU, both of which are also coming to PC
There's also Nier Automata, whose exclusivity is questionable, and FF7 Remake, which had "First on Playstation 4" at the end of its reveal
And the Kojima one was "thanks for the incomplete games"? The Gaben one was for" Thanks for putting DRM up our asses"?
Alright, updated.
Not counting PS4 ports of PS3/Vita games since they're still Sony-exclusive at least.
Passing on Nier since we don't know 100% if its exclusive or not.
All three of them were made before they went to shit
That is hilarious
>before they went to shit
>card for Treehouse shilling their games on a stream
>said stream included such insightful inner workings such as "Oh yeah we'll definitely have to change that"
Fuck off.
>"A gift from my Australian fans."
dead nintendo is dead
well, at least if nintendo collapses in the near future, it cant be blamed on Iwata. He took the easy way out.
Bruh, last E3 was a trainwreck. I don't think FF or Triforce Heroes were that bad, but pretty much everything else was a travesty. The fact they're not even really gonna be here just cements the fact that Sony's got it.
Here's your (You)
That is why Color Splash was received so well, right?
I don't get it. Even if Zelda is there only playable game this year you'd think they'd still have a Direct to show off their other games like Pokemon, Kirby, Color Splash, TMS, Federation Force, Rhythm Heaven, and third party shit like Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter, Zero Time Dilemma, etc. It would've been a complete shit direct for sure, but it would've been better than literally nothing except Zelda.
I still don't get why they aren't revealing the NX at E3 if it's coming out in 9 months. It's fucking mindboggling.
I lost all my hopes in this company in the last E3, so I just don't care anymore.
But this is a really shitty move.
Why do Americans like to eat Nintendo's shit so much
you care enough to open the thread and post in it, cuckold
You're the one who probably owns a Wii U and a bunch of amiibos, retarded faggot.
everyone is saying you're lying but I remember when E3 2015 was actually still happening there were tons of nintendrones damage controlling and saying that even though it was a bad presentation, sony and MS were still worse.
What if they do Spaceworld 2016?
>That pic
>Mother 3 displayed like it's a bad thing
Shitposters complain about every silliest shit.
>not even another barebones sports game
>not even another gamecube hd cash in
>they are literally going to have no games for the holiday
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm saying it's Nintendo's apology for their completely fucked up lineup the rest of the year.
no mans sky, persona, metal gear solid, disgaea, gundam, tearaway, destiny, dark souls and summer lesson are also not PS4 exclusives. Soniggers please, just get a PC unless you are poorfags
They aren't going to have any games for nearly a year. Star Fox came out in April, and Zelda is coming in march along with NX.
They literally have nothing else.
why do zelda fans even care?
Itl be the exact same game AGAIN