A group has been "mass-disliking" the CoD launch trailer. These neckbeards are starting to piss me off at this point...

A group has been "mass-disliking" the CoD launch trailer. These neckbeards are starting to piss me off at this point. Boycotting a CoD game that seems to be the most innovative and ambitious CoD game in years, just to play some fucking WW2 shooter. Screw the fuck off already, no one wants to go backwards in time and play another WW2 shooter. The great ones were already made in the 2000s and there were tons of them. It's time for innovation, not going backwards. Fucking neckbeards need to fuck off. Another WW2 game or a fuckin' space shooter? Come on now.


Gonna like this trailer on all my accounts, and gonna pre-order my copy even earlier now, might even get the 100 dollar bundle just cause of this. Fuck off with your boycott.


Other urls found in this thread:


Tired of Future War games.

I want me some WW2.

Fuck you, downvoted your ass

>This is just another future war game
>the first space shooter for CoD
>WW2 has been done tons

I doubt that people who dislike it actually play it.
It's just hating for the sake of hating at this point.

Why don't they just compromise and do a WW2 space shooter?


Perhaps so, and then if they give in to getting IW they realize its extremely fun and don't admit it.

It looks like shit. COD needs to die already.

Another isssue is that both MW3 and Ghosts were rushed and made in like half a year or so. This time they had three years, and they even had time to make a remastered COD4. Let's just wait and see.

Yeah it seems like they've gone all out on this one.

Goddamn do the graphics look like shit.

Why order early? Wait for a while, then see what it really is. Don't do it friend.

The shilling is real. Fuck off, people dislike Cawadooty because it's legitimately shit.

>the first space shooter for CoD

It's just going to be exos and jetpacks again which nobody wanted in the first place.

They're even adding in a zombie mode because that needs to be crammed down everyone's throats every year now too.

This just reeks of desperation.
>Look guys CoD 4! Please buy Infinite warfare.
>Look guys, you all love zombies right? Please buy Infinite warfare

The argument that everyone should love it because it's in space now is fucking dumb. That's not why people like call of duty, it would be like setting a grand theft auto game on the moon. If I wanted sci-fi, I'd play one of the other numerous sci-fi shooters out there.

Inb4: but GTA:MOON would be awesome xD.

>and they even had time to make a remastered COD4

WRONG. The remaster was developed by Raven, not Infinity Ward.

can someone give me a list of future call of duty games?

how can there be so many that people hate the sight of a new one?

Black ops 2
Advanced Warfare
Black ops 3
Infinite Warfare

2012- 2016

>It's time for innovation
>Call of duty

oh I didn't realize ghosts was a future cod game

>Gonna like this trailer on all my accounts, and gonna pre-order my copy even earlier now, might even get the 100 dollar bundle just cause of this.

It's a bit of a grey area, as it's more of a 'near future apocalypse scenario' but you go to space and there are super weapons.

No you're wrong, only some people do that. People mass-dislike CoD because it's a legitimate group boycotting the game. Go to the link I provided.
I always wait until after E3 so I can see gameplay on all sides of the game before pre-ordering, but I'm sure I'm getting this one.
IW will definitely not have Exos and maybe not even jetpacks (even though that would be cool). I don't like the Zombies decision, I'd rather have another Extinction mode. Zombies was just picked cause everyone wants it and it's popular. The fact that they're releasing CoD 4 remastered doesn't mean they didn't equally work on IW just as hard, if not harder. Have you heard the campaign's details? You can get in your ship mid-combat, go to space, destroy other ships, then land back on a planet and kill ground troops. If that's not innovative I dunno what is. You're basically implying that a CoD in space isn't Cod, when it is.
The only one out of all of those that's really future is AW and Black Ops 3. Black Ops 2 is near future, and Ghosts is practically Modern Warfare, takes place a few years from now, I think it was 2017 through 2019.

who else unironically legitimately looking forward to this game?

Looking forward to playing the space station map, as well as maps on other planets in space, being able to see Saturn in the distance while shooting people will be awesome.

>Screw the fuck off already
made me laugh OP, thanks.

i like the idea of actual future warfare not some modern jetpack bullshit. Yeah id agree people just jump on the bandwagon for disliking cod nowadays. I havent bought a cod since black ops 2 and this looks like Ill purchase

Same hackers disliking new ghost busters trailer. Disgusting.

IW looks fun th

New Ghostbusters looks like shit

wow these sjws aren't even trying to hide it

Even MW2 and 3 were set in the future at the time of release. Black Ops 2 and Ghosts shouldn't even count. The only truly futuristic ones this far (with innovated gameplay) are Advanced Warfare and Black Ops III. Even then they're more Deus Ex near futuristic than far future. The only space one ever so far is Infinite Warfare.

Why don't you cry some more? Maybe that'll fix it.

you sound both young and angry


That's a different group for that shit movie. IW is actually quality and not retarded trash, why do you compare them?

nice damage control m8

>dislikes can't be from people that don't like it
>has to be from insert group of people here


pirate it then hurl it to the trash like most of this repetitive shit series

Advanced damage control.

And yeah. Exos are in the game. Look in the bottom left of the trailer at around 6-9 seconds.


They refuse to accept this.

Those aren't Exos that looks a mini version of the Black Ops III jetpack boost.

It's probably because you have to buy that if you want to get CoD 4

I couldn't care less about IW, I mean it's cool they are trying new things and all, but it's not the kind of new things I wanted, so I'll just skip CoD this year.

What I do care about is locking the Remaster behind a huge paywall, I've been waiting to relive a big part of my early teen years with fancier graphics for so long and they make me pay for a shitty game I don't want? That's fucking unfair, even for Activision, it's like they hate money or something.

Mw2 and Mw3 were the near/realistic future.

I can fuckin assure you we will not have booster packs for infantry in the near future, or possibly ever.

i Only hope CoD 10yo's dont plague us on our next battlefield game.
i only liked the CoD ww2 games and the First blackops, Zombie mod only.

It't the name of a dev.

Fuck yeah, jump boost is in this one.

That's just some lady. She's hotter than that retarded bitch. Reyes is the character you control anyway.

oh nevermind saw the name, yeah just a dev's name according to the other guy that replied to you

Why do you always control blacks or puerto ricans?

>mass disliking a game isn't damage control against hype


>they cave to pressure and rework the game into a WW2 shooter
>all the trailers and articles show gameplay taking place in jungles and so on
>halfway through the first level you get taken the fuck to space and continue fighting from there

Is Reyes confirmed? He has a line in the trailer. Has IW finally made a protagonist that learned how to talk?

So what the fuck is the plot of this game?

Human colonies want to literally wipe out Earth because...?

Shame it probably won't have any Black Ops like twists.

Great game either way.

I don't think that we've ever played as a black person (mc) in a cod game

This guy looks white to me.

Cry more you backwards cap wearing, mountain dew drinking cunt

>Gonna like this trailer on all my accounts, and gonna pre-order my copy even earlier now, might even get the 100 dollar bundle just cause of this. Fuck off with your boycott.

>wasting your time signing in to multiple accounts to like a youtube video
>wasting your autism money just to spite people

>cod shill
>calling anyone a neckbeard

Yup he's the guy you control, go to 23:44. The voice work/mo-cap seems professionally done.


The settlement defense front is stripping resources from everywhere, probably earth and other planets too, and the good guys fight 'em.

The guy you control is white, he just has a Spanish sounding last name.

Fuck off weeb neckbeard, get cucked by a dudebro.

A Kojima style twist.

Battlefield has got your WW covered CoD has got the future, Halo has the far future and if you want present just get any other FPS like R6.

Looks like a Halo prequel

Well the colonies did have disputes in Halo, I forgot the lore since it's only mentioned in passing in the games.

Every year they say it's the most innovative and ambitious COD since MW and every year it's the same old formula with 'new' game mechanics borrowed from other shooters.

>It's just going to be exos and jetpacks again
Non spotted in the trailer and thats the kind of thing they make visible


Nigger, if they wanted to be innovative they'd try their hand at a medieval warfare, or a civil war game. Faggots have been shooting at each other in space since the dawn of games.

And you do realize it's because the faggots are making CoD4 only available if you buy the shill edition, right?

It looks like shit and everyone agrees, sorry shill.

You can clearly see two bonedigglers jet boosting over a blown up vehicle.

I don't understand why people want a modern WW2 CoD, the series has changed so much we'll get modern cod gameplay with a modern cod campaign set in WW2. If you want another ww2 game pester the Battlefield devs or you'll just get reskinned modern warfare with nazis

Fucknut in nuked heli was black, I thought. His name was like Biggums or some shit.

Space ships are recovered from other shooters? From from Battlefront? You can't even fly them in space in Battlefront. What are you talking about?

Black Ops 3 lets you customise your MC including making him black

I'm buying Infinite Warfare for Infinite Warfare and might occasionally play MW. A lot of others will too. Dislikes on a video are nothing in the long run. The game will still sell well. They were probably expecting a backlash after what happened with AW, but by then the game was too far into development to just scrap. The dislikes are literally teenagers butthurt and going with the flow of the internet. The internet complains it wants COD to be boots on the ground and go back in time, the teenagers follow that like sheep and don't form their own opinions. I've seen comments like ''only 12 year olds want this futuristic shit its not real COD'' and the someone responds with ''I know right I"m 15 and I can't stand this futuristic shit.'' These are the people downvoting who don't understand how game development works. The next COD will probably be boots on the ground. Then after 3 or 4 years of that people will start back up the complaining of how COD is the same every year. Its mob mentality which is amplified by the internet.

That's an Armenian name. Are they supposed to be SJWs?

I already pre ordered, got 500 criptokeys and a poster, CoD players represent

can't wait to play it

correct me if im wrong but u type like ur about to cry ROFL

>Screw the fuck off

Kind of like how people here accuse different opinions of being shills.

you pretty much described Sup Forums

>space nazis going to the moon using ww2 technology and energy weapons similar to fallout

Something like that would work

So, its a unofficial halo prequel?

Yeah, I think it might.

Just play Chivalry and Civil War would be boring as fuck, stand up and get shot (so fun) although Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood did it kinda right.

I've been out of touch with modern video games for a long while. Didn't know something like this already existed.

>IW's CoDs usually bring innovation
>3arc's CoDs usually make those innovations be better
>Sledgehammer's CoD's are shit

>mfw you actually go to a fucking nazi moon base

So unexpected, but also amazing.

Not everything is Halo.

>it has an on rails space dogfighting level so its the most innovative COD in years


this game was actually great

Will there be any button presses for emotion this time?

You know gaming is getting lame when COD has to become Halo and Halo is crawling back to Halo after posing as COD

These screens sometimes make me think "did 343 or bungie design this

Dont talk about innovation. They had bo3 and AW and both were weak

Modern Warefare>BO1+2>>AW>>>Ghost>BO3>>>>>>>This trash

I'd rather play ww2 than more shit future games

This is the unofficial Halo prequel

>Gonna like this trailer on all my accounts, and gonna pre-order my copy even earlier now, might even get the 100 dollar bundle just cause of this. Fuck off with your boycott.

This isn't every day shilling, this is advanced shilling.

>No real guns. No aks m4s mp5s 1911s etc. Instead ripoff chinese made replicas

>No boots on ground. Just fucking super slides and hovers. Shit was annoying in halo but in COD its horrible

>Space. Fucking space. Will we fight aliens too? Is this Destinys fucking prequel

>More goddamn robots

>Corny looking story not grounded in any reality making it just bad. Modern warefare took big risks but it was possible

>People like a remake from almost ten years ago because people know its a semi classic good solid game

Who do you think went full retard in the war the rebel leaders the administration back on earth or are they both fucking idiots


Nobody likes this fucking future trash, kill yourself