>new games are 80 CAD now
>with 13% Ontario HST, it becomes fucking 90.40 CAD
Somebody kill me.
>new games are 80 CAD now
>with 13% Ontario HST, it becomes fucking 90.40 CAD
Somebody kill me.
Just fuck my currency up, famalam.
I hate this country, and I especially hate Ontario.
American annexation when?
dumb leafposter
>a career criminal is in charge of Ontario
At least your province hasn't been taken over by LITERAL retards who are raising the tax to 15% and are closing over half our libraries plus adding a 10% tax to just books.
fuck books
Pretty sure that's their slogan
>buying games
Why haven't you left this dying hobby yet?
>buying games
Don't forget her pedo friend that was the minister of education.
That's nothing, wait to see what happens to the canuckbuck after we start paying to rebuild Fort McMurray
Don't worry, the wild fires are coming.
Strangulation or DEAD
99% of new games are trash user
Why don't you just pirate it?
>muh monopoly money
Canucucks are silly.
>1CAD = 1AUD
>Games cost 110AUD at EBgames
>steam sells games in the AU region for 80-90USD which is 105 - 120 aud for a DIGITAL fucking game.
Cry harder, moose fucker.
Our money is great, retard.
At a glance you can tell exactly what you have.
Buy your PC games on Green Man Gaming for $48.00 with their 20% off coupons on launch day. Else if you are busy with other games at the moment buy it during the next steam sale for $30
Oh wait you play on console so you're forced to overpay.
I like the colors but I miss actual paper. This plastic shit nowadays sticks together.
Not the oil industry anymore, that's for sure
>his money doesn't have scratch 'n sniff maple syrup
I've never had that problem but I can see it happening.
Not today, at least.
>mfw when the inevitable fort mac reconstruction starts all these fucking fly by night roofers from calgary that are bleeding the local market dry will finally leave and I can actually make some fucking money again
It will make paying through the fucking nose for everything seem not so bad
good thing mgsv is the last game i'll ever have to buy
>Buying an incomplete game
I just buy less games now
>not story focused
>that means it's incomplete!!!!!!!
>Literally 1/3rd of the game is literally missing (literally)
>80 CAD
>one mission that didn't make it past the planning stage
yeah okay. Content like that is cut from games all the time
>Live in Northern Ontario
>The price of food in grocery stores has skyrocketed over 50% since last summer
>I'm already living on a minimum wage salary
I just had to cancel my car insurance and put my car up for sale.
Sega 3D Classics Collection was thr only game I bought this year so far, and after taxes it came to $50.
I'm getting ready to move to the United States.
>nb4 anyone claims Trump is gonna be worse than Trudaeu
I can't believe I was convinced to vote for that pansy
>mfw P5 Special edition for PS3 imported is gonna cost close to or above 200 FUCKING DOLLARS
Kill me.
You're fucked if Hillary wins.
>dollar falls, game prices skyrocket immediately
>dollar rises, game prices stay at higher rate indefinitely
>need a fucking VPN to avoid getting emails about piracy now
Fucking kykes.
The only way Hillary will win is if the polls are rigged, and I'm certain people will riot.
At this point I'd be cool with a military coup, American annexation, returning to the British Empire under Her Majesty, pretty much anything.
well, you supported the harper govt so that's not surprising
Oh please, don't make fun of our dollar bills with your retarded fucking currency (assuming you're an Amerifat). Every fucking time I have to use it I cringe.
>le $1 bills
>le every fucking bill looking the same
Sheer fucking obnoxiousness. I don't care how stupid Canadian money looks, at least it's easy to use.
Seventh gen was the only gen where Canadian vidya prices were actually adjusted for exchange rates.
So my biggest game collection involves DS, PSP, 360, and Wii games. (Not making a PS3 has no games joke here, I just never owned a PS3).
Justin Trudeau will make it all better :^))
I'm really impressed that people have as much political knowledge as trump (0) trying to make predictions.
>tfw no games for PS3
At least the scheming quasi-fascist actually knew what he could do and didn't get mocked by Obama every other week.
That's only slightly more than the USD price. We pay around 66 USD, which comes out to 85 CAD.
Money has been made out of cotton for the past 100 or so years.
>career criminal in charge of the free world
Fuckin bills will melt in the goddamn drier if you leave them in your pockets by accident.
Sure its pretty but it's also fucking stupid
yeah, you sound like the typical teenage thin skinned bootlicker.
Life is more than obeying your mom you know
Boo fucking hoo, Ontario baby.
>Lowest fucking min wage
>Housing costs that rival or exceed some of the highest in the world
>Every summer is literally a raging inferno
You fags have it easy.
And you sound like a prototypical DUDE WEED LMAO, or like you just arrived on a C130 free of charge.
at least I'm not crying over something Obama said
Trump will build a wall and send all you dirty canucks back to the cold wasteland you fled.
The best part is, once our dollar is back on par with the USD, everything will stay that price!
Trump only wants to keep out illegal immigrants. I'd come to America the good old fashion way; By paying hundreds of dollars for exams that the majority of US citizens couldn't pass themselves if their lives depended on it.
stop buying new releases then. they're all shit anyway. if you MUST play them, wait a few years for the price to drop and play other games in the meantime.
It was up to .8 last time I checked.
>tfw back down to .78
Not that I care. I haven't bought a game new at retail even when they went up to 70 bucks. The only exception was Devil's Third and that's because it was the only sealed copy I ever saw and it was going for crazy prices on eBay
>paying more than $20 for video games
Nigga our country may be run by tumblr, but you can find cheaper hobbies while remaining in a place safe from school shootings or ackbar bombings. Just more somewhere top-tier like Newfoundland.
>Buying games in a country where torrenting Is legal
a fucking leaf
I can't torrent a box to put on my shelf with my other games
Not if we do it first
>paying full retail
>not buying keys
Physical fags deserve this.
Ausfag here have had to put up with games costing $80-120+ for years now get used to it.
we pirate and buy alot of dodgy keys
>buying what you can get for free
2016 aint got no gameeees. I don't remember the last time I bought a game in a store here in Ontario, all online now.
>13% Ontario HST,
I thought it's now 5% cause of Mr. Treadu
>current year
>Still playing video games
People like you don't deserve money. Might as well give it to me. I'll put it in good use, like investing it.
Tell your mom to empty out your pockets before she throws your stuff in the wash.
that nigga still hasn't done anything.
I'm still waiting for weed to be legalized so I can just buy it at the store
>I can't read numbers so I need my bills color coded
never gonna happen
>buy from G2A
>don't specify your country
>now you don't have to pay taxes
I have done this in Spain for DiRT Rally since 21% VAT is shit and our goverment only steals anyways, so I steal from them.
>he doesn't know about 3d printing
>Implying cutlets can invade anything but a bottle of lube
Kill yourself
>he voted for Trudeau
>implying anyone thinks Trump is bad
He's a lefty but he's better than the other literal communists running, also food is not expensive here Dur I can't pay $1 for 2 heads of lettuce, I can't pay $2 for half a dozen buns, I can't pay $10 for 4 pork chops. Stop buying frozen pizzas
HM Queen Elizabeth II is still our queen, and the Brits are more fucked than us
>no guns
>TV licence
>I'm still waiting for weed to be legalized so I can just buy it at the store
>not having a good guy dealer
>not having your own plant
I'm having some nice interior for 3.5€
Why though?
Its literally only illegal "just because (^:"
Why not just legalize it so I can finally enjoy not being sober without being a criminal or having to drink alcohol like some kind of degenerate
Is he really gonna fix it?
There are already weed shops opening in Ontario.
>not having a good guy dealer
I've got a pretty good guy that grows his own stuff as a hobby and sells it to me for $100/ounce, but its a pain to have to drive out to him.
I'd rather just walk to the store thats 40 minutes away
who /hamilton/ here
Agreed. Hope your president does what he said. Here in Spain it's half-legal so there are private clubs where you can buy, it's top bud but it's expensive so I just stick to my good old dealer.
>dat pure hash at a great price
Hey, at least we are the most interesting part of Canada and we have nice scenery here on the island.
Could be worse, we could be in Alberta
I used to be /hamilton/
Westdale is fucking lovely, and its got like 6-7 different hobby shops all on one street, and that silver screen theater is fucking great.
I really miss that place, I'll probably move back there when I'm not broke.
If he has his way, it will go back to 15% when he reverses the 2% reduction Harper made to the federal portion. And let's not forget the carbon tax that will be stacked on for all that plastic and shipping. Trudeau will kill the physical game industry.
My friend just left from Ontario for Alberta on Tuesday and she's already saying she wants to be home again.
Just finished reading an article about all the "100% illegal" vendors that are set up all over the country. The police will do nothing unless someone complains. Apparently all you need is an empty pill bottle with your name on it and ID, and they'll sell to you.
It was either Him or Harper again.
>Want to buy Overwatch so I can play with my friends
>Can't justify paying $65 for the BASE version, not the Origins version, when I know I'll get bored after a week
I've spent twenty hours on the beta so far thanks to one friend giving me a preorder key and I'm already losing interest and playing TF2 instead.
Any Waterloo fags in here?
Stop letting them know that our province is awesome! I don't want mainlanders or Americans here!
Complaining about food prices and you vote for one of the faggots that's going to put a carbon tax on everything? Did you honestly think he'll exempt you for living in the north?