Why do you hate Japanese games?
Why do you hate Japanese games?
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I don't. They're superior.
>catalog is flooded with Persona 5 threads
>asking Sup Forums why they hate japanese games
I don't I prefer them to western games.
Although they are going overboard with this weeb shit of late
I love japanese games but we all can agree that Neptunia is just a shitty rehash baitgame that was made for fast money.
Neptunia is pure cancer and even CoD is better than it.
The sad part is that weebs who have shit taste support it
This guy gets it, neptunia is pure cancer and im a huge weeb
Hono confirmed on this twitter that every OJverse character but Suguri and Sumika are dead by the time of 200% Mixed Juice. Even Humanity is dead.
Suguri thread?
I hate Japanese games that will NEVER EVER be translated.
Sumika is better~
I don't and I hate that hating anime is the new cool thing to do
Also anyone who says weeb deserves to be shot
Man, I'd fuck the shit out of Suguri.
That was sort of my plan, after all.
Sumika, enough Sup Forums for today.
It's all right to be jealous of Sumika~
Neptunia is a lot like call of duty in that it's made to appeal to the demographic people who want to be in a group that they aren't in. Neptunia fans can delude themselves into thinking that they're otaku, and call of duty fans can delude themselves into thinking that they are 'gamers'.
New Information from Hononos:
-Sumika is not Shifu's daughter, she was the Ship's AI that Shifu made and he designed her body
-Only Sumika and NoName are androids. The rest are mainly human (cyborgs)
-He is still keeping Suguri's mom a secret
-Earth's Nature died, and humanity and everyone not Suguri and Sumika died.
-Suguri and Sumika left for space, and Alicianrone is confirmed to take place after 200% Mixed Juice on a new planet with different human-like race on it.
What's the matter~
Every other girl is better than your waifu, GF202020. Quit being a creep.
>Everyone not Suguri and Sumika died
Isn't Hime still alive?
Hime confirmed dead by Hono.
How do you know it's GF202020?
>look at all this fresh hot deets guys
>look at Hono's replies
>all of it is GF202020
He's working on it, it took like 5+ years to complete Sora.
Didn't you make this thread yesterday?
I bought 100% Orange Juice during the sale and I'm hooked. There is a shitload of DLC though, any of it worth buying?
If you play the game a lot sure. Otherwise, probably not.
>full blown retarded fan-service
>mah waifu
>99% of them are total shit
>shit graphics
>shit story
i think these are enough reasons
> GF is Hono's new plaything
> GF will corrupt him into making Sumika the new main character and drop Suguri
I don't I just hate the fact some of the women in their games are so perfect and ill never get my own cute waifu.
Makes me feel really shitty and depressed man.
Waifufags. Go into any of the P5 threads up right now and 99% of it will be faggots jerking off to 2D characters you can get through google
Maybe mods should make an actual sticky for big events, instead of only for events they like.
>Shit art style that all looks the same
>Trash gameplay or no gameplay at all
>Every character has like 9,000,000 lines of pointless exposition dialogue that adds nothing besides duration, characters are seldom dynamic even in the most crazy events, any "changes" to a character is forgotten by the next time they open their mouth
>Focuses all dev time on fanservice so lonely neckbears will buy it without question
>Having a waifu with no hands
>Saying someone else's waifu is shit
come on now, bullying another man's waifu like that is underhanded
Hmm, I gotta hand it to you, you may have a point.
I don't hate Nippon games. I do have flimsy tolerance for weeb shit though, and will drop a game that's constantly uguu~ing at me
Japanese game >>>>>>rest of the world and it's not even fair.
I dont
But i dislike the highschool setting being so dominant and all those anime tropes
If we're talking about rpg games then i hate hp bloat and the repetitive combat and farming required in the games
Why do you like her? She can't even give you a hug!
preach it girl
well technically she can
Go back to bed Suguri
Japs don't even know how to make proper Role-Playing games. I hope this is ironic
She can go to my bed if you know what I mean.
She's pretty handy, but she's sometimes a handful. She's the sort of person's the first to lend a hand, yet she's always reaching out and touching people everyday. Despite all this, she's still well-armed and dangerous, so it's best to keep an arm's length away from her at all times.
>I want to be someone else
Yeah sounds appropriate. Just as expected from westa-cucks. How's the hormone therapy coming along? lmao
>we worked so haaaad
>pls boy gaijin!
>it's a 2/10 game at best
Every single time.
nips, not even once.
Delusional terrorist manbaby detected
>>I want to be someone else
>missing the point of RPG's this fucking hard
Enjoy your bland, stagnant idol shit you call "role playing"
If Japan never infected Western society, this shit would never exist
JRPGs are known for having hard to follow plots, being very addictive, and protagonists with really great hair.
>"role playing"
But I don't want to be someone else user. Unlike you, I'm really comfortable in my skin.
>stagnant idol shit
Lmao is that all you can do? Come on, you can do better? I can do this all of the day bro XD
>Ignoring the point of my post entirely
I can shitpost to, user-kun!
>what you should be giving them is a playground for them to roleplay their opportunities
Who is Cuck Avellone talking about? Surely not his own company, because they haven't done anything like that.
Ahh I see, he's talking about Idol Master! Of course it makes sense then. I take the cuck back, he seems to know what hes talking about.
I think that in terms of game design in regards to RPGs, western RPGs tend to be more open and loose, allowing the player to assume the lead role by letting the player be the one to make a selection of choices which affect later choices as the player himself experiences everything first-hand. Eastern RPGs are typically more linear, tighter-focused, and allow the player to experience a story revolving around a party of people who grow stronger and experience various hardships as the repercussions of failure grow ever higher as the story progresses.
The west is more about self-inserting than the east, surprisingly. I guess you can think of it as deciding whether to have strong characters or a strong setting. Typically, western RPGs have more fluff and meat to their setting, while eastern RPGs tend to be more extravagant, if only ample enough for everything to coherently string together somewhat.
That isn't to say that eastern RPGs can't have a strong setting and western RPGs can't have strong characters.
>implying there was any coherent point made
>I can shitpost too
No user, you obviously can't
A hug that WON'T kill you then.
I'd tl;dr it by saying Japanese games are about the entertainment provided, while western games are about the immersion.
Look at the original RE for example. Nothing there makes sense. Most mechanics are weird and even today seem out of place. But put together, its simply a great game, and provides a great experience.
Western games usually didn't so such experiments. They had a simple presentation, but tried to emulate the experience by providing "depth". But of course that more often than not fell short, and only in recent years, western games have really taken off.
She can still do a lot of things just fine without them.
>About to land on home and win the game
>Land one off it
>onto a boss
>Friend wins immediately after
Is there anything besides E3 and Nintendo Directs that get stickied?
well if western society stopped coddling their kids they wouldn't have the time to act like your pic.
They basically made headway to mental illness
>Play Yuki in a friend's lobby
>Constantly rolling 6s and killing fucking everything, players, 7gulls, chickens, everything
>Reached 4 norma when everyone else was in 2
>Internet fucks up and kicks me off my Yuki
>It took a fucking latency issue for me not to win
I don't.
I hate poorly drawn animu games about smug little girls and their unreal problems.
No hand jobs
Oh? Like what?
stop asking this you dumb loli
>you will never kiss Yuki
No. Japanese "games" are about the generic sameface bug eyed daggerchins and fanservice, Western games are about the gameplay.
you have seen maybe 5% of Japanese games if you really think that.
The game where the girl in the OP comes from has vastly better gameplay than any Western stg.
More like 100%. It isn't hard to figure out when a game is fucking trash if you're not a mouthbreathing retard (which you obviously are if you're defending weebshit).
Because they don't come to PC.
At least; they only come to PC when consoles get the newest installments.
YOOO, isn't he that guy who used to make MUGEN videos with Adel from KoF? I forgot all about him, what a small world. I remember him asking me to make some sort of AI for Rin or whoever.
why do they hate me?
>Everyone confirmed dead
He's 100% right, though. There was a time in high school where I'd only ever play Jap games, and I can attest to this. The only one that broke that up for me and is now one of my favorite series is Shin Megami Tensei
Where is the new DLC?
holy shit that is him, i remember him now from my mugen days
i got him added on steam without even remembering that
I don't hate them. I just can't find any I like.
Well, Suguri and Sumika are still alive, user.
Who are you on Steam?
Her robot arms are too strong in AoS2. Huge damage, knockback, and big hitbox
some guy named kai, occasionally i put "fearless coward" in there
Huh, didn't picture you were LwigiMaster
Odd considering she's the easiest boss in Sora.
Asked him to make an AI for Rin so I could pound her ass in. Didn't think I asked anyone else.
>easiest boss in sora
You forgot someone
Alte will try hug and suicide bomb you if you beat her in special difficulty
ohhhhh, nah i'm not that guy
Nath is easier to kill in seconds than Alte. It's because Nath doesn't move.
Alte only hugs and kills you if you lose too much HP