What's the hardest boss fight you've ever played?

What's the hardest boss fight you've ever played?

>inb4 Boost Guardian from Metroid Prime 2 Echoes

That bitch made me stop playing the damn game

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>Boost Guardian

God dammit, I played Echoes recently and those ricochets were fucking retarded.

I never got past the boost guardian either.
talk about casual filters.

The gargoyle from Quest for Glory 3.

I never really mastered the combat in the game and he'd kill me in seconds.

Beat the Boost guardian in one go but I got stuck on the Alpha Bogg for months. Fucker hits way too hard and MP2 is way too boring for me to want to try it more than once in a single sitting, especially since there's no save point before it so you have to go through 20 minutes of bullshit to get there just to die again.

Cat Sign "Cat's Walk

True Orochi from senran kagura 2

short of just spamming chain shuriken and spamming air attacks at its head I don't know how it's supposed to be done

Probably something from Kingdom Hearts

>inb4 Boost Guardian from Metroid Prime 2 Echoes

why did you say inb4

i don't think you know what it means or how it works

Propably some King of Fighters endboss, those were fucking insane.

Village Alatreon in 3U was pretty hardcore, took me quite some tries to kill it in High Rank gear.

Yotta difficult in Dustforce.
Fuck you, it's the final boss of the game because I say so.


This is... beautiful.

I was never good at it, but fuck me if Dustforce is not one of the greatest platformers ever.

The eye of myrgato as Gilda in Valdis story.

Fighting a high speed relentlessly attacking boss that can easily chain hit you as a character WITH NO BLOCKING is fucking obnoxious. Gilda in general is a weird character in that she either effortlessly curbstomps everything in her way or gets curbstomped herself in turn.

>implying anyone here even played Valdis Story

the first boss from nioh

i started it but never finished it. the movement felt a bit slow to me, even for a mteroidvania.


I've played Valdis Story nigga.
I've even beat the game on Goibniu mode for fuck sake.

I don't think I fought the Eye bosses with Gilda so I can't comment on that, but she was tough to get started. After that rough start though, I did indeed curb stomp the rest of the game, obviously minus the optional bosses.

You might have liked gilda in that case because you can leap and bound through the levels.

She's the only character with a triple jump, and actually starts with a double jump.

It was bullshit.


Try quadruple. Starts with double. Gets another jump from skills and later can get the double jump upgrade.

I also forgot Bass.exe from Megaman Battle Network 6 Cybeast Falzar. I could never beat it as a kid.

There's hard and then there's just plain unfair

All the Royal Battles are piss easy though. What is hard is facing them in the Coliseum.


On hard mode they have like 3x the HP and take 7 turns before you do

Even if you use ulforceveemon and lillith/beelzeBM/belpheRM, the piercing damage will only do like 20% of their HP and delay you back at least 15 turns.

Then as your current digimon die because they have an average of 2.2k HP while attacks even when halved by type advantages in your side still do 4k+ damage, your next row comes out and has to wait until like 7 turns and by then they're also dead too and rinse and repeat until all 11 of your level 99 Megas/Ultras are wiped.

Again, there's hard and there's just plain unfair.

Royal Knights are bs on Hard, but are a joke on normal . The Master Cup however, is hell even on normal

The music is still really good though.

It's not good when it's a constant ANO KOE GA, KORA TA NE NOOO PFSSHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAHH

Namelss King in Dark Souls 3

Ahhh I see. Yeah I'm not turning it back down to normal. There's got to be something.

I agree that the save point is too far away, but there's no way it would take 20 minutes to get to the boss if you just run past the enemies.

It's at least 15 minutes even running past everything because you have to go down into the back and make your way through the puzzle again every time since there's no way to save afterwards.

Hold the fuck up, I somehow confused Alpha Bogg with the Spider Guardian. My bad.

Alpha Bogg was hard too, but not Spider Guardian hard.

Omega Pirate from Prime 1. No matter what, I could not kill the fucker because half of the super missiles would bounce off or not actually hit the weak spots.

Just use all your power bombs on it

The save point is LITERALLY two minutes away from his chamber, idiot

Do power bombs even reach the higher spots? Or is that for nuking his bottom half?

You have to solve the puzzle again every time you fight it retard, you can't get back to the save point once you unlock its chamber.

It takes them all out as long as you set it off right underneath him

Huh, never thought of that. Now I need to break the game out.

>boost guardian
is this a meme? easiest boss 2bh, even on hard he was a push over.

He ended my ride

u srs?

Depends, Gamecube Boost guardian is legit HARD, dont get me started about GC hard mode

couldn't beat it either until I found out you could dash to the side when you're locked on to an enemy

Only if you're a stupid nigger and activate the purple door's lock first.

Fucking Spider Ball Guardian. I love MP2, but every time I think of playing again I remember "that" fight.

no dark suit

Not the other guy, but there are ways to make quick work of Boost Guardian.

Quadraxis is still best boss.

I sequence broke to get power bombs early, and killed him in one hit.
I had light suit at the time too, maybe that was overkill

How did you do that? I was considering playing again and I want to murder the Boost Guardian.

>tfw revenge will be just right

yes? i never had trouble with him.
fought him on the gc version, i seriously dont understand whats so hard about him. i had far more trouble with alpha bogg and the final boss.

I skipped the item loss at the start of the game. It's not too hard to do - there's a youtube tutorial for it.

I can't remember where exactly I picked up the power bombs, but you get to keep the boost ball and spider ball so it should be easy enough. You can kill the power bomb guardian in the dark version of Alpha Blogg's room.

How did you beat it so quickly then?

I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip!

boost is annoying alpha blogg is annoying and spider guardian is cancer

frank was an amazing character

The only bullshit portion of this is the invisible three notes at the end. Other than that, so long as you have rhythm, this isnt that hard.

Those two alligator-dog things at the same time in Dark Souls 3

You know you can jump in morph ball without bombs right?

Only in the Wii version

Only in the Wii versions.

I would consider the levels of Super Ghouls and Ghosts bosses

Whew, I was about to say how the fuck was I missing that. I almost thought I was truly retarded.

Hibachi from DoDonPachi can be so bullshit at times that it makes me wonder how I beat it.

Seriously? I never really noticed.

Pre-nerf Salvarola in Rift.

DMC3 Beowulf. I could never figure out how to dodge those homing light balls he shoots.

You flick the Wii Remote up to hop in the Wii versions, this only works after getting the bombs BTW.
This ability doesn't exist in the Gamecube versions.

I don't have the remastered versions, so thanks for the info.

How? Shoot one with a bow and lure it over, r1 spam with dark sword, rinse and repeat

hardest EVER? that's super specific.

I suppose this one is one of the hardest ever, period, really, fighting Demi-Fiend in Digital Devil Saga 2.

I mean, not many turn based RPG's have a tougher fight.

but recently probably Nameless king, no summon, no shield (dual weilding)

Pretty much at the whim of the boss whether you die in 3 turns or less unless you cheat with overdrive due to his gimmicks

Weird, I was sure some of the energy tanks in Echoes were impossible to get without morphball jump to set up for bomb jumps.

I can remember two in particular.

1. Lower bog, in those morphball paths between zones, one of them has a stream of water upwards that make you jump higher and at the top an energy tank

2. Agon Wastes, a cillindric zone that is a morphall path with an energy tank rght at the top, but to get there I needed the morph ball jump

You can certainly get the first one in Hydrodynamo with plain bomb jumps.
I don't remember the second.

Sans from Undertale

Have to agree with that one but it isn't as bullshit as the Boost Guardian.

Flaahgra from MP1 was by far the worst boss I've ever fought. It was pathetically easy in the Wii version, though.

You can get both with just bombs
