The Twitch streamer purportedly heard abusing his girlfriend went by JoeDaddy505; his channel is now closed...

>The Twitch streamer purportedly heard abusing his girlfriend went by JoeDaddy505; his channel is now closed, with the listed reason being “terms of service violations.”
>The videos that have been uploaded to YouTube are just audio ripped from JoeDaddy’s stream, with no video. Gamers on places like Reddit’s r/gaming are guessing that JoeDaddy believed his stream to be turned off when he began arguing with his wife or girlfriend.
>The audio lasts about six minutes. The man being streamed from JoeDaddy’s account sounds extremely intoxicated and can be heard calling the woman a “bitch, a “whore” and a “slut,” making derogatory remarks about her vagina, and accusing her of cheating. She can be heard crying, screaming, and saying, “Get off me” and “I’m going to call the cops.” At times, she’s screaming so wildly it’s impossible to make out what she’s saying. It’s unclear whether the woman was also being sexually assaulted; many commenters on YouTube and Reddit have speculated that’s the case. After listening to the audio, we can’t rule it out.

Was Twitch a mistake?

Other urls found in this thread:


Twitch is awesome. Don't blame the whole Twitch community for one idiot's mistake

>DSP caught fapping on twitch
>this guy

It's like some avant garde display of the worst of humanity, I love it.

Sounds like she deserved it.


post the fucking youtube video you dumb shank. bet the woman that got beat made this thread. fucking incompetent whore.

>that video
>mfw I have a rape fetish

was this that fucking video someone posted in the other thread where in dark souls some guy stops playing and then you just hear a bunch of screaming?

>lts an arab and probably Muslim
Pretty racist to criticise their culture of abusing women

>Banning a guy because of his personal life.
Twitch is unprofessional as fuck.

>Twitch is awesome

Hulk Hogan thread?

>Was Twitch a mistake?
Women were the mistake

how many anti-feminists youtubers are you subbed to?

I'll bite.

What's wrong with Twitch?

only jim sterling

No, they are extremely professional in this regard.
If you're a popular streamer, twitch puts you on the front page. Can't have people that might hurt the image of the site there.

In any company, if an employee that represents the company has shit like this going on, they're fired.



Hi, I hate SJWS but don't you think Anti-sjws are just as bad? Ever notice how SJW's are always complaining about stuff? Well ANTI-SJWs are always complaining about SJWS so they're just as bad, those fucking problematic sexist assholes! Wouldn't you agree?

Kek it's Missouri though, the cops hate darkies

>can't even beat your cheating whore gf in the privacy of your own home without SJW's trying to ruin your life nowadays

how many times have you eaten jamals semen out of your wifes vagina

Regardless of the current political climate, the police do exist to protect you.
That's what I hate about these people. I know cops can be fucking useless and complete dicks sometimes, but why do they think the solution is to be anti-cop? What do they gain from antagonising them?
They should be campaigning for better cops instead of "FUCK DA POLICE YO".

>he can be heard calling her a bitch, slut, and whore.

Uh... I think the "get off me" should be the focus here. You dont call the cops when somone calls you names.

Christ feminists are retarded.

The Missouri police really, seriously hate black people. It's fucking hilarious. Even the black cops hate black people!

apparently confronting your gf for being a cheating whore is abuse now


dsp uses youtube for streaming

What the fuck are you people waiting for? Post up a webm with sound already, I gotta check this out!

>Twitch was a mistake
Why, not like that caused him to be abusive.

>girlfriend has to get on the phone with twitch rep and explain she gets turned on by humiliation and domination and there was no domestic abuse going on
>she's getting more turned on than she ever has as she has to shamedly talk about her filthy sexual deviancy to complete strangers
>suddenly the phone call is filled with the sounds of wet flesh slapping together
>garbled shout of "THIS FUCKING WHORE" in the background

surprisingly twitch has actually solved all of their community related problems pretty well

there was a community manager a few years ago that got fired at the request of users because he was acting unprofessional

they might be slightly jewish but they do care, unlike some companies

>we've no actual evidence of violence but we're super triggered so he's a rapist

I mean, he sounds like a piece of shit but still, you americans are going to miss reasonable doubt when it's gone.

>tfw no gf to beat

Do you agree with this question, twitch is basically the domain of the attractive, skilled, or just plain lucky, who find an audience of lonely losers who spam chat with their idiotic thoughts and comments in the hope the streamer acknowledges them, it's fucking depressing.

the horror scandal was great. They got his furaffinity info and found the comics he commissioned where his fursona cockdocked its blue light up penis with his boyfriend (who is represented by the BionicBunion emote still)

That guy makes fun of this I think. There are other videos with him playing calmly then shit like that happening. I think he just uses the audio.

If they did care they would make their stream player not shit
Twitch pretty much has a monopoly on streaming they know it

>be a jobless runt
>make a money from video shit
>start making mistake of marrying and spend more money than donation
>LPers bubble start bursting
>money start dwindling
>get frustrated
>beat shit out of whore
>walk the dinosaur

its not twitch mistake for not teaching them about economy 101

>this WHOLE thread

>Even the black cops hate black people!

So where's the fucking video?

well, I guess he's got no respect for these basketball guys

This is true. I'm in KC and I had a very liberal friend become a cop. He is now probably the most racist person I have ever met and he is full steam ahead for Trump. It's hilarious.

What a stupid fucking term.

What game was he playing

>"Bitch and a whore"

Women are not feminism

Being around the worst humanity has to offer often makes one a cynic.

On cam they are overly hyperactive happy
And off cam they beat their gf

>first thing out of his mouth is "dindu nuffin"

There wS a girl who showed boobs and another oneshowed pussy "accidently"

Someone post the audio already

Yeah I understand completely why he changed. He not only became a cop but he works at the jail so he literally is around the worst all the time. I remember him telling me he had a black guy in for something minor but the guy kept goading him and when he told him to back down or get taken down the guy started talking about how cops hate black people and that he was going to sue and all that good stuff.

>watching strangers play video games

It's actually disgusting that there are people on Sup Forums who do this. This isn't IGN.

>domestic violence happens every day
>usually to dumb bitches who let motherfuckers treat them that way
>now video game "journalists" are trying to push it as news

Christ, just talk about video games already.

legendarylea? that girl is just a huge slush. when she gets wasted she just makes it really apparent what she is really doing when she is sober. girl isn't stupid... think she was like a biology major that graduated too. or maybe she put it off. either way she is legit just doing it for money cause she is exploiting horny guys. shes also alright at hearthstone.

>having to deal with the worse of the worst people
>most of them are black or muslim









well I don't give a fuck about you

yo pussy is nasty loose

So uh, any of you feel like posting the video, or is this one huge swj clusterfuck that cant be bothered with proof?

You're a mistake. And this thread is a mistake.

This is just the logical progression of all the shit you'd hear on Teamspeak or Xfire or whatever when people forget to turn their goddamn mics off.

>yfw even lowtax is destroying feminists now



The police exist to enforce laws.

>anti feminist

>It's almost as if... You had your blog entry planned in advance...
That guy types like a faggot but holy hell that's a thorough assblasting

>is something awful sexist

Next they'll be calling SRS sexist for some stupid reason. No one is safe.


So where's the fucking video?

That guy is mad as hell but damn he fucking obliterated Jessica


Not a fan is Something Awful but lowtax really put her in her fucking place.

>listen to the audio on youtube
>the guy recording the stream is giggling like a girl and making weird small excited shrieks while the woman cries and screams like a banshee
>at the end where the woman sounds like she's gagged, the weeby sounding high pitched gigglelord starts complaining really whinily about getting banned or some shit
Lmao shit was surreal.

Stop being a lazy shit. Opening posts mentions YouTube commenters and even lists the streamer's name.

God damn thank you

I was close to sifting through the shit of Reddit itself to find it.


>lowtax got better
Is this the beginning of a new age!?

it doesnt even sound like he touches her, i think i hear spitting somewhere in there but im not sure who was doing it

Shut up tranny. There is a 100% chance she is lying like all the delusional mind fucked trannies out there.

Flawless Victory.

>dark, serious story
>thumbnail of holding a controller in the dark every time
Why am I just now noticing this

I thought it was Low Tier God.

Listen till the end, sounds like she's having hard time breathing

LTG couldn't even beat a woman.

When T. becomes our commander and chief, all feminists and other assorted progressive-minded folks will be put in concentration camps and forced to do labor.

Damn, she got rekt as fuck.

Top lel
Bitch cheats
Gets a punch
Get fukt

Somehow paying for access to SA doesn't seem so bad now.

>it is all about video games guys
>it is nothing to do with hating women and harassing them and their family
>we don't dox peoole

Gobber faggots should kill themselves

This reminds me of:

Sounds like he's covering her mouth.

Bitches need stitches.

Most of SA forums is still a SJW nest.

>Bunches of punches achievement unlocked!

Shmorky, no. You deserve better than this.

This, I don't mind if they get fucked