How the hell do you level up crafting at a decent pace? I just started and have no idea what I'm doing, guides say go do something called courier/reverse courier but googling it gives me nothing
How the hell do you level up crafting at a decent pace? I just started and have no idea what I'm doing...
Do trade-ins to the Grand Company and leves.
And to the Ixals.
Find an easy leve at your level and buy the mats for it and then craft the shit out of it. Use the xp boosts from your GC.
Do your daily turn ins for your GC.
50-60 do collectibles/leves.
Takes a while to get there mate - just focus on getting every craft to 50 for the abilities. I reccomend getting CRP there first. The abilities will help you HQ items which gets you double the XP on a trade in.
courier leves are the ones you pick up in the main city, it requests 1 item and gives loads of exp but you have to travel to another settlement to hand it in, unlike the ones where yo uhave to hand in 3 items with the possibility of handing in another 6 in the same city
>Wanted to start as a Rogue
>Had to start instead as a Pugilist
>Even though I'm level 15 they wont let me on the ferry to Limsa until a certain point in the story
The class was added in 2.3 or something right? Why the fuck haven't they fixed it yet so people can start out as a Rogue?
Man GSM was really the easiest one to level. There were plenty of Raw Gemstones for scraps available on my MB.
SE values their annoying timegates over convenience.
How expensive are clothing glamours for everyone else?
on my server they're fucking 10k ea
I think they go for 4k or something on my server. But I just make them myselves. Periodically, I just flood the market with cheap prisms.
Once you unlock Gran companies, visit the provisioner every day. They'll request items that you can craft for each crafting class you have. Craft the item/s and turn them in for tons of xp and company seals (currency to buy stuff from the GC vendor). Some of the items are starred, meaning double xp. You also get double xp for turning in a high quality item. So, if you turn in a HQ starred item, 4x the XP. You can level crafting really fast, while also building up your seals.
Well I'm a level 14 ROG now.
I guess this will let me get my job crystal immediately at level 30 but it's completely killed the game's pacing. Thank fuck for the EXP boosting ring.
As long as you leveled Pugillist to 15, yeah.
What's a useful class I should give my retainer?
doesn't matter give it the class with your highest level
One you plan on leveling yourself as their max level in the class you give them can not exceed your own level in that class.
That being said they are all fairly useful depending on what you want to do.
DoW can bring back leather and other animal parts
DoL can go mining/logging for you.
I did.
The quest where your starting city's faction leader asks you to travel about to make preparations for a remembrance ceremony is only available at level 15, which is when you get access to airships. Before that the ferry in Vesper Bay isn't operational, meaning it's impossible to get to La Noscea.
Ah alright, it's been a while since I did the Main Quest.But that's good because Ninja requires Rogue at 30 and Pugilist at 15.
Do you guys think that living down the street from a whorehouse raises or lowers my house's property value?
I did look the Ninja prerequisites up in advance. When I hit Lv30 though I'll probably take the opportunity to grind up lancer for Invigorate. Blood for Blood I'm not sure I can be assed getting though.
>Blood for Blood I'm not sure I can be assed getting though.
You absolutely need it because NIN doesn't really get any damage boosting cooldowns of its own.
Yeah but blood for blood is pretty much mandatory these days so there's no way around that. I tried to get that too but I couldn't bring myself to level lancer anymore. So I've never played Ninja again. I mean, having it pays off if you want to play other melee or ranged DPS classes but I just couldn't bring myself to do that. You should though, if you want to stay Ninja.
What I meant is I might leave it until later; probably level 50.
With the EXP ring, armoury bonus and a couple dozen levequest allowances it shouldn't be that painful an experience.
Set up a vendor in your front yard to sell booze and lube. You'll make a fortune.
>he didn't lvl up pugilist to 30
you're missing out
Oh yeah that should speed things up a little. Totally forgot they added that ring.
That has nothing to do with timegating content tho.
>see idiots online always asking for a Haste spell
Do these fools not realize how broken that would be in the current game system? A class could have Haste and no other skills at all and they'd still be mandatory for raids.
SCH's fairy has a raid wide hastening spell, though.
And AST has a single target one.
but using haste would make someone run out of tp even faster
3.0 killed crafting/gathering.
scrips a shit.
Like in EQ, enchanters were mandatory for clarity buffs during raids. Shit, I remember people just sitting in zones, casting clarity for a fee to those who walked by.
They're going to change it next patch update.
Probably gonna add green scrips or some shit
>Want to go back to my BLM
>Those queue times
back to PLD I guess
how do you make dank money from crafting?
Don't PLD is ultimate cuck at endgame.
Craft stuff that people buy fairly often, and has a good ratio of cost to make vs sale price. Anything that's under a 200% profit, don't bother unless you're making hundreds of thousands off it.
the lazy option is to give up on crafting, level a gatherer and sell high level mats
the midcore option is to play the market, but it's risky if you don't have any experience and you need some money to start off
the autism option is to level every crafter and every gatherer so you don't get jewed on mats and look at what sells on your server
yeah well too late
I'm not taking another tank through the 50-60 grind
hamon best guildmaster
>so you don't get jewed on mats
Why does that matter? If you're turning a good profit after buying mats anyway, which every crafter should be doing, it'd just be a further waste of time to even bother gathering.
because you'll get jewed all throughout the levelling process and it's a huge waste of money in the long run, especially if you plan on levelling every crafter
shit you can pick up in 5 minutes with a level 30 gatherer sells for 1k a piece
Shit like white coral and crab oil sells for 3k - 10k a piece on my server. That's why I started leveling alc and doing more fishing.
What stuff do you get with Miner compared to a Botanist?
obviously ores but what else that would be useful for some starting crafting classes?
they're both useful, the only one you can skip is fisher
it's a shame because it's my favorite gathering activity too
but yeah you need botanist for logs and shards and miner for ores and shit
To add to this, I make decent return off of teens to early 20's HQ crafting main hand and off hand tools. Generally make a few, price them for a few thousand or so, and they sell reliably. Common materials, but with the higher crafting level I can make the HQ versions regularly.
Alumens for leathers
Effervescent water for a bunch of things
Silver Ore can't be gathered by retainers so there is always a demand
Once you can hit unspoiled nodes Darksteel is easy money
Miner gets you shards, sands for alchemist, stones and ore for Goldsmith, stuff like alumen which is used by leather worked to process the higher tiers of animal drops like aldegoat and toad skin into leather, and some spices for cooking I think.
>1k mats
>huge waste of money in the long run
Must be on a server with a shit economy or something. 1k mats are unheard of. Most of that shit sells for 50-350gil.
Even then, spend those 5 minutes you'd do gathering materials and craft something you can actually sell. ez munni and no need to play the gathering cuck game.
mats do get disgustingly expensive after a certain point though
of course you're not forced to level gatherers but it's a smart thing to do if you have the time
they're a lot easier and cheaper to level than crafters anyway
trick is if someone else is also making the same craft you are, mats tend to disappear fast
Make something else, then.
that only applies if you're able to make other things. for leveling you can really get the shaft if 3 people decide to need boar leather at the same time
>mfw mnk
please no I run out of TP so fast as it already is
Gatherers can't get boarskins, though. Or do you mean the alumen? The currently 53 open sales of alumen which I'm looking at on the marketboard for 149 gil each. I'm pretty sure that's not going to run out any time soon.
>mfw getting 60 fisher
I feel like I wasted my life on something that has no use until later stages. It sucks because it's the best class to relax and do other things while you work on it.
>I feel like I wasted my life
That's what you should be feeling when playing MMOs.
Which can disappear rather quickly if the miners deem it no longer a good source of income.
Then again, paying money for materials you can easily gather or have your retainers get for you is something even I don't do out of principle.
Alright, lets fish for mogpoms
>The fish gets away
>The fish gets away
>The fish gets away
>Your line breaks, you lose your goblin jig
And I never go out and gather materials because if you're just looking to make gil, it's an immense waste of time from just buying shit off the marketplace.
>want to get the coeurl bikini
>nobody is selling them on my server except 1 dude for 500k gil
>look how to make it
>need waterproof cotton
>which is also 500k gil on my server
>needs to be desynthed from a sweetnewt at 50 cul
>nobody is selling sweetnewts at all
>need 30 fishing for sweetnewt
>need 50 cul to desynth
>need 50 leatherworking to make it
and that's just the top
this is going to be a journey
or I could just switch to a more populated server
It's a waste of time and money. The only things I go out and gather these days is aethersand and favor mats. Everything else my retainers do for me or it comes through treasure maps.
i just started messing around with MRD after getting PLD to 60 and i have to say it's gonna take some time getting used to burning through tp so fast
500k isn't even a lot
just don't spam overpower and you're good
WAR has infinite tp once you get equilibrium anyway
Why aren't you down there asking for a residential discount?
>Gathering aethersand and favor mats
Again, pissing time away. I can buy all the mats needed for a ring that sells for 450k, for 170k.
Is this shitty game F2P yet?
Oh sorry I forgot for a second it was Sony. Nevermind, I know those greedy jews will NEVER, EVER F2P even if the game is dying. Same mistake Warhammer made.
>haste with fire 4 and blizzard 4
haha, yes
Because they're all Au Ra and Miqo'te when I only like Hyurs and Lalafell
>implying that makes a game better
It's almost as if you want more shitters to invade the only terribly decent MMO around
HA, nice joke. The only thing it would need upon going F2P is region lock to keep the BRs and Russians out.
>Get chocobo
>Maybe a 30% increase in speed
>Any time you get hit from behind you get hit with 20s of heavy
Fuck chocobos.
sorry jose, it's not going f2p any time soon :^)
>Pissing time away
Nah not really. Clueless people still pay good money for those.
Okay but still if you're looking to make gil and you are a crafter, you shouldn't be gathering your own mats.
>I only like Hyurs and Lalafell
At least you have good taste
anyone for expert?
I just send my retainers out to keep my mat stacks topped off. Only go out to fetch maps and specific things for myself. As to the aethersand thing, i generally fetch it myself from anyx trine when i go for my map. The thought of spending money on something i can get myself in ten minutes makes me feel faint.
I didnt get rich by not being jewy as fuck after all
>Spending 10 minutes to gather something that's selling for 10k each for NQ
Yeah no thanks.
I only have 200k at lvl 50 though
and nobody is selling any of the other costume pieces anyway even if I had the money
I don't know where you are, but on Cactuar and Phoenix Dawnborne goes for 40k NQ. The other two higher tiers were at 200k on Cactuar and 100k on Phoenix. NQ.
I have almost 2 million gil and my highest crafter is cul at 30
sell yo shit
I still haven't reached level 60 by the way
Probably buys a bunch of stupid glamour they never wear.
>find out you can make pretty decent gil by fishing dravanian bass and pipira pira
>reduce the former into water clusters and dawnborne aether sand
>they go for 30k
>one day later some asshole puts like 25 stacks of 5 aethersands for 10k each on the MB
Does anyne know the acc cap of A8 normal for healers?
70k for nq dawnborne here. Dont like the thought of cutting into profits that much. I seem to be super lucky anyway, usually get two hq per reduction or some landborne
How much do the fucking things sell for if dawnborn is selling for that much? 1 million? Jesus.
Welcome to bots ruining the marketplace.
Yeah but depending on the size of your server these will be sold so quick. Take it easy man.
People put them up for 10k faster than others buy them.
then you buy them and sell them individually. was the foundation of my first 10 million was buying stacks of things and selling them for triple price individually
Yeah I know that feeling. They put them up for less than 20k over here. You can always wait a week or so and see if people gave up. That's usually the case on my server, once the money isn't there, people flock to the next big money item. I just started buying up all the cheap cordial on the marketboard to discourage silly miners.
Gonna give you a tip so you don't waste a bunch of resources levelling things: Get Culinarian to 37 and Carpenter to 50 first thing. Hasty Touch and Byregot's Blessing are the two best crafting abilities in the game.
Alchemist is important because it gives F R E E CP with Comfy Zone.
LTW's Waste Not II is great although not entirely mandatory unless you do very high-end crafts, same goes for GSM's Innovation, ARM's Ingenuity II, BSM's Piece by Piece
WVR'S Carefuly Synthesis II is a fucking lifesaver though and i recommend you get that shit as soon as you can.
Anyone got that pic of the comic with the drk being edgy with cringey macros?
Is the cap the same for savage as it is for normal?
Here you go
It's not worth it unless you like having money to blow on useless shit
That's not accurate, because A8S frontal is 703.