This is a Japanese game for straight men.
This is a Japanese game for straight men
So you like fucking jello characters?
Futa = gayest fetish
Traps = straightest fetish
How complete is the translation?
Are you saying you don't like jello?
It's complete, but the overall quality is mediocre, probably done by an ESL.
Not enough to stick my dick in it
Well obviously, English native speakers are all monolinguals.
>you have to like something to stick your dick in it
Handholding is to lewd. Pls spoiler.
Cheerleaders best girls
>titty easily excitable foreigner
>bossy fivehead
>English native speakers are all monolinguals.
I mean, it was apparently done by just one person, so it's good enough for what that's worth. Certainly better than a machine translation.
Does anyone know where I find the old Tinkle bell games? I found a collection on sukebei, but it's missing few games. Would love to play that one fighting game. I think they even made another judging from the advertisement from Flash Vol 2.
oh, you're in for a surprise
Nah son, that's /d/
If only!
Where can I find the TL patch?
It's futa
What do you have against yuri?
What are they doing?
>For straight men
Yeah no, straight men don't want dick girls.
Those are women bodies. Loli my ass.
inb4 that one study linked
Your kind isn't wanted here.
>thinking real life sexuality has anything to do with fiction
You happily murder people in video games without thinking yourself a murderer, but you think fapping to fictional futa makes you homosexual?
You need to free your mind.
That's quitter talk, mate.
Someone help me out here
Normal porn has one man with a dick and one woman with a vagina
Futa (generally) has one woman with a dick and one woman with a vagina
If there is objectively more woman involved in futa, how is it more gay?
>tfw into traps and futa
>Always find it funny trying to watch people defend how straight it is
They're fucking weird fetishes, just accept it and move on. If you like dick but on a girl, you still like dick. Just let it be. No one gives a fuck.
Why is no one posting gifs?
>All these homos
I'm triggered.
So what is the game called?
Which one?
Boku no Rondo Duo
boku no rondo
because it's not 2010
get the with times grandpa
>want to fap on the fly
>mfw gallery is only for movies and if you want to get to any of the good fuck scenes you have to manually go to a chapter and read first
it could have been great
Is it actually good or is it like Starless with 99% unnecessary text with no change in art?
I've only played Starless, no other VNs
Are you blind?
well, there's no poop
I have no Idea about the story, but I have fapped to the CGs countless times, Everything is fully animated. If you don't mind the bouncy jelly look it's pretty great.
Pretty much this. Not sure why everyone's so insecure about their sexuality.
Right, but is it like:
tier retarded dialogue that drags on with no art changes?
9GB of text.
These clowns are dumb man.
>tfw shake's voice echos in my head as I read someone's college educated lesson on why futa on female is less gay than male on female
game is always on full screen to me. how to window it
because there is a dick that shouldn't be there in the first place
one unnatural dick > zero unnatural dick
if you're attracted to a woman because of her dick it's just as gay as being attracted to van darkholme
hover on top of the screen when ingame, config
Because they didn't go to college.
Is a woman fucking another woman with a strap-on gay to enjoy?
ikr desu senpai.
If you peepee gets hard looking at other peepees that makes you gay.
Deal with it.
>tfw get hard looking at any exposed flesh, whether it is a man or women, penis or vagina
Lesbians is still gay so yes
it's boring
>if you're attracted to a woman because of her dick
I was attracted to her before knowing she had one, I was also attracted to another woman. Attractive woman A has a penis and uses it to fuck attractive woman B. Everybody wins, It no different to lesbian strap-on porn.
I'm not referring to the participants, i'm referring to the male observer being aroused
If a male is aroused by a woman fucking another woman with a strap-on, is he gay?
Being taught that homosexuality is a sin doesn't help. Also people thinking straight/gay is either one or the other and pretend that bisexuality doesn't exist.
>pretend that bisexuality doesn't exist.
yeah, why limit yourself to 1 box of mallomars when you can have 2?
Stop over thinking this.
Listen to your dick.
The dick knows best.
>Everyone's a little gay and everyone's a little straight.
Thats pretty deep man.
>no art changes
Oh boy are you in for a fucking surprise: This shit is animated.
I'm straight and I'd rather play a "men fucks traps" game than this shit.
Link to translated version?
What game is this?
>mfw that whole chapter
>i'm straight and I'd rather play a game where men fuck other men than a game where women fuck other women
how republican can you be?
wheres the download link?
I don't think I've ever been this hard just looking at kissing.
Is it possible for there to be ANYTHING gayer than futa fetish?
it's fully animated
It's her stare, I tell you. She is taunting the viewer with those lustful eyes.
Yeah. Actual man on man, which is actually gay.
>Somehow more women in the porn is gayer than man on woman
Strange thought process.
>not looking at the girl kissing you
Why is the bottom girl so rude
Not a game.
Fuck off EOP.
When the fuck did this happen ?
>site to buy the game
that's not what we asked for feget
>He hasn't explored his very own Deep Dark Fantasy.
Goo girls are best girls.
This guy knows the deal.
>uncensored hand holding
Whoa now, I'm a Republican, don't go associating my political party with that idiot. Associate the criminal or the socialist with that idiot.
It's mathematics
Futa on girl is straighter than male on female.
In male in female, you have a big hairy gross man body with a cock slamming a girl.
Futa has the penetration, but without hairy man bodys in the way.
If you prefer seeing man bodys instead of girls penetrating other girls, you are gay. It's fucking science
Is there some straight or yuri action? Or is everything depending on endowed females?
I don't like much that artstyle and the oppai females with toddler faces
Thanks m8
>mega link to standalone patch
Just what I needed. I wait for tonight with great anticipation.
fucking actual guys, irrelevant how feminine they are
futa still pretty gay, but at this point I'm ok with everything, as long as I'm not the one getting fucked
Chapters VI, VII, VIII IX and XI were fucking glorious. I hope we will get a second game, with the sequel baiting at the end.
>site to buy the game
newfag? or just blind
>All the Kaori and Madoka scenes
>That gym scene full of Americans
So what kind of porn are we talking?
Futa obviously, but do they take proper advantage of that or is it just kissing, licking or any other basic shit you'd see in any other straight VN?
Any idea how to get around this? Probably a dumb question, sorry.