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yes, yes very much so.
>Alicia Vikander was recently announced to star in the upcoming Tomb Raider movie set for 2017
Looks like classic Lara combined with reboot Lara. Not a fan of it.
Looks like she's about to piss her pants and run.
Original Lara was a cocky badass and a complete cunt.
>having big tits is a no no because thin tit bitches might be jealous and not buy our shitty product we don't even stand by
flat chest > cowtits
thats all im going to say
>I make up hypothetical scenarios to get angry at
Seek professional help
>Looks like she's about to piss her pants
You could land an airplane on that forehead
Angelina Jolie is literally Lara Croft and I accept no subsitutes.
Her tits are crooked
>implying anyone but Jolie can be Croft now
Small boobs are great
Jolie Tomb Raider movies were shit
Look at her hips and thighs.
Almost Lightning tier.
Tits are not the problem.
And she still acted great in them.
I could tolerate flat if she was also /fit/
but she isn't
She's some fucking waif chick.
Not that guy and they were absolute shit but Jolie herself pretty much nailed the character.
The problem was literally everything else. The story, the setpieces, the forced romantic subplots.
Breasts aren't big enough.
>Dirty, ripped clothes
Put a trigger warning on this shit. I'm having flashbacks of a violent rape attack that never happened.
That's a lazy photoshop mockup
cute, but I hope she gets a little more /fit/
Actually, big tits are generally a no-no for female leads because they need to appeal towards as many women as possible.
This is why the side-girl in a movie typically has huge knockers, but the girl the protagonist ends up with is generally a plain white brunette with reasonable breasts.
Better than female Carrot Top.
I'm not a particularly big fan of Jolie but I gotta admit, she nails the look of Lara perfectly
What the fuck?!?
She looks nothing like Lara.
This bitch looks like she's 13 and still going through puberty. She has no tits.
Lara is supposed to be a sexy, confident woman in her late 20s/early 30s.
Angelina Jolie was much better at portraying her.
So you're gay then. Good to know.
I certainly don't hate
I hate that cocky badass cunt persona reminds me of Angelina Jolie in every single movie role she has
>Angie is such a bitch she cut off her tits so her husband wouldn't have anything to feel during sex
>made him raise negros and chinks
A flat scrawny Lara Croft would be like having an overweight Batman.
In other words, an SJW's dream.
Batman is currently grossly overweight
Neal Adams 70s Batman a best
That is not really fair, user. Angie cut off her tits because of cancer.
As for the niggers, yeah that sucks. I do not know why people adopt from Africa. So dumb. At least adopt from your own race instead.
Which is what they've done to the reboot.
I hope they go back to the original Lara and the original fucking bio, She was disowned by her whole family for her passion but she didn't give a FUUUUUUUUCK. Now she's following in daddys footsteps. Complete shit and the movies are going to be shit. At least the first TR really got Lara's character and attitude and tongue and cheek humor. Now she's a humorless drone with PTSD following daddy because she's incapable of doing anything for herself. I miss the selfish bitch.
She got breast cancer because she's a degenerate whore
>assuming the movie will portray the classic lara and not the feminized reboot
New Lara fucking sucks. Ironically the old one is the one feminists should actually want, she was an alpha female who kicked ass. Instead we got a crying bitch little teenager.
Agreed, What a fucking waste of a great character and personality. Let alone the fun gameplay is gone and the music.
At least we get the TR suite for the 20th anniversary. Somehow for the book I'm sure it's just going to be crystal patting themselves on the back for saving a "doomed" series.
Fuck they doomed it with the shitty mummy daddy plots and crap gameplay. Fuck I'm so salty. Posting this gif for justice like I do every TR thread. Never forget Sup Forums
Literally no tits. Gross.
Top fucking lel. This gif sums it up perfectly.
yes me rike
Anytime! Huehuehue
were talking about laras not movies
first reboot lara was perfect desu
yeah, i like my women to look like men too user. it's even better when they have a penis.
I liked legend lara myself at LEAST she still had a bit of fun in what she did and at least it had tombs and duel fucking pistols and her original outfit.
The newest reboot has fuck all to do with tomb raider or lara, It might as well be a different game with a different protag.
I wonder how women with big breasts feel about constantly being shamed by the media. I should ask my sister.
It's basically female version of Uncharted, which is ironic, since Uncharted took lots of ideas from Tomb Raider.
It's shit, I've voiced the irony on several TR forums that crystal is perpetuating the stereotype that big boobs = bimbo and sexual object for men.
It sucks.
Reminds me of a time when Uncharted was called Dude Raider.
Get mad doppie.
Yeah, the idea that bigger breasts denote character flaws or a decreased intelligence seems to be a really fucked up way of thinking. I have a small chest, but I still get offended about it. Ironically Sup Forums seems to be able to appreciate women of all sizes,whereas tumblr freaks out if someone is stacked. The shitstorm about Quiet in MGS5 was pathetic.
Fixed it.
Mila Kunis would have been a better Lara.
Interesting choice but can she even act, I only saw her in 70s show and most of her movies are rated pretty mediocre
She was fantastic in Black Swan and has been awful in literally everything else.
I just realized she is basically Revy from Black Lagoon.
>no tomb raider Revy game
Fucking Syrian immigrant are now armed?
WTF is that?
I know right its fucking amazing, Sup Forums has always been far more accepting which is so ironic but I love it, Sup Forums has been far more of a source for honesty than tumblr even has or will be. Fuck em. They've gone so far in progression that they're actually regressing. I've seen people offended that Classic lara shows her fucking legs. Jesus christ.
Still better looking that before.
She's be better for a Classic Lara role than whingy reboot. Can't wait to see "Lara" flail and "fight for muh frannnds cuz I'm a good gurl"
>be advanced aliums
>drive car, speeding, get stopped
>disintegration raygun instead of paying small fine
>for reasons
makes sense