ITT Games with disappointing shotguns

ITT Games with disappointing shotguns

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>using the riot gun
>not just slicing them in half one by one

>Not using a shotgun when given the opportunity
it's like you don't like FUN or something

I thought the shotgun had great aesthetics actually. A nice boom and reload sound.

*badoom schlick-schlack*

It's genuinely hard to think of some because games with crappy shotguns usually are pretty bad or forgettable. Is a game's shotgun a litmus test for how good the game is?

To think this is from the same people who made one of the most iconic shotguns in video game history

D44M continuing the trend of unsatisfying weapons

True the Quake shotty is wimpy but the SSG sort of makes up for it

How would you know? The game isn't even out yet.

From what I've seen the Gauss Cannon looks pretty sweet.

Halo games
GTA games

not him but there was an open beta


>just got done playing resurrection of evil
>this thread pops up


you tell me user

The sounds is too weak, and the damage is too random. Sometimes it takes 4 shots to kill an imp, sometimes 2. It's not reliable.

Shit, I completely forgot about that open beta.

But weren't the weapons there nerfed for balance reasons?

The first HL had some badass deep sound (all HL2 weapons sound like toys actually)

Stalker shotguns are pretty shit.

HL2 shotgun is probably the best gun in terms of damage and ammo availability. I also thought it sounded fine. Regular HL1 shotgun is crap on Hard.

It pretty much always takes one shot if you use it point-blank, which you should. If it take you 4 shots per imp, don't use shotgun at that distance.

>there will never be a shotgun as effective and satisfying as DoomII's SSG

I think Half Life's 12 gauge may have come close with the HD model/sound pack

TimeSplitter 1 g 2's sawn-off shitties were godlike too. Especially x2.

>HL2 shotgun

HL1 shotgun is not very effective vs. most enemies in the game.

>It pretty much always takes one shot if you use it point-blank, which you should. If it take you 4 shots per imp, don't use shotgun at that distance.

Yeah, I think the spread is too big. The classic Doom shotgun was useful both close and at a distance.

The weapons all felt weak because the idiots the multiplayer was outsourced to thought it would be a good idea to put weapon loadouts in the multiplayer. So every weapon needs to be balanced and equal, therefore all weapons are unsatisfying as shit.

The weapons in the singleplayer look nice and powerful though. Super shotgun is still capable of blowing away multiple enemies at once.

The secret is to always use the alt fire mode.

In my opinion the guns were pretty underwhelming and weak, you had to be pretty damn close to someone to get a satisfying frag with the shotty

>GTA games

The full size pump shotgun in GTAV was pretty good. That and the double barrel in TLAD is pretty fucking bomb.

Worst shotgun ever. It's ineffective and no fun to use.

At least the SSG is good at killing Kleer

It felt great to use. The pump sound was badass.

Yeah GTAV made gunplay a little better, but still not quite there yet

It's supposed to be like the Doom pistol, the gun you use when you don't have anything else.

The footage of the second one looks decent.

It's pretty good at killing kamikazes.

>using guns in dead island

I dunno, when I have to shoot HECUs again and again and again with that thing it doesn't feel all that good to me.

Hell, it was actually kind of mediocre at killing headcrabs, even, due to pellet spread.

>Yeah GTAV made gunplay a little better

Not really, that one pump shotgun was the only good gun. Actually, the gunplay in V fucking sucks. They managed to make killing people feel lame from how shitty the animation for dying was.

>good at killing Kleer
I always used the double shotgun for those

still better than IV and San Andreas, that pistol sound and the rifle sounds of IV were cancerously bad

That's what he said, SSG = super-shotgun, Doom term.


True, I guess, but it doesn't really feel amazing to use

That's what I said, user

Every gun in DOOM 3 blows ass.

You can throw things

It's a bunch of people asshurt that the game doesn't play like it's from the 90s.

>mfw the Alpha Shotgun with Reznor's sound's in EAX

The final version's shotgun sucks ass, on top of that the sound quality is gimped due to Creative suing Id over making EAX run on software instead of their soundcards

I actually really like HD shotgun because of its overblown reload anim (it's not a good animation, though) and the sound. I don't use it often, but I enjoy using it. In contrast, I though BFE SG kind of sucked (but I liked pretty much every other BFE gun a lot).

That's not true at all!

That was pretty much the best weapon in the game though

this it wasn't weak but god it was ugly and there is a SSG in the games so no excuse for that ugly motherfucker

I'm talking about the new sound effects that were retroactively added in later not the wimpy originals

Also here's a video of the 'Splitters gun

Chaingun was a sturdy beast.

IV had pretty good gunplay. No aim acceleration, kill indicators and people survived getting shot more than once.

The m4 in IV sounded pretty good and you had to actually shoot in bursts if you didn't want to spray everywhere.

It's not the chainsaw!

I didn't play the game, but I think it looks beautiful.

I hate Doom 3 CG so much. Not as much as original CG, though.

yeah but you have to plunge the shotgun into the imp ass to oneshot them

Plasma was alright because it had that reload.

I wasn't recommending it. I was calling it the worst shotgun ever, which it is.

True. Pain in the ass in riptide whenever you where near shallow water and have to spend 5 minutes because your purple has suddenly disappeared because of the explosion

they sounded like absolute crap

The character in Overwatch that has the pudge hook and uses one is complete balls.

Wasn't too big on the new Doom one either but damage felt quite low in that one anyway. I thought people were joking when they said it was like Halo.

The New Order really was Ugly Weapons: The Game. Even the 1942 weapons had so much useless bulk slapped on them for no reason. And why did the doublebarrel shotgun have a bolt action on it, anyway?

but it's really big for a shot gun it look more like a rocket luncher
and you should it's like 10 buck on amazon and it's good

Quake2 chaingun best chaingun

Doom3 one wasn't bad sounded like a drumkit though


Yeah I really hated the design of it as well. It barely looks like a shotgun.

Also when you dual wield those half your fucking screen is obscured, I wish people would fucking stop making the weapon models ridiculously huge

>game has a SPAS for shotgun
>you have to pump it instead of autofiring


What second one?

I'm not sure I can run it, I have a really old PC. And it looks kinda like MG-42 chambered in 12 gauge. Which is pretty amazing.

>Quake2 chaingun best chaingun
You know it, m8. You know it.
>sounded like a drumkit though
It has hilariously slow RoF for a Gatling styled weapon and a tiny belt. 60 rounds, really?

1960 rifles and the laserwerfksomthing was not that ugly
but everyweapons feels a bit overdesigned even the knifes
but you could just slap upgrade on it that was funny

Slightly off topic rant but fuck me do I miss the days when bigger was better in games. Pistol

The lack of muzzle flash on the chaingun (well, all of Quake 2's weapons) really bothers me. I don't know why they didn't have it, considering even Quake 1 had it.

just buy it and keep it until you have a nicer Toaster

>just buy it and keep it
Eh, I don't think they're going to run out of stock.

I fucking hated the gun sounds from HL2. The machine gun or whatever made my ears bleed so I never used it. Magnum was pretty sweet tho.

Dead island 2 ?

true but i don't know if the games was successful money wise
honeslty i bought just to support id

>shitty damage
Literally 2 shots at best, good at first, useless past level 50 or when goons outlevel the shotgun even slightly
>literally perfect besides the slow as fuck projectiles
>Fast rate of fire + increasing accuracy = crits everywhere pure gunfu
>either average or below average performance all around, big magazine size good only for x4 shotguns, ammo sucker
>no maliwan shotgun

Hyperion >= Torgue > Jakobs > Bandit > Tediore

>honeslty i bought just to support id
It wasn't made by id...

i kind of doubt that 65% of the open beta players are die-hard classic Doom fans. Sorry user.

man every gun in this game felt like ass to use.

Nice mention, the gunplay of all Borderlands games is some of the worst in vidya.

>The weapons in the singleplayer look nice and powerful though.
>Shotgun has reach of like 5 meters, and can't one-shot even a basic zombie
yeah, it's shit alright.

Best reboot/remake ever.

>You got wang.

>You got the touch, you got the poooower!

At that point you might as well use the sword. At best the Riot Gun is the backup gun in case you somehow ran out of ammo for every other weapons and you're fighting Coolies / a boss.

At least one thing they properly recreated in the reboot.

>room full of enemies
>not a single one dies after firing all four barrels simultaneously

Do you know the difference between Publisher and Developer?

4 has good shooting better than 5 imo

Funny thing is I am and I loved the beta because it felt like the first 2. I almost never play MP games but I loved Doom back in the day and think the beta nailed it.


TNO was published by Bethesda and developed by Machine Games. It uses idTech, but that doesn't mean anything. Do you have any idea how many games used id engines?

>Get quad pack upgrade
>Get firestorm upgrade
>bull demon spawns

yeah i know that "machines games" someting i think but who cares it's a good games and they get their cut maybe and still a fully offline FPS nowaday it's too rare too not support it

I didn't like it. The spread was too big. Other weapons felt more powerful, so I barely used it.

different opinions I guess

Good, I just wanted to confirm you knew the difference. I didn't think you were talking about Doom 4 or anything, lol.

Well, I'm glad I passed the test, officer!

by the way, did you also have that issue where when you go behind something, enemies disappear for a second? Like the game stops rendering models when they're not in direct line of sight, that triggered me so fucking bad, and made me wonder if it was id's shitty engine. Still enjoyed the game a lot

but user, the sawed-off exists.

shotguns in Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite are really disappointing. Specially in Infinite.
Fuck that shotgun.

The double barrel is much better.

Half Life 2's shotgun sounds like a plastic toy.

There are only two weapons in Half Life 2 that are satisfying to use, that crossbow thing and that revolver.

The rest feel and sound like toys, seriously.

Infinite was just disappointing full stop. I couldn't finish it. The combination of pretentious twaddle and lacklustre gameplay was just meh overall.