Was Witcher 3 really shit?

Was Witcher 3 really shit?

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I didn't get very far in it. Too many RPGs nowadays are as wide as an ocean, and as shallow as a puddle.


i didnt even pirate it


Was this really a shitpost?

Perfect way of putting it.

I might get it for ps4

It was a pretty good game. But you need to have some patient and experience in RPG to be able to fully appreciate.
It's not like one of those instant noodles of games like dark souls or assassin's creed.

This, fortunately Witcher 3 didn't fall into that category.

>wide as an ocean, and as shallow as a puddle.
Unles you're an autist, its one of the rare games that done open world properly.


me too. I love it at firstand after maybe 4 hours of gameplay, I got disinterested and felt like I was digging a whole to nowhere.

played it on the ps4, loved it, now that i'm a adult and a casual i dont really feel like playing games for hours, just short gaming sesions in between having a social life.
This game actualy made me play again like when i was a kid from, all day long.

Not much game have this kind passions it it nowadays.

Gothic 1 and 2 are proper open world games, not Witcher 3.

Uh yeah as someone who liked Witcher 3 I can't agree it did open world properly at all.

Most of the "open world" revolves around walking 50 meters between loot crates surrounded by enemies

It sure as fuck didn't deserve 5000 awards.

>I didn't get very far in it.
ADD confirmed

What makes Gothic 2 a "proper" open world game? No hate, I've had it in my GOG library for years and haven't played it, wanna hear some good things about it

Witcher 3 is 9/10 for me so far Op,could of been a 10/10 if there was more elf action

>Also best girl,short cameo....why CD Projekt Red?


No, it wasn't. Besides, why dont you try it for yourself instead of asking strangers on the internet?

Fortunately he was correct.

80% of the game is a find Ciri simulator with fan service
The remaining 20% is disappointing preparation and confrontation with the Wild Hunt followed by a 5 minute ending and some slides which I only found mildly less insulting than the Mass Effect 3 endings

Hearts of Stone was a big improvement though, someone actually thought that out properly

This video is a pretty good summary of why it's great.

Console kids who never played anything but Uncharted. TLOU and Cod games trying proper RPGs, rofl.

Yes. It was kinda shit. Bad gameplay, shallow "RPG" mechanics, shallow story choices. Atleast Ciri looked nice.

Sh.....shut up

Witcher 3 is a geniune Ass Creed copypaste though.

I liked it, Blood and Wine is probably gonna be dope as well

>Steam peasants who never played anything but assfaggots. CS:GO and falvor of the month meme games like Undertale trying proper RPGs, rofl.

Prove me wrong nigger post your most played steam games, or even better your steam profile and thern I consider your shitty biased meme opinion as legit.

for some reason it feels really ubisoft openworld

combat got boring after 40 min


It was a fun monster hunter simulator and some of the side quests were great, including the DLC. The main quest was a complete waste of time though.

Wow you pretty much summed up my feeling about the game in one sentence.

>guys guys, what if we make an open world action RPG with second long input delay and where half of activities revolve around following red glowing trails, lol

of course the game isn't shit.
if you think a game like W3 is shit I seriously doubt you've ever played a truly shit game.
I don't care if you dislike the game but it is good on a technical level.
go play some shit like Ride to Hell or Mindjacked and then tell me W3 is shit

The gameplay was objectively shit. That's really the only thing stopping me from coming back to if.

>combat is mediocre
>open world is pretty, but shallow
>enemy variety isn't great
>main questline is a little meh towards the end
>the main villain got barely any screen time
The witcher 3 had serious problems but I can't think of many games that I would play for 10 hour sessions after work, and then want to lay even more the next day. Something about it just perfectly clicked with me.

>yfw Witcher 3 has less players than Dark Souls, a game released in 2013
Let's face it, nobody enjoys playing this.

>Was Witcher 3 really shit?
hell yes

>Unles you're an autist, its one of the rare games that done open world properly.
kek, can you stop shilling already.
the game suffered from the open world aspect, it is the worst part and objectively ruined the game.
7.5/10 at best

Its shit, right. Keep on shitposting.

Witcher series is actual Gothic reboot. Seriously without Gothic there would be no Witcher.

like sex?

you mean sex, right?

If it was more like gothic it would actually be good.

there would still be witcher books

One of the major problem with Wild Hunt as enemy is that the game expected you to know books and deep lore. With it the game story was true materpiece without I guess it was kinda lame.

It was a fun and immersive adventure for what it's worth

Best game I'd played in a very long time. Too bad shitposters like to lay down the spicy phat meme-a-roonies on it.

combat is shit but It was a fun game

Aaaand rekt... where is your award Bloodborne?

>Plot has awful pacing, no payoff and a final act worse than MGSV
>Characters weren't my cup of tea
>Gameplay was historically awful
>Graphics were realistic, but by definition uninspired and lackluster
>Worst antagonist since Volgin
>Dialogue is probably the best in Sup Forumsidya since MGS codecs

It's shit, but least it tried. Failure shouldn't be rewarded, but that's not CDPR's fault.

I didn't know GOTY awards made the gameplay not shit.

You know the Witcher series is 30 years old, right?

>Playing on steam
>Not playing it on GoG
Physical copies activates on GoG too

Posting steam stats do not reflect how many play Witcher 3

>disregard all criticism
>refer to Dorito Pope awards for validation
>muh shitposter

Classic Poland Shilling Force tactics.

Witcher 3 sold 1.5 million on Steam. It should have enough players to rival a game from fucking 2013 that is 30 fps locked.

It doesn't have mods or multiplayer and has limited builds. It's basically a game that is meant to be played once or twice.

I think Sup Forums never got over the graphical downgrade because since then there's always been people talking shit about the game. If it's not your thing fair enough, but honestly I think it might be my favourite game of all time. Everything about it just clicks with me.

I put something like 140 hours into my first playthrough and I'm currently 40 hours or so into NG+ on the hardest difficulty. Gonna do the DLC when I eventually hit the appropriate level cuz I bought that when it released and haven't got around to playing it yet.


I wonder about all the people calling it "shit gameplay worst gameplay ever" have actually played games with actual shit gameplay.

It was alright. I just wish they kept to the Witcher 2 formula with hub based world, rewarding loot/crafting and a proper leveling curve.

No, but Sup Forums hates it because it's popular.
It was one of the best games of the past few years.

It was decent game.
Some mechanics were not good but just enough but overall game was great.
Main things were characters, world and narration of the story.
The story wasn't that great but again was good enough.
Combat system wasn't great but main problem was levelling and different levels of the same monster types.
It would work much better if there would be no levelling system at all. Especially not item levels. This would make the real open world.

But as whole game its still fun to play. Really interesting world and whole atmosphere make it much better game than its look.
Solid 8/10 or even more. Definitely one of the best game of the year.

People who are saying TW3 has shit gameplay aren't people who have "actually played games with actual shit gameplay"

They're people who have played games with good or even passable gameplay.

I have it on GoG. Most people I know get physical copy that is activated on GoG.
The only good thing that goes for steam are their forums and that is all.

Fantastic RPG. Absolutely deserved GOTY and if you disagree you can suck my dick.

>...Good enough
>...Wasn't great

How much does IGN pay? It's MGSV if MGSV had awful gameplay in between it's awful plotline.

MGSV was a shit game. Solid 4/10. Stop rewarding shit games.

>Fantastic RPG
What? It barely qualifies as an RPG. Your options are limited as fuck when it comes to customization. You have one class with one character with pre-determined attitude. It's mostly called an RPG to justify the shitty gameplay.

The game work for me. Some parts could be better(combat and levelling) but whole experience is great. At last for me.
Dunno how they make it - some Slav magic?
But it works. Just feels right.

So what it is if not RPG?

How can it be a fantastic RPG when it's barely an RPG?

Barely RPG is still RPG.
But I ask you a question. What it is if its not RPG?
Action game?
Visual novel?
Adventure game?
Tell me. I am curious.

How can a game that barely qualifies as an RPG be a fantastic RPG? You keep dodging this. Is a game that barely qualifies as a game a great game? Is a song that barely qualifies as a song a great song? Not really. If it was a fantastic RPG, it wouldn't be so barren in RPG elements. That's an oxymoron.

Witcher 3 would fall in the action adventure category really. Same as Ass Creed and BamHam.

Story driven adventure

literal reddit meme

I never stated that is fantastic, just good enough. Not the same user.

Action adventure? Really? Do you need to pull shit from your ass?
Its RPG. Solid one. More action oriented as Gothic but with more stats, quests, items and options.

>MGSV was a shit game
>shit game
Literally the only thing it did right was gameplay, worthabuy type hypocrisy.

Unfortunately for you, you're wrong



It was the shit.

I've never met a more desperate group of people trying to convince Sup Forums that TW3 is shit with their near-daily threads and folders full of self-made copypasta.

I've never met a more desperate group of people trying to convince Sup Forums that all games are shit with their near-daily threads and folders full of self-made copypasta.

I never understood this too.
Game is solid. Well done. Sure things could be better but overall its just good game that is fun and relaxing to play.
Anyone can explain me where from come all this hate?

It's like masturbation guilt.
>Damn huunnghh
>*bust a nut*
>what the fu- this ain't what I remember

>Unfortunately for you, you're wrong
Unfortunately for you, you're wrong.

Because "barely an RPG" is a classification of genre, while "fantastic" is a point on a scale of quality.
A gun doesn´t have to be a cannon to be a well made gun.

A well made cannon better be a cannon and not a gun with added powder.

Well it could be a handcannon.
Is a handcannon a gun or a cannon?

Well, it's not a fucking cannon. If you mean a handcannon, say handcannon. In this case it would be action adventure and not RPG.

Geralt in a tuxedo will never not be hilarious.

I mean sure there were threads critical of the game after release, but it reached an insane point once the GOTY competition started leaking in. Guess fanboys got upset or realized it was too easy to bait people into bash threads.

Fucking conversations, how do they work

Let's put it this way. This is a polished ball made of shit. It looks polished and shiny, but regardless, is it still shit?

you're asking a community that voted TW3 as their goty if the game's shit?

It's not shit, but man it's overrated. Witcher Contracts were awful and played out the same way every single time, even most quests did.

>Get quest
>Follow red lines with EAGLE VISIO- Witcher Senses
>Hear Geralt grumble to himself
>Follow red line again
>Kill something
>Quest complete

Absolutelty atrocious UI. I really wonder if the devs ever bothered using all the buffs and potions during some testplays.
Going through 100 different items trying to find your shit again to put it on the quickbar every single time you had to rest was incredibly tedious.

Same with the oils, why do you have to manually apply them every single time you meet an enemy. Just have Geralt do a swift animation when you run into a monstergroup you know about and have the oil for it, jesus fucking christ.

Nah it was great.