>Overwatch OPEN BETA
>NOBODY talking about it
I really like it so far, even so some characters like Bastion and Reaper seem to be a bit overpowered.
>Overwatch OPEN BETA
>NOBODY talking about it
I really like it so far, even so some characters like Bastion and Reaper seem to be a bit overpowered.
It's almost as if they're playing the game.
Bout to start playing it. Just finiahed installing.
im going to try it with an open mind but i can already see the game being overhyped.
Who is best girl and why is it D.va
>e-everyone is just too busy playing!
Man, this line of defense must have been used for every flop in history.
Well I for one don't care about any new blizzard games.
Hard countered by Genji. Pretty weak to Roadhog's hooks, or anyone with a long ranged explosive, like Pharah or Junkrat.
that's your problem nigga, I feel like he could use some buffs
Remember to sage
How many threads you need senpai? 10?
serious question. Is it just TF2? Looks like it
There's been 4 threads for overwatch nonstop since the beginning of the beta. I agree that these are marginally more interesting than than the soulshit threads but come the fuck on.
I've been playing it for 12 hours straight now. And I dont actually like it even, though its fun.
Balance is completely fucked though, its filled with instakill/wallhack/aimbot abilities so that even the worst retard can kill someone on cooldown from time to time and not get too frustrated.
is it me or does D.Va suck ass?
She does no damage and she's not as good as Reinhardt at blocking damage with her shield and she's not as good at Bastion at mowing down people. She's just a mediocre in between
the only decent thing about her is the mech sudoku, but that only gets people the first time because of the deceptively large explosion radius
A good McRee will beat a good Reaper any time.
well, she kind of does a lot of dmg for a tank and is pretty mobile
her advantage is practically perfect mobility. She can escape nearly any situation she doesn't like, and fly right over your teams heads to get into a position to do serious damage
TF2 but smaller maps.
Because it's shit, and know we know it for sure.
Because it gets boring really fast.
Thankfuly I didn't pay for it, it was a key I got here.
>completely useless tank
>"I'm such a gamer gurl xD" personality
worst girl and worst character in the entire game
It would be nice if they upped her damage a bit even if it cost her some mobility. It feels like she does more damage outside of her mech than in it.
>nobody talking about it
there is like five OW threads active on Sup Forums at any time since open beta started
she does
The game just sort of misses the mark. After about 2 hours play it is starting to feel kind of monotonous
I don't feel like I have to put any real effort in to do well and get very little out of winning cause it is as much about lucking out with a good team
so what are the options for playing as a sniper?
Xd hayters gonna hayte!
Useless. I've downed more D.VA's than any other character. A huge squishy target.
Its the new League of Legends, normies are going to eat it up
then add people and play with a consistent team.
you can't 'luck out' with a stack user. that's just called beating the other team.
>nobody talking about it
There are threads everywhere you fucking cunt. Who is your manager? I want to speak with him.
Because it's a boring game.
Open beta? Do you need a key to get in? If not why didn't anyone remind me...
>open beta
Are you 12?
It's legit being viralled.
I'm 64 and fairly new to the internet.
She does ridiculous damage up close. You are supposed to play the character up close/lone ranger like. I rack up 35 kills per game. You have to fly out when low on health and go for a health pickup. You need to look at her guns like shotguns. They are pointless from far.
Reapers teleport animation is slow and clunky that's the only thing I would buff really
>playing D.VA as a tank.
That's where you fucked up. She's not a tank even though she's labeled one on character select. She has a lot of health so that's why they threw her there. She's more of up close and personal flank machine. Does more damage than a tank should
Because I lost access to my Blizzard account
Because it's a fucking ARENA FPS
Why the fuck would I play that?
her damage is shit
>600 threads today alone
its shit
gets boring in a day
That's probably why I keep killing her easily. A lot of people use her as long range.
Why so many racists in this game? Can you report people?
>claiming Reaper needs a buff
I am literally lmaoing right now
>high damage shotguns with good range and quick reload
>invincible teleport
>ebin spin2win ultimate that can kill anything
Go home edgelords
>>NOBODY talking about it
are you blind
>join a game
>play for 12 seconds
Basically my entire experience with Overwatch so far.
I'm playing it nigga, this shit is as fun as TF2
she best girl but worst character no?
Played it
Mercy best girl
The only problem i have with it that matches are one sided and turrets have too much damage while having more hp than a tank
>>NOBODY talking about it
there's literally dozens of threads about it
just use the catalog you faggot
fuck off nigger
Thanks for the next level tips man
Should I be sniping with Widow Maker?
D.Va is a flanker. She needs to just fucking go in Rambo style, guns blazing. If you prefer playing more passively then D.Va is not for you. Think of her as a flying Pyro.
Why not?
>fuck off nigger
this is what I mean
Okay gramps, have a nice time.
It's open as of today, it was closed for like 3 or 4 days now for the ones that pre-ordered
>play Mercy a lot
>people constantly let me get attacked and killed even though I KNOW they can see my health bar rapidly go down the shitter
fuck off nigger
It's shit. Ultra casual, shallow as fuck, garbage. There's no content, no depth, it practically plays itself, and requires no thought or skill.
Reaper is OP when you don't know him. This invicible shit gets on my nerves.
everyone just run away from or in circled around Reinhardt man. What is the point?
Genji is trash and there is no reason to play him over his bro who is better in every single aspect.
>NOBODY talking about it
There's at least 4 threads about this game here, at any given time.
Shills are properly doing their work.
You know racism is not allowed here either, right? Maybe I am just a white guy that doesn't like racism?
>three dollars and fifty three cents was added to your account
excellent work
Not really, it's just "fat" threads talking about 1 character not the game.
fuck off wigger
am i the only one thats enjoying the game? every time i check Sup Forums in between games i see massive hate for this game. am i just being a casual or a "mainstream" gamer for enjoying this?
>playing training mode
>play tutorial
Is this whole game gonna be online or is it just the beta?
I play it with my friends and it's loads of fun. Can't deny it's braindead casual shit, though. Don't even know why Highlights are in; they're never skillful or impressive.
Not at all. I'm vegan and I'm enjoying it too.
This is true. Only big weakness Reaper has is his super low range. If he doesn't shoot you in the face from melee range his damage output is greatly reduced.
bastion needs to not be able to turn 360 degrees in turret mode and his damage should fall off at range
hanzo needs scatter arrow replaced by another ability, it makes no sense in his kit and is completely RNG outside of those times when you can shoot it at someones feet
d.va needs to not have her damage fall off at range as hard as it does
mei needs either a hp reduction or less damage overall
torbjorn turrets needs to not aimbot you as fast as they currently do, their autolock speed is insane
widowmaker needs longer recharge time on her sniper rifle shots
junkrat needs his ammo count reduced from 6 to 4
pharah rockets need slightly longer travel time
delete symmetra from the game and add another hero instead
there, I fixed the game
Hotdamn this game sucks.
I was wishing I was playing TF2 the whole time while I was playing it
>that ninja that runs around at lightning speed just spamming M1 and reflecting bullets
There were 3 separate threads last night.
Nah, I thoroughly enjoy the game as well. I play with friends and it's a riot. Maybe the hate is from solo payers
>it's an AFK dwarf is the player of the game thanks to his turrets game
Yes. If you don't think is the most piss easy, mindless game ever made then you need to reevaluate your life. This game makes Call of Duty look like Quake. I'm not going to tell you that it isn't somewhat fun, that would be bullshit, but I've played more hardcore mobile games. This shit literally couldn't be more watered down.
fuck off nigger
someone is salty
>Its a reaper pressed Q play of the game.
I think I've only seen one genuinely cool PoTG and it was from a junkrat doing c4 shit
>nobody is talking about it
There's like 12 threads about it on the catalog right now
Game is shit, makes me wish TF2 never died
Roadhog is obnoxiously powerful, he basically ruins everybody's day and forces them into fights the can't win. He can also do it all day because of his press E to heal.
So your logic is, since nobody is talking about the game it must be bad. Understood.
>people thinking Bastion is OP
He's a pubstomper that shits on people unwilling to adapt.
You can pick Genji and make Bastion literally kill himself.
Let's post some fun webms
Fuck off nigger
>kill 5 people within 8 seconds on pharah
>potg goes to a torbjorn hitting his turret while it scores 1 kill on the objective and damages another guy
this system is gay as fuck
The game is a mess.
>*presses X*
It's just a fucking spam fest with slow ass movement. No skill required.
This is me. Averaging 30 kills a game with him, frequently 0 deaths. Beyond easy mode. His rivet gun/shotgun is great too. PotG every time.
I've only tried out Soldier 76, Tracer, and McCree and they're kinda fun. I'm just trying to get more used to Tracer since she's a bit different. Zarya seems really solid and I wanna try out Pharah and Reinhardt.
>Be Bastion
>Know there's a Genji on the other team
>See him come up to me
>Starts flailing his arms around
>Stop shooting
>Wait for him to finish then eviscerate him
People think he's this magical hard-counter but he really isn't.
Because it's garbage.
>it's a bastion holds M1 while sitting still player of the game
Soldier 76 is underrated and strong as shit. Prove me wrong
Saging a video game thread?
>Got DC from game.
>I now have "Leavers Penalty"
>-75% exp
>It's been 10 games and I still have it.
>Got like 2 bars of experience in 10 games.
What the fuck is this garbage? Why are you penalized for more then 1-3 games.
>Play of the game: Mercy
>It's just a video of me holding right mouse button
>best damage in the game
>"I feel like he could use some buffs"
Why the fuck do other players allow this to happen? It's not like they can hide somewhere nobody can find them.
This. Genji is the weakest character in the game, and there is a reason you people probably have never seen him top the charts ever.
"DC'D" lol yeah right leaver faggot
You have to catch them off card by attacking from behind which causes them to panic fire before checking who is attacking them.
This entire exchange has distracted you long enough for the enemy team to push.
Even barring Genji, there's still Pharrah, Hanzo, Symmetra, Widowmaker.