Mei is for ____
Mei is for ____
Mugs of hot chocolate and passionate snuggling on cool winter evenings.
easy killing
she needs a buff desu, played about 100 hours throughout the beta and all Meis are fucking useless
You're just bad then, Mei is best hero
Mei is literally built for sex.
rough dry anal
>just fuck both teams up at the same time, the character
Slot waster.
I don't play her, I judge her by how easy it's to kill her
I forced myself to play this game for about an hour and damn does the game feel bland and empty, I really tried to like it.
Mei is a good attacker, despite being labeled as a defender.
She needs three seconds to freeze someone.
Good luck killing anyone who's not a retard.
Mei is for literal niggers
Rubbish bin
>he doesn't know about flanking
>stand behind a reinhardt shield as mei
>mercy is healing me
>freeze 4 people and result in a win
>got mei's "Frosty :)" cinematic
>implying I will ever get a best play with her
The whole best play thing is retarded anyways. Not even an option to skip that shit.
>She needs three seconds to freeze someone.
>Good luck killing anyone who's not a retard.
The wall is what makes her extremely useful when attacking.
Her ult is extremely good vs dug in positions or create space for her team.
She has long range and short range attacks and can be very annoying for any slow moving hero to deal with.
She is tough to kill and has solid sustain.
>Soldier 76 players
>Widowmaker players
>Roadhog players
>Russian steroid machine ults
>Runs in and uses my cute little gun
>Kills them all
you got it family
Half of the cast can KILL 90% of the characters by pointing gun at them for 3 seconds.
Why the fuck is this even an argument?
because she can hit 6 people at the same time and freeze all of them without even reloading. Half of the cast cant get an entire team killed without reloading and without an ult--mei can.
Fattening up
being part of a Tf2 copy, worse than the original game.
Mei is great vs tanks because most heroes can't kill them quickly. She only needs to aim at them (very easy to hit with) while kiting and slowing them. Once they freeze she can deal a shit ton of damage with head shot spikes.
She can also dodge tons of strong skills the enemy has when she freezes herself.
that is just disgusting
Just because your fat doesn't mean you can post that shit you know
thats not even high test meme, it's just fat
Why are 6 characters not attacking a squishy cunt who is up close and obviously the most dangerous one for whole 3 seconds? Why are assassin characters not focusing her?
The freeze does barely any damage on itself too so why are you speaking as if Mei is doing it alone?
>I've got you in my sights
>It's high noon
>[Old man being propelled by rockets noises]
>Justice rains from above!
>Die die die
>Nerf this!
She is for carrying your shitter team and getting absolutely no credit for it.
its about positioning. your only argument is "hurr they can just kill her"
The list goes on
>enemy widowmakes camping
>bastion camping
>hanzo camping
>torbjörn and his turret
>enemy trying to escape
>ally being chased
>mercy healing a target
put a wall between them so one is cut off
>junkrat wheel
I wasn't prepared for this deal.
>Set up a wall to flank the team on Koth
>Catch 3 in my ult, and pick off 2 more after it ends and cap point
>Pharah gets the potg with an ult that kills less off the point
Its also hard getting votes after a match when you're not a "m-muh KD" character
In your anus.
oh that's nice.
is that another needlessly sexist butt pose? Time for Blizzard to step in and sex it up even more
She's farting.
Best girl.
>Play tutorial
>First thing you do is watch Tracer
>Second thing is follow behind Tracer looking at her ass
You'd take her out for a doughnut date, right Sup Forums?
please give me an overwatch girl to fap to
>Pink nipples
Mei is for friends who do lewd stuff together
U is for /u/ and Sup Forums
N is for anywhere and anytime at all, down here in the safe [for work] blue Sup Forums
This Mei your watch begins
Anal Watch
How many donuts tho?
what do they smell like?
more like ignore-able bullet sponge
Well, she looks like she could put quite a few away.
You are literally gay
Like this.
I'd pay to see that
being overpowered as fuck and generally being best girl over all
The more the better. She needs the extra bulk when she is in the cold.
>Mei is for ____
Girls to cosplay as so I can beat my dick.
we invented clothing for that very long ago. So you can take off the extra when you're in a warmer place
are you sure? I think she's hellishly difficult to cosplay, since there's a dangerously thin line between thick and fat, and her body shape seems to be quite ... lucky. Also, very easy to get that face wrong
>No "Build wall!" emote
>No "You have to go back!" taunt
missed opportunity tbqh
Breeding obviously.
>very easy to get that face wrong
that face IS wrong. Looks nothing like her, and kind of desperate.
What fucking language does she speaks? it's annoying as fuck. It reminds me of like a guinea pig or something
Has Inuit confessed her true feelings to Kaceytroll yet?
isn't she Chinese?
God damn it you're right.
Watch more korean porn.
God Symmetra is ASS.
Teleporter being her Ult? What the fuck?
Her shield blows, her gun blows, her HP blows, and the turrets are ALREADY old news that everyone knows to just shoot a couple times.
This character shouldn't be in Support. She shouldn't be in the game.
>Her shield blows, her gun blows, her HP blows
the most important thing is, does she blow? How well?
>Easy killing
>Needs a buff
She can wall you off from your allies, freeze you, then EZmode icicle headshot you down. Then when your team mobilizes to catch the point, she pops her ult, icicles a few more, and at any time things get hairy she can just self heal.
god this game is so easy it's boring. haven't lost a game yet.
They use bleach to make their nips pink
None have that hilariously huge slow debuff and can disengage about as well though.
Its that sole reason I only give votes for healers and support.
fukken saved, thank you user-kun
>he calls that fat
Are you twelve
>all those delicious 3d futa videos
thanks Blizzard
So Widowmaker /isn't/ a Dark Elf. She's blue because her heartbeat's frozen and she isn't getting proper oxygen in her blood or something.
Explain Torbjorn.
>Mei gets revealed
>people go nuts saying she's a tumblrette
>few months later
>everyone suddenly wants to bang her
What happened?
All I remember is the "THICK!" spam. Zarya is the one that got all the tumblrette spam, for good reason.
SJWs have literally invaded this board
I don't understand the hate for Zarya. You get 4 waifu material girls and then you get one butch and all of Sup Forums says it is a terrible shit design.
No different than feminist who cry foul over overtly "sexualized" characters
>You get 4 waifu material girls and then you get one butch
That's exactly the problem. It's a token design, included for inclusiveness. Bit of a general problem when you have excessively stereotypical characters. It's easy to spot the odd one out, or the defining trait they used on their check list
Don't tell them the truth user.
Zarya is waifu material, just for a specific fetish group. It also happens to be a bit of a dumb gender equality stereotype, which does not make things any easier.
The only thing that puts me off is the pink dye, thank god there is a normal brown recolor
Sorry, i like my fit dykes to look "normal" instead of "90's alt"
Every character is easy to kill.
Post more Mei please.
>Worst tank
lmaoing at your life