Gears of SJW
Gears of SJW
How is that SJW? It just looks like the younger version of dudebros. Damn you are dumb.
Yeah they should Mohammed, they should.
>bottom middle
More like Gears of Waifu tbqh
I'm sick and tired of Asians being misrepresented in my shooters
It's always whites, niggers and British people
Gears 4 will never be as good as the first one
Gears of War? Man, more like TEARS of War! You see that commercial with that song? That pussy ass song? Real games got some Fitty Cent, some Fat Joe, some BALLIN
Shit games regardless.
Disturbed did a good cover of the song.
>protagonist is blonde white man with blue eyes
Trying way too hard to fit in.
>game is a male power fantasy
>this is problematic so we have to portray men with no power and put women in the game
>this surely isn't going to alienate our audience and hurt sales
Why are women and SJW's so fucking awful? Gamers aren't shitting on their hobbies.
I don't get it. How is this SJW? Are you retarded?
I like em, they look like rag tag fighters instead of an established military presence. Girls beanie and black guys eye brow piercing seem shoe horned. Everything else is fine though?
>implying Gears of War 1-3 did not have a diverse cast
>they are INSANE to suggest that I'm racist or sexist or homophobic
>but I WILL get mad as fuck if I see black, female, or gay characters in MY videogames
Seriously, though. I don't like the new art style.
Old one was burly, gritty, unique. You show me a weapon/armour/character/enemy/location, and it'd look distinctly like Gears of War.
This new one doesn't look a thing like GoW; those characters could be from Tomb Raider/Far Cry/Uncharted/etc for all I know.
It just looks so bland.
>didnt even look at the OP
The Asians did not have much going in the GOW series desu. Sorry senpai
Was OP being an ironic shitposter? I don't get the point of this thread.
>3 Solders
>3 Models
I think i got what bugs me - the emphasis of the original was on the arms or the armor. The emphasis of the new is their fucking faces. And the faces are so obviously of models in a photo shoot that it completely breaks the illusion of conflict. We Gears of Abercrombie now.
Are you ignoring the characters on top, you bitch nigga?
All the real niggas is on the PSTriple
No, he was just pointing out how the new characters look more like agency models pretending to live in a apocalyptic scenery than actual soldiers.
More than 90% of the mainstream videogames "audience" is white people so yes
Is that SJW now? Differing art styles?
>token black guy
>us girls are soldiers to!
>white guy probably leader
>look at our cool hip 2010+ faces guys rather shit going down nigga get to some fucking cover
thats the real issue they look like a MTV reality show than battle hardened soldiers
Yes but they were done right
SJW? No.
Just hipster.
What hobbies? Makeup application? Fashion?
The bottom pic definitely looks too pretty to be "cogs the war machine", but thats more "unrealistic portrayal of soldiers" than SJW.
What the fuck does the characters looking like humans, albeit pretty humans, instead of apes have to do with SJWs? I don't think these people necessarily fit the grim aesthetic of the world either, but I'm tired of retards just throwing the SJW label on anything they don't like.
Calm down Trigglypuff. Don't you have a term paper about hating white men to turn in?
I ducking love how Sup Forums would constantly shot on Grars non stop back in the day, but suddenly because the character design has changed to younger people, and due to the socio-political issues in recent years, they pretend like they've been fans since 2006 so they can pretend this upsets them.
It's not SJW, it's bad marketing art design. The rest of Sup Forums can keep talking about SJW without me. I'm here to hate video games, not people.
That first guy is practically Aryan. The black guy looks less black than the previous games black guy. The girl is QT, not a tumblr hambeast.
>all we want is politics OUT of games journalism!
>sweet this unashamedly right-wing paper guy supports us, haha he complains about feminists all day long, he is so BASED!!!
>but the important thing is no agendas are being pushed
>haha milo is so right about trannies being insane
>the only reason I hate all these SJWs talking about games is that they don't even play videogames!!!
>haha milo wrote a game review for a game he never played and made fun of SJWs haha BASED
>milo also wrote an article after a shooting where he blamed videogames
>haha it's fine though there's no way milo is just an opportunist looking for clicks because he's not like the SJWs
>haha milo so based, he even knows the memes!! xD
We fly high
No lie
You know this
It's been 25 years since the war of course it's a bunch of hipsters who think they are soldiers. They will learn what war is. As for the girl part where were you when Anya Stroud were introduced?
>I'm retarded
Thanks for confirming.
she just stop moving and get back to the normal stance in just a blink of an eye
There have been numerous games where it feels like the developer has just shoehorned in a character just to appease a certain very vocal demographic.
We don't want characters that are defined by their sexual orientation or gender. As much as GOW is considered a "dude bro" shooter, EPIC did a great job introducing playable female characters into the later installments of game.
It is ironic that a series mostly defined by its super manly fuck shit up characters and theme is probably one of the best series when it comes to incorporating female characters and characters from other cultures.
The bottom half look like total pussies.
I bet that chick is thin as hell compared to the original amazons in Gears 3
Who are you even quoting? Seriously your reaching is going further than Activision are with their supply drips
i dont get it, how do 2 men and a woman being pictured take all the power away from men?
Neo/v/ doesn't understand that reference anymore, user
I haven't played the GoW 4 beta but GoW 3 had like 5 female models, 2 black guys, an asIan and a Mexican.
>expecting a good game in 2016+
Dom was hispanic you fucking idiot.
Sup Forums has basically become bizarro tumblr at this point and is able to get foaming at the mouth pissed off at pretty much anything no matter how benign.
I'm not sure if you're baiting or just stupid, but did you seriously not look at the top half of the image?
back to le ribbit, newfriend
It's SJW because the characters are prettier?
And aren't like, 5 miles wide?
This thread is b8.
They look like slack jawed faggots with no muscle.
>Gears 3 girls
Fucking lol dude. They were twigs. I noticed no physique difference between playing Anya and Sam in 3 or Kat in Gears 4 beta.
Bottom Left version of the boy is fucking cute as fuck, would fuck his boipussy
>women fighting in a war
>purple hair
>Gears of War
>western games
>mainstream games
>brown and bloom
Baiting the sarcastic neo-Sup Forums caps spammers most likely.
are you serious? holy shit please kill yourself
Thanks for confirming.
I don't mind that they are smaller and look younger, but what's with the shit haircuts and piercings, they just look so out of place. They made it work with Tai, I don't get how they couldn't make it work here
I don't think that Gears of War become SSJw but the new characters are just marshallow if you compare it to the old characters.
I would pay to see you actually explain why Milo isn't a clickbaiting, pandering sensationalist journo without greentexting and reaction images. But you can't. Because you, like every other Milo supporter, are clueless.
You can keep screaming "butthurt tumblrinas" all you want, but you know every time you do it's because you don't know what to say. Maybe you should ask yourself why that is.
Don't forget Tai and Sam were Polynesian as well
What, because they look like actual people now instead of walking refrigerators?
It`s as diverse as an 80`s actionmovie. I bet the black best friend will have to sacrifice himself.
Are you a fucking idiot?
Source: user's ass
Seriously ? You guys are pretty much reverse sjws at this point
Why complain about including a blakman? Coaltrain is the best shit in GOW ever.
I don't even understand the point of this thread. The top is the cast of Gears, which clearly isn't SJW shit. The bottom is probably from Uncharted or some other garbage, but it's unrelated to Gears so I don't see the connection.
What do a generation of kids do during 25 years of peace time? Sure as hell aren't gonna look like the grunts of the first games.
They look absolutely DEGENERATE.
As if a bunch of Frappuchino sipping Macfag, tweeting Instagram Facebook posting Starbucks bachelor of arts leftist college hipsters suddenly winded up in the Gears universe like Dorothy in the land of Oz and went like "BAZINGA! let's fight bigotry and cis Locusts' patriarchy!"
Needless to say those characters are a projection of the neo-liberal SJW LGBT FEMEN Nu-Male hipster fagshit devs who infiltrated the video game industry and are running amok within.
>complaining about minorities and women
>in a fucking Gears of War game
Goddamn, I hope this is b8. Even if it is b8, you should kill yourself.
Who he fuck mentioned Milo you weirdo?
Side note the guy is kinda funny and isn't trying to ruin nip vidya so IDC if he is click baiting or making money or whatever your problem with him is.
This desu.
Shop some glasses on the white guy and he'll look like a nu male.
As much as I don't care for the new characters isn't the whole point of gears 4 that they're not soldiers anymore and just regular people?
Does the COG even exist anymore?
Source:A bit of logic
Do you really think that brown people outside of welfare lands can afford to buy games? The biggest minority audience in mainstream videogames are asians and they barely appear in western games because pandering to them doesn't give you enough SJW progressive points.
You can't discuss video games with a generation of poltards who takes it all serious. Coletrain was the bomb.
It worked cause it fit into Tai's backround. Island people like Hawaiians and Somoans incorporate tattoos and jewelry into their warrior culture.
>hehe y-you're just triggered
Keep telling yourself that. You'll convince someone that you aren't retarded.
The COG still exists, the people below aren't with the COG. They're called "outsiders"
I completely forgot about Tai and Sam was my go to along with Baird. I-I have to play as a character voiced by Claudia Black.
>the black guy's hair
If his motivation isn't to get his hairbrush back, this shit is awful.
This thread is b8 and ironic shitposting.
If you don't see the discrepancy and obvious misplacement of those college hipster kids in the Gears universe, you most likely are one of those fagglets yourself, posting from your MacBook Air.
>Make manly as fuck shooter franchise full of testosterone fueled dudes
>scrap the aesthetic theme to appeal to anti-war hipsters
This will go well.