>Muh pre-war jet

It's Benzedrine, you fucking morons. It was the first commercial brand of amphetamines and it was sold in inhalers starting in the 1930's.


Myron might have been the first guy after the bombs to synthesize amphetamines, but they certainly existed before the war and certainly saw recreational use.

Med-x is morphine.
buffout is HGH and steroids.
jet is benzedrine / amphetamine
stimpacks are epinephrine shots

Other urls found in this thread:


...yes, and?

why the fuck can't yanks just call it Adrenaline, like the rest of the world?

>fallout lore
>fallout in general

It's a game that lets me dress up in bondage gear, do tons of hard drugs, and murder strangers.

What's not to like?



>things exist in real life
>this means the lore is pointless!

Reminder that the first divergence between real life and the Fallout universe was around feudal Japan

Bethesda doesn't give a fuck, why are you trying to defend them.

no, it was around ww2

Lorefags are objectively the worst. Nothing but a bunch of faggots

Do you really think a world that developed complex robotics and directed energy small arms never figured out how to make CNS stimulants?

Fallout is full of references to beatnik culture. Benzedrine was literally a beatnik drug. Jack Kourac and Allen Ginsberg did that shit all the time.


UM AKSHCHWALLY it is between the WWII and nineties - in 1992 of our timeline, Sierra Army Depot is a storage facility and USSR is disbanded, in Fallout, Sierra is experimental base and USSR is still around.

Regardless of what real world equivalent exists for Jet, Jet specifically is a post-war drug created by Myron using Brahmin. Any references to it should be exclusively post-war, and the fact that the pre-war logs call it Jet specifically implies they're one in the same. If they were referring to some pre-war amphetamines, that's what it would be called, not Jet.

Why would the street name for amphetamines change just because bombs fell?

Fuck off Pete.

They surely didn't make ones from brahmin shit.

Jet inconsistencies have been around since the game that revealed the origin of Jet

>While it is said that Myron created jet, Mrs. Bishop says that she got hooked on jet by John Bishop (before they got married) and for that she got kicked out of Vault City, which would require jet to be much older than Myron is. According to Chris Avellone, what Mrs. Bishop says is a mistake and is not canon. It is more likely that Bishop got her hooked on some other drug. Consistent use of jet will have muddled Mrs. Bishop's perceptions in any case.

here we all about that epipen

I'm not arguing on the case of OP, I'm pointing out the fallacy behind his argument. As far as why they'd rename it, one could argue if the name incorporated the word 'Jet' in it and it was simply renamed due to one thing or another (see The Pitt from Pittsburgh). It's grasping at straws, though, because again, Jet is something made by Myron, end of.

This really can't be an argument when you look at a lot of things in the Fallout Universe. Remember, the Platinum Chip, one of the most advanced memory storage units in the entire world, is basically equivalent to our $5 flash drives despite them being 61 years in the future by the time the bombs fell. A lot of things weren't 1:1. If you want to argue that it's based on 1930's-1950's, then don't bring up complex robotics.

Bethesda obviously didn't think this much into it when they made the rehab Vault. If they did, they would have at least tried to make the distinction. The existence of Jet as an equivalent to Benzedrine is most likely Interplay's original reasoning when they went all 1950's memelords with Fallout 2. Is it possible that it existed in an original form in Pre-War? Wouldn't be too hard to reason. Is that Bethesda's meaning with its placement in the rehab vault? It's been made obviously not with how little regard they've given the lore in both practice and reply to anyone who's asked.

a literally what

adrenaline, my fellow American

epinephrine is greek, adrenaline is latin

It doesn't seem unreasonable that 'jet' was a street name for amphetamines and methamphetamines before the war.

It's not unreasonable that Myron's particular synthesized blend that he made post-war was also called jet.

My dick is latin

>I only played Fallout 3 for five minutes and dislike the series because it is popular with normies

I legitimately hope you hang yourself.

Because they are different. Epinephrine causes your adrenal glands to pump adrenaline.

actually Dick originated in medieval england as a Rhyming nickname for Rick and Hick, which were both short for Richard.

No, you retard. Jet is Jet. It's a fictional drug made with post-war ingredients. It was a major sub-plot of Fallout 2's setting. Jet emerging and hundreds getting hooked on it.

Also, Stimpaks are literally sci-fi health potions. They're not painkillers, they literally heal wounds with magic chemical fluid.

So far this answer makes the most sense, but I still say Bethesda doesn't know what they're doing and/or don't give a fuck.

Because there is a difference

What about the aliens that attacked feudal Japan?
This is canon

nah ive played them all except 4. i played 1 and 2 before 3 was even announced.

what a special little snowflake you are

it's about inner consistency. You can't just make up some bullshit to fit the narrative. There are rules and if you break those rules, even the ones that you created, everything falls apart and nothing will matter anymore because everything goes.

Speaking of which...

>aliens attack feudal japan

As far as I know, the ayys never attacked Japan. They abducted a single samurai to experiment on and didn't mess with anyone else. I don't think a single samurai going missing from the world was enough to cause the massive divergence between Fallout and the real world.

>slows down time instead of making you move faster

what the fuck were they thinking?

This is an even more terrible example. Bethesda literally doesn't know what the fuck to do with anything anymore.

Are you saying that aliens *didn't* attack feudal japan IRL?

Why do they call it Jet before the war though?

Are you some kind of retarded apologist?

Bethesda and Toddlet suck.

That's all you need to know.

They were thinking that in 1 and 2 it gave you more action points.

Actually jet was the most OP drug in 1 and 2.

>max agility
>fast draw my .223 pistol on everyone
>take jet
>do it again

Jet is brahmin jenkem. It's made in new reno out of the fumes of mutant cows' shit.

Jet is made from Brahmin dung.
Brahmin weren't around before the war.
Jet is Post-War.

I dunno, why do we call it speed IRL regardless of whether it's prescription adderall or if came from a basement drug lab?

Do you think we'd stop calling it speed if the bombs fell?

at least fallout 4 isn't a tale of bitch hunting and cuckoldry like the witcher 3.

Just a reminder that no one plays the old Fallouts anymore.

I don't understand why this started to be an issue just now. Couldn't you get randomized Jet in Fallout 3/NV vaults, too? Was nobody wiereded out that Ghouls in vaults that were locked for a century had tens of bottlecaps stashed around?

I would if the colors weren't all types of fucked up when I try to play it now

>I don't understand why this started to be an issue just now
Because there is a terminal with pre-war logs mentioning Jet in Fallout 4.

>Couldn't you get randomized Jet in Fallout 3/NV vaults, too?
Yes, it didn't make much sense in 3 either since DC and West Coast were separated by radiation storms and shit, but it wasn't so blatant as fucking pre-war logs about post-war drugs.

In NV however it made sense since a lot of people from West Coast were visiting New Vegas.

Fallout Fixt
Fallout 2 Restoration Project.

That was only really a problem in 3. Jet and other post-war items didn't really show up in any Vaults or pre-war ruins in NV unless it was established it had been raided in the past by scavengers or whatever.

>look at this super advanced and really intelligent society! surely they invented x!
>meanwhile, a nuclear bomb goes off every time the ground shakes near a car in the fallout universe

yeah uhhuh good point friend

>Do you think we'd stop calling it speed if the bombs fell?
We probably would if all the speed was lost and a brand new drug with the properties of speed was invented and named by an autistic teenage retard with an ego problem.

>I read the trivia section of some Fallout wiki and now think I'm smart as fuck

>meanwhile, a nuclear bomb goes off every time the ground shakes near a car in the fallout universe
That was a joke about a concept car called the 'nucleon', where people in the 50's thought it'd be a bright and promising future when they managed to put a nuclear fission reactor in every single car on the street.

Bethesda unfortunately did not realize that the point of fallout wasn't to lambaste everything about the 50's to the point of making obscure gags that the majority of their audience wouldn't get. Or even that the 50's aesthetic was barely important at all.

Kill yourself you worthless fucking faggot


>but they certainly existed before the war and certainly saw recreational use.
And certainly would have had records on it. Fact is, there were no pre-War records of Jet, so it either didn't exist yet and was a blatant retcon of its origin, or went by a different name and Bethesda not having both in the game was an oversight. Either way, Bethesda fucked up.

>It's an "NMA pretends Fallout was a gritty, serious series that was never really 50's retrofuturistic" episode.


I do. In fact, the two later total conversions, Fallout: Nevada and Olympus 2207, are pretty amazing, and the former's content is on par with F2.


If it was a common street name before the Great War like you're implying, they'd be records of it in previous games. There's not, so we can conclude that Jet was not what people called amphetamines at the time.

this. i am so sick and tired of people defending this shit and trying to cover up plotholes with fan theories.

If they didn't explicitly mention it, then it didn't happen.

They fucked up. Get over it.

Jet was not in Fallout 1 for obvious reasons.

i'll play FO1 and 2 once they are remastered in glorious 3D combat developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks

>it's that "Anything argument I don't like must come from NMA" guy
not him but I sincerely doubt anyone even uses that site. The first time someone called me that i had to look up what it was.

Could it just be that some people came up with similar arguments reaching the same conclusion that Bethesda Fallout games are shit?

you are THE cancer.

>shoot a normal person 20 times in the head to kill it
At least in the originals headshots did a fuckton of damage, left the guy almost blind and most of the times were critical hits

git gud

>It's Benzedrine
>created at a chem station from plastic and fertalizer
It's Jenkem nigger

There's no real skill involved in 3D fallout combat, whereas in the originals you had to at least plan a little

Go back to work Muldur

jet was created by a character in fallout 2

Honestly, I would be fine with that OP

If they had some pre-war safe or vault or whatever, you walked in and found tons of unused Jet, fine. I could believe that because maybe the medical knowledge was just lost pre-war and now since everyone calls it Jet, so does the player in the context of the HUD.

However, the issue people have is the fact that there's a terminal with a guy CALLING IT JET. He isn't calling it Benzedrine. He's calling it Jet, the post-war term made up by Myron.

THAT'S the problem people have, OP, you fucking doofus.

The loot distribution has always been fucked in the game because both obsidian and bethesda were lazy as shit distributing leveled lists to containers. Like how all the cash registers use a generic "money" list which includes bottlecaps regardless of whether the cash register has been locked away forever or not.

It's clear Bethesda doesn't understand Fallout, or worse, doesn't give a fuck. Which begs the question: Why did they buy the rights to begin with? They could have started their own post-apocalyptic series.

Nothing has been locked forever in NV though.

fallout 3 has a ton of stuff from 1 and 2, just twisted and made into and non original lore friendly form.

"Them" giving a fuck is irrelevant because they are a company that answers to shareholders in search of profits, they bought fallout because they thought they could make money off of it and they were right.

to add to this, bethesda wasnt creative enough to make their own post apocalyptic setting.

I think what people are forgetting here is that this a minor fucking detail and no one should really care that much or otherwise you are basically autistic

>all these delicious NMA and obsidiot tears

Reminder that 4 outsold New Vegas within the first week. Also, Obsidian will never work on another Fallout game.

Shame if it really did

It was a shittier game compared to New Vegas

>Reminder that 4 outsold New Vegas within the first week
Like anyone give a fuck. NV outsold 3 and no one givs a fuck either.

Given that you do, you are either mad or hypocritical.

I agree. We should be focusing on even worse lore raping, like cryogenic freezing working when it shouldn't.

I don't think it's a matter of 'not giving a fuck' it's more matter of this>Bethesday uses a lot of emergent systems in their games. They design a basic self-containted system (like loot tables) and let it run itself organically generating results.

Obviously, it doesn't work 100% of the time when you bring something like MUH LORE into the equation, but I don't think this is because bethesda 'doesn't understand fallout'. I think they just have a different philosophy of game design.

And also realize that Bethesda will always care less about fallout than elder scrolls. Fallout is their 'between generations' game where they test out ideas and fuck around and learn things so that they can make the next great Elder Scrolls game.

3 outsold New Vegas.

Friendly reminder that Fallout 1 purists used to shit on Fallout 2 for 'fucking up the atmosphere and lore'.

as they should. the tribal stuff in 2 is not fallout.

Fallout 2 was a better game with a richer more interesting setting that made you make do with less powerful tools for the first several hours of the game.

But it really didn't.

Reminder that GTAV outsold every Elder Scrolls game combined but Todd keeps making them.

If its doesn't have mario in it or link, nintenyearolds hate it.

If was it wasn't explicitly mentioned, then it didn't happen

>proving Fallout 4 is a shit game and Bethesda is a shit company automatically means I am an Obsidian fanboy or from NMA
no it does not. Also how is that even argument? Fallout 4 is still a shit game and Bethesda is still a shit company.

>there will never be a good fallout game again

Then wouldn't Robert House have found a way? >BUT MUH VAULT EXPERIMENTS

House is the smartest man alive. He can't do it, then no one can.


Jet's not Benzedrine, it's Jenkem, you fucking idiot.

Mr House didn't want to be a frozen and woken up after the war. He needed continued consciousness to carry out his plan over the time it would need.

His objective was extending his life, not pausing it to resume after the war.