It's happening again

Holy shit, anyone else as fucking hyped as back then with Twilight Princess?

Except this time we KNOW this world will be non-linear, huge and stuffed with things. And since it's a 3D Zelda, it will have great dungeons. That's all Zelda needs.

This world will be Zelda pure, this atmosphere, fuck.

Hope you guys have already sold your shitty Wii U on Ebay and will buy the NX for it. No way I'll play this at 720p.

Other urls found in this thread:

but we don't know shit

They'll fuck it up somehow. Just play ALBW if you want classic, mostly non-linear gameplay Zelda.


You're not allowed to be excited for things on Sup Forums just play the old shit.

We know enough, desu.

Non-linear world, it will follow ALBW but Nintendo will try to not make the same mistakes again, exploration, can just float with that Deku Leaf like item, climb everything, swim, find shit everywhere. It won't be like Zelda SS in any way which was the opposite of open.

Huge Zelda dungeons + open world with Zelda atmosphere, doesn't even matter if it will be empty (WW was empty as fuck and people love it), Zelda has dungeons to make up for emptiness.

Honestly, hype. Just hype.

>inb4 the NX is a suped up handheld and all of the WiiU detractors hang themselves as the NX port is inferior

two scenarios:

>nintendo has lost their fucking minds, show a shitty, broken game to the public that's been almost 2 years since it's first official release date, nintendo made a laughing stock at E3 again

>the zelda game is literally the second coming of christ, will blow every other game shown at E3 out of the water, and nintendo is forgiven

Which do you think would be more likely Sup Forums?

Just hype, I don't see anything that can go wrong. It won't be perfect but it will be a worthy Zelda, at least on par with WW for sure, definitely many WRPG influences and many sidequests à la Majoras Mask, they already hinted this.

Hype this shit up.

*been delayed

Everything we know about Zelda U.

More likely is 2 sincei t's LE ZELDAAA, people even got hyped for the awful SS presentation back then just for this reason alone.

However, normies on Sup Forums and NeoGAF will shit on it a lot because graphics, it for sure won't have Witcher 3 geometry or realism, people will nag a lot. You shouldn't care, though.

There never was a Zelda since OoT that was so close to what people actually wanted from a 3D Zelda based on what we know so far.

Hype this shit up. These days games like Uncharted 3 and 4 are considered 10/10 action adventures.

Give Zelda your love again.


I'm sure Zelda will be fine, but honestly it's hard to get excited for anything Zelda related when Nintendo keeps dropping bomb after bomb of disappointing/bad news.

What you mean?

confirmed no digital event

I know that this Zelda game will be good.
I know it for a fact, there's not even the slightest shred of doubt in my mind.

Nintendo fucked up though. It has taken a ridiculous amount of time to finish and due to that, I never bought a Wii U. I know I'm not alone either in having Zelda as a title that literally sells a system to me. Now I'm gonna skip the Wii U and go for the NX for sure.

Unlike most other people though, I'm not so sad about seeing Zelda be the only focus of E3. I mean is it a mistake for Nintendo to go that route? I would definitely say yes, I'm pretty sure people like me are the minority on being fine with what we're getting (Providing it is a meaty as fuck demo).

tl;dr -
The game is going to be absolutely amazing, but the time it has taken still pisses me off. Feels like fucking forever since I've last played a 3D Zelda.
I fucking swear though, if this game is bad, I will never forgive Nintendo. They've had all the time in the world to finesse the ever living fuck out of this game so there's no excuse. This is an important as fuck game for them, especially considering all of the backlash they've (rightfully) been receiving lately.

2 cents have been deposited into your account, good goy :)

Why won't those faggots at nintendo put their fucking games on anything other than their shitty, underpowered consoles? I grow tired of having to wait years to emulate because I don't feel like throwing away 300 bucks on a one-game machine.

Despite how barebones last year was, they have even LESS to show this year at E3 than ever, to the point where they arn't even doing a press conference/direct. Zelda is literally all they have to show for an entire year of work, no new game announcements are coming for either the 3DS or Wii U.

The Wii U is dead pretty much confirmed dead and has no good games coming until Zelda NEXT year, unless you somehow think Color Splash or #weebshit will be good.

Even then, the Wii U's last game is not a crossgen multiplat. That means that the Wii U will be the first Nintendo home console without it's own Zelda game, and to make it worse the Wii U version will probably be the inferior port.

And to top it all of, Nintendo has such little confidence in their new platform that they're afraid to show it off at the biggest gaming event this side of the planet (even though they promised to last year) despite it being ready for release in less than a year leading many to think that something has gone horribly wrong behind the scenes. Shaping up to maybe be the Wii U 2.0.

It's a rough time to be a Nintendo fan.

The most hyped I've ever been for a game was Skyward Sword and that shit sucked so bad that it turned me off of Zelda and even Nintendo in general to a certain degree.

So no, if this turns out to be good then cool, but I expect it'll be shit just like 90% of what post 2010 Nintendo churns out.

I'd like to play it the day it comes out, so I'm keeping my Wii U.

no way they can fuck this up with all the delays. sticking with my wiiu not getting burned again.

It's like people are too stupid to see the obvious. They wouldn't dedicate E3 to the inferior version of Zelda U.

As stated in OP, Zelda U will also come out for NX which most definitely will be powerful enough for a game with this art style. Amazing art design and use of colors is really the most important factor here, I'm sure Nintendo will nail it.

The only thing that could fuck it up is the shit resolution it will probably have on Wii U, same with Xeno. Ignore this version.

>The same pic from 2 years ago
They're not even trying anymore.

>Despite how barebones last year was, they have even LESS to show this year at E3 than ever, to the point where they arn't even doing a press conference/direct. Zelda is literally all they have to show for an entire year of work, no new game announcements are coming for either the 3DS or Wii U.
You don't know this and I think it's doubtful.

However, I don't see why this or the rest of your post would make you more skeptical towards this specific game. It's not the fault of the EAD people that work on Zelda that the Wii U doesn't sell well.

>He doesn't know NX is a handheld


the nx isnt a fucking handheld
3ds is doing fine
wii u is dead

which one do you realistically think is going to get replaced first?

I said Zelda would probably be alright, but that all of the bullshit surrounding it made it hard for me to get excited about anything Nintendo related.

Judging from Link's character model I don't care for the art direction of the character models. Environment looks alright. Aside from that it's hard to have any opinion. We know very little aside from a supposedly large world, but big things aren't always fun to explore and the dungeons could turn out in any possible way. I thought ALBW was the best Zelda game in a long time, but I don't have any real hype for this.

Except it's

not a pic

Click the link. You can control the camera. It's almost like playing the actual game, except through a computer.

Nintendo are marketing geniuses.

Let's be real here. Aonuma is not interested in making a traditional Legend of Zelda. It's going to be more of his crappy Zelda, except this time with an empty overworld and gimmicks, like bullet time. At best, it will be better than Skyward Sword, which honestly is nothing to brag about.

Also, enjoy NX being either a handheld or a piss weak home console. The thing's all but confirmed to be using ARM processor, which is shit they put in smartphones.

>He doesn't know NX will replace home consoles so Nintendo can only work on one.

What link

I actually would not mind that desu.
Nintendo have always won in the handheld department, so perhaps they should just stick to that shit and let Sony and Microsoft (lol) fight for home console superiority.

>The most hyped I've ever been for a game was Skyward Sword and that shit sucked so bad that it turned me off of Zelda and even Nintendo in general to a certain degree.
All the big flaws were predictable, though, we just didn't WANT to see them. The first trailer already showed there won't be an organic world which already was a must have for a Zelda game in 2011, it was likely the game will have some kind of Mario level select overworld, it will focus on motion controls and have ugly graphics.

Zelda U will literally be Skyrim: Zelda Edition. We know this already. And while I absolutely hate Skyrim, this is exactly what Zelda needs. Zelda has the exact elements that are needed to make up for all the flaws Skyrim has. It basically has the enzyme Bethesda games themselves are missing for this kind of open world design. It has those huge, complex dungeons that make up for the emptiness, unique characters (instead of generic ones) and short but lovely cutscenes.

>except this time with an empty overworld and gimmicks
So like Wind Waker again? Great. I hoped so.

Zelda can easily compensate for an empty but atmospheric open world, it has this meaty dungeon design. No other AAA game these days even tries to do such dungeons anymore. That's why they usually all suck at open world while it's exactly what Zelda needs (after a fucking two hours dungeon).


You take things too seriously.

Nobody cares how powerful the console running Zelda is, as long as they can play it.

>control the camera
It's just a shitty mp4 set to loop, slightly zoomed in so it moves with your mouse
I'm mad at the fact that it's so shitty quality. Even the promo images when you scroll down are taken from the video and are blurry.
One would think that Nintendo should be able to shit out some better quality images from their own game.

WW wasn't anywhere nearly as empty as people make it out to be.

I'd bet $200 that what they show will be something completely new. this always happens with Nintendo after they don't show anything of a game for years, they reannounce it and it's something reworked from the ground up.

>Nobody cares how powerful the console running Zelda is, as long as they can play it.
We already know it's for Wii U, and will run fine on that console. That's all we need to know.

So enemys will now have a health bar. I have mixed feelings with this

Everybody that isn't a jaded fuck will tell you that Skyward Sword, for all its flaws, had some genuinely great parts.

Lanayru Desert areas were all extremely good. Shame the forest and mountain areas were utter shit.
The dungeons in Skyward Sword are some of the best in Zelda period. Ancient Cistern, Sandship, and Fire Sanctuary to name a few.

The layers and layers of padding is what really killed Skyward Sword though. That opening section of the game was honestly painful. How long did it take before we even got to the first dungeon? Like 4 fuckings hours or something?
Those long intro sections are fucking garbage and SS is not the only Zelda game guilty of them (just the worst offender).
We need to go back to Link waking up, finding a sword and shield, and then GOING ON HIS FUCKING ADVENTURE. No, I don't want to run errands for the fucking villagers for 4 hours, I want to run around and explore you fucking stupid chinks.

>So enemys will now have a health bar.
Where are you getting this from?

I can't wait for the interesting villian and supporting cast to be dropped halfway through because "IT WAS MUH GANONDORF"

Like, why is Zelda so obsessed with rehashing that asshole? HE'S FUCKING BOOOOORING

>is anyone else hyped as fuck.

After SS and just the overall steady decline the franchise has been undergoing the last 10 years.... not really, no.

Cautiously optimistic, if even then.

But there is a 0% chance Zelda U will be as empty as WW (which the majority loves).

So, generally speaking, people are exaggerating a lot when it comes to emptiness being bad for open worlds IN GENERAL. An open world is allowed to be somewhat empty, it's OK, it's supposed to emulate freedom, scale and a believable world. It should be atmospheric. Now the trick is to compensate for the emptiness somehow. You can't just put unlimited of assets and obstacles into an open world, it would be a clusterfuck and confuse, no, annoy the player, it would end up becoming a chore, every time you enter the open world, you feel obligated to clearing some shit and you see like 20 different things to clear, it will make your head explode. Saints Row 4 is actually a good example for this.

Zelda makes up for this with its dungeons, this is what WW did, this is what OoT did, this is what Zelda U will do.

youtube gameplay footage cant remember exact vid

Ancient Cistern and Sandship were the ONLY good dungeons in Skyward Sword.

Fire Sanctuary was fucking terrible.

It'll either be 1 or or something in-between.

By in-between, I mean a decent looking game with an interesting gimmick, but still not up to par with most open world games out there in terms of scope, side quests and difficulty options.

Megaman X fan here
You're preaching to the choir
Not even the choir in fact. You're preaching to the pope

>All the big flaws were predictable

Such as Zelda U's empty as fuck world

>Video footage from E3 2014
So it's nothing

>after le game that looks like it's the complete opposite of this upcoming game... no

>non-linear, huge and stuffed with things
>open world
>stuffed with things
You cannot have both. I am still wary.
I am however, digging Link's design.

He holds the triforce of power

I mean, I agree with your overall point. I'm just contesting the notion that WW was "empty as fuck" when it was actually one of the more bloated Zelda titles in terms of stuff you could do in its overworld.

This though I'd add lanayru mining facility to that list too

I'm not sure what to think as I don't own a wii u, all that comes to mind when i think Zelda and Wii is the shit tier game skyward sword was. Is there any promise that NX or another Zelda on the wii won't suck? It sounds like they're gonna push every feature they can (like 3d) as far as they can at the cost of actually gameplay quality.

Aonuma is the Todd Howard of Nintendo.

He's a hack, don't believe his lies until you see some actual gameplay for yourself.

And no, that off-screen VGA footage shouldn't really count. Hoping that was beta footage honestly, because it looked pretty fucking bad.

He doesn't need to.

Link didn't hold it in WW. Some random ass blonde kid did

>Fire Sanctuary was fucking terrible.


>doesn't even matter if it will be empty (WW was empty as fuck and people love it), Zelda has dungeons to make up for emptiness.
Not at all. If they are going to make a Zelda game with a huge world, then it better be an actual detailed, interesting world, full of stuff, not just stretches of land. Nothing will make up for an empty world, because then it wouldn't be much different from all the previous games, it would just be another Zelda game that is almost the same as all the others, except this time with a large world gimmick.



See If by empty you mean no puzzles and shitty obsctales everywhere, I hope it will be empty as fuck. But huge, beautiful and atmospheric. Exactly what 3D Zelda needs.

You cannot compare Zelda's overworld with Witcher 3 or something, those games don't have huge, tight, two hours dungeons to mape up for the emptiness.

People really need to understand this but it seems they are too jaded and frustrated these days. Back then WW and OoT were empty as fuck but people loved and still love them. I miss those times.



>Aonuma is the Todd Howard of Nintendo.
Probably the most disgusting internet hipster meme there is. Aonuma gave us MM and WW. He wasn't responsible for the actually bad Zeldas, SS and the DS games.

Go back to NeoGAF.

And don't compare any Zelda to this disgusting piece of shit that Fallout 4 was, holy balls, what they've done to one of my favourite IPs.


While I'm probably more hyped for this game than I've been for any game ever, I'm also worried/doubting this may be a giant fuckup.

>But there is a 0% chance Zelda U will be as empty as WW

just like how TP was so full of stuff, yeah?

MM & WW are garbage.

>Hope you guys have already sold your shitty Wii U on Ebay and will buy the NX for it
You do realize that the wiiu version is going to be the superior one right? NX is a handheld, and thus will most likely not be more powerful than the wiiu considering nintendo's desire to sell hardware at a profit.


>I'm not totally a payed shill

Even in those one Zelda U screenshot you can see more stuff than in all WW.

>We need to go back to Link waking up, finding a sword and shield, and then GOING ON HIS FUCKING ADVENTURE.
Nah. I'm not an impatient child who doesn't want to deal with the story. I like the stories in these games. I'm having an adventure, not playing Pacman.
Just fuck off.

>no neat twist where this Ganon is the very first Ganon starts off as Link's childhood/friend/mentor/father figure and slowly becomes evil thanks to Demise's curse

Feels bad man.

I couldn't be angrier with Nintendo. This is insane.

You can't remember because it doesn't exist you fucking moron.

>Aonuma gave us MM and WW.
>He wasn't responsible for the actually bad Zeldas

Pick one you meme loving fuck.

>Aonuma gave us MM

Nah, that was mostly Koizumi

>and WW

This on the other hand I agree with, but it marked the slow decline of the franchsie.
But even then, WW was pretty bad from a gameplay perspective, its atmosphere, aesthetics, charm and art style saved it though.

I agree with you saying that the overworld should have an open structure with no puzzles or obstacles. That shit was ridiculously overdone in titles like LA, which itself is hilariously and frequently overrated as a Zelda game on this board.

I disagree that the overworld SHOULD be empty though. Games like Witcher 3 at least contained plenty of things to do and find when you weren't progressing through the main story, and Zelda U should be the same in that regard.

>NX handheld
Is this the new maymay

Well yeah, but it doesn't particularly need level design depth, puzzles, obstacles, anything like that. This belongs into dungeons. SS didn't really understand this and filled the entire world with this shit, perfectl showcasing a "filled" overworld is not really what Zelda needs. A good looking one, varied one and atmospheric one it is. And specifically an unpredictable one. Just let some crazy storm or huge enemies approach (WW did this).

>That shit was ridiculously overdone in titles like LA, which itself is hilariously and frequently overrated as a Zelda game on this board.
Well, how about that. That's enough Sup Forums for a lifetime.
I'm done with this place.

but that was link

Anyone got pics of new link's design? On the phone and can't watch .webm or video.

>Nah, that was mostly Koizumi

He worked on the sidequests in Clock Town and came up with the gimmicks. That's literally the extent of Koizumi's involvement in MM.

Koizumi was also heavily involved in WW.

Here's how it'll go down

>World will be empty, with a few randomly generated mobs and horses
>Lots of tiny caves and shit to explore 90% only have rupees to find
>Link will have a companion that keeps its much shut, as a response to Fi hate
>dugeons will be generic Grass/Fire/Water/Desert/Castle/Tomb/the mandatory one creative one
>Supporting cast will be awesome
>Villian and unique story will be dumped at the climax for generic Ganondorf shit

>Nah, that was mostly Koizumi
I don't know which meme is more cancerous. The Aonuma is bad and killing Zelda meme or the le Koizumi did this! meme. Kioizumi didn't do shit, he wrote most of the story for MM and partially OoT and that's almost all he has done.

Nintendo needs to die

>I want a huge empty overworld

You cannot make this shit up. This is actually what neo-Sup Forums wants.

>Koizumi leaves the Zelda team
>Zelda franchise goes horribly downhill

Gee, what a coincidence.

Did you really make a 2 second webm that doesn't even loop right? What is the god damn point.

user dont you trust me?

>this entire thread
>this denial
>nintendrones are desperately trying to hold on to their dwindling majority on this board
>the age of nintendogaf is slowly but surely coming to an end

Zelda U/NX is literally the last thing nintendo has up their sleeve. If this game isn't literally the best Zelda game ever then ninty is finished. They've either ignored or butchered all of their other IP's except maybe mario kart (even that lacked a proper battle mode).
I refuse to support nintendo if this game is anything but spectacular.
