Instakill / aimbot / wallhack abilities so Billy 12 years old don't feel to frustrated : the game

>instakill / aimbot / wallhack abilities so Billy 12 years old don't feel to frustrated : the game

It's incredible how not rewarding this game feel. It's streamlined, it holds your hand all the time, everyone is spamming retarded shit all the time to get a kill out of nowhere.

It's shit.

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>Look at this lonely little fucker who doesn't have friends to play and have fun wrecking others.
I'd feel bad for you, but it's not worth the effort.

I want to congratulate it on the production values and trying to turn TF2 into a more interesting game, but 'interesting' falls flat when the entire game looks like a clusterfuck of orbs. Blizzard keeps falling into the trap of relying on cooldowns for strategic gameplay.

I'm a fan of games that are shit as long as they have something fun to them, so this game is miles ahead of the rest, but some parts of this game needs a bit more polish.

I enjoy it

>h-ahaha muh friends !

Here's the (You) you crave so much with your shit baits.

There are much better games to do that in though. In fact pretty much any team game is more enjoyable to do that in. I'd probably have more fun teaming up with friends in clash of clans or some equally bollocks mobile game. No game has ever bored me as much as this bland trash except maybe that shitty racing game that's free on ps+ this month.

>It's incredible how not rewarding this game feel
Can't agree more with this.

>It's incredible how not rewarding this game feel.
Can't agree with this.

Some characters have one hit kill abilities, but they require charging, have delays, loud as fuck tells and need good positioning. No worse than getting headshot by a sniper really.

Don't play it then

I don't like how some ultimate abilities are straight upgrade/killing machine mode and some are a strong ability + a downside and then some are just crap, the characters don't feel balanced at all, and I never feel like I earned a kill, it's just like 'oh shit you killed someone!?' plus soooo many characters have a self heal it's just annoying, why even have dedicated support characters if you're going to do that, the gameplay is just so shallow

Just about every ultimate is avoidable if you hear "I'VE GOT YOU IN MY SIGHTS" or "IT'S HIGH NOON", get out of line of sight. If you hear "NERF THIS", "WAKATECHINOCHINGCHONG", or "BOOPBOOPBOOP-BOOPBOOP" run the fuck away.

Only ultimates I can think of that you actually have to deal with are tracers, Lucio's, Winston's, mercys and the rest are pretty passive or not game changing.

>everyone complains that "[ability] kills me! No skill!"
>no one take 2 seconds to realize every ability in the game has multiple

Like holy shit if you dont want to be aimbotted by mccree or S76, just go mei and and press E

I'm having fun with it, but that's because I'm playing with friends. I don't think I'd enjoy it nearly as much solo.
Also I'm playing on console.

Much rather have everyone having fun than having loads of angry kids and actual aimbotters

>Having trouble with IT'S HIGH NOON or ghetto-Huntsman

>Go tracer
>Blink around scrubs
>Laugh when they can't aim for shit
Git gud OP

>pick D.Va
>on capture point map
>get ult
>go to center of point
>entire enemy team dies

Nice game

If you thought that random crits was a great mechanic in TF2 then you should love this game is what im getting from all these threads.


How do you counter tracers sticky mine then?
Seems the most uncounterable thing

Try Tf2. It's straight up better.

If you don't like fun games, how about you just go back to sitting in one place and aiming your awp at a corner for an hour straight in CS:GO you fucking casual.

pic related is OP's idea of a fun game

Maybe Op's idea of a fun game is something like Tf2. You know, a game with the same concept as Ovewatch but actually entertaining.

HAHA holy fuck look at these blizzard shill faggots defending this piece of shit game.

Don't forget mod tools and dedicated private servers.

Most ultimates in the game can be countered if you know what to do.

Too bad you're a retarded shitter who can only shitpost on Sup Forums

Tf2 is a joke dude. They had to turn it into a f2p hat collecting simulator to even turn a profit because people got so bored of it. I've got about 100 hours in tf2, and only 5 hours in overwatch, and i can already say with confidence that overwatch is just a polished and advanced version of TF2. TF2 to overwatch is like everquest is to wow.

He already said "just go Mei and press E."

Serious answer: if she was close enough to have a guaranteed stick on you, she was close enough to have a good chance of killing you with guns. The counter is killing her or scaring her off before she throws it at you.

And the thing is that almost every character has an extremely powerful ultimate, so it's balanced anyways. The few that don't have a super powerful ultimate, like tracer, make up for it with having extremely powerful normal abilities.

>floaty shit
>you can barelly feel like you're hitting the enemy
>classes are boring as fuck

Nah, tf2 is shit

Literally just finished a King of the Hill match as Reaper.

>get into center of the map, it's some quarry looking place/stone temple
>darting in and out of the zone, spraying cunts down with my shotguns
>when I get below 50hp I hit my ghost and fuck off into the side room to get a healkit or mercy healing
>pop ulti and kill a mercy, genji (he wasted his E against our hanzo) and a tracer and killed a rheinhart as he walked into the zone and got chewed up, and I killed 2 other players with smart movements and use of my ghost form.

And the cunt that got play of the match was a shitty junkrat tossing his wheel into 3 players and lobbing a nade to kill a fourth.

Play of the match doesn't even look for skill, just most amount of kills in least amount of time.

do I keep playing the Overwatch beta or..
..get the hitman intro pack or..
..get enter the gungeon or.. in dark souls 3?

is this another overwatch hate thread?
it really isnt that revolutionary or new, why are autists getting so butt blasted?

>this shit
only in Fargo

Enter the Gungeon is a huge disappointment, so rule it out unless you like the "three guys with 5 health that shoot a single bullet per minute at you is more fun to fight than 15 guys with one health that shoot at you just as fast" mentality that embodies it.

>a game has to be played with friends for it to be fun

holy fuck what do you want, paid commentators analyzing every match full of shitters?

>thought I would hate it
>buddy played it a while back on my account because I was accidentally logged in on his PC and he ended up buying it on my account (lel).
>decide to download it and try it today
>enjoy playing Genji, rheinhardt and some hanzo
>all other characters seem cool and neat but none catch my eye like genji
>tfw I'm the most anti weeaboo person around and I fell in love with the weeaboo character

fucking christ.

Nope, just frustrated that I put in a ton of effort at 3AM and some shitter using splash weapons took the killcam at end of game.

aight, thanks.


Tfw went downhill with f2p, ranked might save it

Overwatch is really fun, id give it time to improve.

Your comparing an open beta to a 10+ year game you fucking mongaloids

Instead of what?

>more polish

I've played tf2 for 6 years now.

I like Overwatch, and think it is better.

I have already pre-ordered it through bliz and have been playing it whenever I can these past 3 days.

>I pressed Q and now i should have POTG

Fuck off edge lord
Reaper fags are the worst

yeah must have taken a lot of effort to press Q

You didn't. If you've played it for 6 years, you wouldn'tve fallen into that garbage.

Overwatch gets old and boring quick unlike TF2. I never heard of TF2 until yesterday and gave it a try, I enjoyed it much more than Overwatch. I put 5 hours into TF2 and 10 hours into Overwatch and I can say that TF2 is more polished and fun.

>never heard of TF2 until yesterday
Have you been in a coma since the turn of the century, user?

>I never heard of TF2 until yesterday

>More polished
Fuck, TF2 used to be my favorite game but fuck that game hitboxes

And for those reasons its going to have a negative number playerbase in 3 months after launch.

>>you can barelly feel like you're hitting the enemy
there are hitsounds, damage numbers and audio feedback
I don't know what else you want

>tfw you get POTG as Zenyatta

>Play Roadhog
>Wrap chains around nigger necks
>Shrek weaker enemies with 1-2 shots
>Blow people off edges with Ultimate
>Huffing gasoline for a health boost.

Roadhog alone makes this game 10/10.

Matches took like a second to find even in closed beta, keep telling yourself this is going to die, user. It's way more likely this will join League of Legends and such in being the go-to game for normies.

this game is a fucking clusterfuck

in TF2 it's very clear what's going on and whos shooting you

in this it's just that annoying hitsound noise for 2 seconds and your dead because SURPRISE THERE WAS A TURRET AND A GENJI BEHIND YOU AND A WIDOWMAKER SHOOTING YOU

what an atrocious and shameful fucking display, arena shooters are dead

All people who play tracer should be euthanized. Insufferable smug faggots.

>Matches took like a second to find even in closed beta

And you're a cynical, jaded shitposter. I'm off to enjoy video games now, bye-Q!~

>I like Overwatch, and think it is better.
>it's better
so you enjoy games being castrated and butchered down so that the skillcurve is extremely low? i enjoy casual games too user but by any means I really wouldn't call them better

Theres more to games besides their skill ceiling you know. Even when comparing competitive games.

and overwatch is a terrible competitive game

Just because of that? I like the class diversity, character diversity, art direction, and general smoothness or floaty controls actually. I don't think people came into this thinking it was gonna be the next MLG tournament game.

A fair amount of people actually thought that before more info popped up.
And yeah, the skill ceiling is extremely low which makes it a bad competitive game.
I like it too but there's nothing more to it than just a fun casual game with a couple friends

Played TF2 since launch. Overwatch feels like a better TF2. Good time for such a game to come out when TF2 is dead.

This. I get killed more by widow headshots than I do ults.

>Blizzard once again showing its age by charging $40 for a F2P shooter
>blizzcultists will buy it anyway

And her's is so easy to dodge. It literally can't go behind walls.

>thousands and thousands of multiplayer games to play with friends

>chooses to play a shitty one

It's pretty casual and purely made for fun. Not every online game must be hardcore competitive. In fact, every game you play in big teams with random people online is casual as fuck. One on one is the only legit competitive gameplay you can have online with strangers.

Are you seriously trying to suggest that Overwatch has better hit registration?

Blizzard realized that since every shooter just gets hacked, if they build the hacks into the game they can get you to pay 40$ to hack

>teammate picks bad Engi

Weight. That's what's missing. Weight.

Autism. That's what you have. Autism.

he also right
its the same reason Battlefront sucks

the main parts will stay. and they are at fault. everything is too fast and overdesigned.
made for adhd generation who can't handle waiting.

>on attack

feels like a f2p game to me, okay game but really not 40$ worth

This game is boring as shit. Are they releasing any other game modes?

Genji can reflect it

>ghetto huntsman
lets not get crazy here, sniper would be fucking broken if he had the bow hanzo has and the wall climb

he doesn't even need the other shit, that would be enough to make huntsman completely broken

>so mad that people are leaving tf2 in droves to play OW that he literally posts "n-no you didn't"

>Zarya's Japanese voice actor is a man

top kek

>be shit at every multiplayer game I play apart from mario party
>friends all play csgo and mobas and shit
>I never join in because I keep dying and get mad
>try this because why not
>always come on top and destroy everyone with dva

if I'm good at this game something is horribly wrong


tell me when good people start playing

I wonder how rare it is to find a Russian VA who's fluent in Japanese.

Be Mei and press LShift or Zarya and press LShift. Alternatively, don't get hit by a nearly melee attack.

>TFW nobody picks either tanks or support characters.
>Forced to play mercy 3/4 games.
>Nobody ever gives me commendations at the end of the round.

I know the votes are pointless, but it feels sad to never get them when you are the one saving everybody's ass.

You sound like a healslut.

i always, always give the healer some love. though if you're getting sick of mercy you should try lucio, imo he's more fun than mercy.

>speed boost people in and out of danger
>lead your team or save them with your ultimate
>protect your flock from tracers
>walljump and punch snipers in the face

mercy just seems boring in comparison.

I totally disagree. Once you know all the characters and realize who you are playing against on the opposite team, it's pretty easy to know what to look out for. Maps have such obvious areas for certain characters, like Hanzo or Widow, you shouldn't be getting one shotted all the time like a fucking scrub. Try playing Battleborn and come back and play this. Battleborn is a mess of bullshit happening all over your screen.

>Genji is balanced
Said no one ever

>tfw i got 9 NINE in my best match
im a fucking good healer what can i say

>the same people who defend the low skill ceiling of CSGO are defending this game in every thread

There wasn't a single moment in time that this board wasn't progressively getting worse.

What makes him so OP? You actually have to aim with his throwing attack. It's much harder to hit with his knives than someone like McCree, especially when you consider McCree can also stun. Genji's ultimate and his speed are strong, but I wouldn't say his normal attacks are that amazing.

>"everyone is a casual but me!"

Fuck off, we're having fun