Zarya is cute!
Zarya is cute!
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She is disgusting.
make her hair blonde and she would be great
but for now she's blatant tumblr pandering
I want to lick her abs
This. The pink hair is off-putting because it doesn't fit her personality or appearance. It would be like Tracer with pigtails, or Widowmaker with pigtails.
What I'm trying to say is I really fucking hate pigtails.
Blatant Zarya bullying needs to stop.
oh man
but widow with pigtails would be cute as FUCK
Mei is a girl that could have pigtails though. Or even D.VA
someone post the pic where she destroys the watermelon with her thighs
Yeah, pink hair is so tumblr.
>Dva and Tracer art on the fucking rise
I HATE these fucking skeletals
I can't stand her manjaw
But that's her look, she's a big butch lesbo looking wall of meat. It's probably not the most attractive look but she is pretty badass.
Pity the game sucks.
No interest in the game but Zarya is like all my fetishes made manifest.
I like Zarya but I just wish I wasn't shit as her.
>tfw I will never ever cuddle with Mercy
>tfw no qt swiss gf
Getting real close to ending it here lads.
Gotchu familam
>cuddling with a 37 year old
>implying I give a fuck
>pink hair is tumblr
It is when it's not on an animu grill. Pink hair on turbobutch over there is Tumblr incarnate.
>draw a man
>give him boobs
>call him a woman
why is this allowed?
>will never cuddle a ripped but soft hearted girl who lifts
I think I'm about there too
>Muscular upper body
>Average lower body
Nice proportions faggot
Can you accept a girl who is physically stronger than you?
How about one that is taller?
>tfw no good r34 on her
Yes and yes
I'm 6'5 so no I can't accept a female taller than me. That chick would look weird as fuck.
That's a bulge.
Pretty much my dream desu
>Trying to cap point
>Enemy D.VA pops her right on top of the cap
>My team steps outside
>I stay inside lobbing grenades
>Pop shield
>The mech explodes point blank in my face
>I take a whopping 0 damage
>D.VA all chats her salt about how I'm hacking
I still love it when people don't know what Zarya does, thank you Blizzard for putting an SJW boogyman on my secret fun OP character.
Stronger: Yes
Taller: YES
Both: :3
Taller? no
Stronger? Maybe.
A bulge of a puffy vulva.
anime is so fucking lame
A vulva is not shaped like that, user. It's clearly a (small) penis.
>tfw no doujins of Widowmaker humiliating Zarya for her inadequate babydick
>Can you accept a girl who is physically stronger than you?
Sure, it'd give me some motivation to work out again.
>How about one that is taller?
This is already my base requirement.
I deadlift almost 500lb
I have never met a girl stronger than me
>mfw fiance is 6'3 volleyball player
>>Can you accept a girl who is physically stronger than you?
I highly doubt there's a girl stronger than me, but sure. Why not?
>/fit/izen here
>>How about one that is taller?
They have to be over 6'7". And no, trannies don't count.
>If they have Y genes, they're men
I'm a 5'6" manlet so that isn't hard to achieve
>still has womanly curves
A shame her in game model gives her a man's structure.
I bet you pull Sumo, faggot.
Honestly I love muscle girls, but the haircut is just fucking disgusting. It's not even that it's pink (it doesn't help, though), also her face is way too male.
>fails at 65kg
>manages 62.5
If you can't snatch both of those you are a complete failure of a man. I can snatch 55 one handed and I'm lanky
>just want to be dominated by a taller amazonian woman
>can't because /fit/ and 6'3
life is suffering and pain
Overwatch community everybody
I'd fuck her and finish inside and vice versa
then again I'm a degenerate pervert so I'd say that about pretty much the entire roster of this game
I just want to be happy, man.
anime is always the same shit!
she sounds like she is 16
Heh nothing personal kid
Actually she's 34
i wish
she looks like a woman but talks like a girl
>pink hair is tumblr
Why lie on the internet
good god
this looks retarded
Her bio says 37.
in every other case I'd agree with you
in this case, you're plain wrong
>zarzar will never read you bed time stories
Then I remembered it wrong, sorry.
>but for now she's blatant tumblr pandering
Too bad she takes skill and the tumblr crowd will get filtered out from the patricians who actually know to play her.
Anyone have that edit?
>le anime hate meme do I fit in yet
when will this meme end
that qt got a name?
He wishes he wasn't fat.
I enjoy watching anime but that was just retarded. You have shit taste in shows.
Nigga, please, pink hair has been around since the fucking 80s. Or any bright hairstyle for that matter.
It has gotten popular among tumblrdrones, but with the same logic, is every man with a beard a hipster? No, of course not.
I tried ~400 last week and couldn't do it, though it was budging. 300 I can do, but my hands lose their grip and I drop it after >10 reps.
>mfw many of those people in the future embarrassed they acted this gay just because of a fad.
Overwatch in japanese is so fucking fun holy shit
Do you have video clip or something? I want to hear that.
I wish musclegirls could actually have a great womanly figure in real life. I love muscles on a woman, but usually when a chick gets muscular she has literally no tits (unless they're ugly fakes) or curves left.
>I deadlift almost 500lb
Sure you do, pal. Sure you do.
Now, can you accept a girl that's either stronger or taller than you?
>mfw im 6'6" and found a blond girl taller than me on a medieval carnaval(?) on Florida
Like m8
It literally is just a fad is the thing. People will grow up and realize how stupid this whole thing is a slink back into obscurity, trannies have been a thing since the mid 1900's
Kind of difficult considering how the human body is built.
how about source damn it?
>anime is always the same shit!
I meant the ingame one
>male jawline, brow, and hairline
>male arms, frame, and size
>female face and breasts plastered on
>this is supposed to appeal to feminists somehow
Sometimes I wonder how many transitioning teens and 20-somethings there are right now who will regret their decision and kill themselves in 10 years.
Just another reason why real women are inferior to waifus.
When they all commit sudoku after realizing they've made a terrible mistake and the hormones are fucking with their brain.
are you fucking
it's literally written on it you retard
>tfw I have a really really close friend who wants to go through with it and while I don't really agree I'll support him
>terrified out of my mind that he'll off himself someday and I'll never hear from him again
I just want him/her/whatever to be happy
Not enough
Welcome to the internet
You can keep him happy if you give him your dick
Are you blind, user?
It's about diverse bodytypes you fucking troglodyte.