New Battlefield teaser, what's it gonna be?
New Battlefield teaser, what's it gonna be?
Another modern/sci-fi shooter. BF died after 2142. BC2 was good as a spin-off, but shit as a Battlefield game.
>Battlefield is shit now
I love this meme.
Anyways I'm hoping for a WW1 or 2 shooter like the rumours said a while ago
>I love this meme.
It's not shit, but it's not as great as it used to be. I even own every game except for Hardline. I might even buy this one if it looks fun.
so apparently the man is looking at something massive.
could it posibly be a mech?
battlefield 2142 confirmed
Hardline was shit.
Played the beta and instantly turned off.
I had so much fucking fun on BF3 on Siene Crossing mainly. Camping B on Conquest and going up the building and ambushing noobs coming in.
Battlefield 4 was just as great. Especially some of the newer maps that are free.
If it's more future garbage it better be alternate history or something like that.
Great. CoD and BC going into space now.
What if it's WW2 and a Lancaster Bomber is flying over him.
dont think it would cast a shadow on the soldier who is on the ground
Could it be a man of massive statue flying over him?
Looks like a ww1 or ww2 soldier to me
You have no idea what you're talking about user.
Especially on a clear summers day a Lancaster bomber going 500ft to bomb would cast a shadow
I know this is a battlefield thread, but is there a release date for Rising Storm 2 yet other than "2016?"
>implying real life matters in games
Trailer is leaked
>implying this is it
Max kek
What's up with the autists on Sup Forums hating scifi/future all of a sudden
Is that because of titanfall or what
What is this actually from? That Cyberpunk 2077 game?
>shit now
The series has always been shit, senpai
you serious? fuck.
>vietnam setting
>it ain't me starts playing
BF4 is actually really great now after 2 years of patching it.
Is that josh from that ps4 movie?
Contrarians. There really hasn't been that much Sci-Fi FPS lately but there's still people acting like it'll never end. Shit the only real big name one I can think of is Call of Duty.
So, it doesn't have a WW1 or WW2 setting. Okay, dropped.
Its vietnam vest
A shitty, pointless singleplayer
A science fiction shooter set during the WW1 or WW2 era with low tecc sci fi titans and so on.
>Battlefield 5 trailer
>It's a mix of Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefield with battles in space
>theme starts playing
>This is ground control to major Tom
BF 2142-2
>Shoving the whole magazine in
Glad they stopped that shit.
Its just that recently theres been a lot of futuristic games and going back to ww2 or even ww1 would be a bit refreshing. I dont hate futuristic games though
what game is this?
Call of duty does scifi now? Is it any good
>Dumb asses still buying EA games.
some guys unreal engine demo
Casuals can't git gud and learn the exo movements
>that link
you fucked up
The campaigns are ok. The MP is similar to previous games just with more maneuverability
Maybe its ww2 dude looking at 2142 titan.
Battlefield V.
>Am I fitting in guys!!
Wouldn't know. Haven't touched a CoD since Black OPs 1. Last time I saw a little it looked like CoD and Titanfall had a baby. The wallrunning and jump packs made it look fun
Got you senpai
Who is this guy supposed to be
>inb4 sci-fi setting with time travelling to WW1
>Those angry tweets at the bottom
It's going to be another Hardline blunder
WW1 with tech from the future
>diesielpunk BF
i like it
WW1 with magic.
battlefield game of SCP-186?
I'd take both of these.
It's something new instead of just getting more and more futuristic.
WW1 but with ninjas and wizards
WW1 but with ninjas, Wizards and dinosaurs.
>more and more futuristic.
cod and halo? what else?
you faggots seem to think the industry is overran with futuristic shooters
Dumbest teaser ever.
>there will never be a Blade Runner game in your life cycle
>spaceship sound
>chracter looks up
well it will take the worlds greatest detectives to figure this out but i'm sure we will find out
All I wanted was another Bad Company game...But probably gonna be a futuristic one.
I'm okay with both sci-fi and ww2.
But i'm not going to play alternate reality crap with sci-fi weapons set in ww1.
I don't mean Halo, Halo has always been set in the future.
I didn't even suggest games are getting more futuristic you fagtard. All I did was suggest the way COD was going.
>get *killed*
>instead of respawning your character just lays there missing half their head and screams horrifically until the match ends
I hope space will get popular again, i'm tired of cyber/steam/fantasy/mdoern/dystopia...
I don't mind dystopia in space though.
WW1 with Greek gods
>there's been a lot of futuristic games
like what? AW and BO3?
>going back to ww2 or even ww1 would be a bit refreshing
what is wrong with you?
I just want someone to make Planetside with an actual budget. Is that so wrong?
WW1 with Trump as commander
WW1 with Lovecraft's monsters
>mmo shit
yes its wrong
WW1 but with just the dinosaurs. Used as transport and infantry units. Velociraptor squadmates that talk. Velociromance blooms on the battlefeel when your dude discovers your velociraptor squadmate is female and in heat. Egg watching minigame with real time heat sensor.
lay off that weed, son
Why do people want WW1 again?
>stationary trench warfare that goes on for months
>shit guns
>shit planes
>shit prototype tanks
The only cool thing is chemical weapons other than that it's SHIT.
>muh 1000 player clusterfucks
>No scenarios for that levolution shit DICE loves so much
Do people still play? I've been sticking to bf3 but good servers are starting to die out.
WW2 + Dubstep
>stationary trench warfare that goes on for months
That's true only about the end, first year was fun.
Jesus christ making a teaser for a reveal trailer?
Stop doing that shit, it's ridiculous.
>more scifi
Fucking hell
They are doing a whole reveal event, like they do every time they announce a mainline game
They pussyfoot around a bit, show the trailer, commence more pussyfooting, and then show some gameplay
Battlefied 1842
Arrogant as fuck if you ask me.
what do you mean? nobody made scifi games just a year ago
WW1 with power rangers
That would blow my fucking mind if they did that. Has there ever been a good Civil War game that wasn't a fucking strategy game?
>consciously giving EA money
Battlefield 1542
And they always show singleplayer first, like anyone actually gives a fuck about that in battlefield