OW gameplay discussion thread
Why does this feel like a bad version of TF2?
OW gameplay discussion thread
Why does this feel like a bad version of TF2?
because you're playing it wrong
>TF2 characters
>look at character, immediately know what they do
>the silhouettes are crisp, well defined, and have tons of personality
>OW characters
>giant monkey
>except him to be slow
>no he fucking LEAPS AROUND QUICKLY ???
Okay that's retarded but lets look at the rest of the cast
>lesbian russian technoviking
>brazilian with some sort of speaker gun?
>and rollerblades?
>apparently he is a healer?
>cyborg ninja
>throws shurikens
>only uses a sword when he has his ultimate ability
>rocket launcher flying girl
>flight is sweet, even if you're super vulnerable while doing it
>rockets do almost no damage compared to how much supports can heal
>what's the fucking point
>generic soldier unit with sprint and standard rifle
>has an AOE healing ability???
>what the fuck does this muslim triangle bitch even do
>qt blonde girl with angel wings
>can't fly, can only jump to allies
>isn't the best healer in the game, despite being the only one that looks like a healer
>korean girl that jumps into a mech? hell yeah that sounds sweet
>mech has almost no firepower, just two tiny machineguns
>can't even fly, it just kinda hovers for a bit
What the fuck, how did blizzard fuck up character concepts this badly
overwatch just went public beta and already forgotten
Valve wasn't lying when they said their players are too stupid to play without obvious class/team indicators.
Remember when MvM was goig to have 3 blu and 3 red working together but beta faggots got confused and started shooting at each other?
Yeah thanks for proving it's real.
>baddies shitting on Overwatch
lelele someone got HIIIGHH NOOONED?
>my feelings = fact
how is HOTS?
I eventually learned what every character does but none of it was intuitive.
The characters just feel wrong. The art and personality don't mesh with the gameplay.
because blizzcucks will eat this shit up
The artstyle and gameplay is unappealing to anyone that isn't a cuck
>autists cant have anything confusing or they'll throw tantrums
>mercy isnt the best healer
now you're just trolling, im not even gonna bite on the rest
Lucio is objectively the best healer
Not into mobas or whoever you call them so I don't know how it's doing.
>I eventually learned what every character does
The fact that you're bitching about not being able to identify what every character does says otherwise.
Your problem is that you're expecting it to be a clone of TF2 and expecting every single class to focus on a single thing.
How many of you idiots tried to double jump with Tracer for example?
OW is a TF2 clone by design, so of course people are going to draw comparisons between the two.
OW characters are way more specialized than TF2 characters were. The lack of secondary weapons hurts the game tremendously.
>Talking shit about OW's artstyle when TF2's has gone all over the place with pink/green paints, retarded cosmetics that have nothing to do with the style, and cancerous unusual effects that stick out like a sore thumb.
OW isn't for everyone, sure, but don't talk as if TF2 isn't full of faggots either.
>How many of you idiots tried to double jump with Tracer for example?
well fuck you got me
One thing is comparing, another is complaining because it's not TF2.
You're bitching because you can't tell what each class does by just looking at them. That's plain retarded.
"TF2 did it better" it not a complaint, it is a valid criticism
I wasn't really comparing it to TF2, though.
Honestly, TF2's style is still better, even with the shitty additions it has been getting the past few years.
TF2 vanilla is perfect, but OW is mere shit compared to even non-vanilla TF2.
I'm sure OW will get stupid cosmetics as well and look even worse
>I'm sure OW will get stupid cosmetics as well and look even worse
It already does, there are pirate costumes, and fantasy character costumes, and weird kinda racist nationality costumes.
And a wrong one too.
OW Medic is far more reliable than TF2 Medic.
Mercy has like all the mediguns the Medic has combined into one.
OW Heavy helps team mates shield and has healing.
OW Engie is split into 2 characters, one can focus on attack and other in defense.
OW doesn't have a class and I hope it stays that way
I can go on but I'll just stop there.
I don't understand this meme, HOTS is doing fine.
user thats why its bad
>pocket gets hs'd before push
>pull back, hold with pyro and heavy, try to rethink strategy
>zarya gets killed before push
>Have to bring up vanilla TF2 in order to prove a point when it's irrelevant.
Thanks for helping me understand what moving goalposts mean.
OW already has stupid cosmetics but the style is already cartoony enough that it still fits the style.
Meanwhile valve didn't gave a shit after the deus ex cosmetics and set the style it protected so much go to the shitter.
And no, someone with 2 unusuals, a pro KS, and an unusual weapon doesn't look good.
some cosms DO look good user
you just need to theme it right
Except only a few people actually put effort in their cosmetics.
Most people want to be flashy faggots and make shit like pic related.
People need to speak up and abuse the fuck out of Bastion players, making them feel like the scum of the earth they are whenever they play him. there will always be 2+ Bastions in your game if you never speak up.
TF2 feels like a bad version of TF2 now.
Thanks for being an idiot and comparing what a game looks after 5 years to one just released, instead of comparing them both to how they were at release.
You're the one setting an unreasonable goalpost. Let's see what Overwatch looks like in 8 years when we've already got stuff like this in the game at launch.
ITT: Insecure TF2 faggots scared there's real competition now
Who gives a shit? Your shitty hat simulator won't go away anyways.
Cosmetic fags won't move in fear of not losing their shit.
People that actually likes to play the game are the ones moving to OW and they're not that many.
people playing comp tf2 find ow to be really easy desu
I played it for a few hours.
I feel like I already saw everything the game has to offers, and the skill ceiling is painfully low.
>Play of the game
>It's always just some guy holding M1 and awkwardly panning around as people run into gunfire, or at best someone patrolling around a point and killing 2-3 people who aren't paying attention
It's made it painfully obvious how little room there is for actual, skillful play. Things like Roadhog's grapple could have made for all kinds of cool plays if it had any sort of timing, follow through, or aiming involved. Instead it's hitscan which means it doesn't feel satisfying at all to pull people with. Random ultimate's that auto kill players, the lack of altfire for most of the cast, most characters having no unique movement options etc
It's just feels shallow
>play of the game
>PRESS Q TO WIN moment
>can't skip it
>can't leave game or you get penalized
>literally forced to sit there and watch this stupid shit
Do you have any idea of how idiotic that statement sounds?
We are comparing games at their current state since vanilla TF2 is irrelevant you fucking moron.
Oh and look at that, you want to compare OW 8 years from now when we don't even know if it'll be alive by then.
If you want to post shitty OW skins at least do your homework and post the ones that actually look bad like the punk tracer one.
What unreasonable goalposts? I followed the thread and you went from TF2 to vanilla TF2.
If you're going to defend your shitty game defend it on what it is, not on what it was.
>it's another "Bastion set up in a corner and the enemy team doesn't check for ambushes" episode
>Play of the Game
>Winston who got 1 kill, a turret kill, and an elimination from something he did before Play, SOLELY because he popped his Ultimate and did it
>Was one of (2) Junkrats in that match
>Got a triple Vanquish and a D.VA Mech kill, but didn't get Play cause I didn't use my Ult
This game needs some work on that system.
You mean those PRO players that were exposed to be hacking?
>it's another "hanzo kills 5 people stupid enough to stand in his bullshit for 5 seconds" POTG
The game will probably be dead after a few months because there's zero depth and it's way too casual.
It will probably suffer the same fate as HotS.
>can't leave game or you get penalized
is this true? I've always been leaving as soon as "you win / lose" message lights up ever since the first beta
Is it actually even worth 59.99? 30, maybe.
Not even trolling, but this game is fucking horrible.
I've probably played about 25-30 hours since the beta launched over the past few days; I wanted to give it a fair chance because by all merits it SHOULD be a great game, but it just isn't.
What lets it down is the map design, mostly. Claustrophobic and horribly balanced for attackers / defenders (depending on map). Horrible variety in game modes, as well, and a personal peeve of mine is the insta-death ults. I know there's a lot of people who like to play CoD and garbage which has incredibly short kill times, but this game just isn't for me.
Huge let down.
I agree with that
I expect the game to be stale fast if you're good at FPS, it's painfully easy.
Yes you lose MMR if you leave before the score screen
>being ignorant
only the lower level trash players got exposed for LMAObox
>claustrophobic for either attackers or defenders depending on the map
I'll take "Asymmetric map design" for 400, Alex
Ah so UGC is lower leve trash now?
What ever happened to being top tier? Plenty of threads never shut up about it and it's suddenly low tier now?
The most hilarious thing is that at low MMR the game is horribly imbalanced in favour of defenders. Attackers can never get their shit together and push as a team, they just keep going in solo and getting picked off.
Then at high MMR the game is horribly imbalanced in favour of attackers. Defenders can't do ANYTHING against a well-coordinated push with ultimate skills.
OW is poorly designed.
Not even the same guy you were talking you.
You're the one who brought TF2 up in the first place because you're salty as hell, vanilla TF2 is relevant because it had a coherent, well designed aesthetic at launch, while Overwatch doesn't. If TF2 is the trend to follow, Overwatch will be a hundred times worse in 8 years.
I love how you even admit the game you think is better than TF2 won't even live as long as TF2.
I posted a single bad one (and yes, it is fucking awful). I didn't say I posted every bad skin.
You yourself set the goalpost of comparing it to current TF2 when the first poster didn't even bring up TF2 at all, as I said.
I don't even fucking play TF2 anymore.
I've noticed this in a lot of threads but why are people having such hard times dealing with the maps?
It's always been low tier user, the people gloating about it being top tier are stupid. ESEA-I/ETF2L Premier are the actual top tier leagues.
please tell me how a soldier, demo, pyro or a medic could be hacking in any way
only div 6 or div 5 guys get banned, and speaking of low skill, a div 5 guy could kick a top level OW player's ass in either game
Asymmetric doesn't automatically mean unbalanced. There's a heap of games which have asymmetric game-play which are far, far better than Overwatch. The dude is right. The map designs are horrible.
Tons of chokepoints and un-intuitive pathing
>characters are not cardboard cut out cliches
>autism 5000 has a meltdown
you cant make this shit up
I love how much this game pisses off the babies in here.
This game was made by babies for babies. So of course it'll piss off babies because it is a game for babies.
When is Tracer going to get nerfed?
>inb4 git gud xDD
Fuck you, she is unpunishable, she literally has 2 get out of jail free cards. So far the only I found is poo in the loo lady but even she is not that effective.
I don't think anyone in this thread has bust in to full autism mode over this game yet. Most people have posted pretty convincing arguments about why they personally find it a shit game.
Maybe you haven't played Tf2 properly, user.
You know, there's more than valve and trading servers. There are server where people actually plays the game.
I'm not complaining that they aren't cliches, but rather that their design does not give you any indication of what they are supposed to be doing.
>Not even the same guy you were talking you.
>Jumping to others conversations like so
+1 idiocy
>You're the one who brought TF2 up in the first place because you're salty as hell
Uh no, trace the conversation back. Some idiot brought TF2 because OW wasn't like TF2.
>I love how you even admit the game you think is better than TF2 won't even live as long as TF2.
I am realistic, unlike you who lives in a world of delusion.
>I posted a single bad one (and yes, it is fucking awful). I didn't say I posted every bad skin.
For someone who thinks that TF2 looks good even after all the cosmetic shit they've added I find that statement to be pretty hypocrite.
>You yourself set the goalpost of comparing it to current TF2 when the first poster didn't even bring up TF2 at all, as I said.
Uh again, trace back.
>I don't even fucking play TF2 anymore.
Why the fuck are you even replying to me then?
ITT: niggers doesnt have 60 currency so they shit on other peoples fun
pathetic losers
>a div 5 guy could kick a top level OW player's ass in either game
You clearly have source on that, right?
Played both the PC and PS4 version. Even if you have a potato PC, get the PC version. Some characters such as Tracer are basically unplayable with a gamepad even if you're really good with a gamepad and you max the sensitivity out.
Also, from my experience the guys I was playing against on PS4 had no bloody idea what they were doing... and most of the time afk.
do you fucking hear yourself?
you just said that it doesnt bother you that they arent cliches but you want them to be more cliches
you colossal fucking retard
It's just TF2 babies complaining about it. They're scared to shits.
You can try to rationalize your purchase all you want, it doesn't change the fact that the game is incredibly shallow.
*or AFG/AFC rather
That makes no sense at all.
you can try to rationalize being a bitter cynical bitch but the game is tons of fun
It makes perfect sense you baby.
>characters are not cardboard cut out cliches
Korean? Give 'er a mech + be a lolli!
Brazilian? Capoeira style fitness instructor!
Lesbian? Stronk, purple haired womyn!
White? Either a common soldier or a common sheriff figure!
Asian? NINJA or fucking bow dragon bullshit!
European? German accent, blond hair check!
>tfw pharah lost her limbs somehow
I'm enjoying it good thing this is just the beta some things need to get Nerfed....Bastion
>its a randoms dont want to switch roles episode
seriously guys, we cant run 2 turretdorf on offense if none of you are playing Reinhardt.
He's talking about how that commenter mentions TF2 doesn't have cutout cliches.
Learn to read faggot. Your blind rage is showing.
Gameplay needs to match aesthetics. If I stab somebody I shouldn't see bullet holes in them.
If a girl is shooting rockets then they should be doing significant damage.
If a cyborg ninja cuts you with a sword that requires charging up then it should kill in one hit.
I don't think you know what cliche means.
so one of you retards think they are too distant from what they look like the other one says theyre one dimensional stereotypes
jelly pathetic haters get your shit together
Any tips for playing pic related?
you're a fucking shitter m8
the rocket girl does a lot of damage if you learn to play properly
>complaining about realism in video games
enjoy your euro truck simulator and cowadoody kiddo and fuck off from this thread
>But I'm helping!!
>This comes from a Mei that blocks off her team with shitty ice walls, does nothing but get in the way, and just dies constantly
I have done that twice where I wait near where they come out of and both times I killed all of their team, His turret is way to OP.
Nope, people who actually like the game are praising it while babies are crying about it. How can the game be for babies if they're enjoying it?
Flawed logic right there.
spam turrets, create teleport as soon as possible, give shield, run around and try to chip away from peoples hp
Symmetra is garbage though desu dont even bother
Because only babies play the game, and only babies will cry about the game. Know why? Because it's a game for babies, it makes perfect sense.
Of course they are one-dimensional stereotypes you fucking retard. This has nothing to do with the fact that they do not anyhow indicate what their role is. Get it?
and your crying about the babies that play the game and are crying about the game.
The problem isn't the game is bad, the problem is the game has nothing over TF2, a game that has more or less cornered the market on "cartoony party shooter where you collect hats."
With the exception of Roadhog, every single character feels like a character (or alternate weapon) in Team Fortress 2, never mind everything being on some kind of asinine cooldown system clearly made to help distract you from how boring the core gameplay really is. 99% of the game is mowing down chokepoints or running around getting solo kills, with objectives only serving to crowd all the sheep together. This is all stuff you can already do in TF2, with more possible alternatives than "run forward and hope you shoot enough guys before your healer dies or you do."
Everything in the game just feels inferior to its obvious inspiration, much like when people compare Heroes of the Storm and Dota. The REAL issue is that TF2 doesn't strive to be complex like Dota does, giving people no reason to spend $40 on something less rewarding and less interesting.
No, I am simply making observations about babies.
>tf 2
> 1 ability
>5 abilities
>nothing over tf2
You are literally retarded
No it doesn't, clean the shit from your fingers and learn to type something that isn't an oxymoron. It's either they enjoy it and they're not babies or someone is bitching and acts like a baby. stop mixing it together.
Why would they cry about the game if they're enjoying it so much?
You're some kind of special idiot, user.
fucking explain it to me you bitch, because no it makes no sense
so you're crying that the ninja is throwing stars but the monkey is jumping?
or that the ninja doesnt spam one hit kill combo while being the most agile mother fucker in the game?
what is game design amirite?
pathetic hater kid get anus cancer m8