Being a Str build is fucking suffering in this game and this guy made me realize it

Being a Str build is fucking suffering in this game and this guy made me realize it

nigger just parry

what the fuck is your problem

>charge R2 as he gets up
He dies in like 3 hits. So hard

Not really. Souls PvE is easy and can literally be beaten with bare fists.

I use a big unga bunga club
niggee just backsteps and stunlocks me to death every time

Just use a straight sword like everyone else lmao

Why do katanas even exist in this game? All of them are pretty shit. Bad reach, bad weapon arts, inferior damage to curved swords.

Keep a shield up
Back away, you should be just out of his range
After he does his combo, run in and hit him with your running attack.
Or, roll in to his last attack and hit him that way.
Or backstep dodge his hit and do the backstep in to r1
This guy is a pushover who just looks threatening and is good at baiting with false openings.
You can also just get a stable shield and circle strafe in to backstabs

Running R1
The R2 is also a stab. better than curved swords in some situations

Literally just pick the heaviest weapon you have, upgrade it as much as possible with your progress and then press R1 and he dies in 8-10 hits and gets staggered every hit. Strength is PvE easymode all the way through and if your experience is otherwise you're either absolute trash or doing something very very very wrong in which case you're simply stupid. Not even worth a git gud.

can we all agree this is the most hype fight in the game
Yhorm is second for me only because of Siegward

Which deals barely any damage and does not combo, and the easiest move in the game to parry

That guy sucks.

I went underleveled with a Str build and killed him on my second try.

Just have the other guys kill each other and spam R1 on his second form, he has shit poise.

Are you joking? he's one of the easiest bosses as a str dude

How come sometimes my character will randomly riposte? Like I won't even have a shield equipped and will be slashing at him and suddenly my character randomly ripostes.

Feels satisfying as fuck so I'd like to know how this happens. I was using a straight sword if that makes any difference.

back stabs are your friend, user.

I just miss ma poise

>Strength is PvE easymode all the way through
Dex is actually easier this time around. SS class dominates PvE,

IF you attack at the same time an enemy is attacking and IF you hit him first, interrupting an enemy attack seems to count as riposting them.

It's pretty easy to bait a parry with it because everyone expects it. If they see a katana guy running at them they're already setting up for a parry. That can be used to your advantage if you think about it

Who /BeatNewGame+AndNowBored/ here? Honestly thought NG+ was still a thing in DS3 and I'm sad to see that nothing changes between your first and second journeys except getting more powerful rings. Can't even be bothered to do NG++ because I don't care for getting all the endings and I don't wanna drudge through the first 1/3rd of the game that I hate.

Dude his attacks are telegraph and he doesn't hit that hard. If you somehow manage to fuck up a dodge just put your shield up. You will literally tear through his HP if you upgraded your weapon. I shat on this guy with a Great Machete.

being able to pait parries is true for any weapon, and it doesn't change the fact that the carthus curved sword outranges, outspeeds and outdamages every single one (except for washing pole in terms of speed but that weapon is also super easy to parry)

Beat his ass with the cathedral ultra greatsword. Just gotta wait till he's done attacking and hit him with a heavy hit. Rinse repeat. Still was a fun fight though

I'd argue that katanas are the only weapons with a decent weapon art.
I don't even use katans, I'm a str fag.

Stop being shit and backstab him, then do charged R2s on his wakeup. Laugh as he dies in 3 goes of this.

its a guard break if they try to block with no stamina.

>Use +2 Claymore
>Kill Abyss Watchers in one attempt
>Never needed shield

Well I guess certain bosses fuck up certain people.

Really? They all have a slow ranged lunge or a parry. Meanwhile many curved swords have crazy spindances that combos from R1 and deals great damage.

>vit and vig are different stats.

I 2 hand a great mace and he always gets me in the middle of my attacks
Plus even with how fucking huge this thing is he almost always backsteps away


How can you post something like that without thinking "Hey, that looks really dumb, I should probably change that."?

Meant to quote

Stop using UGS and pick up a mace or axe. They are STR weapons with perfectly fast attack speeds.

You turd.

Try rolling into him. You're guaranteed to hit him if you're right next to him.

It's funny because I just finished up my strength character and it was the most fun I've had so far next to Dex/luck

The Dragonslayer Greataxe is amazing for both PvE and PvP

>people struggle with him
>killed him first attempt by just rolling and backing away and timing my attacks
>had 40 str and had completely skipped cathedral by the time I got here

What the fuck are you doing?

I dont want to use straight sword, but everything else is so shit.

Is there a GS or UGS that has a decent moveset?

Farron GS has those break dance r1s.

>This crazy stamina usage on Astora Greatsword
>eats like healf your stamina bar in one swing
>only a few points more in raw damage compared to my Rapier which can endlessy attack at crazy speed
All the big weapons really need is more damage, they're so much worse compared to fast weapons with poise not existing.

No point using 2H weapons until they fix poise, if they ever will

>"fixing" things in DS
lol bro ur just not gud enough, git gud faggot

Let me guess, you try to get 3 hits in when you manage to stagger him with a hit.

Don't be greedy, just hit once then back away. Fight him safe

who needs poise

>No point using 2H weapons until they fix poise
Not entirely true, as two-handing big weapons is the only way to actually have poise

In pvp the black knight weapons are on top right now.

>having 40 str by level 30ish

What the fuck are you doing?

Hyper armor works much better. You just have to be smarter about your swings and can't just mash r1

At 40-50 str most if the high end big weapons do plenty of damage. The problem is that some fast weapons, namely straight swords, are just too damn strong

No most of the time its I get 1 hit and he hits back and spams me till I die

when hyper armor works just fine

You probably don't fat roll. I'll guess that OP wears armor beyond 70% his equip load, making him fat roll

i would even say everything after this boss is shit

mash that attack button son u did good

dark souls 3 is fucking pathetic

No one gives a fuck about pvp nigga

Why does everyone wear that star wars helmet? I noticed it last night when I was sun broing it up too.

>str build is suffering
Lol wut. Is this your first souls game? I'm also taking it your only at the abyss watchers. The number of really great str weapons obliterates how many great dex weapons that are in DaS2 and DaS3. The first game wasn't as bad but still had more good str based weapons.

This bitch is easy just bait his attacks and hit him a few times. Keep moving to the left or right in circles around him.

What is a good early str weapon?

you get it pretty early and it looks pretty cool

It's a good helmet for the weight.

found the casual

You don't roll away after you hit him once?

Won the fight on my second attempt using the Zweihander on my Str build - no shield.

Died (at least) 12 times on my second playthough using a straight sword (but still shieldless).

Knowing that straight swords are considered to be OP, I can only conclude that I fucking suck with anything other than strength builds...

I started the game with a dork sword, then switched to Yhorm's machete and never looked back.

Superheavy weapons are crazy good, Souls games are some kind of DPS race.

>Keep moving to the left or right in circles around him.

Like in every souls game ever.

>i want the overpowered bs that was endurance from ds1 back

Lunge will stagger nearly anybody and its useful for taking out mobs.
Parry has way more active frames than regular parries.

Katanas are great with sharp infusement and some resin, bleed buildup is nice and procs on a surprising amount of enemies.

High Level

Best defense for this boss is just straight up playing offensively. Get to phase 2 as fast as you can because it's significantly easier.

If you're having trouble with these guys then you're going to get fucked once you get to the dancer

He actually would have hit the guy if he just did a running R2. Bad gonna bad

Great Axe, Zweihander and Spiked Mace are all fairly early and decent.

Is it me or are they old hat? The first time I fought the it took me a while to beat them, I am on my 3 character and I beat the first try with a brigand axe +2.

>post fights where both players are bad

I loved the dancer fight, it was one of the few fights in the game where there was no trial and error bullshit to blind side you

And they're all still outperformed by the best curved weapons. Katana is merely "usable", but only reason to pick them over other weapons is if you really like katanas.

How bad am I to die to Champion ~7 times?
His second form shoulder bash is fucking fast, like the speed of light. He goes so fast my camera unlocks from him.

>The number of really great str weapons obliterates how many great dex weapons

yeah, that is why PVP is all about straight sword and rapiers? There are some special snowflakes like the BKGA but overall you can just stagger any UGS/UGA to death

>dude just parry lmao
applies just as much to dex as str

How can I make caestus not suck?

Trying to do a Kyo build with Sacred Flame to pick up the stuff I missed in my first playthrough but caestus is straight ass.

The Champ is one of the "harder" fights user. Don't worry about it

Died like 8 times to Abyss Watchers as a strength build yet only 1 time to Dancer. Dancer is a joke, as are the majority of DaS3 bosses.

>stunlock ugs/uga

no you're just a scrub who dont know how to hyper armor

and parry is a non issue for ultra weapons due to many of their moves being in the no parry zone

You make it not suck by playing Dark Souls 2 ;)

>str build
>dark sword
>yhorm's great machete
>most straight swords
>black knight greataxe
>gundyr's halberd

No faggit

shit bait. you're just trash at the game and should probably trade it in at your local game store for super mario bros.

dork sword nerf when?

you want an effective cestus build? learn to preserverence and use the heaviest armor

I really liked the Dancer fight. Nameless King and Soul of Cinder were pretty hype too. Oceiros was fun but felt like he was ripped straight from BB. Yhorm was disappointing as fuck for me personally because of that badass opening cutscene then a fucking gimmick fight. Aldrich and Pontiff were great. Princes were fun too but I feel like all the ones just mentioned before them were better fights. Dragonslayer was pretty cool too but lost a lot of excitement cause someone spoiled it for me and told me he was the boss there.

Deacons of the Deep and Crystal Sage were the only ones I would say were truly shit with Vordt not far behind.

A bunch of tests some user made show that perseverance is just stomp but worse in every way.

I've got the hang of it but tanking huge hits (at reduced damage but still) for piddly L1s is kind of annoying. Should I just pump vit? I dont care at PvP at all btw.

>red hilted halberd has perseverance
is this weapon as good as i think it is?
good range and you can screw over people who try to spam on you

>put my sign down for old demon king
>9/10 hosts haven't turned off the ballista and get twatted going up the stairs
>9/10 hosts get obliterated by the ODK
Fucking hell.

which test?

mind you Preseverance also reduces damage

You can turn off the ballista?

Except enemies actually have poise which means most can hit back vs smaller weapons where as large strength weapons stunlocks them to death.

I actually prefer dex myself but I'm just calling it like I see it. There are more good str weapons than dex weapons in these games. I wasn't saying they are better just that they are more numerous. You get much more variety to work with on a str build.

Not to mention bosses get staggered like mad by heavy weapons. I brought Nameless King to his knees in 4 hits, can estocfags say the same?

>literally the only way to olay the game is to be a twink build with a straight sword
>hehe just git gud kiddo

>Spend hours in 100x gravity until I can handle the champ
>Put sign down
>Gang bang of 4 phantoms raping the Champ as though he was not tougher than Iudex

I honestly felt bad, like I was ruining a good experience for another player

>Be STR build
>kill second Watcher in 3 hits because of low health
>gank the main Watcher with the Abyss controlled one
