Its shit. neo blizzard will eat up

Its shit. neo blizzard will eat up.

Its good. neo Sup Forums will shit on it

It's okay. I will shit on it.

It's literally TF2 with cute girls

I played it a few hours.
It's completely okay but there's some pretty big flaws.

It really feels like a "My first FPS" kind of game, and I gotta admit at the end I got bored a bit.

But I haven't even played a blizzard game since their rts days.

It's eat. I will shit it up.

>cute girls
The characters for this game are unappealing to anyone who isn't a cuck

I.. I actually liked it. The classes seems interesting, I like how you can become a turret, or how your sniper rifle can become an assault rifle.

But the game doesn't seem to offer too much content now to justify it's 49.99 price tag.

How can they make so many unappealing characters, they're so sterile and lifeless.

This, it's ok, but something about it just lacks the certain quality that games like tf2 have that keep you hooked. You can tell they tried very hard to emulate it but it's still missing it.

What's weird is I can't quite put my finger on what exactly it's missing, all I know is that it's missing something.

It's $40 and that's if you get it not on sale.

The last closed beta had like 2-3 maps, but there's a lot more in the open one.

Once you go through all the characters, there's nothing really left in the game. At that point you're just playing for the possible gratification of opening a loot box - which contains just a bunch of sprays, that for some reason have to be unlocked and equipped individually with each character. There's absolutely no individual skill ceiling because characters are locked into archetypes of either high damage low health, or low health, medium damage and high mobility, or just low health low damage high utility and vice versa. The tactical component is completely shallow and you need 5 friends to play the game with in order to go with the meta of the current map, otherwise you endanger your sanity. There's no twitch skills required, no reflexes, no map knowledge, barely any character knowledge. It's a boring game and I honestly feel bad for my friends who actually bought it because they wanted to play it early.

Unfortunately it shows 59.99 for me. Seems pretty steep.

Do you search for servers like in TF2 or is it MM?

It doesn't have dedicated servers, the matchmaking is automated. You can set up filters and parties though

So, if you join a game, can you just leave at any time or do you have to be there from the start?

>Once you go through all the characters, there's nothing really left in the game

how about just playing the game because it's fun?

>there's no individual skill ceiling because all characters have strengths and weaknessess.

Man I understand why people may not like overwatch but so far everyone is really fucking reaching

Those two things have nothing to do with each other user
It could connect you to a game that's in a middle of the match, and you can also leave at any time.

Can we all agree that Tf2 is more entertaining than this game?
I mean, ok, this game has Qts as said and Tf2 porn is atrocius.

But it lacks deph. I don't give a shit about the characters. And I did give a shit about the Heavy after seeing a single video where he talks about his fucking gun.

Also, people hypes it just because is a shiny new Blizzard game, and that sounds neat.

I'll give it like a week on my Pc before I uninstall it.

I agree with him though.
The skill ceiling is rather low.

But the game isn't fun, it actually manages to be more braindead than CoD

>some virgin nerd says the skill ceiling is low with absolutely no basis

good one

wait until you see pro teams blow your fucking mind

>how about just playing the game because it's fun?
You don't understand, user. The gameplay itself is bland and unnapealing.

>everyone is really fucking reaching
No, everyone already knows how the heroes are meant to be played, and it's rather easy to play them properly.

The problem is, it's not really fun after the novelty wears off.

And how is that a stretch? Rock, paper, scissors gameplay doesn't leave room for skill. It's a matter of strategy.

This is not an argument.
There's pro in every game ever that will always show you incredible things, it doesn't makes it have a high skill ceiling for that reason.

The game doesn't give you much room for improvement because each hero is heavily categorised, a logical choice that come at a price.

Don't take me wrong here: It's not a bad game at all. It's just rather bland, and it gives "easy and accessible" fun for the persons who doesn't like / play FPS very much.

Yeah man, pro-level Hearthstone really blows my mind man.

Can't w8 to see some epic strats come out of this game.

>pro teams blow your fucking mind

Yeah those pro teams in Natural Selection 2 really blew my mind too

A better idea would have been to restrict the character by the team.
Only attackers / supports for the attack side and defenders / utility for the defence side.
In exchange make these characters much deeper and complex in their gameplay.

How to make a shit game even shittier

-by Sup Forums


I am actually amazed by how many people are on point in this thread. It's fun at first. But after around 5 hours you've seen everything the game has to offer.

The core of the problem is this: the game tries to encourage and emphasize teamwork by toning down how much you can do as a single person. But at the same time the strategy part of the game is very simple so as to not discourage new players. This leaves the game in a very awkward position of not being very rewarding as a team game OR a solo game.

As an example of where this is done right, in Counter-Strike you have to have a good team to do consistently well. Yet you can still make amazing 1v5 clutches happen through sheer skill.

babbys first shooter

Why play this when tf2 is free?

>6 v 6
>runs maxed out on toasters

I stopped buying console games back in 2008

I like it but I've only played for like an hour. I expect to be bored in a few hours.

It's not even fun on console, believe me

Someone said the missing ingredient for them was the lack of anything offensive.
No real trash taking and stuff.

I like it though.
Still not sure if I'll buy it.

>There's pro in every game ever that will always show you incredible things, it doesn't makes it have a high skill ceiling for that reason.

That literally means it has a skill ceiling that is potentially high. The difference between a McCree who can headshot with every bullet at any distance and the guy who can only flashbang fan is pretty massive. Even a character like Bastion who gets routinely shit on for having a "low" skill ceiling is going to be tremendously more effective in the hands of someone who can rapidly reacquire correct targets and move where and when he is needed. Widowmaker and Hanzo can and will instantly kill most of the characters in the game with a fully charged headshot.

This whole argument reminds me of early TF2 where everyone just made fun of it for being so "casual". Then some people took it seriously and developed a 6v6 comp scene, and you'd be hard pressed to find some reason to disregard truly skilled TF2 players.

>Best McCreee, Widow, Hanzo and Bastion players all use their amazing aim on you
>Switch to tanks with shields and healers and counter their skill

Wow, what a great, high skill ceiling game.

>who can rapidly reacquire correct targets and move where and when he is needed.
I hope you're joking.

Just today in Overwatch I, by myself, crushed 4 people consecutively to secure a win WITHOUT using my ultimate. Your 5 hours haven't really served you well if you think you know it all yet.

I like how you bring up CS as if the tightrope you walk on somehow makes it a better game. Yeah, you can pop off 5 headshot kills in a row with an AK, or any similar scenario, and clutch a round, but so can anyone, theoretically. That doesn't make the game better, that just means that everyone is inherently fragile and death lurks around every corner. It's a different design philosophy, not an innately superior one.

Are you seeing the origins edition?
If you're in the US there's a regular version without the special skins and stuff that's $40.

Hit me with your dankest meme then brosef, tell me how a mobile, attentive Bastion is worse or equal to a retard who never moves and reacts with the swiftness of a drowsy grandpa.

Yeah, that's why all those characters you listed are useless and unplayable, right?

Wow, what a great, well-thought-out post.

The thing missing is risk
Everything in this game from dialouge to character design feels done by a committee and market tested to not do anything offensive or risky. It is a completely safe skill free game desgned to sell to children and casuals and not caring about quality.
It just continues neo blizzards cash grab game making

>Yeah, that's why all those characters you listed are useless and unplayable, right?
>Wow, what a great, well-thought-out post.

That's just ironic.

But seriously. The game isn't about skill, it's about the strategy. No need to out-skill anyone when you can just hop on Blizzard's rock, paper, scissors counter-play.

>You will never play a game without at least 2 Genjis

Yeah, you can see it in the characters / their dialogues too.
There's absolutely no banter, everyone is friendly and positive, etc.

But I think this is a point where you can say that CS DOES have innately superior design. My argument was that nothing in Overwatch feels very rewarding. Not rewarding = bad game. That is the definition of a bad game. It doesn't matter if it's skill or luck how you clutch a round with 5 headshots, it still feels insanely good. If it's a round you're clutching, it doesn't matter how many players are alive on which team, it's you and you alone who made the amazing play. During the hours that I played Overwatch, there was no single moment where I felt even close to that. You get a higher level of satisfaction from playing CoD.

One testament to this is that all of the "play of the games" have been very, very boring. It's almost always someone using their ultimate or bastion/torbjorn's turret in a corner picking people off. And it's supposed to be the most exiting part.

I agree with you, I played the game for about 10 hours and it felt like a watered down version of TF2. I'm not gonna lie, the game was fun at first but it got boring very quick. They seriously need to balance the game because some of the characters like Bastion are too OP. The maps are too small and not engaging enough.

Yup I felt he same way about the game. I almost felt like they focus too much on the characters more than anything else.

You lost credibility when you said Bastion is OP. Hes easily countered by tons of characters and is only 'OP' in uncoordinated pubstomps where they mindlessly rush into objectives openly.

It's good, has it's problems, but nothing a little work can't fix. Okay, kind of a lot in some regards, like Play of the Game.
People who don't like the game will shit on it.

Because it feels like castrated TF2 mixed with Teletubbies

The movement in the game has little to no depth, and kills don't feel rewarding at all.

>the game doesn't seem to offer to much content
Holy fuck you're retarded

It feels like you don't really have to aim well to do good in this game, which isn't necessarily bad, but as a QL player it feels a bit unstimulating. If they increased move speed, and maybe reduced hitbox size for models and projectiles, that'd help quite a bit. Seems the real skill that differentiates players that aren't complete garbage is strategy/tactics, team composition, positioning, synergizing with team mates, and good communication. Definitely something you want to play with friends/a team in voice chat to get the most out of it.

It's missing custom server and it feels like a disney version of tf2. The game gets extremely boring after a few games.

It's okish but totally random and being able to switch characters in the middle of the game is stupid.
Wouldn't spend money on this.

This guy gets it.

Unfortunately, it'll never be a high skill game. They just don't sell well anymore.

The girls in this game are too sexy. I can't play for more than half an hour without taking a break to fap. I always lose focus on the objective because I'll have a widowmaker walking in front of me. This game is... dare I say... problematic

Half the characters don't even have to aim. If you make this game any faster and reduce hit boxes characters like Mei or Winston will just wreck everything because all they have to do is hold down a button.

>Hat warfare
>Every class have a billion stupid fucking weapons

TF2 used to be my shit but I can't stand the game anymore. It was better when you had to buy it and there weren't multiple weapon choices. Actually, it was still decent when all the classes got one extra weapon choice, but now it's just ridiculous.