Rate dark souls 3 on a scale of 1 through 10. 1 is the lowest. Bonus points for hours logged. If you have only played god under 5 hours I don't care what you think.
10 hours
Rate dark souls 3 on a scale of 1 through 10. 1 is the lowest. Bonus points for hours logged. If you have only played god under 5 hours I don't care what you think.
10 hours
34 hours
Bloodbdorne is still king of soulsborne.
Ni-oh will be the game to surpass all soulsborne
104 hours
I only have one or two minor issues with the PvE, the PvP is where it loses a point.
130+ hours
Would give 10/10 if covenants worked well.
They really need to fix some balance issues, namely STR/INT/FTH being trash compared to SS's. and add some fucking sets that are in the damn game, pic related.
I'm new to dark souls. What's ss? Also what's a good resource to find out what is """"""meta"""""""
160 hours
I think Dark Souls 2 was a necessary stepping stone for From to flesh out the details of what would become Dark Souls 3- a lot of what DS2 broke, DS3 fixed, and most of the improvements DS2 had were kept in 3.
It's not to say that DS2 was an inherently bad game, but I really found the transition from DS1 difficult and ended up only finishing it once (a NG run and a NG+ run since I heard it changed stuff) and not buying the DLC because I'm a poorfag Transitioning from DS1 to DS3 was much easier.
Currently using a Murakumo and having a whale of a time.
Not a huge fan of making pyro's scale with INT/FAI, though. Pyro in DS1 gave you a real, viable option in PVP at the cost of attunement, provided you had the souls. Only issue was the twinking (SL1, +5 asc flame pvp, anyone?).
I think he meant DS.
As for finding out what is """""meta""""", you honestly ought to just figure it out on your own. Play through the game thoroughly; anything that looks like it might drop its weapon probably does- collect 'em all and test out the movesets on your own. What's """"""meta"""""" isn't as important as what works for your playstyle. Different people play with differing levels of offensive/defensive tendencies; an offensive UGS user will be much different from a defensive UGS user. Test stuff out in PVE to get a good gauge of your mindset, then work from there.
Sorry, that was a bit long.
Straight Swords. They're objectively the best PvE weapons in the game right now, outdamging greatswords and in most cases ultra weapons. It's stupid.
meta is one of these sl's
35 hours
I'd give it maybe 9/10 due to the fight with lords of cinder and the shock I had when fighting him.
It felt too linear for me. and I do not care about pvp
PvE - I give it a 10/10. I couldn't ask for anything more, it's exactly what I wanted out of DS3. Bosses are challenging without being cheap, and most of all are extremely fun to play against. Very immersive and great enemy design.
PvP - 6/10. Weapon arts are pretty fun, but the constant gankfests when invading are very tiring, especially for someone like me who isn't that good at pvp. Makes invading less fun then it used to be.
160+ hours
Linearity kills my motivation to replay, game is unabalanced as fuck, covenants are shit-tier broken, most bosses were and are massive pushovers, music is disappointing after BB, PVP is garbage like always and magic/miracles are flat out fucking useless.
actually scratch that, I give it a 7/10
60 hours
8/10 a fun if safe entry. Glad the franchise is ending for a while.
70 hours.
9/10 if you played the previous Dark Souls games.
7/10 if you didn't.
Good but I fear it won't have much of a lasting impression on me. Linearity a shit.
54 hours, lose interest in front of final bosses
54 hours.
Beat every boss solo except for Nameless King. I know my limits.
121 hours
8/10, good overall but a bit short and there's a few issues that need tweaking in PvP but overall it's pretty fun.
Its really great but has some major annoyances. It feels like a true step up from 1 and 2, but it isn't as good as it could have been. Several features that were actually good from both games are absent and the covenants are fairly bland. Weapon balance is fucked, faith and int builds are fucked, and there are weird things like there being zero weapons with innate dark damage while flooding you with fire shit (bizarre for the setting). The story relies too much on references and the NPCs have far too few lines of recorded dialogue. NG+ is also even shittier than before since you have to ring hunt for 100%. People will complain about the linear level design, but honestly that doesn't bother me so much; it feels like the levels are mostly well tuned and balanced, and the game feels very Demon's Souls-esque.
That all being said, I really enjoy it. With DLC it has the potential to be a 10/10 game. I'm going to go back to Bloodborne after I platinum it though, since I don't want to burn out.
the core of DaS3 lore just panders to nostalgia-faggots
dual wielding downgraded, as well as a general lack in weapon diversity
powerstance removed for gimmicky weapon arts.
magic practically useless in PVP
Poise non existent.
I'm disappointed.
not trying to start a flame war, but the truth hurts
Oh, and I've played for about 130-150 hours so far.
I will say that in terms of the vanilla games, I feel like its the most polished and complete Dark Souls game. The bosses are pretty fucking fantastic, with the only shit one being the Tree
Deacons has god tier music and is a decently enough executed mob fight. Its like a RRV fight with more interesting mechanics. Wolnir is fucking horrendous for casters but is a neat enough idea that I'm able to forgive the sometimes clunky nature of the fight. I'm also a sucker for gimmick fights that aren't shit.
80 hours
Shit pvp compared to previous games.
Broken covenants.
Not as fast-paced as Bloodborne.
>Not as fast-paced as Bloodborne.
Nigga if it was any faster I don't know how people would handle it. Its crazy fast for a Souls game.
>my opinion is the truth
170 hours and dropped
Ds1 = BB > DeS > Ds2 > DS3
anti twink "im safe cause online is scaled to me" measures alone make the game worthless.
>Ni-oh will be the game to surpass all soulsborne
"Hey lets make a game designed around swapping combat styles freely to adapt to situations in combat!"
"That's a great idea! Let's combine it with a limited upgrade system that gimps you for doing anything beyond mid stance since its the most useful and OP!"
If you think Nioh won't have issues of its own, you're pretty optimistic.
10/10 so far, but I just beat the Abyss Watchers.
50 hours.
>DS2 above 3
Even with the DLC that is pretty debatable.
Also are you high? You can twink easy as fuck in 3. I think its hilarious how you somehow think that is worse than the abortion that is SM.
>50 hours
>just beat the Abyss Watchers
i didnt say u cant twink, but the measures in place will still erode matchmaking .
ds2 is a much better game on all levels but art direction than ds3.
65 hours
I'm still not sure if I like DS3 more than Bloodborne.
176 hours
das1 > das3 = das2
I didn't play BB or DeS.
>i didnt say u cant twink, but the measures in place will still erode matchmaking .
Not really, as the ranges are pretty broad. -2+2 and level ranges allow for tons of coop. The issue is that covenants like Darkmoon Blades are broken, but broken covenants are sadly nothing new to the series. Hopefully it will be fixed with the addition of something like a Blue Orb, or they'll end up worthless like the blues in 2.
And don't say u, it makes you look like a mobile poster.
>ds2 is a much better game on all levels but art direction than ds3.
You honestly feel like the level design is stronger in 2? If you include the DLC that is arguable, but on the whole? No way, completely disagree. Same with the bosses and music.
I'm slow as fuck and I get sidetracked way too easilly. I'm exploring everythig, testing out weapons, etc. For example I log in, see red/purple signs and start fighting for hours. I spent 10 hours pvping in the swamp as a watchdog
70~ hours
DS1 only scores slightly higher, but that's because it was my first Souls game. DS3 feels like a good ending to the Souls series, any more and it would get stale real fast, and any less and we would be left with an empty feeling.
DS3 is basically the WotLK of Souls games. It may not be the best, but it's still solid as fuck.
Major improvements that the previous games don't have, which makes it hard to go back to the combat of the previous ones. They even go back and take boss concepts that didn't work in previous games and make them work (except for Yhorm). At the same time, there's less unbalanced and unfair areas, so even if the zones have better level design, they kinda lack the charm that comes with that ridiculousness. I feel overall, it's a "solid" game, but not exactly "special", even if it has its moments. Can't wait for the DLCs.
56 hours
Linear. Too Easy. No originality.
>game near launch has online actvity
oh and ye das2 has better world and level design
and dont even go into the music, das2 and das3 music are cringey at best, overdone and not even humable
>he plays Souls games for the difficulty
>oh and ye das2 has better world and level design
I can't possibly understand how you could feel this way, and I liked 2.
Also humable, what the fuck, you are a mobile poster aren't you?
>das3 music is not even humable
I disagree so hard.
64 Hours, beat it 3 times
DLC has the chance to make it a 10/10 if it's anywhere close to as good as previous Fromsoft DLC.
Also they lost 1 point because they took out all the improvements Dark Souls 2 brought, for seemingly no reason. No NG+ changes, no power stance? What the fuck, From?
ds2 and ds3 music is overdone garbled messes
I legit don't care about difficulty for the most part; I'd take interesting design over difficulty anyday. DaS3 had neither, and even as someone who isn't particularly good I found myself beating most bosses on my first attempt.
lol u must sound like a tard
Improves elements from previous games, but remains just as flawed as them, leaving it on par with them only due to my own fond memories with those games.
BB > DaS3=DaS=DeS > DaS2
I think its hilarious how you don't think DaS1 was overdone. DaS2 was far more subtle and quiet, and 3 is a return to a loud, bombastic style. It isn't for everyone, but to say its a mess shows how little you understand about composition. I don't know how you could listen to Abyss Watchers or Oceiros and go "WOW OVERDONE, SO CRINGEY"
DaS2 is my favorite. It's a shame they scrapped most of the good things about it. I have a ton of characters and there's literally no reason to not finish the game with a straight sword, before respeccing to whatever I feel like for PvP. Also the game is short as fuck and there's literally no reason to explore when replaying the game, even on new characters.
100+ hours, currently on my third playthrough
So far 8.8/10 without DLC. Game is the easiest of the Blood/Souls so far, but I expect that to change once DLC comes around. DS2s DLC was very difficult imo.
Looking forward to playing the DLC and surely I'll raise the score.
20 hours, 7/10
Well, you... you must... you must be... unable to hum... retard... HA
oh we were talkig bout 2 and 3
i dont care for das1 music either, you seem to jump on assumption pretty hard, you have an agenda here, im out
Are you actually retarded? All your posts are just garbage.
upload video of you humming das3 tunes.
you wont
52 hours
I'm pretty burnt out on souls games but a return to form from DS2 made me really happy.
184, 9 /10
Magic needs balancing and more variety, but it's absolutely great aside from that.
73 hours
> you have an agenda here,
Huh? You're the one shitposting.
> im out
What a loss
66 Hours
It's not 10/10 because poise is fucked and there are less cool armors than DS2
Gets a bit stale after ng+ but can't say I didn't get enough value out of it. Don't know how it compares to DaS1 as I didn't play the latter for 2 years. I would say they are almost even. The DLC gives DaS1 a major edge though.
Do note I also played through DaS1 multiple times on the piss stain station.
so just like the entire franchise?
music is probably the weakest point of all the games, luckily everything else than bossfights has no bgm and ambient sound instead or else I'd get sick real fast of playing them
112 hours
You're so tone deaf you can't hum along to Iudex Gundyr's theme?
Bloodborne's music was amazing though
80 hours
Most memorable boss battles of all the DS games. Covenants and balance are pretty broken right now though.
I'm actually kinda depressed that there is now nothing new left for me to explore.
60ish hours
strong 8 to a light 9. I wish they brought poise back and that stamina and equip load would level in the same stat
Bloodborne had really, really good music.
Wow, how is it possible to have such a shitty opinion?
So you're implying that your opinion is the truth? Okay then
yeah I sure love having the same shitty chorus IN EVERY FUCKING SONG since 3 games
Same, 100 hours in and haven't beaten the game. Haven't even gotten enough titanite chunks to get my sword to +9.
Pvp is too fun, glad the online aspect is working pretty much flawlessly for me.
9/10 so far, covenants need some work.
anything higher than an 8 and you're lying to yourselves
this game is nothing but fanservice, atleast DaS2 went new places with the story and lore
this is all DaS3 is:
>hey guys, remember firelink shrine, the place you loved so much in DaS1? :D
>well this is also called firelink shrine, even though its not exactly the same place :DD
>we just thought we'd make you REMEMBAH :P
>hey guys, remember Artorias TEH ABYSS WALKER? :D
>well these are his homies, have fun >:D
>hey guys, remember le ebin onion knight? xD
>WELL HERE HE IS :D not really...
I could go on and on...
35 hours and just beat vordt on ng+
i'd go 8/10, but i obediently love souls games so pretty biased.
DaS - 9.5/10
DaS2 - 7/10
BB - 7/10
DaS3 - 8/10
9.5/10, pretty masterful senpai
can't wait for the DLC
105 Hours
64 hours played
It really feels like its a B team learned from mistakes they made in Dark Souls II and not a A team game.
Bonfire placement is too stupid sometimes like it was in 2 and really feels like there's one exactly where you would hope for just like in 2
Map inter-connectivity is leagues better than 2 but not as good as 1 or Bloodborne. Sometimes their shortcuts are completely negated by a stupid placement of a bonfire. It is evident they tried to make it better than in 2 and they succeeded.
31 hours
Solid 9/10
76 hours
60 hours
I wanna give it an 8 but imo it's not quite there.
pvp is currently bout 8.5/10, the core of the pvp is made well but lacking of poise and some weapons straight out being to good makes it not 10/10
and for the PVE its bout 8/10. the bosses are all unique and well made but theres not really any hard boss u'll get stuck on expect one boss perhaps rest is without doubt easy, but this can easily be fixed with the 2 DLC comming hopefully they will be like the bloodborne dlc.
45 Hours
60 hours
Of course I won't because I'm not dedicated enough to a shitposter.
But pro-tip: if the chorale is able to sing, then you should be able to hum.
It is meant as closure to the series, of course it will pick up a lot of stuff from DS1.
100 hours maybe?
My only gripe with it is ng+ and lack of variety with weapon arts and the covenant problems
Fucking astonishes me that DaS2 handled the lore better than DaS3 did. And at least DaS2 experimented with a few new things like powerstancing.
is this bait?
2 is choke full of DaS1 references, people have been complaining about it since release
DeS 9/10
DaS 8.5/10
DaS II 6/10
DaS III 8/10
BB 7.5/10
This, the only Souls callback/reference in DS3 that bothered me was Storm Ruler because it robbed us of what could have been a more interesting boss fight all for the sake of a Demon's Souls reference that doesn't make any sense.
So how do these things make the game under an 8? I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that stuff is lame, but you're exaggerating how much the names of stuff actually affect how good the game is.
Siegward is better than Siegmeiyer
So would you like to provide an actual argument now?
>2 is choke full of DaS1 references, people have been complaining about it since release
And then DaS3 does the same shit to a much worse degree and instead of complaining we get LE BASED ONIONBRO IS BACK :DDDD SOUL OF CINDER SO EBIN PLAYER REFRENCES :DDDD because Miyahaki is vaguely involved.
Reminder that DaS3 had the exact same fucking team as DaS2.
Needs more balancing patches.
I'm sure the DLC will be great.
95 Hours
Sarcastically typing in all caps and using emoticons is not an argument, and makes you look idiotic.
Just plainly state what you think and why.
>shitting on soul of cinder
>b-team meme
I've got over 100 hours on this game, but I feel like I had more fun playing 2 than I did this even though I liked 3 better. I think BB was better. I'm gonna wait for the dlcs to come out and for the covenants and magic and weapons and whatnot to be fixed before I give it a real rating, but right now it feels like a 7/10 at best for me
71 hours
Balance needs patches, that's all. People who complain about balance probably haven't been around for DaS/DaS2 releases.
>No one remembers pre-patch Crystal Ring Shield
>No one remembers pre-patch DWGR
>No one remembers Greatbow backstabs
>No one remembers Havelmoms
>No one remembers pre-patch Fog Ring
>No one remembers pre-patch Hornet Ring
>No one remembers pre-patch fire/lightning
>No one remembers pre-patch Magic Shield
>No one remembers pre-patch Pyromancy
>No one remembers pre-patch Avelyns
>No one remembers pre-patch Monastery Scimitar
>No one remembers pre-patch Hexes
>No one remembers 838 Havel Hexers
>No one remembers pre-patch Santier's Spear
>No one remembers pre-patch Bastard Sword/Mastadon Greatsword
>No one remembers four buffs at once
>No one remembers pre-patch Miracles
>No one remembers Ice Rapier
>No one remembers Helixadons
Fan service? In a sequel? Well isn't that absurd? I was expecting a completely different game, with no references to the game before it, especially considering what you did in the earlier games altered the world you're in.
Fuck, I guess now you mention it, Bayonetta 2 is full of fan service. YOU PLAY THE SAME CHARACTER, AND SEE STUFF THAT WAS IN THE FIRST GAME? Fucking lame, really.