Nintendo has managed to be even dumber than I ever thought possible

>Nintendo has managed to be even dumber than I ever thought possible

That's the last fucking straw. I can't even think of a major upcoming 3DS or Wii U game from them that I'm excited about owning or trying out. Now they're turning E3 into one big disappointing showcase of Zelda? The same Zelda that's being ported to NX? I'm expected to be excited to see previews of a game that they're fucking me over with? I'd be able to deal with this situation if Zelda U wasn't a fucking NX game. But it is. And I feel astoundingly betrayed.

How mad are you guys? Do you think I'm overreacting? Will there be a different Direct or something in the near future where they cover the usual new game announcements?

u fell for the WiiU meme retard

>he fell for the WiiU meme
hahaha what a fucking idiot

who /smartenoughtowaitfortheNX/ here?

The NX is a handheld. You want to play the new Zelda on a handheld, user?

I fell for the 3ds meme though. But I take comfort in the fact that I'm not the only one. Plus I skipped the whole DS catalog and it honestly have some good games, but not as amazing as Sup Forums hypes up.

Can you name another company that's expected to put out AAA quality software at least once a month every fucking month?

Nintendo is expected to do this. Can you name anyone else?

But there's been more good handheld zeldas than console zeldas.

but it will run better on the wiiu

>The NX is a handheld.

>Nintendo is expected to do this.
No they aren't.

Yes they are. Its expected of them to have a good game out at least once a month.

12 3DS/WiiU games a year is the minimum of what people expect.

I'm just sad we're not getting anything Mario or Pokémon related since those are the only Nintendo franchises I like.

Honestly I'm not gonna buy the nx. They're too censorship-happy and the wii u had no games. I'll just hang on to my ps3 and wii u until all the cool games on the ps4 are released and then I'll buy that

They're not. What games do they even make? January through now is a void.

>Yes they are
Not even at all.
>12 3DS/WiiU games a year is the minimum of what people expect.
You're retarded. Stop posting.

It'll take a pretty impressive software lineup to get me on team NX. I'm mad as hell about how my Wii U turned out.

I don't know about you, OP, but I'm looking forward to Monster Hunter Generations and Dragon Quest 7 & 8. As far as the Wii U though, yeah it's pretty screwed.

That's not Nintendo. Don't give them credit for Capcom and Square's shit.

If they had third party support, all that pressure to get a game out every month would disappear.

I'm not giving credit to Nintendo, I'm just saying my 3DS is still going to see some use this year. My Wii U, on the other hand, isn't.

I guess that's understandable.

I'm just fucking FUMING that I won't be having any serious or major Wii U releases in the second half of 2016. Literally couldn't be madder.

> Gettin' mad at video games
Have you all tried NOT being whiney white people?

You are over reacting, but make fair points. Nintendo went from showing promise to doing a 180 and making everything worse in just a few years. While I expect the Wii U version to still be good for Zelda, the way they're treating E3 and their customers the past year shows how the company is in some kind of money-grubbing identity crisis.

As someone not living in the US/Japan it gets even worse because the local offices think the exchange rate is 50 cents on the dollar, making game prices overpriced nonsense. It's to the point I won't buy anything first party, and I'll be skipping the NX it looks like. It's too much money for too little return.

As for a direct, there will probably be one soon to cover summer releases, and E3 will be a joke with next to nothing interesting. Their whole next year will be overshadowed by everyone else and they'll continue to run around like a chicken with its head chopped off trying to figure out what they're doing wrong. The new president was a mistake. I'm pretty sure he's the idiot that ran NoA into the ground before Iwata stepped in and took his job. Now he's running the whole company. Amazing formula for future success.

dunno what your problem is man

I'd buy any new Nintendo system just to play smash bros

I'm expecting MORE THAN ONE AAA GAME A YEAR, not a game a month. Christ.

>I can't even think of a major upcoming 3DS or Wii U game from them that I'm excited about owning or trying out.

Kirby Planet Robobot

Zelda TP was supposed to come out on the GameCube. It got delayed until the release of the Wii. The Wii was just a buffed up GameCube and Zelda TP didn't look that noticeably better on it. The new Zelda was supposed to come out on the Wii U. It got delayed until the release of the NX. The NX is just going to be a buffed up Wii U and the new Zelda isn't going to look noticeably better on it.