>Calling a game shit
>You never played it
>Never even seen a trailer for it
Why do people do this?
>Calling a game shit
>You never played it
>Never even seen a trailer for it
Why do people do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Defending a game
>You never played it
>Never even seen a trailer for it
y u do dis
Nowhere was user defending it. Just asking why people are so quick to shit on an unreleased game.
i hate sony for what they did to nintendo with the ps1
Because it's the 4th game in a series that has remained largely the same in every incarnation?
its the same people who shit talk the guy in 1st place in CoD
Maybe because it's the fourth in a series of shitty games.
Because it's on a console/platform I don't like
This is how things go around here
>I can't have fun with uncharted games because Sup Forums told me its a movie game
Your loss, nigger.
Because I played the first & third games, and they were generic as shit.
The games are boring casual shit.
Because he's paid by some faceless corporation to shill their games on an anime image board
the series is sitting at 1/3 with only 2 being good. And even that isn't everybody's cup of tea. Why are people hyped for 4 for a series with such a bad track record? And don't cite reviews, because we all know how that turned out for U3.
Because autism is real.
Reminder that this is the effect that the ps4 menu music has on the average person.
The menu music alone is this good.
>having fuck with a movie where you have to press a every twenty minutes
Fuck off, shill
Every game series has a bad track record
>offer Nintendo a CD based console design
>Nintendo says they don't want it and fuck you out of r&d costs
>instead go with the same cartridge based design of old
>make your console impossible develop for because of the high cost of carts
>Sony takes the system design and run with it
>consumers overwhelmingly pick the cheaper system with more games
They cucked themselves. They've been making terrible choices ever since.
>poor online
>still using carts
>not keeping up with hardware
>selling the same half dozen games every generation
Nobody to blame but Nintendo senpai.
kinda like dark souls???
and they are to lazy to put a fucking story in dark souls
because if I can't it must be shit
The difference is that series has good gameplay. Uncharted is a generic TPS.
GTAII good
GTA III revolutionary
GTA VC great, but could have been better
GTA San Andreas Amazing
GTA IV One of the only good stories in vidya, and cool tech demo
GTA V Bad SP, but best graphics, gameplay, and online.
yeah dark souls has good gameplay, circle around non weapon hand and roll. That's good gameplay
pretty much. it's TLOU all over again, people everywhere will praise the fuck out of it except here.
Yeah Uncharted has good gameplay. Sit behind some cover and pop out sometimes to shoot enemies with shitty AI. Maybe you'll even climb some shit sometimes. That's good gameplay.
Dark Souls gameplay:
1) is the boss about to attack? If yes, roll. If not, attack
2) repeat
that's cause this place is full of people who just want to die but are to afraid to go through with it
>you probably dislike it because muh movie game maymay which isn't true
>bu but it's a movie game
You sure showed me.
you forget everything els eit has going for it. Interesting characters,good story,best graphics every time a new game is released, awesome multiplayer etc etc
>Interesting characters,good story,best graphics every time a new game is released
I couldn't give any less of a shit. If I wanted any of that I'd watch a movie or a JRPG
>awesome multiplayer
agreed with most of what you said but you had to go and throw in good story. Have you ever seen a half-decent movie, or read even a mediocre book? Vidya stories are trash with no exception. The good thing about Video games is that you can interact with the world.
Because the gameplay is shit.
If a game has shit gameplay why even play it?
>Ace Attorney
>Dark Souls
>The Witcher 3
>Every game ever
Who knows?
Do you at least get decent money for shilling? I mean it's the same thing with every big game, a month or so before release you get some faggots starting the same threads with the same pictures asking Sup Forums, a place where nothing except porn can be discussed civilly, to talk about your aaa game because "you like it" when everyone who has been on this site knows that all this will do is produce derogatory comments, especially with this big money rehashed pieces of garbage. And I get it, you need money, and shit posting on an anonymous image board dedicated to Japanese cartoons is not a bad way to get it, but is it worth that soul sucking feeling that must happen every time you click verify because some corporate like paid you to?
it does have good stories compared to most adventure games. They also up'd the tech for this game, better motion capture and all that to make it more realistic feeling
>shit gameplay
>Dark Souls
>Witcher 3
Are you dumb or something?
Because people from Sup Forums are meta-hipsters who think they are in a crusade against the popular mass of the website
"Sup Forums BTFO", "Sup Forums BTFO", "Sup Forums BTFO", "Sup Forums BTFO"
In an anonymous imageboard, the only way to highlight is to be a contrarian. I don't know what you expected from a website that unironically uses "normies" as a insult
btw, they may be right about Uncharted. But people dont actually analyse the material before replying
Didn't read.
Man like every game on Sup Forums since TORtanic.
Remember the countless threads about Star Fox?
Or The Witcher 3?
Or any other game?
>countless 'perfect' scores from reviewers
>endless threads on Sup Forums
>all over every form of social media
>pic related
>most adventure games
You could go ahead and say all adventure games and I wouldn't disagree. But the fact is that there are no games with good stories when compared to other mediums like film and books.
well those mediums have been around alot longer than vidya, give it sometime and I bet vidya starts to compare to some of those
Reinforcing your own preconceptions makes you feel more secure.
That being said, I´d wager that most people shitting on it DO have seen a trailer or played the previous games which were not amazing either.
>most popular game of the month comes out
>Why are people discussing it?
I doubt it.
Video game stories are actually getting worse.
You'd have to be a knuckle dragging retard to think this generic shit has a good story.
From what I've seen and played on the demo I can say is the exact same shit they have been doing, didn't liked 1,2,3 certainly 4 won't do the difference fucking NDshill.
You want me to be honest your money grubbing, big nosed, second level kike shill? I will never even consider playing this game because your happy merchant sub human jew overlords keep sending you maggots to post these shit threads
Fuck off
>most popular game of the month
Considering the demographics of Sup Forums I highly doubt it. It's just sonyggers trying hard to force this generic TPS as the next big thing this board will be spammed with for weeks.
Not defending uncharted, but this shit bothered the FUCK out of me with Overwatch:
>In Closed Beta
>Post about it here
>People who haven't played it shit post
>Argue with them, proving them wrong
>They just call me a "blizzcuck" or imply I'm shilling
>Open beta comes out
>Suddenly the response is really positive, by and large everyone is enjoying it
They might get better, but in order to do so they would have to remove more of what makes video games what they are. There's a reason why Uncharted, TLOU, Heavy Rain, Ellen Page game, Until Dawn, etc are considered to have good stories in comparison to other games, and at the same time criticized for being movies with quicktime events.
But I HAVE played it...
>94 on metacritic
>implying salty pkuks and Nintendrone opinions matter more than objective and unbiased analysis done by critics
>inb4 baseless allegations against critics
>objective and unbiased analysis done by critics
Called it
>baseless allegations
Don't forget, reviews only matter when it's convenient for trolling.
>Start as young Drake and jump around a orphange fallowing Bro
>Bro bought a bike and is planning to leave town to work, Drake is sad
>Time passes
>Start in Panama jail
>Guard is payed so Drake can look for pirate loot
>Find a broken cross
>Something goes bad
>Brother gets killed
>Work diving job in 'Merican town
>Get dat copper
>Says drug load help escape and needs your help to pay him back
>Go with him to Italy to get a non broke cross
>Cross says go to Scotland
And that's where I am now
>ask why people complain about game
>give reasons
>lol get fucked nigger
Go kill yourself
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.
There's enough depth to the core gameplay of Souls that just having new levels and bosses is a worthwhile experience. The core gameplay of Uncharted is as basic as it gets. Shooting a dude in the face is exactly the same in Uncharted 1, 2 and 3. What does 4 do to set it apart?
>wrong, I saw a trailer
Nice tinfoil hat
>I can't argue your point so I'll make one up that I can
Uncharted gameplay:
1) Are you shooting the bad guy? If no, shoot
2) Climb that ledge
The fuck does that have to do with shitty reviewers giving way too high scores to shitty games?
>implying le movie game posters have ever tried it or should be taken seriously
It's bad because its a cover shooter with back cover shooting
For fucks sake !
They don't
Those scores are fine
They just don't align with your contrarian world view and hence to justify your shitty taste you wear tinfoil hats and view critics from a position of undeserved skepticism where they're all paid, etc.
I don't have to have played a game to know if it's shit. With my massive brain, reasoning ability and not being a complete fucking retard, I can tell if controls are shit or if it's going to be a QTE trash fest.
If you've any experience with games, you don't need to play them anymore to tell what you're going to like and why or why not.
And then? You fags still aren't happy. You're all "but you HAVE to play it"
so I give it 10 minutes, and it sucks.
>how do you know it sucks you only gave it 10 minutes
so I play for an hour
>it can't be SO bad if you played it for an hour
Why fix what isn't broken?
That's Sup Forums opinion, this conformist bullshit is worst the emo trend.
>you like what!
>Lemme tell you why you a faggot nigga
>Now conform with me nigga
You've succesfully infiltrated Sup Forums now too shitpost.
That's a valid complaint. I disagree, but I can at least take you seriously unlike the 'movie' posters. That's all I'm saying. Personally I'm more hype for the multiplayer than the story itself.
I never said they're paid. I just believe they're shit and absolutely not qualified to score games. Also probably a lot of peer pressure involved. No one wants to run that website that gave an overhyped game a bad score.
Keep playing your cinematic cover shooters though. I'm sure you're enjoying them.
You certainly implied that when you green texted the part where I said critics opinion are unbiased and objective
And even if you didn't , your new arguments are even worse
>I just don't think they're qualified
They wouldn't have been hired by the websites if they weren't
>peer pressure
Already fallen flat when the critics tore into Star Wars Battlefront 3,Quantum Break, Order 1886,all had rabid fanbases,especially Sony fanboys about the Order,but critics didn't hesitate to trash it
It's 66 on meta
So we're in agreement that both Uncharted 4 and Dark Souls have bad gameplay, what's the issue here?
What has good gameplay in comparison?
God Hand barring the movement.
>Star Wars Battlefront 3, Order 1886
Those were shit for completely different reasons.
And both got shat upon by critics
I'll check it out
Couldn't give a shite about that nigger
I'll cry if Sully dies
It's a little iffy at first but the ability to customize your combos and the game's difficulty adjusting a bit while you're playing makes it great. It's just that the movement is fairly clunky so it holds it back.
>not a single word about gameplay
pure poetry
It's shit.
There is.
I deleted the word gameplay just 1 word. And you get this.
I meant current games, like wastelander 2 baring crashes/divinity. Both solid gameplay I'm looking for more.
What genre are you looking for?
normie detected
they've already wasted that bait on U3
Uncharted 4 is fucking shit lol sony sucks buttholes
what the fuck Jimmy, you skipped school for that?
>team makes two pretty good games
>third one is given to another team and is shit
>fourth is the original team again and is purported to be the best one as well as a suitable send off to the ending series
Gee, where have we seen this one before?
>Never even seen a trailer for it
Come the fuck on. At this point there's plenty of material for Uncharted 4 and other games. People can easily base their views on those.
Hell, usually when something is announced at E3, some gameplay is shown there too. Sure, it might be bullshotted, but should be representive of what final product will be like, so people can draw their conclusions from what they're shown.
If it happens that no trailer or gameplay is shown, you can look at past record of the developer or franchise, and judge the newly announced game based on those.
Anything Sony will automatically have Sup Forums seething with rage.
Carts are inherently better and always have been. Third parties being jews is the real problem.
People are pretty excited for Nier 2 and plenty of other games on Sony consoles.
Maybe it's because those threads are actually made by people sincerely interested for the game, and not faggots who want to start shitflinging fights.