>Dark Souls 3 already outsold Bloodborne
Why should From bother with exclusives?
Dark Souls 3 already outsold Bloodborne
sony gives big paychecks.
Sony gives them money up front which in turn they can use to make more games for all.
You're welcome
inb4 Sony Ponys insist BB was a better game
>comparing platform seller exclusives with money maker multiplats
cost of dev
sony bring producing and other resources to the table
Sony will cover expenses and offer a favorable cut
Sony and from go way back
miyazaki got inspired by games, cause of a playstation exclusive
Sony have an amazing working relationship with froms new parent company
>implying that's more than what more sales gives them
>1 platform vs 3 platforms
Did you also take into account all the PS4's bought to play Bloodbourne? 1 PS4 = $300 (5 dark souls 3's)
but if they made BB multiplat then they would get more money in the end
I've never plays a Souls game or a Bloodborne, but it seems abundantly clear that the 3rd game in a series is going to have an easy time beating the first game in a series. The benefit of the exclusive is that they get a higher bonus of some sort for exclusivity, and now they have another series for which they can churn out sequels
I implied no such thing. Just explaining the process. Stop being dumb.
fromsoft company culture doesnt care bout sales
look at thier portfolio
sony will fund them and let them take risks
Maybe you should buy a PS4 if you want Bloodborne so badly.
PS4s are sold at a loss you stupid cunt
>gets pirated by the millions on the PC
>From already made the money back because Sony covered it
Come on you're smarter than this
>damage control
You don't actually know what corporate culture is do you?
never ever
I know about the process, thanks.
>a company doesn't care about sales
>Comparing sales of multiple-platform version with sales of only 1 console version.
So why ask stupid questions?
>40% of DS3 sales were on PC
I may be smarter than you, sure.
>meaningless bait-y buzzword
bloodborne's the best in the series and ds3 is a step backwards and if you haven't played it you're missing out but that's not to say the other games in the series aren't great
>source: my ass
why people still think bb only sold 2m? that's sales from 4 months after release, no new number was released.
I think you're the stupid one here m8. They're probably just going to churn out whatever they need to complete the contract with Sony and not make any more Sony exclusives. Multiplats give significantly more money.
>ds3 ends up being a namco focus tested dud
>"p-please f-f-fromsoft make more g-games for p-p-p-p-puh-puh-peeeeeeeceeeeeeee"
Are you this stupid? Wow, it must hurt to be this painfully retarded.
The PS4 is produced for a slight loss, but it still has to sell to make back most of the production money. What the fuck do you think, they just sit on shelves and Sony is content because they're gonna sell for a slight loss?
Do I even need to add how buying a PS4 for BB will also encourage the users to buy other exclusives like Until Dawn, Uncharted 4, Tearaway, etc
>it sold some copies so pirating doesn't matter.
Please user if you're gonna shitpost put some effort in
>meme game gets huge sales
Literally who gives a shit
I guess we should stop sales on any other game besides pokemon and call of duty now
>comparing sales between one videogame and another videogame
>They're probably just going to churn out whatever they need to complete the contract with Sony
ds3 seems to be the rush job that got shat out m8
>buying a PS4 for BB
Most people buy a PS4 for CoD and Fifa.
Im not disagreeing with you. Why are you so hostile user? OP asked a question and I answered it
and uncharted 4
>Dark souls 3 was pirated more than bloodborne
Why should From even bother with PC releases?
They should just port over Bloodborne and enjoy some actual sales from the glorious PC master race.
honestly the exclusive deal seems retarded
how much fucking money do you get payed to deny a majority of your audience, thats just bad marketing
>ds3 nearly sold 1m on PC already
>missing out on these profits and lolxbone ones for the faggots with that
>muh pirating
whatever sonypony
>ds3 seems to be the rush job that got shat out m8
It the best Souls game. And the DLC will be even better.
>your series becomes popular due to multiplat
>make one of your games exclusive
>go back to multiplat
why did this happen
>It the best Souls game.
>ds2.2 is best souls game
holy fuck
doesn't the money go to the publisher? not sure how this works exactly
>equivalent development cost as exclusive
Nice thread OP
By your logic, no one would make PC games because titles always sell better on consoles.
Well meme'd sonygger.
>Implying I don't have a PC
>Implying profits matter when Sony fronted the bill
>no source for claims
Whatever dude sucks to suck if you can't understand why exclusives exist
>parries and backstabs are nearly instant
>you literally can't get hit if you just keep rolling
>literally not even made by the same team
DS3 is literally DS1.2 you fucking retard
You're delusional.
It begain with DeS. If anything, they just came back to the beginning with BB.
>bloodborne's the best in the series and ds3 is a step backwards
I heard if you keep saying it enough it might become true.
They'll just keep making games without the original developers like they did with Katamari.
depends on the contracts
but publisher pay for everything or the majority or publishing and marketing... and devs split/get paid, receive bonuses based on something in the contracts...
nobody played demons souls dude, das1 is what got souls popular
I remember cucks like you telling me that Bloodborne selling 1 million in about a week was terrible.
Considering From will probably do more Sony exclusives, the deal wasn't so bad.
I'll see you crying about it when it happens.
>FromSoft doesn't care about sales
They make a hit, and where as scumbag movie production companies will contract and make a sequel, FromSoft makes 4 sequels all of which are the exact same.
>sony will fund them and let them take risks
That's literally the opposite of what they do, and now that they found something that sells to idiots they'll keep making it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again
oh man the new
Demon's Souls sold 39,966 copies in its first week in Japan,[66][67] and boosted PlayStation 3 sales in the region.[68] It has sold 134,585 copies in Japan as of December 2009.[69] In North America, Demon's Souls debuted at the eleventh place of the October 2009 charts according to NPD Group, with over 150,000 copies sold,[70] selling over 500,000 by September 2010.[38]
As of March 16, 2015, Demon's Souls has sold over 1.7 million copies.[71]
great retort
Never ever
>implying you aren't a mobileposting niggarell sonybrony
>implying profits don't matter
The community was better before people like you showed up.
I refuse to call the souls game with the worst magic the best. Even BB had better magic builds than DS3.
It really doesn't. It's not like they lose money for each copy that gets pirated. There can be 1 pirated copy or a million pirated copies, it literally doesn't matter one bit. Or are you one of those idiots who thinks each pirated copy somehow takes money out of their bank account?
Because the game has become casual souls prepare to summon edition. I'd imagine the next dark souls will just reuse all its assets from dark souls 3 as well.
Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3
>why should from bother with exclusives?
He's right though.
DaS3 has dropped to 89 now btw.
>BB is the best because I say so
What kind of retort did you expect?
>I didn't pay for it
>So it didn't lose money!
Do fat people really get sweat under their manboobs? That's fucking gross.
>worst magic
It's just balanced for PVE and not retardely broken.
Sniping people with Soul Stream and Obscuring Ring is fun though.
>a game that is available on PS4, X1 and PC has outsold a PS4 exclusive
No shit sherlock.
>Why should From bother with exclusives?
'Cause Sony pays them.
Yes, women also get sweat under their womanboobs.
Tits are overrated.
>He thinks Dark Souls 3 didn't make money
This is how a sony pony's mind works.
So angry user. Would a link to a petition calm you down?
>muh metacritic
I guess LoZ OOT is the best game ever?
But this is the last dark souls
That's a sale they could of had, so yes they lose money. I'd imagine this mentality floats around the lower tier of society. Silly poor fags these days...
Sometimes I wonder how people who frequent a board that's supposedly about video games understands so little about how they are made. Sony paid for Fromsoftware to make Bloodborne. It was probably a great deal for them because it takes away a lot of the risk of investment and also they get a lot of support developing the game. Also Sony owns Bloodborne as an IP so you will not see it ported unless someone buys it from them which, is highly unlikely. They're probably developing Bloodborne 2 as we speak.
Who said that?
>absolute garbage for 90% of the game
>pretty much hard mode compared to virtually any melee build
>des 500k in a year
>das1 2.3m in two years
look nigger some people played des but das1 is what got souls popular
>the community was better before people with eyes showed up
Please explain how anything in my post implied that. Go ahead I'll wait.
Here's one :^)
>Download five thousand copies of dark souls
>From loses $200,000
That's how it works right?
I'm more of a b cup guy partly for that reason honestly. But it's grosser when it's a fat dude than when it's a tit. Maybe because the tit is supposed to be there and the moob isn't.
No. The best game ever made is whatever first party game Nintendo has released most recently.
>encourage the users to buy other exclusives like Until Dawn, Uncharted 4, Tearaway, etc
Mine is still a BB machine. Waiting for FFXV and Deep Down (Is kill) though. Probably Ace Combat too, but the rest is just disappointing.
>r-reviews don't matter
I can't even imagine the sheer amount of shitposting you faggots would do if DaS3 had a higher meta
>absolute garbage for 90% of the game
Lol what?
I completed the game with a pure magic build with no issues, you just have to invest more in stats than the other games.
The bit where you implied that I'm stupid for thinking that piracy doesn't lose them money and therefore implied that they actually DID lose money somehow.
Do you struggle with english son?
They didn't earn it so you're enjoying those copies without From getting anything in return. I suppose you think you can walk into a buffet and eat food without anyone noticing and that doesn't matter either right?
Which area marks the halfway point of ds3?
Just got to boreal valley and been playing for about 10 hours.
I am glad magic is shit. Magic is for losers who don't like to think and just want pew pew without working for the kill.
>abhorent story
>pirating is stealing
If I walked into a buffet and cloned all the food I was going to eat and left the originals there, then nobody would give a shit
fuck off
>using Xcom 2 as a boast.
My sides.
>losing part of your money = not making money
Are you ok user? I think you should go get some sleep.