Is he a better protagonist than Holden Caulfield?
Is he a better protagonist than Holden Caulfield?
Holden was a phony
By far
Jimmy's Rockstar's best protagonist
He won't ever be beat
>shitter in the rye
He is a complete opposite to Holden Caulfield.
Catcher in the Rye is shit.
Enjoy your shit taste.
Jimmy has way more in common with the Inqusitior from Dostoyevsky's Grand Inqusitior parable in the Brother's Karamazov than Holden Caufield.
"better" in what regard?
>lol u just not a pretentious 2deep4u hipster faggot xD
Holden was an obvious angsty asshole but his more emotional side kept me from truly hating him. Some moments where he gets pissed at his roomate for not giving a shit about the girl he likes and him just wanting to see his sister showed a k8nda good side of him. I'm probably remembering certain details wrong, haven't read it since sophomore year of highschool.
He said it right there, a better protagonist.
Well did Catcher ever get a video game? No? Then obviously Jimmy is better.
Holden was a bitch and Catcher sucked.
Is that what you got out of Catcher in the Rye? Did you even read the book, or did you just skim it?
They were probably the same age, he had better intentions then getting laid. He's a angsty asshole but he was better then that.
I read it. Aside from going to see his sister I wanted to punch Holden in the face for most of the book. He was such an angsty faggot.
>what is empathy
You're a bigger faggot than Holden ever was.
theres no 2deep4u bullshit going on, fuck off retard
Bitch please. If Holden really had empathy he wouldn't have tried to get with the hooker in the first place.
Sorry adults don't like your pretentious grade school required reading.
>you must not have empathy if you wanna fuck a hooker
nigga, jesus christ you are fucking retarded
also, its more like serial killers have no empathy, shit like that.
banging some whore on the other hand, no
>I want to fuck a hooker
>wait no the dress is really sad
Wow all that empathy. This story is too deep for me.
oh shit lol, guys are you seeing this? this nigga doesn't know what protagonist means!
Yknow it's kinda hard to get your dick wet when all you can think of is how bad your partner has it in life