What video game franchise does Sup Forums consider to have the most cancerous fanbase?
What video game franchise does Sup Forums consider to have the most cancerous fanbase?
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Off the top of my head
Sonic, Undertale, Dark Souls, Halo, Gears, mobas in general
There's probably shitloads more but those are all pretty bad offenders
All fanbases are cancerous by definition. and should be treated with overwhelming comtempt and disregarded
The Sonic fanbase has been fine for years. It's just a bunch of oldfags arguing over Adventure 2 being good or not.
99% of the cancerous furfags have graduated on to new turf, now that furry meme garbage is all the rage. Every shitty one that springs up siphons more of them away from Sonic, making it more pure. Thankyou MLP, thank you FNAF, thank you Undertale. Please keep pumping out this garbage and cleaning up the fanbase.
But which is the absolute worst?
Whatever's new and hip on tumblr, currently blundertale
This is the correct answer.
Waifufags will always be the correct answer. Never has a fanbase given me stage 2 so fast
Considering half the threads up right now or shilling for overwatch?
The fans who buy into those shills are the current worst
But if they're just latching on to whatever is new and popular, can they really be called part of a fanbase?
League of legends community is pretty fucking bad. Not even talking about the Riot "toxic" buzzwords, it's a community where a lot of the people spend more time watching the game than playing it.
That's the case for most 'competitive' games, it's retarded. The worst part is that these players genuinely consider themselves knowledgeable and will try to give advice to the players who actually play with their half understood strategies copied from the pros they watch on streams.
>Specifying melee
All of smashfags are absolute cancer
Basically any moba
In that order.
All those (you)s
Waifufags is just an excuse for shitty games. Take persona 4 for an example. Even without waifus the game is shit both gameplay and storywise. There is nothing wrong with waifus as long as the game itself good.
Smash, Persona, Undertale, Minecraft, Sonic, Pokemon, MOBA, Souls, Fire Emblem
Smash Bros
That's the thing though. Waifus are an excuse the developers can use to not make other parts of the game good. It lets them get away with dropping the ball on things like gameplay and writing.
They're not the most cancerous but primefags and s.t.a.l.k.e.r. fags are irritating in their own special way. It's like THE ENTIRE FANBASES on Sup Forums are the same person because unless you cut off specific lines of argument they'll ALWAYS RESORT TO IT like you're arguing with a fucking robot.
>criticize s.t.a.l.k.e.r. for being a broken poorly coded mess that literally needs mods and fan patches to be fun and run properly
>They'll call you a HALOfag or CODfag unless you specifically state you dont even play those games
>criticize metroid prime 3 for its shitty tacked gamecube controls tacked on the Wiimote
Literally every single time that you say something about these games its the same prescripted response. Seriously go ahead and try it in a random thread in the future, I can almost 100% gaurantee you'll get the same immediate defense force response. It's almost scary.
Ark, considered they killed their own game.
Whichever ones try and force other people to try and care about their shit by putting it in EVERYTHING. For now it's undertale, used to be fnaf. I couldn't look at any site without a shit ton of morons posting that short shitter in a sweater or commenting " hey have you heard of undertaaaaaaaale." I don't even have anything against the game, I've never played it. Just the irritating fan stuff.
thta's the holy trinity of autistic videogame fanbase and it will always remain that
Okay, but the post on the other thread refers to a game which its sole purpose is for waifufags. There was no point in saving a game made for waifufags.
Had to go to Sup Forums to get my weekly lewding of the Miko
Throw any deviation in their absurd canon and they'll flip.
Wait, what? How did that happened?
It's easier to make assumptions and insult than to accept an opposing viewpoint.
>takes hours to build shit or tame/level dinosaurs which is the point of the game
>the alpha tribe can and will kill your dinosaurs at every given opportunity