So I played Conquest first not knowing that it was supposed to be the "difficult" version to get. Will going back to play Birthright be boring after Conquest?
So I played Conquest first not knowing that it was supposed to be the "difficult" version to get...
exceptionally, all of the birthright maps are "kill all enemies/get to exit"
What about Revelations?
Honestly, that fan translation was really boring to read.
You can skip support conversations.
I got a preorder on the european special edition, but seeing the american prices currently I might actually resell it. Shits up to 300$.
fucking sell that garbage and play it on cfw like i did
Don't grind and don't use Ryoma.
It's a bit better, but not by much. Some maps have unique gimmicks, at least.
Conquest just shits all over both. I'm still bummed out by Birthright's higher sales. Even within niche franchises like this, casuals reign supreme.
>revelation is better
Please don't lie to him. Revelation isn't fun at all while birthright is atleast ok for 2/3rds of the route.
If you raise the difficulty and don't grind, you'll be fine. Only thing that's boring is that the map objectives aren't as varied as Conquest's.
I haven't bought the game yet, are Birthright and Conquest two completely different games, or are there shared levels?
The first few chapters are the same, and then they split off into different games. Birthright is easier and allows you to grind between levels more often, while Conquest has more difficult map objectives. Both have different story outcomes and recruitable characters.
BR is higher because everyone recommends it as the first route, hence everyone buying it and ignoring conquest (with some getting the digital one).
Yeah it's boring af, you won't miss much if you decide to skip it. Just get Rev if you want to get almost all the characters and the "happy" ending. Rev can be fun but it goes overboard on gimmicks.
Fun map design, good difficulty, aryans
bland map design, easy, asians
annoying map design, hard (due to gimmicks after ch. 20), everyone
>the Birthright chapter where you fight Leo
That map was fucking embarrassing. It's like they slapped it together in a single day.
So yes OP, you will be extremely disappointed.
Three turns with Ryouma. Literally run up to Leo and slay him.
Fates already has the most boring support conversations in any FE game.
It's great, but make sure you don't use Ryoma, the dude is fucking broken.
Also, avoid using challenge maps, since that's the main reason why birthright is considered easy mode compared to conquest
That I agree with.
Nearly every fucking support is wacky anime hijinks. And the jumps from C-A support to S support is fucking awful.
>mfw one of Setsuna's A to S rank support went from "Oops I fell in a hole, help me" to "Thanks for helping me out, please marry me"
so, Scarlet is the only reason to play Birthright?
I think I will go straight from conquest to revelation then (have already beaten it twice in hard classic)
Yes, Scarlet and Yukimura are the only BR exclusives.
>Nearly every fucking support is wacky anime hijinks
I felt that more with Awakening than Fates.
Both games have pretty shitty supports though, so I'm not going to defend either.
Can i play it on pc? It do i have to hack my 3ds
Gonna have to wait 50 years for the 3DS emulator, buddy.
Hell even Corrin can't escape it. Take Orochi
>Let's talk about your dead mother
>Now I want to fuck you
Nearly all of Setsuna's supports go
>wow Setsuna you're fucking dumb
>yes thank you
>please stop
>want to get married
go play a real RPG you sperg nigger
I still don't get why she, Reina, and Ashura are corrinsexuals
I could understand if they were dlc like the ones in awakening, but they're obtained in the main story like most everyone else
Even if they were just optional recruits it wouldn't make sense, since Mozu can support with people just fine
Corrins are the worst since they have to be written to apply to both male and female MU. S rank is just "BTW I want your D"
Get Corrin an A rank support with Kaze if you want to keep him, otherwise he gets a really stupid, contrived plot death at chapter 15
Wait, Kaze actually dies in that part where he saves Corrin form falling off a cliff if you don't A-rank him?
I'm pretty sure I never got beyond C-rank (because I honestly stopped using Kaze in favor of other characters after a certain point) and he didn't die for me.
He did for me and I had a B with him
I didn't honestly believe he died until I saw it in the credits
Just double-checked I did have A-rank on both of my Birthright save files.
Still, that's some horseshit.
Maybe one day we'll get decent support dialogue.
But seeing how the laziest of anime tropes saved the series I guess that's just a deluded dream now.
>Had to wait 241 turns, then ahd to re-do the final level.
At least with characters that weren't him or Karla you could save just before doing the A supports, so you could get two conversations finished for the same wait time as one
awakening had a couple decent supports.
I liked donnel and kellam's. they bro out over farming.
I liked revelations a lot. It does get a bit gimmicky in late levels but it's still good, and the increased marriage and friendship options are actually pretty good, saizo/beruka notwithstanding.
So if I want to play as a guy and get all the kids in Revelations, I'll have to either marry a child unit or a MUsexual. Are the only MUsexual girls SkyMILF and Anna?
You can also get Crimson, but she'll still die two chapters after joining
There's flora but she comes in at like chapter 23 or something
What a waste of a good character design. Are SkyMILF and Anna good moms for Kana stat-wise? As much as I liked SkyMILF in Birthright I felt really hesitant to use her because she's an early pre-promote who isn't Ryoma.
Anna is ok if you go magic for kana, skymilf gives horrible growths
Pre-promotes aren't really as bad as thing as they once were sans Awakening when you can grind out any flaws.
Flora is also MUsexual and I'm pretty sure she's that last of that ist.
Child units are generally considered shit this time around.
The only one I know of worth using is Velouria.
Yes. I had to force myself to finish it before starting revelations. Both are worse than conquest.
I found Sophie to be more useful than her dad, and her dad's already pretty good
To be honest, EVERYTHING about the children in Fates are shit this time around.
Unless they've got good eugenics from either their father and/or mother you might as well have them die in their recruitment chapter.
Why does everyone hate them this time? Legit question
Shitty reason for inclusion this time around plot-wise, and won't get the game for two weeks so I won't know for sure but they don't work so well with finite resources, and established characters
I thought some of them were pretty good liek Percy, Shiro, Mozu, Asugi, and Dwyer were pretty good but that may have been due to what said about good eugenics.
Their viability is questionable (again it depends who you pair up).
Their personalities are less three-dimensional than the Awakening kids and all-around their inclusion in Fates feel shoehorned in just because Awakening did it, people liked the feature in Awakening, and they couldn't just drop it.
In Awakening, the child units make sense because time travel is a major and recurring component of the game's plot. "Hyperbolic Time Chamber babysitting Dragon Realms" was just something they pulled out of their ass, it's never explained well other than "DURRHURR DRAGON MAGIC" and it makes the Fates parents look like total shitheads for dumping and neglecting their kids in the deeprealms.
They make absolutely no difference to the plot and the excuse for having them relies on fucking hyerbolic time chambers
I was silly and bought conquest and birthright and didn't get revelation. Now I'm getting burned out on Fire Emblem. I really should've just purchased revelations and skipped birthright... Birthright seems decent so far, but I wanted the full story.
You're right actually. I mean, the parents just wanted the kids to be safe, but... the deep realms aren't really safe. May as well just live in the castle.
But user, the castle kept getting attacked because the ghost things wanted babby
Probably repeating what has been said by other Anons at this point but:
>Forced in for sake of pandering
>Zero plot relevance
>Paired endings are exactly the same no matter who you pair them with
>Mediocre to downright shit unit-wise unless you breed via eugenics
>1-dimensional personalities, never branch out past their gimmick (see: Pickle Kid)
>Romantic supports are generic friendzone shit (Thanks Treehouse)
To list a few, I'm sure more can be added. I'm also not say all the kids are like this but the vast majority are.
Was anyone autistic enough to get 100% supports in the GBA games?
I-I like Setsuna and her supports.
This is why I only pair opposite sex units to get married and only bother to get the same sex convos for the rest. They at least were created because the units had some common ground, not just for forced eugenics.
>(see: Pickle Kid)
Now you're just memeing harder than NoA does. Check out his supports with the other kids. I found a surprisingly small amount of pickle pal stuff in them. Instead, I found daddy issues, republican-tier not wanting to change, and a cool cat.
It's that his Corrin conversation is so utterly fucking wrecked that makes him infamous.
Soleil's pretty ballin as a ninja and Opehlia/Rhajat are the only decent default magic users.
Shigure's good on conquest.
I didn't say I didn't like her, I think her autism is hilarious
She just has really samey supports, and the marriage proposals come out of fucking nowhere
If you tap his name, the little blub just outright says 'Loves pickles.' like it was supposed to be his defining characteristic. I can see how people were quick to draw conclusions.
Some are pretty good. Some are just trash.
Midori is fucking broken late-game. My Hana!Selkie was the ultimate dodgetank in my Birthright/Revelation runs.
>Opehlia/Rhajat are the only decent default magic users
I've had Odin come out as a beast on two separate playthroughs.
Revelation is just an awful game in general
Not FE6, but yes for the other two, althuogh I cut corners a lot.
(In Sacred Stones you can have e-do tower 1 so a unit builds up a support with two different characters, retreat after 81 turns, save under a different file, then start again on tower1, retreat after 41 turns, save under the same new file, do an A support, reset, do the other A support, then delete the game, and then go back to the one with no supports on it)
I know. I can't help it.
In truth I'm still a percent bitter over how NoA handeld the game. I just needed something to justify my anger.
If you look at his growths, they're really awkward, having average in everything yet excelling in nothing, making it pretty easy for him to get stat screwed.
Also, in revalations, he probably is the most underlevelled unit in the game in respects to his join level, forcing you to really baby him if you want to use him, which won't reward you as much as if you decided to baby someone like Mozu.
I've played through Birthright twice and Revelation once, and Hayato has turned out pretty damn good all 3 times.
Hayato is amazing, just train the guy. He's strong and fast.
He was really good in my revalations playthrough, but utter ass in my brithright one. wonder why.
Units you REALLY wanted to work with but just couldn't? I gave him great skills but he still ends up trash.
His growths are high enough to ensure he'll turn out good most of the time, but low enough to make sure he can still get royally fucked up. Same as Arthur.
Any cavalier in any given Fire Emblem game.
They always end up noodle-armed, blind, or both.
Revelations is terrible in gameplay and story
only worth it if you want all the characters on the same run, but why pay 20 bucks for it
Britbong here, shits out in 2 weeks.
Should I skip Birthright and go straight to Conquest/Revelations? Am I missing shit out? Does your shit carry over to Revelations? Why is this shit so fucked?
fucking hayato got no defense ups or mag ups
atleast getting him to bang orochi made rhajat an unstoppable glass canon. I used my witches mark on her
If you don't wanna play all three, just play Conquest, then Revelations. Or just Conquest if you really don't care about using Hoshido characters. Nothing carries over, except the first five chapters if you want to jump straight to the decission and you can even make a new avatar for it.
I didn't bother even getting them in both conquest and birthright because I already had my hands full managing my main units. Also I heard they weren't nearly as broken as in Awakening so I was glad the 1st gen units weren't made to only breed stronger units. I'll probably get them in Revelations since you get all the units there.
Buy Conquest, not because I have experience in them (I'm a Britbong too). but because I want tht one to have better sales
>that pic
that is her.
there was one conversation i had with her right after she joined and it was something along the lines of this. And I had to close my 3ds for a minute.
Daily reminder that newer fire emblems will never live up to the GBA entries In term of quality.
>since you get all the units there.
as long as you're femui or you marry a Corrinsexual/second-gen, yeah.