
>Do whatever you want
Pick your poison anons

Bike chick
Rest of the 2 garbage looking characters

I'll pick report instead.


>Do whatever you want


You realize that's Ann, right?

Short hair
French girl
>Do whatever

The Slut and the french one

The great Waifu war is coming!

Is Ann seriously dating Ryuji? I thought they were just bros.

>You can cuck your best friend

So NTRfags finally won...

But I'm going to use all of them in my party




Nerd Girl

Why the fuck would she be? There's just a frame where she looks like she has her head resting on his arm and retarded fucks started making shit up.
I'm not opposed to party members having a chance when it comes to romance but people are just trying to see shit where it isn't.

Are you seriously unable to think? Ryuji is going all NIIIIICCCCCCCEEEEEE when he sees another girl in a swimsuit right next to Ann and she isn't even mad. They are obviously not dating.


She's pressing her funbags against his arms.
>muh friend




>Do whatever

this one is clearly best girl, you can tell shes gonna be the new yukiko

does she have a name yet

She's American, she doesn't give a fuck.
If anything they're probably just bros

>all these cuckolds choosing the nerdy bitch

A liberated degenerate ameriturd? Kek.

>Fuck braid chick
>Marry Ann
>Kill Glasses
>Do whatever with poofy hair

>Best girl
Pick one.

Also, that girl is more reminiscent of Mitsuru.

Have you ever being friends with a grill? That happens regularly if there is some sort of skinship, that doesn't mean that the grills are marking their territory to other females or that they want to fuck.

>Fuck Ann
>Marry Biker-chan
>Kill Glasses
>Do whatever with Adieu-chan

How? She isn't fucking every dude around her so how is she a degenerate?
Hell I'd rather she be chill and realistic instead of another generic Jap stickgirl who screams and attacks any guy who just happens to see her at all, even if its her fault.
God you fags are ridiculous.


Artwork that fast? Damn they're fast.

Short black hair girl

Hacker girl holy hell I want to make her choke on my cock and then fuck her cunt until her mind breaks

>Do anything
Ann, and you can believe me I would do everything to that little slut.


This guy gets it.

>Definitely fuck that while deeply inhaling those bikini bottoms


Waifu cunts ruined gaming

They are cartoons



Musketeer Girl
>Do Anything
All the girls are pretty good so none.
Also I would take President-chan out for coffee.

flatty McGlasses
flower leggings

So there's only one male party member aside from the hero?

Yeah three dudes and the cat, dudes looks bishie enough.

There are 4 guys, 4 girls and a cat.

There's a brown haired dude not in the trailer

I don't understand how people can pick anyone besides Ann.

>No female option again
>MC looks like a fucking fruit

Musketeer should've got thigh highs instead of glasses. I'm calling it now for best girls


Is that FeMC?

They're closet homosexuals

>Marry the glasses girl
>Fuck the inchou
>Kill Ann

>liking sluts
Enjoy your STDs.

>Nobody else is feeling computer-chan

Good, good. More for me.

The french chick



just from looking at them i can tell that these girls are infinitely better than the shit we got served up in P4

I bet you hated best girl in Persona 4 as well A.K.A. Rise

You have good taste, but I've seen several people call the biker black haired now.

Am I the crazy one here? Her hair looks brown as fuck to me.

You are a man of taste.

Yeah it's brown

It's dark brown

fuck, marry, kill, do whatever

I'm pretty sure those two brown-haired guy are the same dude, and you forgot the other black-haired guy

Maybe it's the monitor or I just need glasses these days.

bottom left is Yusuke, the scene lighting just makes him look different

Where's Morgana?

Marry Ryuji
Have consensual sex with Ryuji
Kill the other 3


Nice term you weeaboo fuck.

Fuck Yusuke
Mary Protag
Kill Bebe
Be bros with Ryuji

Sakura Futaba (Hacker-chan)
>Do whatever you want
Biker Chick

Shit I got super burned out on P4 but if these are the girls you can fuck in P5 I might pick it up. I thought blonde turboslut and the cat were going to be your only options.

Marry far right maid-chan.
Fuck far left DFC-chan.
Kill blonde "I'm totally nipponese" turboslut.
Sit by a fire comfortably reading books or watching TV with short hair plain-chan.

Girls with really short hair look like boys and make me limp. Shoulder length or not at all. Girls should be girly and have big tits and asses.

Marry Blonde
Fuck Red head
Kill the others

Marry Forehead
Fuck Bike girl
Kill Ann
Trashcan Navigator


Marry Musketeer
Fuck Ann
Ship Glasses and Biker together

Marry Biker
Fuck Blondie
Kill none
Be friends with Hacker-Chan and Bishoujo Kaichou

I don't hate the designs like others do, besides we know little of their personality. Persona has always been good with starting with a stereotype of a character and adding something to change it up so I'm not worried. Im curious what the non party member options are going to be. Any theories?

marry short hair
fuck ann
kill adieu
side bitch hacker

Who the actual fuck is top-right and why wasn't he in the trailer?

>Marry Ryoji
>Fuck Fox
>Kill Morgana
>Make friends with ladies

posting best girl

>New Persona 5 info
>People only want to talk about the waifus

I've been a fan for three months and I already detest the Persona fanbase.

Probably a police investigator with a Sherlock Holmes persona to contrast as a rival with MC

marry French girl
fuck Quarter-american blondie
kill Fugly glasses
do whatever with the biker chick

>I've been a fan for three months and I already detest the Persona fanbase.

Good, leave.

can someone post the stream? I was at work

What new info is there aside from the characters?

welcome aboard

Probably the last one to be introduced in the later months like Naoto was.


>fan of a game that doesn't exist
>complaining about waifufags in a game made for waifufags
go and stay go

Why does that look like official art?

>be a fan since P2

Imagine my face when I see these threads.

Jesus this is the worst art composition of all time. These characters have no flow together, no chemistry. It just looks like a cluster duck of 8 design choices mashed up that is trying to form a somewhat choesive party, and it fails horribly. This shit's an assault on the senses.

Fucking awful.

user soon you will realize that it always comes back to the waifu's once the game comes out there will be brief conversation of story and gameplay. But inevitably every p5 thread will be about the waifu's.
>It happened to 3
>It happened to 4
>It will happen to 5



Like I said, I've been a fan for three months, and I started with the first game, so I haven't had years to accept the series becoming waifubait.

Yeah I know what you mean. Persona 2 was good, though my favorite is Persona 1.

2 new elements, near seemless filed/combat transitions, in battle party member change that also buffs the incoming character, different bullet types that have limited ammo (so they don't use MP) in addition to regular bullets, some other stuff I missed.

Geez I want her on my cock.

so when's the release date?

For me it's either Ann or Biker girl, depends on who have the best personality when I play the game.

She'd be good if not for those gigantic glasses.

>2 new elements

What are they?

15th of September in Japan

There will probably be a scene with her taking them off during the If they don't do that they don't understand their audience well enough.

Sweet! Any news for Europe?