>entering every room with his shield up
>slowly rotates the camera to make you all the more annoyed
>mistook Silver Knights for Black Knights and kept calling them like that the whole time despite one of them wielding a Dragonslayer Greatbow
Entering every room with his shield up
People still give this faggot attention after his 'Souls is Dead' rant?
you forgot
>calls a vase a corpse
>giving a shit about epicabortedfetus
make like his kid and kill yourself
The rant where he rightly points out how shit the Souls community has become?
What does he even say? Sum that for me please? I'd rather have him write a couple of pages instead of listening.
He will always be a slave to the souls community and hasn't given any other game as much attention
I only partly listened, but I'm pretty sure he talks about how people telling others how to play in their blind runs is stupid, and they shouldn't get angry when others do things differently or miss things.
Also about how the Youtube/Twitch scene for the game has attracted people that treat it like it's something it isn't.
It must suck. I loved his earlier, goofy stuff, and liked how passionate he was about the games. Now he just seems kinda done with it.
Souls was better when it was relatively obscure and you'd get congratulated for beating Flamelurker instead of being told to git gud for beating DaS3 with a shield.
Oh man, how did you survive yesterday when there wasn't an episode up and you had nothing to meme about in your daily thread?
Forgot that one.
>tries to parry the Londor Pale Shade
I played video games.
Even then that wasn't the point, he wasn't shitting on the """"community""""
His point was just that the Souls games can no longer surprise or challenge a new audience in the way the previous games did. "Souls is dead" is just to say "the things that made Souls special beyond the games design are dead"
Man, all this backseat gaming.
I love the daily enb threads, keep them up
That's the cost of popularity, the games will attract a crowd of shitters.
Man, you misunderstand the point of these threads completely.
I like ENB. I honestly do. I enjoyed his playthroughs of the other From Software games. But this one? It just feel like he's forcing himself to play it in this weird way.
The Demon's Souls days were such a different time.
>It just feel like he's forcing himself to play it in this weird way.
I think he's just thirsty for the game and full of assumptions about everything, but all it causes is him to see shit where there is none instead of just being open to the game. He'll probably suffer a stroke once he actually goes up to Anor Londo proper.
>He'll probably suffer a stroke once he actually goes up to Anor Londo proper.
When does that prompt pop up again? Only when you reach the bonfire before the three SKs, right?
He'll probably stutter when he comes across Darkmoon Tomb.
>tfw long time ENB fan and his videos are the only exposure to DS3 I've had
Truly his vids are the highlight of my day
The silver knight thing is really baffling.
How the fuck can you mistake that when the weapons they use aren't even remotely similar? I think it was a case of thinking of something but saying a different thing without realizing.
>didn't rest at the distant manor bonfire so Grierat's corpse didn't spawn and he missed it.
>will spend the rest of the game wondering why Greirat hasn't returned like I did
He did talk about Seigward in a place where he actually spawns and correctly recognized all the paintings on the walls though.
I think it pops up once you exit the Pontiff's bossroom.
>this thread again
Stop watching nobodies play videogames
People go to acting classes to perform in actual talented scripted tv shows and movies to entertain you.
Little shits with webcams and computers don't deserve money from autists.
It pops up when you exit the corkscrew elevator
>People go to acting classes to perform in actual talented scripted tv shows and movies to entertain you.
What the fuck are you on about?
Go shill somewhere else, Jew.
I'm sorry, who the hell is this thread about?
When he'll go through the Darkmoon Tomb he'll start to go all "wait a minute is this what I think it is" but won't say anything until he actually sees the Anor Londo pop up and then he'll start throwing out I knew it I knew it everywhere. It pops up only when you take the elevator.
I would laugh though if he fails to recognize the Tomb because even I managed to recognize it and I've only played through DS1 like twice.
>talented scripted tv shows and movies
They still make those?
>actual talented
The harder you try to b8, the more obvious the b8
>butthurt acting school graduate detected
Can't you guys figure out that this guy has gone senile with that double miscarriage?
>making progress in Irithyll
>"I wanna go back to Firelink."
>"Let's search for Crestfallen"
>turns volume way the fuck down so he can't hear anything
>mistakes every sound effect for something else, every time
>"There's something weird about this game's audio."
>"Let's search for Crestfallen"
Oh man. Every time.
At least 10-15 minutes get wasted on this.
Also, does he even realize the Hakwood shield he picked up outside Firelink belongs to the deserter?
At least you can tell it's a blind run, unlike some other FUCKING LIARS like Pat.
>does he even realize the Hakwood shield he picked up outside Firelink belongs to the deserter?
He says he put it together when he was editing the episode where he found it, yet he still subjects us to his searching for Crestfallen anyway. Just edit it out!
I don't think he haven't even realize he's a deserter. He's so set on typecasted characters he just assumes he's a typical depressed crestfallen without background.
What's up with his disappearing and reappearing UI? It looks fucking shit.
It pops after you reach the top of the rotating elevator
its funny that his playthrough is how I learned that crestfallen was hawkwood. After I figured that out his questline became the only obvious one in the game.
>not playing with auto-hud
>wanting a hud in your screenshots
You are the one in the wrong user
This. Shitposting at ENB makes no sense.
Every fucking day I see this stupid fucking pig on the front page.
I don't fucking care about your play-by-play analysis of whoever the fuck this shitty e-celeb is, fucking shut up.
wait is his kid dead what
I like his vids but I have skip through every time he goes to firelink
Every single ENB thread contains the same samefag shitposting about a miscarriage. Just shut the fuck up already and go back to shilling for Vaati, faggot.
Why is Souls "community" so elitist?
>if you're playing OUR game, you better play perfectly in every way on your first try!
For what purpose? What would that even accomplish?
How does it feel to know that you killed two children with your sick genes, ENB?
Two? I thought they'd only had one miscarriage.
Are you going to make these threads every single day? Give it a rest you autist
so his kid isn't dead then? He's posted pics so there wasn't a miscarriage. Not a samefag stop being a retard
They had a normal kid, then 2 miscarriages.
because Souls is a club for hardcore gamers only
Something has just changed with the community. There's this big sense of elitism that will never go away. The "git gud" mentality in particular is ridiculous.
Because they forgot that there was a time where they too did suck at the game. ENB is one of the few people I watched that is actually taking his time, exploring, slowly wondering about the marvels of this new game instead of rolling like a retard and rushing through the entirety of it in 10 hours, just to say "What an easy, short game this was".
This has to be the saddest post I've read on Sup Forums in the last few days, I want to give you a medal for that.
Where are you getting the two from? I've only known about one. I follow him on twitter on never saw him mention a second miscarriage.
I like it, despite some dumb stuff. The only thing that really annoys me is when he spends 3/4 of the video in Firelink. But I suppose when he doesn't show that, autists immediately start complaining about why he has different gear or different amount of souls.
Also does anyone know of a really good "expert" DS3 playthrough? From somebody who's really skilled, know their shit, points out secrets, shortcuts and interesting mechanics, commentary isn't obnoxious etc. I had a guy like that for DS1 and I've been looking for his replacement for newer titles ever since.
This thread again?
Again, he's doing a 100% blind playthrough, as voted by his own fans, while also commentating and playing at the same time. Since his literally job is to pump out videos that get views, he cannot spend as much time completely exploring areas at his own leisure. Plus he probably doesn't give too much of a shit if he misses an item or two because you know he's doing at least NG+.
Literally all of his videos were played after hundreds of hours; it's hard to even compare this one to any of his other videos.
His daughter is cute, but he is white and her mother is a Jap. God dodged us from another Elliot Rodger.
>people hype up DeS as an absurdly hard and punishing game
>DaS1 is marketed towards the "hardcore" audience, prepare to die etc
>people that would otherwise have no interest in the game end up buying it, playing through it and now think that they're a part of some special club
I just miss the days when you could actually have a discussion about DeS, nowadays it's just people bragging and spamming git gud.
Watch tomorrow it becomes three
I kinda not get the miscarriage jokes. Funny or not, they're certainly mean-spirited, and people normally direct them at someone they're personally holding a grudge against. How a person on Internet that you personally don't even know can make you this angry I don't know
Are you an obstetrician by chance?
Hey, come on. Don't be an asshole, it's not like he tried to make a LOSS out of it.
Where is the source on the ded babbys?
Elliot Rodger is a victim of upbringing, not genetics
wait for enbs second playthrough, hes propably gonna make a from the dark for ds3
Nah, white papa, yellow mama. They always end up being psychos and their daughters whores.
wrong desu
Don't forget the hyperboles!
>The hardest game. EVER. MADE.
>The sadism of Dark Souls will make you break your controller!
>This game is BULLSHIT but I love it because I ENJOY being sodomized by it!
And so on. It's fucking insane and I totally blame BamCo for this, which is also responsible for the butchering of both the second part of DaS1 and the entirety of DaS2.
We have reached a point were it's basically shameful to admit liking this game.
You know what? It's fucking real. When things go mainstream they are ruined. Fuck everything.
Yes, I know what his parents were, the point is it had no effect on the person
Between his wife's legs.
I think it's just Dark Souls' special case, because of BamCo's retardation
Was Bloodborne marketed in similar way? Because I know it was handled by Sony, wasn't it?
>people make mistakes/stuff that annoys you for whatever reason
Just go fuck yourself and stop making these threads every day you fucking mongoloid
>>entering every room with his shield up
well yeah, that's just being smart
The rest of your post is pure autism.
>Was Bloodborne marketed in similar way?
I don't remember any difficulty shit being part of the marketing for BB.
Man, that shit must be heartbreaking. Not sure why he gets so much hate, he seems like a chill guy from the few videos I've seen.
>shits on DS2
>wife miscarries
>Was Bloodborne marketed in similar way?
Not that I remember.
No cheesy catchphrases in the trailers.
Know what's even worse?
>X game is the Dark Souls of Y genre
>Not sure why he gets so much hate
hello, this is the internet
Guess souls shoulda stayed with Sony then
Then again it did get big only after Dark Souls, which sucks
He shilled DS2 more than anyone else.
I dunno, SMT IV is the Dark Souls of Persona is still one of my favorite things
Well shit, I had hoped it was just a maymay.
ow the edge
Oh that's insane, I know.
>mfw I'm pretty sure I've heard someone say that Touhou is the Dark Souls of shmups
>he never played das2 again after his initial playthrough
>he saw how shitty the game was
>he was so excited in wrapped up in being allowed to be part of the future press guide
>he probably hates das2 because it shits on everything dark souls wise
>Hating on ENB
Your not obligated to like the guy, but really.
>Posts a pink plushie pig.
>filename is photo.jpg
>probably hates
shit nigga
even you doubt your own words
>pro recognizes game as superior
>massive shiteater DS1 fanboy backlash
>oh shit better suck up to them or lose subscriptions
waddup my dude
It is, it's the game that everyone plays not because they enjoy it, but because they want to be part of the memes/obtain bragging rights.
So why are you in this thread? Go away.
A simple Google image search gives you the answer.
You... you double street rat!
It pops up when you walk off the top of at the top of the elevator.
When it does, for dramatic effect, he's going to be quiet for several seconds before saying anything.
>when you meet your wife in a chalice dungeon
I think everyone were so happy to get a new DS that it clouded their judgement at first.
I've played DS2 and thought it was fine. It took me replaying DS1 again to realize how actually bad DS2 was for a souls game.
I think it goes both ways, BamCo for the marketing and the retarded community for eating it up. Though I don't think that the marketing had much effect on the development of DaS1, the last half of the game was just rushed to meet a deadline. DaS2 on the other hand does feel like it was made "hard" just for the sake of it.
A miscarriage is usually a sign to let it go. Idk why they would go through all this shit AGAIN especially if the already have a healthy kid.
It's not like he wasn't talking about having a rather difficult time supporting his family as it is.
Honestly, he talk about souls being dead is 100% correct. If you actually bothered to listen to his entire explanation, he didn't pin it on anybody. It was a natural progression given the game's increase in popularity.
The souls experience was something specifically designed by Miyazaki. Replicating the experience he had while reading English stories with his low level English skill, only understanding points here and there, and filling in the rest with his own conjecture. The disconnected and sparse lore, the bare mminimum clarification of stats, systems, controls, he wanted the players to discover and share these with each other and develop a community.
As the community grew bigger and bigger, the information spread quicker and quicker. Also, this being the 4th game now, many players already used to the souls game design, and there's less unexpected exploration of the game. Throw in that BamCo marketed DaS as some super hard game, the community started to shift more towards elitism than before, which leads to such a terrible community.